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da fuq
like what even is this shit?

why does this shit even exist


ayy lmao

  • oh
  • my
  • fucking
  • god
  • get
  • no
  • scoped

« on: April 08, 2015, 08:04:11 PM »

Serious / Let's discuss why Rand Paul is so fucking great
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:56:04 PM »
>wants to decriminalize marijuana and possible other drugs. also wants to allow felons to vote
>is not in denial of climate change and wants to reduce pollution
>wants to cut all funding to countries that openly preach hate towards the US and cut almost all foreign aid period.
>wants to avoid war at all costs but is still taking a hard line stance towards IS
>wants to cut defense spending immensely
>wants to repeal the Patriot Act and cease all large scale data collection
>wants to shut down the Board of Education and the TSA
>wants to leave marriage up to the state, which let's face it is more ideal than what the rest of his party believes. Pretty much any state that isn't in the South would allow gay marriage I bet.
>wants to exit the UN
>wants to instate a 17% flat tax

picture made by yours truly

Need I say more? This guy is the hero America needs

The Flood / have you ever not woke up with morning wood?
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:11:31 AM »
I honestly don't think I ever have

The Flood / are Slavs good for anything?
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:49:40 PM »
Or should we just commit mass genocide on them?

The Flood / people that need to kill themselves
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:19:59 PM »
Let's compile an official list


The Flood / that moment when you're browsing Serious
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:29:20 AM »
and you see someone try to start an argument with Meta and you just wait for him to inevitably rekt their shit

I know I'm not the only one that does this

The Flood / should we start a charity so Comms can see a girl IRL?
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:01:32 AM »
the poor guy has never even seen or touched a girl in his life  :(

The Flood / The hidden biases of Internet memes
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:17:10 AM »

Know Your Meme, the preeminent authority on all things viral, has documented some 12,302 memes since launching in late 2008. There are silly GIFs. Ever-changing image macros. Too many in-jokes, YouTube clips and squash-faced cats to analyze or name.

And yet, in a new study published in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, a team of Israeli researchers has managed it: They’ve conducted an actual census of Internet memes.

Now, before you get too excited, we should caution that the researchers, led by Tel Aviv University’s Elad Segev, didn’t actually tally every meme on the Internet. (That would be impossible. Also: crazy.) But the researchers, who are interested in how ideas morph and branch as they move across the Internet, did analyze what they call the 50 most popular English-language meme “families,” which include the original meme (think: the very first illustration of David Silverman, captioned “are you serious?”) and its most widely circulated derivatives (all the “Seriously Guys” that came after).

“Analyzing,” in this case, involves trying to pin down all the things that make this meme a meme: what themes it covers, what physical form it takes, whom it does or does not depict. (Fun dinner party fact: “quiddity” is the collective word for all this.) Once they’d analyzed some 1000+ memes that way, the researchers were able to calculate their most common features and map them according to similarities. And while we tend to think of memes as fluffy, universal — even meaningless! — things, they actually found some complex structures and biases baked into them.

To wit: Of memes that show people, versus dinosaurs or cartoons or cats, men appear twice as often. And nearly 45 percent of all the people in memes are Caucasian; Hispanic subjects make up a fifth of one percent, by comparison.

“These findings corroborate many of the observations made in [past] qualitative studies,” the researchers sum up, “in which the memetic sphere was described as dominated by young, white men.”

On one hand, of course, this conclusion isn’t particularly jarring: Both Reddit and 4chan, the traditional petri dishes of meme culture, are overwhelmingly young and male; Tumblr, a more recent meme-making upstart, is split about 50-50 on gender, and skews young across the board.

But even if these conclusions seem intuitive, they express a great deal not only about inclusion and diversity in online spaces, but about power and information in them: who the gatekeepers are, who determines what’s cool, whose instincts and interests are considered most “fit,” in the Darwinian sense of the term. (Memetics, the study of memes, comes straight from evolutionary biology: Successful memes, like successful organisms, need to reproduce on blogs and forums and cheap T-shirts in order to survive.) The Internet, despite its more utopian goals, replicates biases and social structures that exist offline.

Of course, the Internet is a complicated place, and further research will be needed to get into all that; it might be worth exploring, for instance, memes that subvert mainstream biases or promote minority identities and issues, like “Successful Black Man” or 2012′s “Binders Full of Women.” This study found that the further meme families fall from the mainstream, the more they stay on-theme — an intriguing hint at the dynamics in niche Internet communities.
So apparently SJWs are now attacking memes


Lithium-ion batteries have been a boon for the modern world -- they've replaced the heavier, single-use alkaline type in everything from wristwatches to jumbo jets. Unfortunately, these rechargeable cells are already struggling to keep up with our ever-increasing energy needs. But a new type of aluminum-ion battery developed at Stanford University is not only less explode-y than lithium, but also can be built at a fraction of the price and recharges completely in just over a minute. Best of all, "Our new battery won't catch fire, even if you drill through it," Stanford chemistry professor Dai Hongjie boasted in a recent release.

Unlike earlier aluminum batteries, which generally failed after only about 100 recharge cycles, Stanford's prototype can cycle more than 7,500 times without any capacity loss -- 7.5 times longer than your average li-ion. The aluminum-ion cell isn't perfect (yet) as it can only produce about 2 volts, far less than the 3.6V that lithium-ion an muster. Plus aluminum cells only carry 40 watts of electricity per kilogram compared to lithium's 100 to 206 W/kg energy density. "Improving the cathode material could eventually increase the voltage and energy density," said Dai. "Otherwise, our battery has everything else you'd dream that a battery should have: inexpensive electrodes, good safety, high-speed charging, flexibility and long cycle life. I see this as a new battery in its early days. It's quite exciting."


Serious / it seems Jeb Bush has converted to Hispanicism
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:17:26 PM »
Jeb Bush, a scion of one of America’s most prominent WASP families, is a convert to Hispanicism.

He announced as much when he registered to vote in Miami in 2009, marking “Hispanic” as his racial-ethnic identity. Unless there is something we never knew about President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, their son’s declaration, revealed by The Times on Monday, was —

What? Fraudulent? Innocent? Meaningless? Democratic partisans have noted that the fine print on Florida’s voter forms warns applicants that giving false information is a felony. As Florida makes clear to potential voters, when you sign your registration, you swear an oath.

But who would be so stupid or debased as to swear something so patently untrue? Mr. Bush could have called himself Hispanic-by-marriage, if there were such a thing. He is a Spanish speaker. He is surely a friend, and perhaps even an inspiration, to many Hispanics. But he is not one of them.

We await the swift response of those guardians of the sanctity of the electoral process, the Republicans who have rewritten laws nationwide to restrict poor and minority voters’ access to the ballot box. Their goal is to deter and punish fraudsters, liars, unauthorized immigrants and others whose deceit or carelessness pose — in Republicans’ imaginations, anyway — a dire threat to our democracy. The Republicans who energetically attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts for claiming Cherokee heritage should be quite exercised about this Bush episode.

Shouldn’t they?

A Bush spokeswoman could not explain what happened. On Twitter, Mr. Bush said it was “my mistake,” and his son Jeb Jr. LOL’ed the issue away.

Pretty funny situation he's gotten himself into here. Do you think it was a sincere mistake?

The Flood / gonna be harvesting some psilocybin mushrooms
« on: April 06, 2015, 06:44:07 PM »
Found some while scouting around my family's farm.

Discuss your love for magic mushrooms

Serious / Rand Paul (formally) announces presidential bid
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:23:02 AM »

WASHINGTON, April 6 (UPI) -- Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is set to announce his candidacy for the 2016 presidential race at a speech in his home state of Kentucky on Tuesday.
"He's going to get his moment in the sun," David Adams, campaign chairman for Paul's 2010 Senate campaign, told The Washington Post. "What he does with it from there will have bearing on the Republican Party."

Paul is considered a contender for the Republican nomination with several libertarian ideals, but has begun appeasing the Republican base. He once pledged to sharply cut the Pentagon's budget, but last month proposed a $190 billion increase for the next two years, which would be paid for by cutting foreign aid and other government programs.

He has also strayed from controversy by not commenting on the ardent discussion over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which many critics perceive as being anti-LGBT, and by not commenting on nuclear negotiations with Iran.

The majority of other Republican potential presidential nominees have supported Indiana's law and been heavily critical of the Iranian negotiations. Paul's office said he was vacationing with his family during the controversial events and did not comment.

Paul, son of former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, appeals to a broader audience by questioning harsh sentences for drug offenders, which cost the government millions to keep imprisoned, and by opposing government surveillance.

"We're going to be the party that protects your phone," he previously said.

Paul has often shied away from using positive campaign slogans and rhetoric.

"I wish I had better news for you, but all is not well in America," Paul said in response to President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address. Much of the United States "still suffers," he said.

"Our future hangs in the balance," Paul said to conservatives earlier this year. "We can debate a jobless recovery, an alarming debt, a bothersome and abusive regulatory state... but know this: You can't have prosperity without freedom."

He's no Ron Paul and he is still ass backwards on some social policies but not near as bad as a good chunk of his party. I'll be voting for him just based off of his economic policies and initiative to shrink the government. I can get past the other flaws with his platform plus he's still infinitely better than Hillary or Cruz.


Septagon / does anyone else find the "new" tag to be tacky and ugly?
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:57:09 AM »
Meaning that orange box that tells you a thread is unread. Maybe its just me but I think it'd look better if the unread feature was integrated into the icon to the left of threads. Or alternatively I wouldn't mind the color of the links denoting unread or read but a lot of people seem to not like that idea.

When things like Google Docs and Libre exist for free. I mean does anyone here actually still shell out $100 or whatever it is for the suite?

The Flood / Something for the more autistic users on this site
« on: April 05, 2015, 10:54:33 PM »

userstyle that makes comic sans the font on sep7agon

i'll probably edit it later to make literally everything in comic sans, banners, the sep7 logo, etc.

i was bored and it literally took me like 5 seconds.

The Flood / wallpaper thread #272
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:04:44 PM »

The Flood / should I go to Calculus class or skip?
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:21:24 AM »
I'm genuinely undecided. There's nothing due today and its just going to be that intolerable cunt lecturing.

The Flood / Currently Listening To Thread Pt 2
« on: April 02, 2015, 08:11:30 AM »


The Flood / bioware forums lol NSFW
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:48:45 AM »

The Flood / look at the object to your left
« on: April 01, 2015, 06:14:59 AM »
You now have to kill yourself with this object. How painful is your death going to be?

The Flood / petition to have Comms on the next podcast
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:56:55 AM »
you guys seriously need to hear his accent. holy shit lol

Septagon / thoughts about the PM system
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:32:19 AM »
I think it'd be great if the PM system could be more similar to's. Say what you will about the site's shitty design but they're PM system was golden. You had all your PMs on one screen, they updates live (most of the time) and it allowed for  fluent chat with a large group of people. Sure the Skype group exists but there are a lot of people on this site that don't use Skype who I'd like to converse with without going through the shitty slow process of the current PM system. Also PM motherfucking party trains.

(Just some food for thought, really credit to Zen for the thought behind this post.)

The Flood / my phone will die before my calculus class is over
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:08:44 AM »
and then I'll actually have to listen, how truly horrifying


The Flood / women deserve to be raped
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:03:57 PM »
There is no victim in the case of rape

The Flood / does anyone ever get a sense of impending doom?
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:35:24 PM »
sorta like paranoia but sort of different. i don't know, i get it a lot when i'm high but also when i'm sober too anyone else get that?

South Africa and Lesotho are not valid choices you scrubs

I'd live in Mozambique or Botswana

The Flood / Ubuntu vs. Mint vs. Others
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:09:16 PM »
I'm purchasing a cheap ass laptop to run Linux for shits and giggles but I'm not sure which distribution of Linux to get. I'm not new to Linux and have had experience with both but I still find myself indifferent to which one I like more. Opinions?

Also I've never used a distribution outside of Mint or Ubuntu so I'm welcome to other suggestions

The Flood / you know what's stupid
« on: March 26, 2015, 04:47:57 PM »
quoting the op

The Flood / the best machinimas
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:13:55 PM »
man remember back when machinimas were in their hayday and actually good, my personal favorites



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