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Messages - MarKhan

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The Flood / Re: What are you doing with your lives?
« on: May 29, 2020, 12:18:17 PM »
why is anal sex never brought up in sex ed when discussing contraceptive measures

Why is becoming addicted to hentai and disgusted with 3D girls never brought up in sex ed when discussing contraceptive measures
Why is hugging, holding hands or looking at the girls never brought up in sex ed when discussing contraceptive measures

The Flood / Re: What are you doing with your lives?
« on: May 29, 2020, 12:11:23 PM »
Nothing impressive or important

Fuck off.




The Flood / Re: When Did You Begin To Hate Life?
« on: May 26, 2020, 06:07:23 PM »
When Zelensky won president election year ago.
Tell me more.
There is so much to tell about what is going on that I don't even want to start. But today happened something exceptional. Spetsnaz (ukrainian analogy for Special forces for those who unaware) and who appears to be State Bureau of Investigation (who appears because they never showed their documents) today stormed and captured a museum in which our ex-president, Poroshenko, contributed a lot ukrainian and skifian works which he bought off from different countries and in which exhibiton was taking place at the moment, so I got to see the show live. For what (official) reason? Nobody knows. Neither it's legal. By the way, spetsnaz is still in there. 12 hours since it happened and they are still sitting there, doing god-knows-what. They haven't let anyone in either, neither journalists nor deputees.

Found a video.

Edit: actually I found out that Spetsnaz left 7 hours ago, and opposition news channels claim that they took some paintings and declarations for them. Also Poroshenko lawyer claims that he managed to see documents of one of State Bureau of Investigation employee that have been there, but that they were expired.

The Flood / Re: Learning an instrument
« on: May 26, 2020, 03:54:00 PM »
I always wanted to at least play piano. Instruments like guitar and violin been appealing for me too. But with time I realized that world needs professional drummers.

The Flood / Re: Learning an instrument
« on: May 26, 2020, 03:25:32 AM »
Yeah, I tried to learn guitar and piano. Now guitars lie in dust and piano as was out of tune still is out of tune.

I'm bad at keeping up regular practice and I have thought about my capability of forming habits and routine and while I'm good at building up routine I always end up consciously thinking about it instead of doing it automatically, even if I spent a lot of time doing it every day.

Also another problem with musical instruments and learning it is that you are not doing it in vacuum and that it won't sound great while you still learn.

The Flood / Re: When Did You Begin To Hate Life?
« on: May 24, 2020, 04:15:02 AM »
When Zelensky won president election year ago.

Gaming / Helltaker
« on: May 23, 2020, 06:53:47 AM »

Gaming / Re: The Mystic Eyes of Debt Perception (Fate/Thread)
« on: May 23, 2020, 06:45:17 AM »
Did they use random Word Generators for Melty Blood's titles?
They used Engrish.

The Flood / Re: Someone offered me $300 to make a sex tape
« on: May 23, 2020, 06:39:11 AM »
I would say that it's a legitimate work (more so considering COVID is outside), but then again I'm quite shameless on that aspect, so I don't think my vote counts.

Also, a sex tape? Client doesn't want to be in it, so does he wants it to be sex or you just jerking off in a sexy outfit? If he wants you just to jerk off then that's rather easy. Lack of toys can be replaced with different outfits and various poses. Maybe ask client what he would want to see. 

I remember also hearing someone paying 1200$ to someone to play with his mother (in a safe way) and they done it and was happy about that. I only heard this story about sex tapes though.

The Flood / Re: kittens
« on: May 22, 2020, 05:32:39 PM »

Serious / Re: Discussion: The Ego and Group Identity vs Criticism
« on: May 21, 2020, 04:13:15 PM »
It's a quote from second KOTOR by Kreia. To believe into something is to show your confidence in it, in that it will be successful or, in current context, that it will withstand critique. You can't have full confidence in something that you haven't thoroughly checked, and so you have to check everything. But in checking you automatically admit to possibility that the thing in check is flawed and that you betray it for something better.
That certainly sounds like Kreia! What of axioms? As knowledge that is self-evidently true, there is no need to question it. From there, it seems there are two types of knowledge: certain and uncertain knowledge. How would you identify the differences between the two?
Well, I would place all knowledge into uncertain as a starting point, then I would validate it by communicating it with others, directly (for example by asking questions) or not (by reading books, papers, internet), by thinking about it and by putting it into practice (like setting up prototypes, experiments and doing bunch of tests then putting it in use into real world to see how it performs). And even if I would do all of that and it passed all those checks, I would often come up only with sufficent knowledge that I would evaluate as enough to rely on it, but would it be certain? No. It would get closer to certain each time I try to validate it, but there is so much to consider. Context in which knowledge manifests. Changes that time brings. My own memory and that I can make mistakes in knowledge itself, in how I test it, how I define it and so on.

Axioms aren't a certain knowledge, they are a piece of data. The difference between knowledge and data is that knowledge is not just says what the thing is, but also it's application. So for example a*b = b*a is true in algebra, but if I tried to apply multiplication to matrixes, A*B might not equal B*A.

Gaming / Re: EVO Online 2020
« on: May 20, 2020, 03:19:15 PM »
Also everyone thinks that Skullgirls is shit, mainly because player offence in it heavy relies on ambiquous resets (to which defender can't react) . After experiencing it first hand on my wifi shared with neighbours minimal speed network, I can tell that it's the case. At least game has tutorial and nice artstyle, but when it comes to gameplay with all those resets... Oof

Gaming / Re: EVO Online 2020
« on: May 20, 2020, 03:14:59 PM »
Hope more fighting games adopt GGPO with it's rollback, it went open source in October of last year.

Serious / Re: Discussion: The Ego and Group Identity vs Criticism
« on: May 20, 2020, 03:07:12 PM »
Honestly, sometimes I wish we lived in perfect world where unsolvable problems wouldn't exist. But then humanity as it is now would not exist either.

Unsolvable problems don't exist. It couldn't even be classified as a problem if its counterpart didn't exist. The only type of problem that exists is one where the solution hasn't been found yet.
Quite an optimistic look, I hope you are right.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:14:53 AM »
Here's my old rainstick from 2016!

Yours as you made it yourself?

The Flood / Re: Covid lockdown status update
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:10:52 AM »
Oh lol, this thread grew into 3 pages without me noticing it. Wow, oh well.

Workout, huh? I do some pushups everyday everytime after I wake up. Living up to my childhood dream of becoming an coldblooded assassin.

The Flood / Re: Sleep deprivaion
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:04:03 AM »
Drugs be like

Serious / Re: Discussion: The Ego and Group Identity vs Criticism
« on: May 20, 2020, 10:00:31 AM »
Never. From what I read there have been a lot of people blindly following ideas and it caused a lot of deaths. Never become slave to ideolodgy, always look for opportunity for reshaping it into something better, because good is the enemy of better, and the world changes every day. Keep critical thinking on, don't trust anything, even don't trust yourself and ideas that you took for your own that in fact might own you.
We are molded by our environments; it's silly to think that we couldn't pick up some nasty understandings along the way. Exposing one's self to criticism is the most honest way to develop; it will sting sometimes, and there will be plenty of cringing down the road, but ultimately it makes one a better person.
I'm terribly sorry, I misinterpreted a question in a way that changed it meaning to an opposite one. In particular I missed a first half of question (At what point ought one call into question how they identify themselves?) and gave response to only second part (At what point ought one define themselves by external subjects?) which I interpreted as "At what point ought one define themselves by the ideal they carry out?" but it seems that even here I misinterpreted a question and it should've been "At what point ought one to update their ideals to changes in outside world?".

I agree that we have to expose ourselves to criticism and not hold onto ideas and definitions we have, because as you said whatever we picked might be nasty and better alternative can be found and also because world changes every day those ideas won't hold true forever.

To believe in a ideal is to be willing to betray it.
Interesting concept. Could you expand a bit?
It's a quote from second KOTOR by Kreia. To believe into something is to show your confidence in it, in that it will be successful or, in current context, that it will withstand critique. You can't have full confidence in something that you haven't thoroughly checked, and so you have to check everything. But in checking you automatically admit to possibility that the thing in check is flawed and that you betray it for something better.

If you aren't willing to subject an ideal to critique, even one that coming from yourself, you can't say that you have a confidence in what is being critiqued.

Whether it's okay or not depends on how you presented it and your intentions. You can criticise without knowing full material behind topic but you have to let whoever you criticise know what gaps in knowledge you have, whether you do it or not showcases whether your intentions are good for who are you criticising or not and whether you want to learn. Even if you don't know full extent of problem you are criticising it still might be good for who you criticise as showcased in example above.
I'm uncertain of the general application of debate outside of a neutral setting with monitors. Cults and conspiracy theorists infect people through rigorous (and insidiously deceptive) debate. Argument can be dangerous, and if you're not on your toes you can end up helping spread disinformation.
Yeah, that's why we need to keep critical thinking on, don't trust anything and always look to fill the gaps in information we receive.

Unfortunately not always (usually never, especially when it comes down to a miniscule details) we can fill the knowledge gaps and not always we have resources or can afford to spend them (time or attention, specifically) to validate the critique and that's a big problem. That said, sometimes we have to critique, or engage in debate or discussion even with gaps in knowledge even in a complex domains such as politics or business, because it is a feedback and without feedback ideas might not adapt and will stagnate with time.

Honestly, sometimes I wish we lived in perfect world where unsolvable problems wouldn't exist. But then humanity as it is now would not exist either.

Serious / Re: Discussion: The Ego and Group Identity vs Criticism
« on: May 19, 2020, 06:34:42 PM »
How strongly should we consider the argument of "othered" persons or groups?
To believe in a ideal is to be willing to betray it. Well constructed criticism should be, if possible, always considered, whoever was constructing it put effort in it. Regardless of what purpose criticism served, if we can get a better idea (be it same idea but sharpened or entirely different thing) or at very least recognize the flaws in our current one, it would make us more prepared for the future and give us ability to design whatever idea we have in mind better.

More often than not though we can be faced with poorly constructed criticism or even some petty insults, and it's not always easy to work through it and maybe concerns in it aren't worth attention and will get ignored, however we should keep an eye on those too, if we are able to. If some concern is expressed multiple times there might be something that we missed. Note that people ability to communicate and their knowledge is limited, so even if they wanted to they can't provide comprehensive enough criticism for us to figure out what is wrong. In that case we should guess in what domain problem might be and seek for criticism from someone who can find what is wrong.

I drew a picture of horse, very detailed, with background, and most of people liked it. However there been people that said that it looks a little bit odd for them, but they can't put their finger on what exactly was wrong. So I found an artist much more competent than me and asked him what he thinks about my drawing and he immediately told me that anatomy of my horse was wack here, here and here and that realism of horse and realism of background doesn't match.

When is it okay to censure one prior to engaging in material?
Whether it's okay or not depends on how you presented it and your intentions. You can criticise without knowing full material behind topic but you have to let whoever you criticise know what gaps in knowledge you have, whether you do it or not showcases whether your intentions are good for who are you criticising or not and whether you want to learn. Even if you don't know full extent of problem you are criticising it still might be good for who you criticise as showcased in example above.

When is criticism necessary and when is it pedantic?

I might miss something here, but I can pinpoint some points when I think criticism is pedantic. Criticism is pedantic when you don't care about topic (so you do it purely for the sake of giving critique or maybe you just don't like people behind ideas and you want to critique them on any idea they have) and it's also pedantic when you criticise the idea you already agree with so critique serves here as reminder of drawbacks of what idea you are going with.

"When is criticism necessary?" is a hard question for me. Necessary for who? In case it was necessary for me to take keyboard and write a careful surgery in a foreign language where I try to consider every outcome, intersept every response, it's sure not for pedantic reasons. It might be topic I'm interested in very much or maybe someone stepped on my values (despite how little of them I might have).

If it's necessary for idea or individual following certain idea, it might be both necessary for them and pedantic from me at the same time. Now that I think about it, whether it's pedantic is quite subjective too. It might seem pedantic from the perspective of person being criticized, but the critic might actually seek knowledge and mutual gain under the premise of critique.

Hard question indeed. I should read more, maybe there is something more basic underneath of the critique model and then those questions can be reconstructed using more basic ideas and then answered with more precision.

Finally, the most broad question: at what point ought one call into question how they identify themselves, or define themselves by external subjects?
Never. From what I read there have been a lot of people blindly following ideas and it caused a lot of deaths. Never become slave to ideolodgy, always look for opportunity for reshaping it into something better, because good is the enemy of better, and the world changes every day. Keep critical thinking on, don't trust anything, even don't trust yourself and ideas that you took for your own that in fact might own you.

The Flood / Re: Sure, Carmen
« on: May 19, 2020, 03:59:25 PM »
I'm so fucking glad I muted Class long time ago and that my eyes don't see his posts.

The Flood / Re: What did I miss?
« on: May 19, 2020, 03:57:34 PM »
I vanquished Loaf.
Requesting vanquishing SecondClass

I vanquished Loaf.
Requesting banning Second Class or at least exiling him/her/w/e into Anarchy so he couldn't post on any other board.

The Flood / Re: What did I miss?
« on: May 19, 2020, 02:57:43 PM »
Second Class being on another level of annoying. Anarchy being open for a long while because something. Some old members popping up here and there. Some new members appearing. Err... I don't remember anything else really.

The Flood / Re: Attack on Titan is good
« on: May 19, 2020, 02:53:27 PM »
First post from Flee in a long while and it's about Flee liking anime...

Something is very wrong.

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