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Messages - cxfhvxgkcf-56:7

Pages: 1 ... 505506507 508509 ... 517
The Flood / Do you ever recieve "wrong number" phone calls?
« on: July 29, 2014, 12:14:46 PM »
I just got one. They're so awkward.

So ITT tell your stories of being "wrong numbered"

The Flood / Re: What do you guys want from the mods?
« on: July 29, 2014, 12:09:46 PM »
I want you to be gentle with me  8)
You wanna touch meh ban hammer  ;)?

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: July 29, 2014, 12:08:37 PM »
All my art is kinda political, I don't think you would appreciate it. Even then they aren't digital.
What? All the American buttrape?
They aren't as aggressive as comments I've made it the past but they represent my opinion on certain things like the Iraq War, America, Israel, Saudi Arabia etc.
Art is the best way to express opinions. It's your opinion you should be able to express it.

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: July 29, 2014, 12:07:05 PM »
I really need to stop staying up til 4am.
Sleepy time for you now.

Lol. It's 1pm for me, just woke up.

Now to not leave my bed for another two hours
My creation is complete!


The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:54:43 AM »
Man your stuff is NICE a'f

I suck at art, best I can do is post some canvases I bought from my friend. Dude does some pretty decent graf.

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:42:19 AM »
I still have no idea how this trust system thing works...
I don't think anyone fully understands it.
Do I still get to be considered a respected user?
I don't see why not.
He's a super duper user now with his god-mod powers.
Yep, My new idea of what slash looks like now

Nice new Avatar btw. :)
Thank ya, Thank ya. Thought I'd go classic.

The canuck gods are smiling down upon you for your wonderful avatar.

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:41:11 AM »
I still have no idea how this trust system thing works...
I don't think anyone fully understands it.
Do I still get to be considered a respected user?
I don't see why not.
I can has orange too :P
r u hax0r? teech meh

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:36:49 AM »
I still have no idea how this trust system thing works...
I don't think anyone fully understands it.
Do I still get to be considered a respected user?
I don't see why not.

The Flood / Re: Respected Users Hangout
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:35:48 AM »
I still have no idea how this trust system thing works...
I don't think anyone fully understands it.
Do I still get to be considered a respected user?

The Flood / Re: >TFW nobody in Gaming (Rate my game menus)
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:35:16 AM »
Needs more lens flare, swag, mtn. dew, doritos, and dubstep music that's too loud in the background.

The Flood / Re: We can like posts now
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:33:45 AM »
On the app too?
Unfortunately not. The best you'll have is when Cheat puts the like feature on the mobile site you can highlight a post in the app by clicking on it then in the top right corner you'll see 3 vertical dots. You click on those and you can open that post in your mobile browser. That'd be the best we can do if you feel like you really need to like a post.

The Flood / Re: Official 8)ness thread
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:27:56 AM »
Is this the thread I'm supposed to drop this in?


The Flood / Re: What do you guys want from the mods?
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:23:34 AM »
But when you allow rough housing, the supposed line is an absolute blur. You'll have instances where the majority thinks it doesn't cross the line, but the moderators do. When you allow certain degrees of something and not others, it's kinda hard to be consistent.

Yes, but I believe a majority consensus should win in that instance. So long as what the majority wants doesn't endanger a site from being shut down, or utterly failing then let them have it for the most part.
Majority consensus among the staff, maybe.

See I don't entirely agree with that. I like forums where it's community has some level of say on what is allowed or disallowed. I wouldn't try to enforce that believe on this board, however. This is cheat's site, of course. He can do with it as he pleases.
I can see what you mean, and I can get on board with the community being allowed to suggest rules and give their opinions on already existing ones. But for me, when it comes to deciding who stays and goes, that's what mods are for.
Well yes in the end the rules have to be enforced. I take some weight in the community's pleas and concerns but  I still put the sanctity of the site on the top of my list.

The Flood / Re: The Physical Boundries of Memories
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:20:15 AM »
what is the point of this thread. memories are simply some combination of chemicals and electrical impulses. there's nothing more to it. a hard drive is as mysterious and powerful as a memory is, which is to say it isn't.
Because theories and discussion are cool  8)
i cringe when people come up with "theories" about fields that they have no knowledge of. discussion is great, but don't act like you can figure out the university from reading the title of a Wikipedia article.
I saw nothing in his post that insinuates that he believes he knows everything about this field. I'm not sure what you're reading.
muh memories are time travel
muh memories are physical
muh sting theory

Just stop.
Still nothing that explains your accusation of him claiming he knows everything about this field.

The Flood / Re: What do you guys want from the mods?
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:19:00 AM »
But when you allow rough housing, the supposed line is an absolute blur. You'll have instances where the majority thinks it doesn't cross the line, but the moderators do. When you allow certain degrees of something and not others, it's kinda hard to be consistent.

Yes, but I believe a majority consensus should win in that instance. So long as what the majority wants doesn't endanger a site from being shut down, or utterly failing then let them have it for the most part.
Majority consensus among the staff, maybe.

See I don't entirely agree with that. I like forums where it's community has some level of say on what is allowed or disallowed. I wouldn't try to enforce that believe on this board, however. This is cheat's site, of course. He can do with it as he pleases.
Yeah I agree. I still want my community to be happy in a sense. I want to hear them when they want us to do something. They are the lifeblood of this community.

The Flood / Re: The Physical Boundries of Memories
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:17:14 AM »
what is the point of this thread. memories are simply some combination of chemicals and electrical impulses. there's nothing more to it. a hard drive is as mysterious and powerful as a memory is, which is to say it isn't.
Because theories and discussion are cool  8)
i cringe when people come up with "theories" about fields that they have no knowledge of. discussion is great, but don't act like you can figure out the university from reading the title of a Wikipedia article.
I saw nothing in his post that insinuates that he believes he knows everything about this field. I'm not sure what you're reading.

The Flood / Re: The Physical Boundries of Memories
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:07:18 AM »
Memory is kinda like data on a hard drive.
Technically everything is data. The universe itself has it's own "source code," an infinitely long string of 0s 1s. There has been a lot of research into discovering that source code. With it you could essentially unlock the secrets of the universe.

Gaming / Re: Who's your favorite Smash character?
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:03:51 AM »
Show me your boobs!


(I wasn't saying yes I'll ban you, I was just quoting Capt. Falcon.)  :)

The Flood / Re: The Physical Boundries of Memories
« on: July 29, 2014, 11:01:57 AM »
This was a good read.

Really gets me thinking.

The Flood / Re: What do you guys want from the mods?
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:56:09 AM »
I believe mods should allow some degree of rough housing, and let there be a definite line to have to cross for a member to be banned.
This seems like a tricky concept, to allow rough housing but to also have a definite line. I don't think you really can have a definite line - in my opinion it should be the mod who decides when to step in and end it. There may be a line, but it would vary from mod to mod.
If I see something I believe is crossing the line or someone tells me that someone is crossing the line I'll give that person 1 verbal warning that they've crossed the line and need to stop it. If they continue further persecutions will take place.
The question wasn't what to do should someone cross the line, it's how to define the line itself.
"or someone tells me that someone is crossing the line "
It's not up to them what crosses the line, it's up to you. Decide it for yourself, or discuss it with the rest of the staff.
Well of course. I worded that badly. I'm never going to take someone's word that another user is crossing the line. I'll judge for myself and if I feel I can't make a worthy judgement I'll discuss it with the rest  of the staff.

So I don't live in the UK. What does this mean exactly?

That a sitting member of parliament was outside of or ferried an attacker to the property of a group that is campaigning for default shared custody. The first option is a curious coincidence because the MP is a member of the conservative party, who have been getting some stick from F4J because of broken promises for divorce court reform. The second is so outrageous that if true and she doesn't get the sack it is a national debacle.
Sounds like Watergate

Our Government has done alot worse, there was a pedophilia ring in parliament containing several MPs. That is massively fucked up. It's been tackled and people arrested, but this was only earlier this month, and the fact that it happened within parliament is truly fucked up.
Yeah our government does quite the same kinds of things. They just manage to not get caught.

The Flood / Re: You get to be another user on this forum for a day.
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:53:45 AM »
Nobody wants to be me.
cuz ur bad at Halo
Try drinking about 9oz of whiskey beforehand.
Lol, Party on Vien. Party on

Gaming / Re: Who's your favorite Smash character?
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:52:00 AM »
You can't beat Captain Falcon. He is God.

The Flood / Re: You get to be another user on this forum for a day.
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:48:55 AM »
Nobody wants to be me.
cuz ur bad at Halo

The Flood / Re: We can like posts now
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:47:15 AM »
On mobile, no likes for anyone!
Yeah sorry about that. I wish there was something I could do but Tapatalk provides me with little to no customization.
I'm using the mobile browser not the app, lol.
Oh I would suggest the app, it's pretty nice.

So I don't live in the UK. What does this mean exactly?

That a sitting member of parliament was outside of or ferried an attacker to the property of a group that is campaigning for default shared custody. The first option is a curious coincidence because the MP is a member of the conservative party, who have been getting some stick from F4J because of broken promises for divorce court reform. The second is so outrageous that if true and she doesn't get the sack it is a national debacle.
Sounds like Watergate

The Flood / Re: What do you guys want from the mods?
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:44:52 AM »
I believe mods should allow some degree of rough housing, and let there be a definite line to have to cross for a member to be banned.
This seems like a tricky concept, to allow rough housing but to also have a definite line. I don't think you really can have a definite line - in my opinion it should be the mod who decides when to step in and end it. There may be a line, but it would vary from mod to mod.
If I see something I believe is crossing the line or someone tells me that someone is crossing the line I'll give that person 1 verbal warning that they've crossed the line and need to stop it. If they continue further persecutions will take place.

The Flood / Re: We can like posts now
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:41:59 AM »
On mobile, no likes for anyone!
Yeah sorry about that. I wish there was something I could do but Tapatalk provides me with little to no customization.

Gaming / Re: BF4 is half price on Gold
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:39:03 AM »
Ehhh, it's nearing the end of it's lifespan. I think it might not be worth it.

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