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Messages - cxfhvxgkcf-56:7

Pages: 1 ... 346347348 349350 ... 517
The Flood / Re: What do you think of transcendentalism?
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:17:23 PM »
I think it's a pretty good philosophy.

The Flood / Re: The Floods national animal
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:16:37 PM »
What about Ling Ling?

Ling ling is a relic of dug

I was about to post that pic you bastard

The Flood / Re: Typical Staff Conversation
« on: November 05, 2014, 02:11:30 PM »
Your German could use some work it seems.
Shut your mouth filthy Dutch man

Eisenhower was good at foreign policy?

If it wasn't for Eisenhower green lighting the CIA operation to put the Shah in charge of Iran, things would not be so bad there and in the Middle East as a whole, because Iran is fighting a shadow war against Saudi Arabia and Israel.

You attribute a treaty going wrong, or the stubbornness of America's enemies to bad decisions by the president? Nobody "allowed" China to become communist. America does not rule the world, and countries have the freedom to destroy or improve themselves. America is not going to wage war with China because of decisions it makes for itself. The Chinese should have revolted against their oppressive government.

And then you attribute the Soviet Union collapsing on itself which was inevitable to good decisions by Republican presidents.

1. The Iranian Coup was pretty insignificant in comparison to Eisenhower ending the Korean War. So yes he was excellent when it came to foreign policy. And let's face it he staged the coup to put into power a government that would protect US oil interests just as any president would do. And the Middle East was going to go downhill no matter what anyone did. The Suez Crisis had more to do with the downward spiral than the Iranian Coup.

2. If you honestly think the US had nothing to do with China going Red then you obviously don't understand the policy of containment taken against the USSR. The goal of containment is to keep as many countries bordering the Soviet Union as possible from going Communist. The Chinese Civil War was fought between Mao the Soviet backed communist and the current US backed leader Chiang Kai-shek the "capitalist." So guess who was funding  Kai-shek to buy weapons? The US. If it wasn't for the fact that they picked a terribly corrupt person to lead the fight the US backed side would have won. Kai-shek basically sold all the weapons we gave him to the communists. Kai-shek had the superior funding and equipment and had the potential to win but didn't. Thus the US can be blamed for China going Red. And for the record Mao's government was just as oppressive and totalitarian as Kai-shek's.

3. I don't attribute Reagan on single-handy taking down the Soviet Union, I never said that. Everyone knew the Soviet Union was going to collapse soon but his foreign policy indefinitely accelerated the process. For one he actually talked to the Soviet Union which all of his predecessors refused to do and he also took a more aggressive hard line stance both of which eased tensions and sped up their inevitable collapse. I'm just saying had someone else been president in his place the USSR might have been able to stick it out another 10 years or so.

Gaming / Re: 70% of my Xbox friends list is made up of Floodians
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:19:04 AM »
>tfw 0% of friends list is Floodians
I'll add ya bruh

Gaming / Re: Do you actually give meds, ammo and repairs on Battlefield?
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:17:02 AM »
I pretty much get the majority of my points from revives, heals, repairs, and resupplys. I also feel like I'm the only one that ever does any of that.

Serious / Re: How long until Republicans repeal Obamacare?
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:15:39 AM »
I'm against Obamacare but the Republicans are the ones who drafted it FFS.

I don't care which party the president belongs to.

It only matters that they take a hardline on Iran, support Israel and are willing to properly fight ISIS.
I figured you would have a lot more to say about this topic.

The Flood / Re: Typical Staff Conversation
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:50:53 AM »
I've never been more proud. Just wait until we start up the Concentration Camp board

This is referring to the 20th century mainly. It was something my teacher mentioned in History class and it seems to be right. Let's just look at some of the presidents in the 20th century and how they did when it came to foreign policy.

Teddy Roosevelt (Republican) - Really good, foreign policy was simply his strong suit.

Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) - Pretty terrible. He got us pretty much fucked in the Treaty of Versailles in WWI.

FDR (Democrat) - He had some good policies early on, much of what he did was already set into motion by his predecessor, Hoover. Near the end of WWII he wasn't doing so hot especially when it came to the Yalta Conference where the US once again got fucked. So you can say he did some good and he did some bad.

Harry Truman (Democrat) - Okay I'm a big fan of Truman but out of the list he definitely takes the cake for being the shittiest. Besides being about as anti-communistic as McCarthy he was way too blunt about things which when you're talking foreign policy is not a good thing. He allowed China to go Red, he allowed the Russians to get the bomb, he allowed the Korean War to happen, and he fired the war hero MacArthur.

Dwight D. Eisenhower (Republican) - Of this list probably the best when it came to foreign policy. Ike had a way of dealing with foreign policy pretty logically. He got us out of Korea and managed to keep us war free for the rest of his two terms.

John F. Kennedy (Democrat) - JFK is the definite exception to this but then again he was JFK, he was pretty much good at everything. He had said many times that he looked to Eisenhower as his inspiration when it came to foreign policy and that's pretty evident throughout his two years in office.

Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat) - Not quite as good as his predecessor when it came to foreign policy. Of course he didn't manage to end Vietnam during his term and many of his attempts to end the war didn't work.

Richard Nixon (Republican) - As much as I hate Nixon and I really do he did pretty well when it came to foreign policy while he was in office. Enacting policies like SALT and ABM eased Soviet and US tensions. Being the first president to visit China also helped eased tensions with them and of course he did what his predecessor couldn't, end the conflict in Vietnam.

Ronald Reagan (Republican) - Reagan was a master when it came to foreign policy, rivaling even Eisenhower. Unlike his three predecessors, (Nixon, Ford, and Carter) who all took a detente stance on their stance against the Soviets, Reagan took a much more offensive approach by basically bleeding the already stagnant Soviet economy completely dry. Through this more thorough approach he was able to set into motion the end of the Cold War.

George H.W. Bush (Republican) - George Senior had 4 major foreign policy wins during his term. He dealt with Panama and Manuel Noriega, he finished what Reagan had started by signing an official peace treaty with the USSR and saw the dissolution of the USSR into today's Russia. And his biggest achievement was his ability to stop the invasion of Kuwait by Hussein. He did so with in a very short amount of time with a very minimal amount of American casualties. And of course his formation of NAFTA is mentionable as it greatly improved our relations with Mexico and Canada.

George W. Bush (Republican) - George Jr. went and destroyed everything his father did. His foreign policy was atrocious. His main flop being his witch hunt for WMDs in Iraq. Unlike his dad he dealt with Iraq in a very sloppy and inefficient way which effectively dragged us into war for years to come. Then getting us involved in Afghanistan hunting for terrorists was a poor move on his part also.

Barack Obama (Democrat) - We've all been able to witness Obama's terribly foreign policy. These include his failure to deal with Syria's civil war, ISIS, Russia's aggressions toward the Ukraine, the Benghazi incident, and the NSA spying scandal. By the end of his term Obama could be on the same level as Truman when it comes to foreign policy.

I'm fairly certain everyone here knows that I'm not a Republican in fact in today's elections I voted almost entirely Democrat so I'm not trying to be bias in this but I'm just pointing out some historical facts that throughout the 20th century Republicans have blown Democrats out of the water when it comes to foreign policy. Now obviously I left some Presidents out mainly because those guys didn't have much mentionable foreign policy going on during their terms.

It's also mentionable the most of these guys that excelled at foreign policy sucked when it came to domestic policy but that's just generally how presidents go. They're only good at one or the other. We get a president every now and then that excels at both but it is rare.

The Flood / Re: Would you ban me?
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:54:57 AM »
I'd ban you because you're a nigger

The Flood / Re: I bought a biography of FDR; it's bigger than I expected
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:41:04 PM »
Of course he doesn't seem liberal today, times have changed and what not.
Does that make me a conservative, then?
I don't know man. I thought you were communist again. I can't keep up with you bipolar political affiliations.

The Flood / Re: I bought a biography of FDR; it's bigger than I expected
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:39:31 PM »


Hue, hardly.
For 1930 United States he was pretty darn liberal. Of course he doesn't seem liberal today, times have changed and what not.

The Flood / Re: The phases of Slash
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:30:28 PM »
It's funny, because over here a slash is slang for piss.
Yeah and over here bong is slang for a marijuana water pipe.

The Flood / Re: The phases of Slash
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:28:13 PM »
But faggots can't breed, so they cannot have given way to the niggers.

To the gallows with ye!

The Flood / Re: The phases of Slash
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:26:52 PM »
I'll have you know I was a nigger long before I was a faggot, young lady

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you had kids yet?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:24:55 PM »
Probably because most people here are kids
Including you.

OT: I hate kids, I'd be a shit mom.
Cunt pls

The Flood / Re: Did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:17:14 PM »
What if I dislike all of my major candidates running for governor and congressional positions? I reserve the right to not vote if it fucks me either way.
You always choose the option that fucks you less.

The Flood / Re: How much of a fgt are you?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:16:21 PM »
No one can beat your level of fagness

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you had kids yet?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:15:24 PM »
Oh god I just now got a chance to look at those pictures.


The Flood / Re: Did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:12:14 PM »
democracy was overrated anyway.
Go to hell Commie Scum

China is not a communist nation
I can't hear you Commie

The Flood / Re: Did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:10:07 PM »
democracy was overrated anyway.
Go to hell Commie Scum

The Flood / Re: Did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:50:12 AM »
Just voted for legalized medical marijuana in Florida 8)
The faggots didn't even put it on the ballot in Oklahoma

Serious / Re: Americans, did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:48:51 AM »

I did learn about it in my politics lesson, though.

Democrats gonna get fucked up.
Mmm I think it could go either way.

Serious / Re: Americans, did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 11:47:19 AM »
I just finished up. I love having my polling place at the senior citizen center, old people are so friendly.

The Flood / Re: Something I don't understand...
« on: November 04, 2014, 10:50:37 AM »
If I was chick I would play with my boobs all the time

Serious / Re: Americans, did you vote today?
« on: November 04, 2014, 10:36:37 AM »
I'm actually about to head that way. I'll probably vote all Dem except the treasurer. I'll be shocked if a single democrat actually wins.

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you had kids yet?
« on: November 04, 2014, 10:21:24 AM »
Probably because most people here are kids

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