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« on: November 26, 2015, 08:21:55 AM »
Yes they're quite the quintessential Southern types. Thanksgiving just isn't complete without grandpa calling the president a nigger. Joy.
« on: November 25, 2015, 01:26:52 PM »
That must be awful
« on: November 24, 2015, 02:20:30 PM »
If you haven't kept up the Burmese government has denied citizenship and many basic human rights to the minority Rohingya group since 1982. While some may think that in and of itself should not be worthy of global condemnation the actions inflicted upon the Rohingya Muslim minority by the Buddhist Burmese majority go further. The Rohingya face violence and lack basic rights such as access to healthcare, education and employment. They live in “apartheid-like conditions” due to, among other things, Myanmar’s refusal to recognize them as citizens. But this is nothing new. Between May 1991 and March 1992, more than 260,000 Rohingya fled the country over “human rights abuses committed by the Burmese military, including the confiscation of land, forced labor, rape, torture, and summary executions,” the nonprofit group Physicians for Human Rights wrote in a 2013 report While this problem isn’t new, it’s gotten demonstrably worse in recent years. Myanmar’s 2010 transition from a military-led government to a somewhat more democratic system led to some of the worst violence against Muslims. The national government has tacitly permitted the rise of the 969 movement, a group of Buddhist monks who employ “moral justification for a wave of anti-Muslim bloodshed,” Reuters reports. Since 2012, roughly 140,000 Rohingya have fled northwestern Myanmar amid deadly fighting with the majority Buddhists. And although a by far more democratic party won election just earlier this year, they have remained quiet on the issue and seem to have no intention of improving the situation. there has been some response by the US and other human rights organizations but not what I would consider satisfactory.
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:37:56 PM »
is this what it feels like to be a meme?
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:07:17 AM »
Simple question. I'm indifferent and sort of torn on it.
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:20:02 AM », Mexico (AP) — Carlos Sanchez and his family had nearly completed the harrowing drive, hurtling along a dark and dangerous highway out of the mountains to a hospital when they collided with a state police truck parked across the highway lights out.
Before they knew what was happening, they were dragged from the car by uniformed police. Sanchez's wife, sister and cousin were loaded into the back of a police patrol truck. They would not see Sanchez, who hours earlier had been shot three times outside his home in Teloloapan, until they arrived at a walled compound in the mountains.
They had been kidnapped by police. In April 2013, Sanchez and his cousin Armando de la Cruz Salinas became two more of Mexico's nearly 26,000 recorded disappearances since 2007. The abduction of 43 students from a rural teachers' college in the southern Mexico city of Iguala on Sept. 26, 2014, by local police drew attention to a remarkable fact of life in Mexico: Police are responsible for many disappearances.
Mexico's deputy attorney general for human rights, Eber Betanzos, told The Associated Press in August that municipal police had participated in scores of abductions around Iguala during the term of Mayor Jose Luis Abarca, who faces charges in the case of the 43 students.
Members of the extended Sanchez family agreed to speak about their missing on condition of anonymity. They wanted to tell the story of the violence that surrounds them like the air they breathe, and of police responsibility for many of what are now called "the other disappeared." But they are deathly scared of the captors and cops who still live among them and operate with impunity, returning at times to abuse or threaten those who might talk. Sanchez, a 36-year-old taco vendor and father of three, had just returned home with his wife from the grocery store on the evening of April 2, 2013, when a white car pulled up. Two young men got out and confronted him. They tried to force him into the car, but he resisted, and they shot him three times before fleeing.
At the hospital in Teloloapan, a city of 55,000 high in the mountains of Guerrero's Tierra Caliente, staff bandaged Sanchez's wounds, gave him oxygen and an IV, but told his family there was no surgeon to operate. They said he had to go to Iguala for surgery and wrote a letter to that effect to ensure his passage through three military and police checkpoints on the highway between the two cities.
But the ambulance would only agree to carry Sanchez with an armed escort. Soldiers refused to provide one.
So after a private clinic in Teloloapan also refused Sanchez care, his cousin, Armando, volunteered to drive. They were en route to the hospital in Iguala when they fell into the hands of police.
At the abductors' compound, lit only by cellphone lights, the family quickly realized they were not alone. There were 15 to 20 other people sitting on the floor of a room blindfolded and tied at the wrists and ankles.
The police took their shoes, belts and anything of value, and pulled their shirts over their heads to obscure their vision, but the cellphone light shone through the thin material and so they saw when Sanchez was dragged in. He was naked except for the bandages, his paper hospital gown lost along the way.
They were surrounded by 10 to 15 men armed with rifles, most wearing the same dark state police uniform.
One kidnapper approached Sanchez with a notebook. He asked his name, where he was from, how many children he had, what he did. Sanchez answered every question. They beat him anyway, kicking and punching. The man accused Sanchez of stealing horses from a ranch in Teloloapan. He said he had been to that ranch only to sell tacos to the masons who were building stables. He rattled off his list of taco varieties.
About six men pounced on Sanchez kicking him furiously. When they paused, he turned his face toward his wife, breathed deeply and said the name of his youngest son, Santiago. Then he closed his eyes.
The gunmen stuffed the taco vendor into an army green sleeping bag and carried him outside. The others heard his body land in the back of a truck. His cousin, Armando, was beaten too, and then led out of the house; he was never seen again. The two women were released after 10 days.
After news of the 43 disappeared students ignited the national firestorm, a neighbor who was searching for her son told the Sanchez family that relatives were gathering at a church in Iguala to file reports with federal authorities and give DNA samples.
They agreed to join hundreds of other families putting names on a list, many of whom also revealed stories of police taking their loved ones.
The families organized to go into the hills around Iguala to search for bodies of the disappeared. Over many weeks and months, government crews dug up the remains of at least 104 people from unmarked graves found by the families, only 13 of which have been identified by DNA and telltale bits of clothing — or by other articles.
In January, the Sanchez family was told that the gravediggers had unearthed a green sleeping bag with a skeleton inside. Next to it, they found an IV and an oxygen tube. I mean fuck no wonder they want to come here
« on: November 21, 2015, 12:14:58 PM » RAF CASERT and MIKE CORDER, Associated Press
BRUSSELS (AP) — The family homes of the suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks and one of the suicide bombers stand only a few blocks apart in the Belgian capital's Molenbeek neighborhood. After a string of attacks in recent years linked to its grimy streets in central Brussels, a key question arises: Why Belgium?
The tiny nation renowned for beer, chocolates and the comic book hero Tintin is now suddenly infamous for Islamic extremism — and the easy availability of illegal weapons.
Belgium has a central location in Europe; few border controls; a common language with prime jihadi target France; and a political divide between French and Dutch speakers that has long created bureaucratic disarray in justice and security.
From the prime minister down, there is widespread acknowledgment of a complicated and disjointed national structure that hampers the fight against extremism. "We have to do more and we have to do better," Prime Minister Charles Michel told legislators on Thursday, as he announced a slew of fresh measures to fight Islamic extremism.
For years, there have been calls for more funds to boost the ranks of judges and police, but progress has been slow as rival political camps bickered and austerity measures set in. Meanwhile, the splintering of municipal authority in Brussels and judicial authority nationwide means there's little sense of who's in charge of what in security matters.
Add to that a system in which policemen are often blocked from crossing borders — lacking jurisdiction to work in neighboring countries — while criminals can take advantage of Europe's open border policy, and it becomes clear why Belgium is attractive for terrorists.
"They do shop around for locations where it's easier to be unnoticed, or that your opponents will lose your trail," said Edwin Bakker, director of the Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism at Leiden University.
Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian who was the presumed organizer of the attacks, was killed in a raid Wednesday outside of Paris. Belgium and France are still on a manhunt for Frenchman Salah Abdeslam, a longtime Brussels resident.
Both men grew up in the hardscrabble Molenbeek district, and their family homes stand within a short walk of its main police station. Abdeslam's brother, Brahim, blew himself up in a suicide attack, while another Brussels resident, Bilal Hafdi, also died in a suicide bombing.
On Saturday authorities raised the threat alert for the Belgian capital to the highest level, citing "quite precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in Paris." Heavily armed police and soldiers patrolled key intersections, subways were closed and many stores shut their doors as citizens were encouraged to avoid areas where large numbers of people gather.
Perched over Brussels stands the massive Palace of Justice, once a shining monument to democratic values, now cloaked for decades in scaffolding so decrepit it has come to symbolize Belgium's neglect for law and order. From there, one can look out onto the Midi, a grimy neighborhood that has become a treasure trove for any criminal looking for illegal arms.
Until 2006, Belgium had a very permissive gun law by European standards, and many weapons used in the 1990s Balkan wars easily found their way into the Belgian criminal underworld. At the same time, the Justice Ministry was hurt by austerity measures, rendering it powerless to dig into the root causes of the problem.
"It is relatively easy to get your hands on heavy arms in Brussels," said Brice De Ruyver, a professor of criminology at Ghent University, who was security adviser to the prime minister from 2000 to 2008. "That applies to terror and serious crime. That is because the illegal arms trade has been neglected far too long. ... And once you have a reputation, it is tough to get rid of it."
Molenbeek is separated from Midi by part of a mosaic of jurisdictions of 19 municipalities and 6 policing zones — all for a population of 1 million — which has long hampered cooperation. In comparison, New York, with five boroughs for 8.4 million people, has one police force.
Often municipalities were socialist or liberal fiefdoms with little interest in being swallowed up by a centralized Brussels administration. The number of police zones has been reduced from 19, but the current six is still considered an anachronism given the need to unify forces in combating extremism.
"Talent and manpower are badly spread out over the zone," said De Ruyver. "It is not where we need it most, namely in Molenbeek."
Extremist ideology has also been allowed to thrive due to police neglect. For years, the leader of Islamic radical group Sharia4Belgium directed one of Europe's more potent recruitment machines for fighters in Syria. Yet it was only this year that he was sentenced to 12 years in prison as the leader of what a court determined was a terror group. "Sharia4Belgium has been able to act with impunity for too long," said De Ruyver.
Prime Minister Michel has promised to crack down on radical mosque financing and clandestine places of worship, which have thrived largely because of Belgium's failures in integrating its 650,000-strong Muslim population.
"There is a part of the population that lives in the margins, that doesn't look to have contact," said Molenbeek mayor Francoise Schepmans. "We let it happen."
Many of the weaknesses have been linked to Belgium's complicated linguistic divide. Belgium's 6.5 million Dutch speakers in northern Flanders and the 4.5 million Francophones in southern Wallonia enjoy considerable political autonomy — seen as a way to help keep the country together. However, political appeasement between the groups has often trumped efficiency in decision-making.
"It's a nightmare," Bakker said of the language barriers within law-and-order institutions.
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:10:23 PM » ground crew are inscribing the words "For Paris" on some bombs destined to be dropped on targets in Syria, in a message of solidarity with the victims of last week's Paris attacks.
A video posted online by the Defence Ministry here also shows a serviceman writing "For Our Guys" on a bomb at Russia's Hmeymim airbase.
"Pilots and technicians of Hmeymim airbase have sent their message to terrorists by priority airmail," said a caption accompanying the post.
Russia has intensified strikes on Syrian militants, including from Islamic State, which has claimed responsibility for the attacks that killed 130 people in Paris and for downing a Russian airliner in Egypt last month, killing all 224 on board.
Russian politicians have said the Paris attack underscores the need for the West and the Kremlin to bury their differences and join forces to take on militants in Syria.
(Reporting by Vladimir Soldatkin; editing by Andrew Roche)
« on: November 20, 2015, 12:21:38 PM »
« on: November 20, 2015, 12:12:19 PM »
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:45:55 AM »
I like Associated Press and Reuters. They've shows to be some of the least bias. I also like The Atlantic though they are definitely bias IMO.
Oh and do you prefer to read or watch your news?
I prefer the former
« on: November 19, 2015, 04:11:10 PM »
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:01:37 PM »
In all honesty I'd have to say Obama or Teddy Roosevelt though it's kind of hard to judge the past presidents because we only read about them and charisma doesn't translate well through text.
As far as least I'd have to go Truman or Jimmy Carter.
« on: November 18, 2015, 11:45:17 AM »
Simple question
Does our sapience and advancement make natural selection irrelevant to us?
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:19:50 PM »
 you jealous? :^)
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:53:26 AM » in the Middle East are offering fake Syrian passports for as little as $250, days after it emerged that one of the Paris bombers may have entered Europe using false Syrian paperwork. The development raises fears over the potential security threat posed by tens of thousands of asylum seekers arriving in Greece every week, and will amplify calls to provide them with secure and legal routes to safety.
As the United Nations warned on Tuesday against scapegoating refugees for Friday’s attacks in Paris, a backlash nevertheless gained momentum with the news that up to eight people allegedly entered Europe using similar passport details as one of the Paris bombers. The EU border agency revealed that it does not have the equipment to assess the authenticity of people’s identification documents in all of the Greek islands.
A Guardian journalist in Iraqi Kurdistan was offered fake Syrian passports by two separate smuggling rings, less than a week after French authorities alleged that a terrorist used a similar forgery to enter the Greek island of Leros, before taking part in an attack on the Stade de France in Paris. For just $250, one smuggler based in Sulaymaniyah promises to deliver a fake Syrian passport, ID card or birth certificate within 10 days. A second forger in Duhok says he can procure a passport, allegedly with the help of a Syrian embassy official, within four days – for a premium price of $2,500.
The family of a Kurdish asylum seeker who died in a truck in Austria in August said Heresh Dindar, had been easily able to buy fake Syrian paperwork in Zakho, an Iraqi city close to the Turkish border. “Obtaining Syrian documents in Zakho is like drinking water,” said Dindar’s brother, Isa. “It is very easy.”
The revelations came as Serbian officials claimed that as many as eight asylum seekers entered Europe this year with similar passport details as ”Ahmad Almohammad”, the suspected pseudonym of one of the Paris suspects, leading to suspicions that all of them might have bought passports from the same forger in the Middle East. Two of them had identical documents, while the other six used similar names, a Serbian police source told the Guardian. But there is not yet any clear proof that any of them were definitely involved in the attack, an Interpol source said.
The revelations have increased scrutiny of the porous Greek maritime border, where over 670,000 asylum-seekers have crossed so far this year in an attempt to reach Europe. Using safety fears as an excuse, Poland’s new conservative government has already backed out of an EU-wide deal to share refugees among member states – while on Tuesday the rightwing Hungarian parliament voted to challenge the legitimacy of the refugee-sharing deal in the European courts.
A spokeswoman for Frontex, the EU border agency, admitted that her colleagues did not have the equipment or specialists necessary to check the authenticity of all ID documents among new arrivals on the Greek islands. A passport assessment team is in place on Lesbos, the main gateway for arrivals to Greece, but Frontex could not confirm whether other document experts are now operating on Leros, the island where the bomber is alleged to have entered Greece. Despite promising to beef up Frontex’s presence on the islands, EU countries have also provided the agency with less than half of the manpower it needs to properly operate. By 4 November, two of the EU’s most isolationist countries – Poland and Slovakia – had not sent a single border guard, while Hungary had sent just four.
“We have people to interview migrants and the purpose of this interview is to establish nationality,” said Ewa Moncure, a Frontex spokeswoman. “They may say no, this person’s accent is not from Syria – and if they have any doubt they will ask follow-up questions”, to test a migrant’s knowledge of life in Syria. But Moncure admitted that not all Greek islands were staffed with specialists who can examine the authenticity of passports. “You can’t say that wherever there is Frontex activity, there is a document expert.”
Formal asylum systems in EU countries have far more rigorous means of checking the backgrounds of asylum seekers. Migration officials in Sweden confirmed that they verify documents as a matter of course, while in Germany, “if there is any doubt, a language and text analysis will be performed”, said a spokeswoman for the Germany migration office.
But at the asylum seekers’ first point of entry to Europe in Greece the system is often not nearly as strict. When the Guardian visited Leros earlier in the year, several of the Syrian refugees on the island noted that some people registering as Syrian were in fact from Iraq, Lebanon or Palestine. Overworked officials who spoke no Arabic could have little idea who they were letting into Europe, they said. A Syrian teenager, who wished to be identified only by her first name, Reem, travelled with her father, mother and sister in a boat of 29 people to Leros from Turkey. Everyone on the boat claimed to be Syrian – according to Reem, only she and her family were.
“They said, ‘I don’t have a passport, I don’t have anything to say who I am, so I am Syrian’,” said Reem. “What can [officials] say? ‘He told me he is Syrian. He talks Arabic.’”
This week, such fears have done nothing to deter locals from bringing food, clothes and support to the hundreds still arriving every day on inflatable boats in increasingly hostile winter conditions. Spyros Daniil, who manages the Leros Solidarity Network with his wife Matina Kastivelli, said: “Today is Sunday but many women arrived this morning, set up a big table and served food to all the refugees. Nothing changes here.”
The UN hopes that the rest of Europe will respond in a similar way. On Tuesday, its refugee agency, the UNHCR, argued against scapegoating hundreds of thousands of refugees for crimes committed by just one of their number.
“The overwhelming majority of those coming to Europe are fleeing persecution or the life-threatening effects of conflict and are unable to reach safety in Europe by alternative avenues,” said UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming. “Precarious situations in countries of first asylum are also driving many to leave for Europe. Many are fleeing extremism and terrorism – from the very people associated with the Paris attacks.”
Fleming joined Human Rights Watch, an independent pressure group, in calling for the implementation of safe and legal means of mass resettlement for refugees still in the Middle East. Campaigners argue that organised resettlement will both save refugee lives, and give Europe greater control over their borders.
In an online statement, Peter Bouckaert, HRW’s emergency director, said: “The answer to the Paris attacks and the possibility that one of the attackers came by rubber dinghy to Greece, where he was registered on Leros island, is not to shut the door on those desperately fleeing war in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan – including many fleeing from IS.
“The answer is to put in place a coherent EU asylum policy that provides those fleeing war and repression with safe and legal alternatives to get that asylum, without having to risk their lives. Replacing the chaos with coherent policies would address both the responsibility to give asylum to those in need, and the security concerns raised by chaotic and uncontrolled flows.
“People fleeing war need refuge. And trying to build fences and stopping them at sea only drives them deeper into the hands of criminal gangs, and drives them underground where there is no control over who comes and goes.”
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:46:15 AM » — On the night of Jan. 2, Belgian authorities closing in on a terror cell in the town of Verviers intercepted a telling piece of intelligence. Homegrown terrorists were plotting to gun down police officers, and they discussed their plans by phone with a superior in Athens — a Belgian man whom authorities believed to be a puppet master in the Islamic State’s effort to terrorize Europe.
Acting on a request from Belgian intelligence, Greek officials raided an apartment in the middle-class Pangrati district of Athens, hauling in suspects and bagging the cellular phone used in that Jan. 2 call. But fingerprint analysis soon revealed that the Greeks had the wrong men. Once again, Abdelhamid Abaaoud had slipped through the fingers of European intelligence.
French authorities now believe that Abaaoud, a 28-year-old of Moroccan descent who recruited his 13-year-old brother to fight for the Islamic State, was a “guru” behind the massacre that unfolded at a stadium, concert hall and bars and restaurants in Paris on Friday, killing 129 people and wounding more than 300. Officials are beginning to piece together a network of attackers with ties that radiate back to him.
Two European officials familiar with the case said Abaaoud is thought to have arrived in Syria sometime in 2013 or 2014 and slipped in and out of Europe since. He is believed to be back in Syria now. At least two of the men believed to be directly involved in the Paris attacks had years-long connections to him and came from his same hardscrabble neighborhood in Brussels that has become a breeding ground for European jihadists.
The sinewy, bearded Islamic State operative, officials say, may also have been directly involved in the recruitment of other assailants in Friday’s attacks, and he was actively involved in several other attempts this year to stage terrorism in Europe. In August, a French foreign fighter arrested after his return to France told intelligence officials that Abaaoud had instructed him to strike at densely populated targets, including a “concert hall.”
“He is a barbaric man,” said a French official familiar with the case.
The focus on Abaaoud emerged as a manhunt was underway to find Salah Abdeslam, 26. French authorities believe Abdeslam had a role in the attacks; his older brother, Brahim, 31, blew himself up at a Paris restaurant on Friday.
A third brother, Mohammed Abdeslam, was arrested by Belgian authorities and let go. He painted a picture of a family shocked that one or more of its own could have staged such an attack.
“I had two brothers with absolutely normal conduct,” Mohammed Abdeslam told reporters in Brussels after his release. “People need to know that my brother Salah Abdeslam has not been heard yet. We do not know what really happened. We do not know where he is right now.
“My family and I were deeply hit by what has happened,” Abdeslam said. “We could never have imagined that our brother was linked to a terror attack.”
Authorities have identified five of the seven dead assailants from Friday’s assault, including at least four French nationals, some of whom lived in Belgium, who are believed to have fought in Syria. Samy Amimour, a 28-year-old who lived in a northeastern Paris suburb, was a former bus driver whose Facebook page shows him as an irreverent youth flipping the bird in photos. In June 2014, his father, Azzédine, 67, traveled to Syria to try to persuade his son to come back. He failed.
When the father arrived in the town of Minbej, northeast of Aleppo, he said that his son was injured and that he was impersonal and strident about fighting for the Islamic State.
“When I finally saw my son, he was with another guy who wouldn’t leave us alone,” the father told Le Monde in December 2014. “The reunion was very cold. He did not show me his house. He did not tell me how he got injured or if he was fighting.”
He said he gave his son a letter from his mother and 100 euros in an envelope. “He gave me back the 100 euros, saying that he did not need it.”
Intelligence officials believe Brahim Abdeslam, a French national who spent time in the same Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels where Abaaoud is said to have conducted Islamic State recruiting, went to Syria via Turkey on Jan. 27, 2015, then returned sometime in February. His brother Salah was stopped in Greece in August on suspicion of attempting to travel to Syria. But one European intelligence official said he may have gone to Greece to meet with an operative from the Islamic State.
Authorities said that two other assailants — Bilal Hadfi, 20, and Ismael Omar Mostefai, a 29-year-old former petty criminal — also spent time fighting in Syria.
But a French official familiar with the case described Abaaoud as the “centerpiece” seeming to unite Friday’s attackers.
Abaaoud has been linked by authorities to several foiled terrorist plots in France and Belgium over the past two years, including the attempted attack in August on a Paris-bound TGV train from Amsterdam that was thwarted with the aid of a group of Americans.
The degree of his participation in each plot has yet to be determined. A European intelligence official familiar with the investigation in Belgium said Abaaoud appeared to be “involved” in the attacks but said it was too early to dub him a “mastermind” who had devised and orchestrated the plot.
A French official familiar with the case, however, said Abaaoud appeared to be a key figure behind the attacks, citing his clear links to the attackers and his role in other, eerily familiar plots. In August, Reda Hame, a French foreign fighter, was arrested in France after returning home from Syria. He told the police that he had met Abaaoud in Syria and that he had been given several targets for attacks in France, including “concert halls” and “food markets.”
“These weren’t specific targets,” the French official said, “rather, ideas of places to strike, so as to spread fear everywhere.”
Abaaoud spent his youth in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels and was arrested for petty crimes — a profile common among young jihadists who were also wayward youths. But he is thought to have later associated with members of Sharia4Belgium, an Islamist activist group that was designated a terrorist organization this year.
Abaaoud is believed to have joined the Islamic State sometime in 2013. He has appeared in a number of its videos, including one from March 2014 in which he drives a pickup truck with a string of dead bodies attached.
“He contributed to sending hundreds of Belgians to Syria, coordinating departures,” said Jean-Charles Brisard, a counterterrorism expert based in Paris. “He has a big role in recruitment of the French-speaking jihadists.”
In an interview with Dabiq, the Islamic State magazine, in February — shortly after the Belgians disrupted the plot in Verviers — Abaaoud boasted of effortlessly slipping back into Syria from Europe.
“I was even stopped by an officer who contemplated me so as to compare me to the picture, but he let me go, as he did not see the resemblance!” he said. “This was nothing but a gift from Allah.”
Elinda Labropoulou in Athens, Cléophée Demoustier and Virgile Demoustier in Paris, and Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report.
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:25:49 AM » Indonesian newlyweds have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to kill a man the woman said had raped her a week before her marriage.
Rudi Effendi and his wife Nuriah also ate the victim's genitals after the man was killed, police said.
The couple were being held for further investigation after their arrests at their house in Tulang Bawang district in Sumatra's Lampung province on Sunday, a Lampung police spokeswoman said.
Police found the victim's body in a burnt minivan on October 4, the spokeswoman said, adding that a month-long investigation led to the conclusion that the couple had planned to kill the man, who was a driver for a travel agency.
The couple had married in September and the husband found out on the wedding night that his wife was no longer a virgin. She then said she had been raped one week before the marriage.
Police said Mr Effendi, 30, asked his 20-year-old wife to arrange a meeting with the man she accused of raping her. Mr Effendi stabbed the man to death and cut off his genitals before setting the car on fire.
Mr Effendi said he fried the severed genitals and ate them to cure his heartache over the rape.
Police said the couple could be charged with premeditated murder, which carries a maximum death penalty.
« on: November 16, 2015, 02:07:19 PM »
▲ ▲ ▲
« on: November 14, 2015, 09:25:05 PM »
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:58:27 PM »
« on: November 14, 2015, 04:45:28 PM »
Like mine
takes like 2 seconds in Photoshop if you want it done and are too lazy to do it yourself.
« on: November 12, 2015, 05:51:20 PM »
i'll give a hint out at 10 replies
« on: November 12, 2015, 05:47:14 PM »
« on: November 11, 2015, 01:38:26 PM »
« on: November 09, 2015, 10:41:10 PM » Catalonia's regional parliament has approved a plan to set up a road map for independence from Spain by 2017, in defiance of the central government.
The Barcelona-based chamber passed the motion by 72 votes to 63.
The proposal was tabled by pro-secession politicians from the Together For Yes alliance and the extreme left-wing Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP). The groups together obtained a parliamentary majority in regional elections in September.
Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy previously vowed to take legal action against the Catalan parliament if it was to approve the secession plan.
Mr Rajoy is scheduled to speak later on Monday.
The motion, passed by the parliament in its first post-election session, declared "the start of a process towards the creation of an independent Catalan state in the form of a republic" and a "process of democratic disconnection not subject to the decisions by the institutions of the Spanish state".
Separatist politicians stood up and applauded the victory that will likely put them on a collision course with the central government and Spain's highest court.
Raul Romeva, head of the Together For Yes alliance, said at the start of the session: "There is a growing cry for Catalonia to not merely be a country, but to be a state with everything that means. Today we don't only open a new parliament, this marks a before and after."
Catalan branches of Spain's ruling conservative Popular Party and the Socialist and the Citizens opposition parties had filed appeals to halt the vote, but Spain's constitutional court ruled last Thursday that it could go ahead.
Citizens regional leader Ines Arrimadas told separatist politicians: "You want to divide a country by raising a frontier within the European Union." Pretty big news. Probably will inspire some more independence movements across Europe. (Looking at you, Flanders)
« on: November 09, 2015, 07:13:18 PM »
« on: November 08, 2015, 11:53:27 AM »
Take a look at this shit