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Messages - cxfhvxgkcf-56:7

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but yeah for the most part Green is a signifier of Islam and also for some reason used as a primary color for the majority of African nations

The Flood / Re: Girls Only Thread (& me & tru, ect)
« on: October 21, 2015, 02:56:20 PM »
i-i'm a lady?

Also the Game of Thrones finale is out 17th November. Hopefully the long wait means they're actually putting effort into it.
whoa man take it easy

episode 5 wasn't bad
Episode 5 was a plot hole-ridden pile of shit.
b-but that tough choice at the end

Gaming / Re: The worst maps you've ever played on
« on: October 21, 2015, 02:24:27 PM »
Wasteland in MW2 is some hard core cancer. Giant sight-lines where everyone would just use a sniper (usually a Barret) with thermal and don't even get me started on the rape dungeon in the middle. Don't get me wrong it was fun as shit but pretty cancerous as far as map design goes.

The Flood / Re: Favorite depiction of a post-apocalyptic setting?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:56:28 PM »
if we're talking realism I think The Road nailed it by far

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:55:17 PM »
But no the intent of this thread was not "oh let me find the most derogatory insult possible." I legit wasn't aware if it was derogatory and insulting since it has a prevalent use in pornography.
Well a lot of stuff in porn is pretty derogatory and that's kind of the point. To make the guy feel good and not really give a shit about the other parties involved.

Cumming all over someone's face is the perfect example of that.
Can pretty much confirm.

Came on my GF's face during sex once and I felt completely sick afterwords. It was fuckin shameful. It sounds so much more satisfying than it actually is.
wow cuck confirmed
says le virginnn ;^)

hows dat cough syrup lubricant startup going?
i've had sex you degenerate
putting your dick in the opening of a cough syrup bottle doesn't count fam
that was one time you fuck
also the only time ;;;;;)
you wann fuckin go?

fite me irl bitch

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:52:09 PM »
But no the intent of this thread was not "oh let me find the most derogatory insult possible." I legit wasn't aware if it was derogatory and insulting since it has a prevalent use in pornography.
Well a lot of stuff in porn is pretty derogatory and that's kind of the point. To make the guy feel good and not really give a shit about the other parties involved.

Cumming all over someone's face is the perfect example of that.
Can pretty much confirm.

Came on my GF's face during sex once and I felt completely sick afterwords. It was fuckin shameful. It sounds so much more satisfying than it actually is.
wow cuck confirmed
says le virginnn ;^)

hows dat cough syrup lubricant startup going?
i've had sex you degenerate
putting your dick in the opening of a cough syrup bottle doesn't count fam
that was one time you fuck

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:49:32 PM »
But no the intent of this thread was not "oh let me find the most derogatory insult possible." I legit wasn't aware if it was derogatory and insulting since it has a prevalent use in pornography.
Well a lot of stuff in porn is pretty derogatory and that's kind of the point. To make the guy feel good and not really give a shit about the other parties involved.

Cumming all over someone's face is the perfect example of that.
Can pretty much confirm.

Came on my GF's face during sex once and I felt completely sick afterwords. It was fuckin shameful. It sounds so much more satisfying than it actually is.
wow cuck confirmed
says le virginnn ;^)

hows dat cough syrup lubricant startup going?
i've had sex you degenerate

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:45:59 PM »
But no the intent of this thread was not "oh let me find the most derogatory insult possible." I legit wasn't aware if it was derogatory and insulting since it has a prevalent use in pornography.
Well a lot of stuff in porn is pretty derogatory and that's kind of the point. To make the guy feel good and not really give a shit about the other parties involved.

Cumming all over someone's face is the perfect example of that.
Can pretty much confirm.

Came on my GF's face during sex once and I felt completely sick afterwords. It was fuckin shameful. It sounds so much more satisfying than it actually is.
wow cuck confirmed

The Flood / Re: guys thread
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:41:03 PM »
this shit is gay yo

Also the Game of Thrones finale is out 17th November. Hopefully the long wait means they're actually putting effort into it.
whoa man take it easy

episode 5 wasn't bad

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:14:52 PM »
But no the intent of this thread was not "oh let me find the most derogatory insult possible." I legit wasn't aware if it was derogatory and insulting since it has a prevalent use in pornography.
>implying that porn doesn't use offensive language
>implying that the average porn involving a black man isn't titled something like "FILTHY WHITE SLUTTY WHORE GETS ABSOLUTELY RAAAAAAILED BY A DUMB MANDINGO NIGGER COCK"
i don't indulge in bestiality so i wouldn't know

That twist at the end though

All in all pretty damn good

Serious / Re: "Hoover was a do nothing president"
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:50:41 PM »
But to summarize in my own opinion, no I don't think engineering projects should ever be named after a singular person since it takes a monumental effort from a large group of people to complete them.

Serious / Re: "Hoover was a do nothing president"
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:44:11 PM »
pretty sure it was just named after him

as in, he had nothing to do with it
Well prior to serving as president he was Secretary of Commerce for both Harding and Coolidge and was chair of the Colorado River Commission (keep in mind Hoover was an engineer by trade prior to politics and a highly regarded one at that.) which under him was largely responsible for a lot of the construction progress of the dam. Even though he is widely regarded as a shit president he's also regarded as the best secretary of commerce in history since he built it up from a powerless cabinet to what it is now (which included an active role in dam construction). Is that to say he should be named after the dam? Probably not, he himself (as most people) always just referred to it as the Boulder Dam and had no intention of it being named after him. He stated in his memoirs, before the name Hoover Dam was restored by Truman in 1947, that the Dam being stripped of his name was unimportant.

Important to note as well

β€œthe construction contracts were signed under his administration, and when he left office construction had been pushed to a point where it was more than a year ahead of schedule.”

So was he worthy of it being named after him? Its debatable but being that he had an active role in the engineering of it as opposed to just the bureaucratic process of it he is probably more deserving of it than the dam sites named after Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Calvin Coolidge in Alabama and Arizona.

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:08:39 PM »
But no the intent of this thread was not "oh let me find the most derogatory insult possible." I legit wasn't aware if it was derogatory and insulting since it has a prevalent use in pornography.

Serious / Re: "Hoover was a do nothing president"
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:07:19 PM »
The dude gets more shit than he deserves. Stuff happened that was simply out of his control. Sort of a wrong time to be president situation.

Did he help the situation? Not a whole lot

Is he the sole cause of the depression like people make him out to be? Absolutely not

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:03:43 PM »
I really don't have a problem with transgenders and am okay with calling them what they want. If I'm in some sort of internet slap fight that's just the go to insult since its personal and that's kind of the point of insults is to make them as personal as possible.

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:49:31 AM »
You're asking just so that you can turn around and start throwing it around. Classy.
Of course you would assume that

Serious / Re: Biden Confirms That He Isn't Running for Presidency
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:39:41 AM »

no, no you're not

who else is skipping classes the day this releases?
the day?


good one

i wish i could skip the whole week

the month if i could....

Serious / Re: Biden Confirms That He Isn't Running for Presidency
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:29:28 AM »
I bet Chaffee and/or O'Malley will drop before the next debate

who else is skipping classes the day this releases?

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:22:46 AM »
shemale vs tranny

which would be more derogatory and offensive?

I think weed should be legal, but stuff like heroine and cocaine? Nope. That stuff is too dangerous, it's pretty hard to control your intake since it's addictive.
Do you think suicide should be illegal?
I think it should be legal, I mean, how and why would you charge someone for wanting to kill them self?

I think suicide=/=hard and dangerous drugs
What's the difference?

Its the responsibility of the person to not be ignorant enough to use those substances. Its not the responsibility of the government to protect one from their own ignorance.
Some people aren't very responsible, and you can't just go and say "oh you're dead from accidentally over dosing, I guess that's what you get for nit being responsible"
But you can. Natural selection still has a place in the world.

I think weed should be legal, but stuff like heroine and cocaine? Nope. That stuff is too dangerous, it's pretty hard to control your intake since it's addictive.
Do you think suicide should be illegal?
I think it should be legal, I mean, how and why would you charge someone for wanting to kill them self?

I think suicide=/=hard and dangerous drugs
What's the difference?

Its the responsibility of the person to not be ignorant enough to use those substances. Its not the responsibility of the government to protect one from their own ignorance.

I think weed should be legal, but stuff like heroine and cocaine? Nope. That stuff is too dangerous, it's pretty hard to control your intake since it's addictive.
Do you think suicide should be illegal?

The Flood / Re: is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:10:44 AM »

The Flood / is shemale a derogatory term?
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:02:47 AM »
I legit am not sure.

The Flood / Re: SoCal sep7agoners
« on: October 21, 2015, 11:00:40 AM »
It's pretty fucking great. I've been wanting to go back.
You tried the bacon maple shake?

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