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Messages - MarKhan

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The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: March 20, 2020, 09:35:38 AM »

The Flood / Re: This virus is literally a non issue to me
« on: March 20, 2020, 09:24:07 AM »
>95%+ people survive
>80% of cases are mild
>If I get it I'll just kill myself
You actually can't know this, sick people are mostly ones that don't visit hospital, also government might not tell you truth to not spread more panic than needed or for other reasons.

I avoid telling people about my birthday, I don't like them doing things for me because some day in calendar

Once my student group leader found out about it, she told my group about it and they organized me a big cake. I told them that they would better gave me meat.

This time around even my best friend forgot about my birthday. My mom didn't know what to gift me. My boyfriend didn't keep track of it, but gifted me a picture of our favorite anime girl once he found out.

People nowadays rely on Facebook or other social site to tell them about birthdays. For me such practice is completely unacceptable. If the person does matter to you, you better keep it's birthday date in your head. It's not necessary to gift them a present, just at least give them your attention. When people get reminded about your birthday in the last moment by Facebook and try to gift you a cake, it really cheapens and underminds whatever value they contribute to your date and really shows that they don't care about you all that much.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 19, 2020, 08:01:56 AM »
I miss my laptop with linux so much that I'll probably install KNOPPIX on a USB stick and give it a try. It's a lightweight linux distro that doesn't need to be installed on a hard drive and can be used from USB, I'll use it to continue learning while tech guru fixes my laptop hardware.
Took me a day to install 4GB disk image due to slow internet speed and my mom's PC hardware failures, anyway I have an operating system living on my USB stick right now which I can boot into and do stuff with it.

Speaking of laptop, I called tech guru that fixes it and he haven't found what is an issue with it yet, he'll respond me later today but unlikely it will be fixed after week of waiting, which is ok since I have to serve in military soon anyway.

The Flood / Re: less work hours
« on: March 19, 2020, 04:49:11 AM »
Tfw you make sandwich and put mayonnaise the same way you apply the thermal paste

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 18, 2020, 05:36:39 PM »
 Oh, well, never I had this happen to me. (Or at least never without my fault).  I have seen this happen in early Sep7agon days, but that was expected, so I can't judge.
I don't mean just me specifically. Sorry, I should have specified that it happens to everybody on here in some form or another.

Literally only person that was bugging you was Chally (and Banjo; I'll count them as one person because they literally come at the same time, go away at the same time, like each other posts and so on), why you would allow him to get on your nerves considering that he gets banned almost everywhere he sets his foot is beyond me. I've been looking at your topics and I don't see people not caring about you either, quite the opposite: literally two members ask you to talk about your life. So, why not?

The Flood / Re: bojack horseman is pretty cool
« on: March 18, 2020, 02:37:27 PM »
Sneek peak at my bingo board


bingo cards are 5x5 with a freespace though, that's just a bing card
That's why it's sneak peek, I didn't have time to finish it up.

The Flood / Re: bojack horseman is pretty cool
« on: March 18, 2020, 11:33:12 AM »
Sneek peak at my bingo board

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 18, 2020, 10:55:37 AM »
Literally only person that was bugging you was Chally (and Banjo; I'll count them as one person because they literally come at the same time, go away at the same time, like each other posts and so on), why you would allow him to get on your nerves considering that he gets banned almost everywhere he sets his foot is beyond me. I've been looking at your topics and I don't see people not caring about you either, quite the opposite: literally two members ask you to talk about your life. So, why not?
Activity in and of itself wasn't much of an issue five or so years ago. The problem is there's no real reason to talk about yourself at this point because people either don't care, get annoyed/frustrated, or will just straight up use it against you with aggressive hostility.

I said goodbye to several friends Sunday night who were college interns forced to go back home after work in Disney shut down. I have several pictures I'd like to share; but what's the point if I'm just going to get shit for it?

Now, when we have virus going on, do you think we going to have people post more? I really wish so, because I'm curious how everyone of you are doing these days and what are your interests in general.

The Flood / Re: bojack horseman is pretty cool
« on: March 18, 2020, 09:02:26 AM »
Okay, I just watched the first episode.

This is an show about a couple of degenerates in a fantasy setting who go from brothel to brothel to fuck as many anthropomorphic animal girls and monster girls as possible, posting reviews about their experiences all the while. It's surprisingly explicit, even for an ecchi show, but it's all just supposed to be funny, I guess. There's a lot of epic gamer jokes thrown in to appeal to the nerdy RPG crowd, and absolutely nothing is taken seriously (as one would hope).

Clearly, this is one of those "take it or leave it" kind of shows, where it's pretty much as enjoyable as you want it to be. If you're a 12-year-old zoomer, you'll find the show hilarious. If you're a normie, you'll be confused and disturbed. If you're a porn addict, then it's probably too boring and vanilla for you, but you'll masturbate to it anyway, because an orgasm is an orgasm. If you're a feminist, it will disgust and offend you.

Shows like this, where you can accurately predict exactly how certain types of people will react to them just by reading off the premise, are extremely fucking boring to me, because there's very little room for discussion. You either like the show because it gets your rocks off, or you don't because it doesn't. There's virtually no way to dissuade someone from watching a show like this if they've already latched themselves onto the premise, and on the same token, there's virtually no way to persuade someone like me into believing it has any merit or value whatsoever.

The fact that the show doesn't try to be anything more than what it is is somewhat respectable, but that's not something I feel inclined to give it any points for—nor do I feel inclined to give it points for anything else. I won't complain about how asinine the plot is, because that's the whole point—but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Naturally, this extends to the characters as well, who are all dogshit.

The art style is atrocious, which is a big problem in a show that's trying to be sexually titillating, and for a comedy, it's not even a little bit funny. I can only laugh at the idea that any of the show's jokes are supposed to be funny—and if that's the intent, I still don't consider that a good thing, because it's a kind of laughter that comes from a place of annoyance and exasperation and hatred, rather than a place of genuine enjoyment or appreciation.

A person who enjoys a show like this is a person I will never understand.


take THAT, shitty japanese cartoon that i don't have to watch
Damn, there is hentai with better plot line than this.
first popular show of the decade btw
Remember SAO? Lol. Anyway, since you still watch stuff like anime, guess you could still watch these titles:

Tatami Galaxy
Ping Pong
Mardock Scramble

and have some good time, I think. Meanwhile I'll bet with myself on how you will rate them.

The Flood / Re: This virus is literally a non issue to me
« on: March 18, 2020, 08:29:10 AM »
you are definitely a character
Not a real character too!

The Flood / Re: bojack horseman is pretty cool
« on: March 18, 2020, 08:26:52 AM »
review interspecies reviwer

its right up your alley
Okay, I just watched the first episode.

This is an show about a couple of degenerates in a fantasy setting who go from brothel to brothel to fuck as many anthropomorphic animal girls and monster girls as possible, posting reviews about their experiences all the while. It's surprisingly explicit, even for an ecchi show, but it's all just supposed to be funny, I guess. There's a lot of epic gamer jokes thrown in to appeal to the nerdy RPG crowd, and absolutely nothing is taken seriously (as one would hope).

Clearly, this is one of those "take it or leave it" kind of shows, where it's pretty much as enjoyable as you want it to be. If you're a 12-year-old zoomer, you'll find the show hilarious. If you're a normie, you'll be confused and disturbed. If you're a porn addict, then it's probably too boring and vanilla for you, but you'll masturbate to it anyway, because an orgasm is an orgasm. If you're a feminist, it will disgust and offend you.

Shows like this, where you can accurately predict exactly how certain types of people will react to them just by reading off the premise, are extremely fucking boring to me, because there's very little room for discussion. You either like the show because it gets your rocks off, or you don't because it doesn't. There's virtually no way to dissuade someone from watching a show like this if they've already latched themselves onto the premise, and on the same token, there's virtually no way to persuade someone like me into believing it has any merit or value whatsoever.

The fact that the show doesn't try to be anything more than what it is is somewhat respectable, but that's not something I feel inclined to give it any points for—nor do I feel inclined to give it points for anything else. I won't complain about how asinine the plot is, because that's the whole point—but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Naturally, this extends to the characters as well, who are all dogshit.

The art style is atrocious, which is a big problem in a show that's trying to be sexually titillating, and for a comedy, it's not even a little bit funny. I can only laugh at the idea that any of the show's jokes are supposed to be funny—and if that's the intent, I still don't consider that a good thing, because it's a kind of laughter that comes from a place of annoyance and exasperation and hatred, rather than a place of genuine enjoyment or appreciation.

A person who enjoys a show like this is a person I will never understand.


take THAT, shitty japanese cartoon that i don't have to watch
Damn, there is hentai with better plot line than this.

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 18, 2020, 01:23:03 AM »
on a weird impulse, i considered buying some kind of drawing device and learning how to draw, just to develop some other dumbass worthless skill, if only to say that i have two of them

but that's a lot of money to spend on something that might be a waste of time and effort (not unlike anything else, though)
Imagine that you are living in a shitty country, your family doesn't have an income because some asshole fired last working person in your family for not paying for her workplace despite 18 years of experience and you have to serve in the military, leaving family  without income for a year. Your drawing impulse will go away immideately.

If it won't, draw on paper with regular pencil instead. After 5 minutes of drawing you'll come to that epiphany that you need to put a lot of effort to get anything done, leave your drawing and never have that impulse ever again.

If it does come back though, take that drawing you make and draw for another 5 minutes, then step back and compare your perfomance between this and previous attempt, become disappointed and drop it.

If THAT didn't help, well, congratulations! You seem to have a superhuman power called "passion" and so you might continue to draw until you are satisfied and maybe something good will come out, good enough for your family to sell it after you die (since art all of sudden costs more after artist dies).

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 18, 2020, 12:23:36 AM »
Now, when we have virus going on, do you think we going to have people post more? I really wish so, because I'm curious how everyone of you are doiing these days and what are your interests in general.

The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 18, 2020, 12:02:02 AM »
Well, pretty sure if I were in it, that would be anime.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 17, 2020, 01:48:37 PM »
I miss my laptop with linux so much that I'll probably install KNOPPIX on a USB stick and give it a try. It's a lightweight linux distro that doesn't need to be installed on a hard drive and can be used from USB, I'll use it to continue learning while tech guru fixes my laptop hardware.

The Flood / Re: This virus is literally a non issue to me
« on: March 17, 2020, 12:42:13 PM »
Yes, yes, I know that no matter how deadly virus is, retarded people will not die out, thank you for reminding me.

The Flood / Re: bojack horseman is pretty cool
« on: March 17, 2020, 10:28:27 AM »
review interspecies reviwer

its right up your alley
Verb doesn't review hentai though
i also don't watch shows that are ongoing, but i could just do it anyway for the memes

You know, I remember you making a statement a while back about weeboos with cogitative dissonance about sexualisation in anime where they'd claim it's tame or nonexistent but in reality it gets to be borderline pornographic.
Well that's literally this show and its fanbase but infinitely worse.

Like this is legit outright porn full blast, but the genitalia and penetration are just barely not shown by literal pixel distances. Absolutely every other explicit detail is shown with bodily fluids splattered all over the full frontal nudity. Hell i'd argue it technically does show genitalia when one of the participants is a slime or a tentacle monster if you want to get technical. 

Literally  every fucking weeb argues with me that this shit is somehow not porn and totally safe for work or public broadcast/viewing. How the fuck did we end up here?

But it still better because those boundaries are clearly defined. Also if it's sfw by that definition, it doesn't free you from people being aware about your values and depending on place you presented an artwork, it might play for or against you.

The Flood / Re: bojack horseman is pretty cool
« on: March 17, 2020, 08:43:32 AM »
review interspecies reviwer

its right up your alley

Verb doesn't review hentai though
Ah, right, Golden Boy is ecchi, not hentai. Right...

P.S: I hate my phone.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 17, 2020, 08:19:07 AM »
Preferred dick shape?
Speaking of dicks, today I had an interesting dream. I was peeing and suddenly my dick falls off together with balls and on it's place a new set of dick and balls grew, then I came a lot with it until my balls were empty.

I should take that this is how my brain  interpreted my problem with laptop. I guess it's either laptop=dick, so I probably have to buy a new one (grow a new dick) or it's part of laptop=dick, maybe even hard drive, so when it gets replaced there probably be windows, which I'll trash (cum) so my hard drive leaves empty (empty balls) and then I'll install Linux.


The Flood / Re: How are you going to spend your time during Corona?
« on: March 17, 2020, 05:14:03 AM »
Learning Linux when I have access to my mom's PC and working out or rest when I don't. Help my mom. Not really different from what I did before coronavirus.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 17, 2020, 05:09:49 AM »
what is your favorite pasta
Spaghetti, I think. I like them in a chicken soup too.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: March 16, 2020, 12:39:44 PM »
Employee: *Literally blown in half with malaria, cancer and a Xenomorph*
Company: "You're still coming to work right"

Meme Flu: *Less than 2% mortality rate*
Company: "Work machine canceled"

The issue with this flu isn't the mortality rate, it's the fact that it's apparently so highly infectious and adaptable. I don't know if the rumors are true, but I hear that corona is now capable of making the jump to dogs, therefore enabling them to be carriers(if the rumors and talk is true at least)

The problem with viruses is that they mutate constantly. While the mortality rate of corona isn't really something to write home about, imagine what would happen if it developed a new strain that had a higher mortality rate and retained it's highly infectious qualities? We'd be looking at spanish flu all over again.

If anything, this whole charade is a warning that nobody really takes the threat of viruses seriously and nor do we have remotely near enough effective systems in place to deal with what's otherwise an evolutionary war that we're on the losing side of. Nevermind that, the work machine is taking hits mainly because of the stock market right now.

The problem with Corona is its low mortality rate - no one dies so they walk around spreading it to everyone else. The only non-spreaders are the risk groups of 60+ people.

There are benefits of course to wiping out a bunch of boomers that are most likely hogging up property, but these people are someones relatives and loved ones too. This panic is really about protecting those that are vulnerable.
The problem with coronavirus is that it's easy to mix up with regular flu and hard to detect in early stages.

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: March 16, 2020, 11:12:49 AM »


The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 16, 2020, 09:30:52 AM »
do you djent
I wish, I haven't touched my guitars in ever and I haven't spent enough time with them to learn to play.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 15, 2020, 01:29:56 PM »
Favourite time of the year and why?
Autum. Rain. Orange leaves. Rain blossom.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 15, 2020, 09:12:03 AM »
Meanwhile I spend time reading about Linux and listening to music from NES games, since I can't do such a wonderful thing as running NES emulator through WINE without my laptop. Oh well.
what NES games are you trying to play
Bubble Bobble Part 2 and Little Nemo -The Dream Master.  I also had in mind set up an emulator on my mom's PC so she could play her favorite games such as Super Mario Brothers and Snow Bros, but she doesn't seem to be interested right now.
I also been playing Kick Master and Goonies, was about to grab Final Mission(japanese version), my favorite shmup.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 15, 2020, 09:03:55 AM »
Meanwhile I spend time reading about Linux and listening to music from NES games, since I can't do such a wonderful thing as running NES emulator through WINE without my laptop. Oh well.

I assume this was adressed to my last post, so I'll respond. Bisquit is a finnish programmer that, among other things knows both C and C++ and he wrote an OpenGL engine (I think?) which uses raytracing back in 2011.

Another reason why is because by the time dr.torso return I might not be here anymore.

The Flood / Re: My laptop is temporary dead.
« on: March 12, 2020, 01:53:53 PM »
Preferred dick shape?
If it would go in my ass then a bit thin and long. Otherwise they all are fine.

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