Serious / Re: Islamaphobic micro-aggression
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:07:34 PM »
>people still think islamaphobia isnt real
This section allows you to view all posts made by this member. Note that you can only see posts made in areas you currently have access to. 9361
Serious / Re: Islamaphobic micro-aggression« on: May 31, 2015, 06:07:34 PM »
>people still think islamaphobia isnt real
Serious / Re: Which user are you closest too politically?« on: May 31, 2015, 05:48:12 PM »
Nobody here since im not a athiest, vegan or sjw, and at the same time i'm not a racist gun nut who thinks poor people are trash
The Flood / Re: Is there a difference between hunting for sport and hunting for food?« on: May 31, 2015, 05:41:46 PM »exept that is literaly exacly exact you do. Just Look at one of the first responses you made im this thread, and let's not forget what ended the last veganism thread. You wanna know why I never responed to you there? Because I cant stand reading a poorly layed out wall of text. When I want to read for half an hour I will find a news article or a book or go on wikipedia i cant find anything, not have some vegan on a forum were I talk about games make up a wall of text by quoting half a scentene out of context and then moving onto the next half sentence before repeating, creating a chopped up abomination that hurts to look at in the process.But I don't think that. That's called a straw-man-ad-hominem-generalization.I dont feel like arguing walls of text with two even bigger oppinionated brick walls. Espesialy when they literaly think blowing up the world is a good idea.Oh god not this shit again.Wow. This is one topic where you really aren't willing to think rationally, huh? Arguing with you is pointles anyway. Youre not actuly concidering anything anyone says other than your "holyer than thou" two man circle-jerk. Probably a fuck ton of grammar and pelling mistakes in this post.. not going to correct them. Typing on xbone is worse than being a vegan 9365
The Flood / Re: Is there a difference between hunting for sport and hunting for food?« on: May 31, 2015, 05:12:37 PM »I dont feel like arguing walls of text against two even biggerOh god not this shit again.Wow. This is one topic where you really aren't willing to think rationally, huh? brick walls of oppinions. Espesialy when they literaly think blowing up the world is a good idea. 9367
The Flood / Re: Is there a difference between hunting for sport and hunting for food?« on: May 31, 2015, 02:48:41 PM »
Oh god not this shit again.
INB4 OP makes a wall of text responce to this trying to counterpoint every single letter with it's own wall of text like he/ she always doed, and then Verb threatens to blow up the universe again. These PETA level threads make me want to go to an animal reserve with an LSAT just to piss off vegans 9368
The Flood / Re: Modern anime is disgusting.« on: May 30, 2015, 11:17:11 PM »
Because THIS shit wasn't considered normal in old anime
YouTube 9369
The Flood / Re: Modern anime is disgusting.« on: May 30, 2015, 10:58:34 PM »i swear, every thread like this immediately gets swarmed by the weebsThere is a cure. It's called Uranium 235 9370
The Flood / Re: Tru's butt« on: May 30, 2015, 09:36:23 PM »
What an ass
I'll go stand in the corner now 9371
The Flood / Re: Modern anime is disgusting.« on: May 30, 2015, 09:21:18 PM »
No number of nukes will ever cleanse this planet of the sin that is anime
This is what our species has come to Verbatim was right all along. We all deserve to die YouTube (I fully support in advanced LC's decision to permaban me for posting this) 9372
The Flood / Re: Post Here And I'll Give You A Cute Picture/Gif« on: May 30, 2015, 09:00:36 PM »
The Flood / Re: I really do love raping« on: May 30, 2015, 08:57:40 PM »
I knew you were Lonepaul this whole time
Gaming / Re: Is BUNGiEvision going to ruin Marathon?« on: May 30, 2015, 08:25:16 PM »What are you talking about? Bungie is making another Marathon game 9375
Gaming / Is BUNGiEvision going to ruin Marathon?« on: May 30, 2015, 07:37:15 PM »
I personaly never got to play MArathon, but if BUNGiE wants to continue with the kind of work they did on Pre-HoW Destiny and pull the same kind of bussiness model of having to shell out money to finish a less than half baked game I dont see how it could be any good
Gaming / Re: Top 10 reasons Halo 5 will kill Halo« on: May 30, 2015, 03:11:02 PM »oh, i didn't realize this wasn't a serious threadI guess I didnt get that memo either, but I guess that's what happens when you have people who gained their capacity for actualy reading OPs from B.Net Mods can lock this thread, and my account too if they feel like it. 9377
Gaming / Re: 343 says fuck you Destiny« on: May 30, 2015, 02:58:35 PM »YouTube They replaced Muh Marty with this shit. 3v4Industries is brokering canoes again 9378
Gaming / Re: Top 10 reasons Halo 5 will kill Halo« on: May 30, 2015, 09:16:45 AM »lol just waiting for the Destiny/Halo crossover, UNSC gonna get rekt by the guardians Quote Destiny MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS 9379
Gaming / Re: Top 10 reasons Halo 5 will kill Halo« on: May 30, 2015, 02:00:57 AM »
I love how this thread is nothing but weebs and an EdgyTeen
Why again am I here and not on Halo Archive? 9380
Gaming / Re: Top 10 reasons Halo 5 will kill Halo« on: May 30, 2015, 01:35:51 AM »Killing out of hate for the character?Got news for ya Oh come on. If 343 actualy killed charachters just because they didnt like them we all know Hasley would be a massive hole in the ground by now 9381
Gaming / Re: Top 10 reasons Halo 5 will kill Halo« on: May 30, 2015, 01:29:28 AM »Got news for ya And you've been dead ever since chapter 13, bitch 9382
Gaming / Top 10 reasons Halo 5 will kill Halo« on: May 30, 2015, 01:13:05 AM »
Be careful I meditated for hours channeling my inner autism to bring you this
10) HUNTtheTRUTH The trailer clearly shows Halo 5 (the Blue Halo man) killing Halo 1 (The green Halo man from all the other games) if this is not proof enough I dont know what is 9) Sprint Everyone knows Halo cannot run, but Halo 5 can. Halo 5 can also climb over stuff which makes him better. Armor Abilites Halo can only use one armor ability at a time. Halo 5 has like a million at the same time, including Armor Locke and all the supers from Destiny the best game ever becasue BUNGiE made it. Halo cannot beat someone with more armor abilities 7)ADS Halo cannot aim down the sights of his gun, but halo 5 can so Halo 5 has the advantage in terms of skill 6) Armor Design Halo 5 is silver, Halo is green. Illuminati is green paper. Scisors cut paper and are silver therefore Halo 5 > Halo 5)Racism Halo 5 is black so if you dont like him that makes you a racist 4)Halo is proabbly a bad guy His freinds are robots and aliens. Anyone smart enough to watch moves know that aliens and robots are bad 3)Chief's Geass Someone told me that Master Chief has the Didact's Geass. The didact is a bad guy and I don't like Code Geass because it was too hard to understand and the good guy dies at the end which makes me sad. I like Sword Art Online better becasue Kirito is like the best at all the video games in the world. 2)BDobbins said so I dint watch the video because it was too long but it got alot of veiws so it must be true 1) Halo is a loser He drives an ugly Jeep, kisses robot girls and has cooties. Halo 5 is a police officer like my dad which is cool because the police get guns and look cars with lights. 9383
Gaming / Re: If 343 adds mix and matching armor in the MCC« on: May 28, 2015, 03:31:28 AM »Still better than what Halo 5 will be>PSUposting 9384
The Flood / Re: So I found this today... [readers be advised]« on: May 27, 2015, 03:13:44 AM »
>comes into thread.
>see's OP >"damn that is morbi-" >See's OP's Avatar >Incest Art Online >Cue Rege induded PTSD flashaback of some war I wan't even a part of >TFW Too tired to post irrelevant wall of text ranting about how bad SAO is >TFW I am a dragon with no face I watched Air crash investigation instead of cartoons when I was younger-so these are just interesting rather than scaryI thought I was the only one who did this 9385
Gaming / I visited Nintendo's server room for their online games AMA« on: May 27, 2015, 01:03:07 AM »I snapped a picture of the servers while I was there. Spoiler For the love of our Holy lord Jesus Christ Sm4sh need a region filter so bad 9386
Serious / Re: Wisconsin bans poor people from buying potatoes« on: May 26, 2015, 04:26:30 PM »Well it's their fault they're poor in the first place, so I'm not gonna cry a river over this. If they hadn't made terrible life decisions they wouldn't be struggling to provide for themselves. go back to watching FOX News, cunt. This law is fucked up. Claiming it';s a person's fault for being poor is absolutely ridiculous. I know way to many fucking people working multiple jobs and still struggling to keep their living expenses paid. Wisconsin deserves to be invaded by the UN cause this is nothing short of a blatant human rights violation. Florida too for how they treat the homeless. 9387
Gaming / Re: What games do you enjoy, that sometimes have absolute bullshit happen in them?« on: May 26, 2015, 02:40:05 PM »
Dark Souls + Monster Hunter when they throw 2+ bosses at you at a time
CLuster Missiles in Titanfall break the Core cat and mouse mechanic of Pilots being able to take cover in building. Those laggy Bruce Lee kicks suck too. Flinch/Screenshake in any FPS is objectively the worst mechanic to ever exist. All it does is RNG gunfights and piss people off. There is a reason Toughness is the only perk anybody ever uses in CoD. 9388
The Flood / Re: I miss you already...« on: May 26, 2015, 01:56:12 PM »Anarchy can stay dead.Arky is kill? 9389
Gaming / Re: Dark sould 2 has finaly broken me« on: May 24, 2015, 03:16:02 PM »You won't get invaded if you beat the boss tho I just beat the damn boss when he started invading me. 9390
Gaming / Re: Dark sould 2 has finaly broken me« on: May 24, 2015, 01:56:32 AM »I've only ever been invaded once and people have to be within a certain level range of you to be invaded if I recall correctly. No, I beat the giant on my second try. No too hard of a boss. especialy after playing so much Monster Hunter. I liked when he tried to use his arm as a club. This happened right after I beat him. Some guy with a Ku-Klux-Klan outfit kept invading me in the next segment amd spammed some magic that filled the entire area and one-shotting me. I tried waiting for him to go away, He didnt. I turned off my Xbox, waiuted a while came back and he kept invading me. This happened nearly all day |