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Messages - Camnator

Pages: 123 45 ... 132
Septagon / Maybe I Need to Make A Thread Here...
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:29:11 PM »
To direct the staff to my freaking there here -

I was told to post in that forum for help and haven't gotten any in almost 11 hours. Why does the victim have to sit around and do all of the work just to not get any help for so long? You don't think that's what pisses people off? That's why people don't report as often as they should, nothing is ever done, and then you wonder why the activity here is GONE. It's the horrible moderation system, always has been. Ya, you liked to keep blaming me, but I haven't been here in months and it's never been this slow. Surely I was the problem all along! Fix your system or just go ahead and ban me again so I can stop wasting my time.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:12:04 PM »

Stop this, this is awkward. We aren't used to this sort of thing,

I've never seen you abuse your power. I've never seen anyone complain about you before, either. We love you!
probably because he doesn't do anything

Cannabis is now proven to cause botched lobotomies in people with orange text.
Well good thing I'm sober.


Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:10:50 PM »
Well? Can I get a goddess dang answer? This is the direction I was told to take, and I'm getting no help so far. Can you guys see why I never bothered doing this? It's too slow, throws all of the work on me, and often times results in absolutely NOTHING being done to the ninja that acted incorrectly. This is why the site has become a failure. I tried to stop this.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:20:06 AM »

Stop this, this is awkward. We aren't used to this sort of thing,

I've never seen you abuse your power. I've never seen anyone complain about you before, either. We love you!
probably because he doesn't do anything

Cannabis is now proven to cause botched lobotomies in people with orange text.

The Flood / Re: Did we just while I was gone?
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:05:16 AM »
Ya freaking WEEBS!!!!

I mean if there were enough studies proving the benefits then I suppose, but otherwise I know from experience how much strain they can put on perception and conception, while they can change the way you look at the world and your life, some people just aren't suited for it and take away nothing but bad emotions and thoughts from the experience.

Although, a lot of the time that seems to be the result of taking a bunk dose or too much of a legit one so I guess if it was regulated then the chances of that would be reduced.

Do you feel that way about shrooms? Especially considering they are nearly impossible to become addicted to.
I'm not concerned with addiction. And psilocin has given many I know extremely 'crushing' experiences before, myself included. And I know that not everyone has to right mindset to handle that.

Like I said though, regulation would reduce the chances of that happening, however the possibility remains. People need to understand that psychedelics, while they can be fun, are much more than just 'have a good time' party drugs, and the psychedelic experience can be very overwhelming. I just think people should understand them before they jump right into taking them.

For example, you have kids smoking salvia thinking it's gonna be some kind of fun trippy high, and they end up having experiences as intense as what DMT would give you. And when they come down, they just aren't the same. The average person will get over an experience like that, but some people hold onto it for a long time.

I guess the point I'm trying to get at, is that they shouldn't really be treated as recreational substances, and if they're ever going to be used medicinally then it should be handled in a way that is different from marijuana. A way to help prevent the 'let celebrate and get high' mentality that surrounds other drugs.

Obviously. When I did shrooms I only did a small portion, not nearly enough to cause any hallucinations. The only reason I tried it at all is because there are no known health effects and as I said, you can't become addicted to it. I don't ever want to hallucinate. Not to say you can't  have a bad trip, that's for sure. You should exercise a bit of caution before trying new things.

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:59:20 AM »

Stop this, this is awkward. We aren't used to this sort of thing,

I've never seen you abuse your power. I've never seen anyone complain about you before, either. We love you!

The Flood / Re: I would just like to thank our moderation staff
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:58:42 AM »

How long have you been here?


I see those shifty eyes. You're on my radar, Ma'am!

The Flood / Re: GET IN HERE!
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:33:45 AM »

You were being mean about someone's botched lobotomy.
That's just LOW!

Didn't I tell them to cure it with cannabis right after?  :-X  ::)  ;D  :'(  :-\  :-[  ::)  :P

I mean if there were enough studies proving the benefits then I suppose, but otherwise I know from experience how much strain they can put on perception and conception, while they can change the way you look at the world and your life, some people just aren't suited for it and take away nothing but bad emotions and thoughts from the experience.

Although, a lot of the time that seems to be the result of taking a bunk dose or too much of a legit one so I guess if it was regulated then the chances of that would be reduced.

Do you feel that way about shrooms? Especially considering they are nearly impossible to become addicted to.

Septagon / Re: Alright, Let's Give This A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:27:22 AM »
Meta and I both had threads deleted, not locked. Neither was against the rules. Explain.
Well what was the contents of the threads? You haven't exactly stated that and I think Flee said there were insults being flung in the threads so maybe that answers why the threads are gone?

I checked the rules, and it said calling out members in joke threads are still allowed, and that's all Meta's thread was. A joke. He said Noelle was aggressive with him and posted a video of some drag dude standing up to this black guy getting in their face. In all honesty, that drag guy was freaking awesome for doing that, and it was positive and really not a joke at all in my mind. It was locked as soon as I went to reply, so I made a thread simply stating I thought the person in the video was awesome for doing that and applauded them, and both of our threads were deleted. I never mentioned Noelle in my thread, either. It really upset me that I can't find that video now... Meta, help a brotha out. I wanted to show some friends! Haha!

As far as I recall, no insults happened at all.

I need access to your booty.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:23:21 AM »
As long as it's sustainable and not endangering a species it's not a problem.

I want your input on my last couple of posts! I've missed you! <3

 :-*  :-*  :-*  :-*

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:22:33 AM »
extracting the milk after pregnancy in a way that isn't abusive, would you tolerate that?
Well, no, because like you said, you're basically stealing it for your own purposes. You didn't say that outright, but you implied it with your assertion that it's nonconsensual, which is a good word to use. If you were saving someone's life (somehow) with a cow's milk, then that would be justifiable, but only in niche circumstances like that. Cow's milk is meant for a cow's young. That doesn't mean it's wrong to imbibe it--it's wrong to extract it in the first place.

In my scenario of course I wouldn't try milking it if it kept moving away and made clear signs it wasn't fine with what was happening, but if the calf had matured to the point where it didn't need the milk, and you continued milking the cow which made no hesitation, like, say you had it since it was a calf, which is my intention if I go through with it, and it grew up with you like any dog would and there was a deep bond, does that change anything for you? There are no adverse effects of continuing to milk for the rest of their lives, in reality. Humans can even do this, elderly women have done this decades after their periods have stopped. In fact, it can even be healthy and stimulating. Because really, couldn't you also infer grooming a pet is wrong consider you had no consent of the animal? Humans are animals. Animals interact for mutual benefits all of the time. I'm helping the cow if it allow me, so I allow it to help me if it allows it. I would never use force. I find that extremely unethical.

The Flood / Re: GET IN HERE!
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:17:02 AM »

The Flood / Re: GET IN HERE!
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:38:41 AM »

Your booty has suffered due to your botched lobotomy!

It happened!


Fair enough

The Flood / Re: GET IN HERE!
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:36:09 AM »
meme yourself

I have no idea what that means. I really needed that hit of vapor.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:33:14 AM »
Why not vegetarian?
Because I don't think we have the right to take anything from animals.

Interesting point, considering there's really no way to get consent on that scale. Consider this, however. Animals assist each other consensually all of the time. If you were giving a cow a proper life, grooming it, a much better life than the wild would provide, and extracting the milk after pregnancy in a way that isn't abusive, would you tolerate that? I admit, I despise the way farms are ran, and I HAVE considered expending my garden into a barn with cows for milk and making my own cheese, cream, butter, etc. I also love animals more than most people, no homo, so I would take excellent care for them. What are your thoughts? I'm still undecided on the barn. I need to see exactly how much is involved before I commit. Interestingly, some tribes in Africa shoot a hollow dart into the artery of a cow's neck. It doesn't kill the cows, in fact, they don't even seem to mind since they're so used to it. It fascinated me that they don't harvest cows for their milk, and instead do that. Repulsive, but intriguing, and blood is high in protein.

What's wrong with enjoying what you do? Eating food or just being in a good mood is literally the same thing
except drug highs only put you in an artificial good mood

i'd rather be in a real good mood

sobriety is always better

Then my last question for you; Would you, given the ability, prevent others from doing so responsibly?

The Flood / Re: Did you know?
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:27:23 AM »
How appropriate.

The Flood / GET IN HERE!
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:26:44 AM »
I just realized I haven't made a come-back thread yet! How has everyone been?! I've missed ya!

The Flood / Re: Did we just while I was gone?
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:14:59 AM »
Because it seems like nobody is perma'd anymore...

Kinder still is though, right?



The Flood / Re: Holy heck the mind is amazing
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:01:39 AM »

oh wait, they don't look at threads unless you report them

How else will they sift through those tens of thousands of posts per day?
Well Psy is a cyborg who left his meatbag earthly desires behind so he can just become one with the system.

beep boop

I knew it all along. That swine.

The Flood / Re: Holy heck the mind is amazing
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:55:44 AM »

oh wait, they don't look at threads unless you report them

How else will they sift through those tens of thousands of posts per day?

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:40:26 AM »
Ladies please, this is about shit moderation, the enemy of my enemy is my friend or some shit.

How big is the booty?
abowt tree fidy

DUDE! It has been forever! How have you been?
sry but i dont kno u rly

And now I have to track you down and hunt you... Great. I wanted to see Avengers and now I have to do this. I hope you're satisfied with yourself.
you should stop taking the internet so seriously

When did you change your name to "You?"

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:30:27 AM »
Ladies please, this is about shit moderation, the enemy of my enemy is my friend or some shit.

How big is the booty?
abowt tree fidy

DUDE! It has been forever! How have you been?
sry but i dont kno u rly

And now I have to track you down and hunt you... Great. I wanted to see Avengers and now I have to do this. I hope you're satisfied with yourself.

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:23:12 AM »
Ladies please, this is about shit moderation, the enemy of my enemy is my friend or some shit.

How big is the booty?
abowt tree fidy

DUDE! It has been forever! How have you been?

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:22:49 AM »
Ladies please, this is about shit moderation, the enemy of my enemy is my friend or some shit.

How big is the booty?
How big can you imagine?

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:18:10 AM »
Ladies please, this is about shit moderation, the enemy of my enemy is my friend or some shit.

How big is the booty?

Pages: 123 45 ... 132