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Messages - cxfhvxgkcf-56:7

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The Flood / Re: 5 Marriage Bans go down at once
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:22:12 PM »
Only thing marriage is good for now a days is getting less taxes and more money back during income tax season

Or, you know. Sharing your love for your spouse with family and friends.

Must we be so pessimistic?
I don't know. I find the idea of a piece of paper justifying my love for my significant other kind of unnecessary IMO. I probably won't ever get married. But that's just me, not many people feel that way.

The Flood / Re: Do you know what I really hate?
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:07:18 PM »
You know what I hate? Hangnails.

You know what I love? Taking them and pulling them all the way down to my ripcage.
Those hanging pieces of nail/skin that appear on the sides your fingernails. They are the worst thing ever.

The Flood / Re: The Flood: Exodus ( Part 1 )
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:01:14 PM »

I love Flood Fiction

The Flood / Re: You get to be another user on this forum for a day.
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:55:50 PM »

Just leave it alone.
If I see this kind of stuff publicly, I am going to confront it. I will not change my personality for other people.
Well this is from a day ago and he's not even here.

News / Re: All Members Please Read
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:54:20 PM »
Do mods still get emails for reported posts or no?

The Flood / Re: Do you know what I really hate?
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:53:32 PM »
That stupid hand gesture that ALL politicians use when they talk.

The Flood / Re: You get to be another user on this forum for a day.
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:51:48 PM »
I would probably be Kinder so I could kill myself.
Enough of your bullshit, I thought you were warned to leave that stuff off this site?
Just leave it alone. This is before I sent him a warning PM. I think it scared him away for a while because he hasnt' been on here since that PM.
Most likely due to the site being down though. no?
That PM was about 8 hours before the site went down. He was active up until that point.

The Flood / Re: You get to be another user on this forum for a day.
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:49:55 PM »
I would probably be Kinder so I could kill myself.
Enough of your bullshit, I thought you were warned to leave that stuff off this site?
Just leave it alone. This is before I sent him a warning PM. I think it scared him away for a while because he hasnt' been on here since that PM.

The Flood / Just to let everyone know, we have spoilers
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:48:22 PM »
I think myself and most everyone else would appreciate it if you would put you images in spoilers from now on. It will really help unclutter threads.

It's the "SP" button near the bottom left when you're creating a post or topic.


Septagon / Re: Report bugs in this forum.
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:46:52 PM »
So, anybody having issues loading some avatars and the -1/+1 respect thingy icons?
Hold down Ctrl and hit F5. It'll do a hard refresh.

The Flood / Re: Im getting a $6000 gaming PC
« on: July 30, 2014, 12:44:04 PM »


The Flood / Re: Moderator recommendation list
« on: July 29, 2014, 04:11:58 PM »
>mfw not nominated

I guess TBlocks, Mr. P, SoporificSplash, and Officer Nasty.
The mods were already appointed.
Finally we have the spoilers

Gaming / Re: EA Access
« on: July 29, 2014, 04:00:52 PM »
I'd do it. That's a good price.

The Flood / Re: Depression
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:49:40 PM »
I think it happens to the majority of the population at some point. I had it when I was in the 14-15  year old range. Sometimes I didn't even know why I was sad.

The Flood / Re: 5 Marriage Bans go down at once
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:44:04 PM »
At this rate, it's going to be a battle of "who will be last to legalize gay marriage"

$50 says it'll be Alabama last.
I'd put my money on Mississippi

Gaming / Re: Was the EOD Bot in Hardline?
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:38:41 PM »
Does below radar still work?

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:37:49 PM »
Actually, as I work on things, I'll leave a bit here on the writing I'm working on. Keep in mind, this is a rough draft, so I'm not done yet. Stuff will be a little iffy.

Somewhere in England, 1840

   The door creaked open, as the sound of rainfall outside could be heard as it shuttered to a close. In its wake, stepped a man clad in a large overcoat. The man stepped into an old shop, the air of paper greeting him, as hundreds of books lay stacked about in a haphazard manner. From behind a counter, a middle aged man approached, his face contorting to one of surprise when he gazed on the guest in his humble abode. The man approached the overcoat clad stranger, reaching out a hand.

?My god. It?s really you isn?t it??

Obata nodded, reaching out a hand and grasping the man?s firmly. He smiled.

?Yes Doctor. I have come to give my last will and testament to you on this day. It has been many years since I?ve seen you. I am surprised that you still hold residence here.?

The middle aged man gestured, trying to pull Obata along to the quiet parts of his shop.

?Come, sit down, please, make yourself comfortable. I?ll fetch some paper.?

Obata obliged, sitting down at an old table in the back, sighing as he did. The doctor came back in a hurried manner with stacks of paper. Obata held a hand out as the doctor sat down with him.

?Doctor, if you would be so kind, I would wish to write on my own, in my homeland?s language.?

The doctor quietly nodded.

?Thank you. I will tell you my tale as I write.?

The doctor handed Obata what he would need to write. Obata nodded, eyeing up the doctor.

?This has been a long time coming old friend. For your patience with me on my journey, I will share everything with you today before I depart.?

The doctor poured himself water from a kettle and handed it to Obata, pouring himself some as well.

?Take it my friend. Surely, you will need it to tell your tale.?

Obata nodded.

?Thank you. Where to begin? I am Obata Yoshimoto. My former life, was that of a warrior. A Samurai. A life well lived and fought, until I failed my master. I am the Man of a Thousand Swords, more commonly known as the Nothing Man. I will tell you my tale, of how I fought my greatest battle long ago, before I go to fight my greatest battle today. I will tell you of the invisible demon, Mu-onna, and the terrible wrath I faced so long ago. This is the story of my life, and my death.?


   Obata looked out to the fog shrouded world around him, clutching his sword at hand in its scabbard. He, and other Samurai, along with his Master himself, traveled the fog shrouded roads. Their purpose here today was to slay a demon, of immense power, one who had been terrorizing the land for months now. Obato?s Daimyo, normally a calculating man, had been driven so far that he himself would enter the field of battle today, in the hopes of expelling the scourge from his land.

   At first, everything began with dissappearances. Small village warriors would go missing in the night or the day. And then, their bodies were discovered. Hanging from trees, stripped of their weapons, clothing, and skin. At first, rival lords were the subject of doubt, or wandering bands of vagrants, out to intimidate and frighten. Villages fell under waves of fear, and eventually, what was thought to be the work of vagrants soon gave rise to the Demon, a Mu-onna. The woods held whispers some said, while all around there was nothing to be seen. Warriors would disappear, and were finally discovered, all of them killed and displayed in the same manner, with no marks of any sort left behind.

Which was why today it was going to end. Obata would fight alongside his Master to vanquish the evil in his land, a tale to be told in legends no doubt. The group had now traveled beyond the small village that was currently being terrorized, and were hoping to draw the demon out by their presence. So far, it only claimed warriors, but it taunted others, whispered to them from nowhere, spoke to them, told them to seek the strongest. The Mu-onna would have the strongest today.

   It was not long before the group of warriors discovered a sign. From up high in the ancient bamboo forest, tied to a rope, hung a body. Obata?s master and the rest of the warriors looked on high to the scene. The bamboo was neither bent nor broken, and there wasn?t so much as a trace of any tracks or marks. The frightened words of the commoners must be true then. This really was a Mu-onna. Traditionally, a woman made of nothing. But this dark spirit really did act like it was made of nothing.

   A still set over the forest, and suddenly a coldness washed over the warriors. A small river gurgled nearby in the silence. The birds were silent. And in the damp, yet unworldly heat, a feeling befell all, as they were being watched. The silence was broken, as Obata?s master drew his sword, and looked out into the damp fog. Likewise, 12 other men drew their swords, waiting and ready. The Mu-onna was here.


?A Mu-onna??

?Yes. I have no reason to lie to you my friend. What I fought was real. More real than you could ever know.?

Obata?s long time friend, Doctor Peter Cane, poured more water into Obata?s empty tea cup.

?I?m afraid I?m having a little trouble digesting this all my friend. Your culture, has always been? fascinating to me. But unless I was there myself to see with my own eyes, I?m not sure what you say is accurate. You say men were hanged from trees, with no skin to be found??

?That is correct Doctor. Every word I say is truth. I lay witness to the slaughter of 12 noble men, and eventually, even my own master.?

Dr. Peter?s face had washed over with a look of confusion, perhaps even doubt at Obata?s words. Obata had long since ignored this. His friend, above all others was intrigued by the otherworldly, and although he was for a time, a Doctor, his profession had long since changed hands, to that of a simple record keeper. But even in such a job the old Doctor still found himself drawn to things unknown. And Obata had always been a mystery to him. The Nothing Man, Master of a Thousand Swords.

Obata took a long drink from his tea, before scrolling down the parchment once more. He looked up to his longtime friend.

?Doctor, if you did not believe what I have told you so far, you will have a hard time believing this.?


   Obata?s ears rung like the bells of a great temple, as he shook his head, and stood, unsteady on his feet. He staggered as he clutched his first sword, and at last his vision came back to him completely. Before him lay his Master and 10 other Samurai, all coming back to their feet. But a few feet away from him, sat the remains of one man. There was nothing left but a small crater and smoke, and charred bits of armour. It was like he had been struck by thunder on the spot from some angry god.

   From all around them, the forest was filled with whispers, echoes of men, many men, from all over. And then there was laughter. The remaining Samurai stood tall as the forest around them swayed in the wind, as the voices of the fallen taunted them. Obata?s Master raised his sword in defiance, showing that he was not afraid. As one, the remaining 11 Samurai raised their swords as well. And then, the laughter ceased. The forest went silent on the wind, as the small river gurgled on by as normal.

   Another unease crept over the warriors, as all that remained was the still of the forest, and the ashen crater of the one who had been claimed. The silence was almost deafening, as all sat, waiting, for something. And then, one of the men began shouting. And then, Obata saw it. Three red eyes, glaring at one of the men, right over his chest. And, like another thunder strike, Obata was sent sprawling to the forest floor as a wave of fire washed over him, and Bamboo splintered from the shockwaves. The same ringing filled his ears as he stood once more, to see the dirt spray up earth a few meters from him. As he looked on, trying to be steady on his feet, he saw the charred remains of another warrior, and then heard a scream.

   Another warrior charged towards seemingly nothing, and to Obata?s astonishment, began sparring with thin air. Steel sung in the air as it clashed, and the warrior was knocked down, and then, as the air blurred ever so slightly, the warrior clutched his chest, as he was gutted by nothing, and then, lay still. Other warriors were coming to their feet now, and saw the spectacle before them. But Obata saw something else. Blood, outlined on something, a curved blade, floating in thin air. Before he could say anything, Obata?s master charged head on, which prompted the other Samurai who were standing to charge as well, uttering their cries of war, as they charged head on towards the dark spirit.


There's more, but this place can't fit all the writing in one spot. So, for the time being, I'll leave this as is. If you folks want to read a little bit more, just ask and I can put down what I've got so far.
I like this. PM me more?

The Flood / Re: 5 Marriage Bans go down at once
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:20:46 PM »

My home state will never do it. We're the reddest state in the union.

Oklahoma, I think it was the 2008 election that we didn't have one single county that was blue.

Your ban has already been overturned. It's in a court fight, but based on current trends, it'll be long gone within a year.
Hmmm interesting, I know people were getting by it by getting married through the Indian tribes. They operate on a whole different set of rules.

I live in Illinois for college right now. It's cool living in a state where people aren't close-minded redneck bible thumpers but I've already noticed Illinois has some corrupt politicians. More than the norm IMO.

The Flood / Re: If google was a guy
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:15:49 PM »
Probably the 10th time I've seen this but it's so funny.

The Flood / Re: 5 Marriage Bans go down at once
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:14:47 PM »

My home state will never do it. We're the reddest state in the union.

Oklahoma, I think it was the 2008 election that we didn't have one single county that was blue.

The Flood / Re: wet carpet..need help.
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:13:08 PM »
ok, so last nite i felt my carpet was wet in small spot.(thought nothing of it really i was tired and was about to go to bed). this morning i noticed it was still wet. what can i do? I don't want to have to remove my carpet(that would take FOREVER to get done).

what can i do floodians?

I remember that guy.

It's a shame he had to go and beat up that hooker.

The Flood / Re: 5 Marriage Bans go down at once
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:09:55 PM »

My home state will never do it. We're the reddest state in the union.

The Flood / Re: The official TV show/Movie recommendation thread
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:08:57 PM »
Anything by Joss Whedon: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., etc.
The Strain (It's looking pretty good so far)
How can you mention Joss Whedon without mentioning Firefly and Serenity? It was by far his best work IMO

The Flood / Re: What drugs have you done throughout your life?
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:07:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: wet carpet..need help.
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:52:05 PM »
Dump a bag of rice on top of it.

Just vacuum up the rice afterwards

Gaming / Re: CoD > Destiny > BF > every other game > Halo
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:49:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: Desktop Wallpaper Thread?
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:47:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: Desktop Wallpaper Thread?
« on: July 29, 2014, 02:43:14 PM »
Is that the Futurama ship?

Yeah, some guy created a "3D" version, so I shuffle through them. I'll give you the link if you want (and if I can find them)
I would add it into my "wallpaper playlist"

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