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Messages - cxfhvxgkcf-56:7

Pages: 1 ... 787980 8182 ... 517
The Flood / Re: Feminism is hot but most feminists aren't
« on: October 08, 2015, 09:28:31 PM »
being a cuck is not a good thing



Assuming Biden does jump into the race, and is the first of the big three to drop out (Which isn't out of the question - his son's death is going to loom heavily over his entire campaign), I fully expect him to endorse Clinton over Sanders, and I would not be shocked to see most of his delegates supporting that choice.
could be he's joining in just to get more supporters for Clinton and help seal the divide between her and sanders.


The Flood / Re: Eye thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:50:48 PM »
I should break out my DSLR and macro lens to take a proper pic

The Flood / Re: Eye thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:48:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Eye thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:42:53 PM »
tbh i think i have some of the most beautiful brown eyes.

yeah but brown eyes by default are ugly as shit
did you even look at them you slut?

The Flood / Re: Eye thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:40:46 PM »

you must be intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor.

jokes on you faggot, you forgot your katana

The Flood / Re: Eye thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:38:47 PM »
tbh i think i have some of the most beautiful brown eyes.

In other news, I fully expect a repeat of the 1968 Democratic Primary regarding Sanders.
Inform me old timer. What happened
Humphrey got fucked because people blamed him for the college students getting the shit beat out of them on live television outside of the convention.

The Flood / Re: The girl at taco bell...
« on: October 08, 2015, 07:21:38 PM »
oh trust me she's talking about a taco

her taco

she wants you inside it

What's it feel like grandpa?
well jimmy funny you ask

you ever leave a glass of milk sitting for a real long time to where it kind of turns to cheese

imagine sticking your dick in that, kind of smells the same too

The Flood / Re: The girl at taco bell...
« on: October 08, 2015, 07:06:54 PM »
oh trust me she's talking about a taco

her taco

she wants you inside it

Gaming / Re: Why do most of you guys game on consoles as opposed to PC?
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:53:18 PM »
i use both soo.....

Gaming / Re: The Witcher 3 Patch 1.10
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:51:39 PM »

Gaming / Re: Will Star Wars Battlefront live up to the Battlefront name?
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:38:39 PM »
white cylindrical turrets are pretty fucking op not gonna lie

i've gotten in one and gotten 20 kills

Gaming / Re: Will Star Wars Battlefront live up to the Battlefront name?
« on: October 08, 2015, 06:36:10 PM »
beta is fun as fuck

i just went 55 and 7

Serious / Re: So like...I sympathize with some NeoNazi ideology
« on: October 08, 2015, 04:22:14 PM »
there's nothing wrong with maintaining racial purity

literally nothing

Stalin said nobody respects a country a with a poor army.

Stalin was also quite insane.
he's not wrong

The Flood / Re: squee thread
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:46:32 PM »
This is gay

The Flood / Re: USPS is really on their shit these days.
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:25:50 PM »
Except when they take a package to Michigan that needs to go to Tennessee and then the package is two days late and you almost get a bad review on eBay.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:26:59 PM »
has anyone in this thread actually met a native american or been on a reservation?

That's a pretty shitty standpoint.
Part of my family on my mothers side are natives who are in touch with their roots.
yeah they're shitty people who enjoy living just like they did 500 years ago

they have no intention to modernize or integrate
You can't really believe that.
I've heard it from several Natives I met at various powwows I've been to. The last time I visited my friend's relatives that live on a reservation in New Mexico with him they think that exact same and its quite visible if you visit any reservation.
Are you forgetting the fact that these reservations are insanely deprived of resources and poor as hell? What else CAN they do? It's also odd how meeting a few of them represents the entire race of them.
They're only like that due to their own choices. No on is forcing them to stay on the reservation, they choose to stay. They enjoy living like that

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:19:08 PM »
has anyone in this thread actually met a native american or been on a reservation?

That's a pretty shitty standpoint.
Part of my family on my mothers side are natives who are in touch with their roots.
yeah they're shitty people who enjoy living just like they did 500 years ago

they have no intention to modernize or integrate
You can't really believe that.
I've heard it from several Natives I met at various powwows I've been to. The last time I visited my friend's relatives that live on a reservation in New Mexico with him they think that exact same and its quite visible if you visit any reservation.

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:09:11 PM »
has anyone in this thread actually met a native american or been on a reservation?

That's a pretty shitty standpoint.
Part of my family on my mothers side are natives who are in touch with their roots.
yeah they're shitty people who enjoy living just like they did 500 years ago

they have no intention to modernize or integrate

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:02:54 PM »
has anyone in this thread actually met a native american or been on a reservation?

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:42:41 AM »
Considering Columbus Day already is nothing but a "discuss how white settlers fucked everything up" day, might as well. Same thing, different name.
We fucked up a bunch of savages that weren't going to ever advance or do anything with this land?
See, this is the kind of ridiculous, unsubstantiated, racist bullshit that needs to be dealt with on this board. Try reading a fucking book sometime.

Here's a graphic representing Tenochtitlan- the capital of the Aztec empire in modern Mexico City. Tenochtitlan was a sprawling metropolis home to somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 people when the Spanish arrived.

The Natives had a complex understanding of agriculture. You know corn doesn't exist naturally? Native groups figured out how to fucking make it. And they figured out a great way to grow it with other significant foods and hit a nutrition sweet spot.

There's just... Jesus Christ dude, when was the last time you even tried to learn about Native Americans? How can you seriously say something like that?
i'm talking about the US Native Americans. I'm not going to deny any kind of racism, growing up around them and seeing how shitty of people they are has given me a certain hatred for them. Growing up around them will tell you things the history books don't.

Serious / Re: Ben Carson on Marketplace- Interview with Kai Ryssdal
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:20:17 AM »
seems like he was talking out of his ass a lot

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:12:16 AM »
Considering Columbus Day already is nothing but a "discuss how white settlers fucked everything up" day, might as well. Same thing, different name.
We fucked up a bunch of savages that weren't going to ever advance or do anything with this land?
Well, yes the Natives weren't exemplars of innocence themselves but genocide isn't exactly the solution.
Sure there were less harsh ways to go about it

I just really hate the pity parade circle jerk for Native Americans

Pity parade circle jerk?

By ending the celebration over their genocide?
you act like they're so innocent, they're not

also Columbus Day is not a celebration of their genocide, you can take it out of context and misconstrue it all you want it but it isn't

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 11:02:12 AM »
Considering Columbus Day already is nothing but a "discuss how white settlers fucked everything up" day, might as well. Same thing, different name.
We fucked up a bunch of savages that weren't going to ever advance or do anything with this land?
Well, yes the Natives weren't exemplars of innocence themselves but genocide isn't exactly the solution.
Sure there were less harsh ways to go about it

I just really hate the pity parade circle jerk for Native Americans

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:54:32 AM »
Considering Columbus Day already is nothing but a "discuss how white settlers fucked everything up" day, might as well. Same thing, different name.
We fucked up a bunch of savages that weren't going to ever advance or do anything with this land?

Serious / Re: Replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People Day?
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:44:54 AM »
Shut the fuck up

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