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The Flood / Re: san andreas was fucking awful
« on: May 31, 2015, 10:29:59 PM »
verbatim. fuck me
It's not happening. Get over it, loser.
come on it'l be fun. You don't want the poor guy to die a virgin when you finally destroy the world do you?

Verb, I think you're going about this wrong. You don't need to prove that existence itself is a harm; you just need to prove that nonexistence is better.

^which probably sounds absurd at face value to most people, but philosophically it is perfectly valid.
Nonexistance is worse than anything
Nonexistence cannot be a bad thing, because there is nothing to experience it as a bad thing. I understand this is counter-intuitive, but it is nonetheless true.

Anyway, I don't really want to pick up where Verb left off, so I may make a few more posts but then you'll need to chew over this yourself.
and yet you two think nilism is wrong, and since niether of you believe in God then to you that would be the same as nilism....
Hey who left a crate of hippos here?
Please read your post again and ask yourself if that is how a reasonable, intellectually honest person would respond.

I was hoping you'd approach this with some degree of rationality.
rationality went outt the window back when you decided that eveyone should ignore their natural goal of self preservation in favor of your own pessimistic oppinion of life.
The way you claim things would be without life (or anything else self aware, since you are atheists)  to experience it would be the very dfinition of nihlism. There is nothing to give meaning to anything.

Verb, I think you're going about this wrong. You don't need to prove that existence itself is a harm; you just need to prove that nonexistence is better.

^which probably sounds absurd at face value to most people, but philosophically it is perfectly valid.
Nonexistance is worse than anything
Nonexistence cannot be a bad thing, because there is nothing to experience it as a bad thing. I understand this is counter-intuitive, but it is nonetheless true.

Anyway, I don't really want to pick up where Verb left off, so I may make a few more posts but then you'll need to chew over this yourself.
and yet you two think nilism is wrong, and since niether of you believe in God then to you that would be the same as nilism....
Hey who left a crate of hippos here?

Verb, I think you're going about this wrong. You don't need to prove that existence itself is a harm; you just need to prove that nonexistence is better.

^which probably sounds absurd at face value to most people, but philosophically it is perfectly valid.
Yeah, perhaps.

I feel bad for derailing your thread, and I've pretty much run the subject into the ground, so I think I'll make my peace for now. I don't have much more to say on either subject.
It's fine. The thread already wasn't going the way I'd hoped.
by 'the way you hoped" do you mean eveyonee gathered around in a giant circlejerk praising your nonsence beliefs and praising you as some paragon of ethics? If so I think youre on the wrong site.
 i'm sure there's a nice vegan reddit for you

Verb, I think you're going about this wrong. You don't need to prove that existence itself is a harm; you just need to prove that nonexistence is better.

^which probably sounds absurd at face value to most people, but philosophically it is perfectly valid.
Nonexistance is worse than anything

The Flood / Re: It's Happening
« on: May 31, 2015, 09:21:24 PM »
Now where the fuck are my Titanfall models? The damn game is already in Source, and they already ported them to L4D
(inb4 lemmon ranting about mechs taking muh freedums)

Yes, it is. Lacking the capacity and legal right to make your own informed choices for yourself until you're eighteen years old sounds like the biggest hassle ever.
You can't make an informed choice on whether you wanted to be born until you're informed, which would require you to be born.
Or you could realize that imposing life in the first place is wrong, because of that very possibility alone. It's called having foresight.
"there's a small chance someone might decide they didn't want to be born, so that means nobody should be born to avoid the chance of this extreme minority that isn't even worth considering from occurring"
well at least we know who wrote Mass Effect 3's ending now

did you miss the 72 billion times that I made a point about painless euthenisation
That would be a logistic nightmare in practice.

Yeah unlike convincing evey living thing in the universe to commit sudoku which is sure to happen. Dont worry i'm sure you'll make a great cace to the extremophile microbes that survive just about anything.

If we keep the planet safe we keep the animals safe,
Torturing and killing animals for food is probably the opposite of keeping them safe.

did you miss the 72 billion times that I made a point about painless euthenisation

The Flood / Re: Who is this nigger?
« on: May 31, 2015, 08:59:16 PM »
No u

Oh too late . Verb is back to trying to justify blowing the universe up. Thread's over

Killing them with as little to no pain posible to eat or use as materials is not wrong.
Would you be okay if someone killed you with "little to no pain posible" and then ate you?
No, since i still have a chance at helping others, as well as the fact that other people care about me, and they'd be hurt. But if you'd ever read more than tehe first scentence you'd know that. If I had nobody who cared and I was some kind of hopeless husk of a person with 0% chance of doing anythingg and nobody in the world cared for my existance then as long as whatever eats me isn't of the same species i'd be fine.

As I said humans can acomplish things animals cannot, in the way of preserving life, where as animals are incapable of even fathoming something like an astroid. We are the first priority in survival untill we find a comparable speces. If we keep the planet safe we keep the animals safe, after all nobody wants the extincction of any animals (exept mosquitos. Fuck mosquitos). I fully detest any killing of endangered animals and we do need to do far better at managing our oveuse of animals in general as well as the rest of the environment, but not using them as a resourse at all is just dumb

The Flood / Re: starter pack thread
« on: May 31, 2015, 08:23:36 PM »
I still need one

The Flood / Re: starter pack thread
« on: May 31, 2015, 08:22:36 PM »


This one's easy.
*dies of laughter*

Please dont make me dig up the Forced Veganism thread where you claimed to be the pinacle of moral superiority
Never did that.
as you ranted about how you would wipe out all life.
Never said that.
I also find it funny how you claim a natural and inegral part of life as part of the animal kingdom is somehow evil and vile.
It is evil and vile.

It is not integral.

It is natural, but who gives a fuck? So is murder. So is rape. So is every horrible travesty ever.
Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good.

Torturing animals is evil. Get over it.
Touturing animals is wrong. Killing them with no point is wrong. Killing them with as little to no pain posible to eat or use as materials is not wrong. Killing elephants and primates is wrong since those animals actualy give a fuck about their own.

The animal would feel pain and try to run. The man would feel pain and try to run while simultaneously thinking of his family and wondering why this was happening to him.
Reasoning and logic compound suffering.
You don't think animals have familial relations? And part of sentience is indeed the capacity to wonder. Sentient animals wonder all the time. I'm sure you've seen dogs tilt their heads to the side when they see you holding something strange.

I'm sure the loving bond between animals that eat their own babies and sexual partners is verry strong

I find it funny how he honestly thinks he is the greatest person in the word and that literaly eveybody else is some kind of pleb

The only people I'm "better than" are meat-eaters. It's just a fact. But when weighed against all other vegans, I'm not exactly the best representative of the vegan philosophy.
Please dont make me dig up the Forced Veganism thread where you claimed to be the pinacle of moral superiority as you ranted about how you would wipe out all life. I also find it funny how you claim a natural and inegral part of life as part of the animal kingdom is somehow evil and vile.

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones in 5 minutes
« on: May 31, 2015, 08:00:19 PM »
Peter DInklae is a pretty cool guy though. He has the acting talent of a rock and doesnt afraid of anything

who gives a fuck? they're just dumb animals
but lemon . We have to save all the animals fror when verb saves us from our miseerable evistance by blowing up the universe. (dont ask how it makes sence. Verb is the only one who's right, we are all just dumb cunts so trust him)
you should study english before you become an engineer
Typing on xbone sucks, man. I'd be here hella long if i was fixing the mistakes

I'm ethically superior to you.
Whatever it takes to make you feel important, man.
I find it funny how he honestly thinks he is the greatest person in the word and that literaly eveybody else is some kind of pleb

who gives a fuck? they're just dumb animals
but lemon . We have to save all the animals fror when verb saves us from our miseerable evistance by blowing up the universe. (dont ask how it makes sence. Verb is the only one who's right, we are all just dumb cunts so trust him)

You done jerking him off yet?
You done eating our shit yet?
I'm not a vagina, so no, sorry.
What suck fuck shits in a vag-

I dont see Deers building rockets capable of intercepting world ending astroids, or atempting to cure desease.
You're not doing that. Most of the human race isn't doing that. Are you saying we should shoot, kill, and eat humans?

You'd like that wouldnt you. And thank you for not reading anything beyond that.
(I'll be studdying engeneering and science btw. Space travel has always been my dream)

Lol, this thread. They're just animals.

You're a human. Your species is more important than any other species.
I dont see Deers building rockets capable of intercepting world ending astroids, or atempting to cure desease. They are not peooppleand they only act on instinct. They eat shit and die. (Very few species go beyond this and those I do feel simpathy for.) Even people working in what we concider 'low class' jobs are helping to keep everything running. We are above animals. We only should be concrned when our actions against them are harmfull to the earth as a whole or we threaten to drive them to extinion. You yould be more concernned about globa warming since that affects alot more than a few deers

The Flood / Re: if you had the chance to go back in time
« on: May 31, 2015, 07:04:58 PM »
Kill the staff of BUNGiE after they finnished there support for Reach, then kill the members of 343 who 'ballaned' the DMR and put  plasma weapons in loadouts, and whoever decided to add quicktime events in campaign, and whoever butchered Forge. Id also program the community mods into the game (IE, descope, no flinch and the infection oveerhaul)

Gaming / Re: 343 says fuck you Destiny
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:54:35 PM »
343are bad because they were fored by Microsoft to rush out a rediculously huge port on a completely unfesable timefraame?

Gaming / Re: What's the most interesting game universe to you?
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:47:33 PM »
For me it's Gears of War. I find the Locust and the queen interesting. For the Locust I find them interesting because they are this mysterious species that nobody knows the origins to besides the queen. They just one day popped into existence and waged an all out war against humanity. What makes them even more interesting to me is that theory thread on the Epic forums that talks about their existence. I like that they make you wonder if they are either a species that has been underground for who knows how long or they are the offspring of lambent humans. Which would be those Sires at that research fatality.

For the queen I find her interesting because she is a human that is waging a war to wipe out humans. Whatever motive she has is still unknown. The mysterious background to her is what I find interesting. For her origins there are those theories that she was a scientist at that research facility or she was an offspring of a lambent human that looks human and not like a locust. The thing about the second theory is that she survived after that device went off. So she couldn't have been locust since they died from. The only option to her then is that she is a normal human. Due to her being one it makes you wonder why she wants us dead and why she considers herself a locust. Either way she somehow came into contact with the locust and she somehow became the ruler of them to the extent they wage war for her.
I thought the locust were the original inhabitants of the planet  ho went underground for whatever reason and just wanted it back.

Gaming / Re: What's the most interesting game universe to you?
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:43:40 PM »
Metroid, Halo, Elder scrolls, souls/bloodborne

Serious / Re: Two men allegedly arrested for "manspreading" in NYC
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:31:43 PM »
the MTA are massive jews

Fucking Christ-killers.
The price of public transportation has almost doubled in the past few years, and they still want more even though the busses and trains are barely functioal death traps built to the lowest bidder and are always delayed or out of service 

Serious / Re: Two men allegedly arrested for "manspreading" in NYC
« on: May 31, 2015, 06:25:10 PM »
Glad i'm leaving this shit city. The govenment is shit, the MTA are massive jews, the cops are a gang, and eveytthing to watch or read is propagnda.
People here own entire buildings with nobodu living in them as tax shelters, meanwhile only blocks away from my home there is literaly a castle being used as a homeless shelter and there is never enough room. dozzens shelter themselves outside. So many of them are clearly in need of mental help, and they will never be able to get it.

The Department of Education is an absolute hellhole of profiteering so dont get me started there

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