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« on: May 12, 2015, 10:12:41 PM »
I would chime in my opinion but I don't think I'm in the mood for an autistic vegan sperg out.
All I'm gonna say is I like eating meat both because I like it, and it pisses of sanctimonious vegans with sticks up their arses, yourself being a prime example.
Perhaps read through the thread and get a decent understanding of the subject before assuming there's nothing valuable to discuss?
So you're telling me not to assume despite the fact that you just assumed I hadn't read the thread?
I think it's clear that you haven't. Nobody with any sincerity would read the exchanges in this thread and then chalk it up to an "autistic vegan sperg out".
But I have and I would, and now you're only proving my point.
Well, let's take it back a notch then. What parts of my position (or Verb's) do you find objectionable? Assuming there are any, of course.
Either way, I'd rather "kill the world with CO2 pollution" than kill animals for our gain. MUCH rather.
How about that for starters. It's OK if everyone and everything die miserably just so long as nobody had a burger. That's what relay counts right.
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:31:07 PM »
If we we're to ever as an entire species to stop eating meat we would have to euthenise metric Fuck-tons of cows and other farm animals to stop some ridiculous environmental disasters including overabundance of CO2 and overpopulation and overgrazing or a combination of all. In the end everything dies and this whole "morality of killing sentient life" thing comes back and sucker punches you in the face.
Or better yet, in triggers climate change. Have fun being a vegan in the next Ice Age or when the heat ruins our ability to produce enough crops for everyone.
We would also need to massively increase the amount of crops that we produce. In fact we would have to bring new crops to different places that they were not ....remember the last time we over-saturated the land with crops they couldn't sustain?
 it want fun for the Cows either
can you say "slippery slope"
provide hard evidence that all of this stuff would DEFINITELY happen if we stopped eating animals
I am actualy trying. I know for a fact there is major evidence that proves releasing all of our animals would absoluty Shrek the environment. One of them had to do with some occurrence with a fuck ton of horses being released and fucking shit up in general. I will definitely get back to you on this. just give me a bit of time
« on: May 12, 2015, 09:18:17 PM »
If we we're to ever as an entire species to stop eating meat we would have to euthenise metric Fuck-tons of cows and other farm animals to stop some ridiculous environmental disasters including overabundance of CO2 and overpopulation and overgrazing or a combination of all. In the end everything dies and this whole "morality of killing sentient life" thing comes back and sucker punches you in the face. Or better yet, in triggers climate change. Have fun being a vegan in the next Ice Age or when the heat ruins our ability to produce enough crops for everyone. We would also need to massively increase the amount of crops that we produce. In fact we would have to bring new crops to different places that they were not ....remember the last time we over-saturated the land with crops they couldn't sustain?  it want fun for the Cows either
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:57:47 PM »
MCCs forge is bugged to hell. They aren't even playable if they are too complex
I can never get enough of that video
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:46:37 PM »
THey've already managed to break me I am going to enjoy it there
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:35:38 PM »
Not this put everyone into a winter coat so there's no chance that we might find them sexually attractive nonsense.
Until Anita complains that we are pandering to people with parka fettishes as well as denying women their sexual identity Checkmate Cis Scun
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:30:29 PM »
Well shit, remember when the PS3 controller looked like shit and the Nintendo Revolution was a thing

that controller would have been better than the actual one
I played Blops 2 on a PS3 in a sony store once. My hands hurt for a week
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:08:25 PM »
Rotating avatars
« on: May 12, 2015, 06:03:00 PM »
MCCs forge is bugged to hell. They aren't even playable if they are too complex
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:59:56 PM »
Either way, I'd rather "kill the world with CO2 pollution" than kill animals for our gain. MUCH rather.
 you may want to concider revising that
« on: May 12, 2015, 05:00:48 PM »
Wow, Tiger I used to think you were an OK guy until I saw this.
Anyway, It's nice to see the Halo Archive people back here, I keep putting it off but I realy need to start visiting your site. By the way what the hell ever happened to Lord Of Admirals?
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:16:10 PM »
So even the slightest bit of skin is sexualization now? I specifically used the word "mild". Come on now.
The amount of skin shown is not the point. There are specific parts of the female body that males find enticing, and the midriff happens to be one of them. So yes, a character bearing his or her midriff is an example of sexualization. Mostly her.
Yet when the same concept is applied in reverse (ie Thor) it's twisted into "Male Power Fantasy and not eye candy for women. Which is hilarious because when a character like Bayoneytta is intentionally designed as a power fantasy Anita still tries to wave it off. Why do feminists feel so comfortable with this double standard?
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:07:58 PM »
Id love to hear what she thinks about Lightning.
Probably dismisses every good point about her because shes showing some legs lol Rarely does she ever dismiss the good points, though. In the video I posted, she described Jade's top as "silly", so as to be impractical (and a mild example of sexualization, because it displays her midriff), but proceeded to spend the rest of the video describing her good qualities. That's two seconds of criticism for another eleven minutes of praise.
Feminists do not have the one-track minds you seem to think they have.
Exept when the blatantly lies and stretches the truth or using double standards to reinterprets things in the most rediculous and unintended ways to make her points (see: Hitman, Mass Effect ect)
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:51:48 PM »
Also. OffTopic I just want to appologise for acting like a cunt to you in the past. I disagree with just about all of your veiwpoints. I dont think I will ever agree with them, but that does not justify my acting like a prick. I do think you're a pretty cool guy when you're discusssing Nintendo related stuff or on the very rare occasion when you crack a joke.
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:48:29 PM »
Honest question. Do you post these to intentional start a shitstorm, because you know that's all this will result in, right? I don't think the last one ended in a shitstorm. Maybe it did. I don't remember. But I think most people just let it die.
If you actually watch the damn video, though, I really don't see how anything she's saying could be considered objectionable in any way. Then again, I do identify as a feminist, so I guess I'm biased.
Sory but I'm not giving her Ad revenue.
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:35:47 PM »
Honest question. Do you post these to intentional start a shitstorm, because you know that's all this will result in, right?
Nobody here other than you has any positive feelings tward Anita Sarkeesian (and with good reason) You wont start any well meaning discussion posing here. All you're going to get is a bunch of comments reiterating on why she is a massive cunt.
« on: May 12, 2015, 11:45:13 AM »
Do you believe in God?
If not, this is NO better than telling vegans that "God placed animals here to be eaten. God says so." Wernt you calling people out for making the same kind of argument before? You are making a really shitty argument from nature here. You treat evolution as an infallible force that we should all follow for no reason. Evolution does not necessitate a "good" existence, or a "better" existence. All evolution does is make it easier for us to survive, that's it. Nowhere does it say, "eating meat is absolutely okay." We were evolved in a way that we need the nutrients from both plants and animals to be healthy. if you need suplements because your diet is deficient in that particular nutrent then clearly youre doing something wrong. The cows aren't going to go on and discover the the cure to HIV, or the secret to Faster Than Light travel if I don't eat them. The food chain has always existed ever sice an animal could crawl. You're not going to change it by calling everybody a cunt.
If your problem is with the way animals are treated, or having inhumane methods of extinguishing them, then fight about that instead of trying to force an extreme lifestyle on everyone else and then getting mad when they don't want to comply. Fighting the treatment of animals NECESSITATES everyone becoming a vegan.
In order to stop the meat industry, you have to boycott it. You HAVE to. Boycotting = veganism.
Alternatively, we could have and enforce stricter humane laws in regards to the treatment of animals being used for consunsumption.
« on: May 12, 2015, 11:17:49 AM »
I don't understand why vegans try to use pseudo-science to try to fight against something that the human body (as well as a good portion of other sentient life on the planet) was naturally evolved to do, and then try to act moraly superior for it.
If your problem is with the way animals are treated, or having inhumane methods of extinguishing them, then fight about that instead of trying to force an extreme lifestyle on everyone else and then getting mad when they don't want to comply.
also...dust bowl 2.0
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:33:06 AM »
At least we'll actually get something about them instead of just a dumb forum entry.
343 for some reason does not know how to kill off characters right. Black Team was bad enough, but that was one thing. Could you imagine if they permanently killed off someone like Thor or Batman in a forum post?
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:30:24 AM »
I have a very strong feeling that if these tree huggers were to get their way they would end up causing the Dust Bowl 2.0
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:27:54 AM »
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:27:24 AM »
It's too late....343 already killed them off in a forum post
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:15:18 AM »'s going to be in the new novel, and they are probably going to get Black Team'd by innies from the sound of it. I dont want this to happen. Why are you doing this 343? Why would you kill them off in a forum post to begin with? Why are you killing everybody? STOP BUTCHERING CHARACTERS!!!
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:52:43 AM »
Are you self-diagnosed?
Doctor Elegiac diagnosed me
you skipped me, you racist patriarchal transphobic shitlord
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:42:03 AM »
psssh... nothing personnel... kid...
Stop showing everyone my DeviantArt you piece of shit
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:33:49 AM »
words cannot describe the depth of my hatred for the sonic franchise and all of thise cringy ear-rape noises the creators call "music" I get headaches and naussia every-time my retard "freinds" have that shit playing in Smash Bros.
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:08:42 PM »
I agree he's a prick but his Halo insight is why I put up with him
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:05:06 PM »
So who else is hype for New Horizons next month
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:43:47 PM »
What if I told you your face is symmetrical?
I assure you it is anything but
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