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« on: August 28, 2015, 06:07:16 PM »
Who gives a shit? If you don't like it, go back to playing the original unedited games.
Who cares if M Night Shnalymang makes an Avatar 2? If you don't like it, just go back to watching the original cartoon.
That's not actually a good comparison since Shamalamadingdongs adaptation is something different entirely.
Something comparable to CEA would be like if Avatar were rereleased with an updated and more modern art style and you could switch back and forth between the two on the fly. Meaning if you don't like the new art style you're capable if watching it in it's original form easily without even having to interrupt your viewing experience.
But then if you didn't like the new art style (that was heavily shown off prior to release) and you don't feel that the original is worth the price they're asking then the question you have to ask is this.
Why did you buy it if you didn't like it? Not giving people money speaks a whole lot louder than complaining on the internet.
Spoiler This doesn't mean you can't express your distaste. Just don't expect that you're entitled to an audience that gives a fuck.
An even better comparisons would be if Lucas had made his Trillogy Special Editions without trying to get rid of the original cut that everyone knows and loves. #HanShotFirst
« on: August 28, 2015, 05:21:34 PM »
Ignoring all the conspirasy nonsense ITT GMOs are still bad
« on: August 28, 2015, 05:02:31 PM »
"Suddenly drop dead"
Goes to show you the quality of CNN
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:55:24 PM »
 Post more paragons of spoken and written word ITT
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:20:13 PM »
This fucking jew does not seem to understand either:
1)It's fun seeing someone good at a game play
2) You can actualy learn to improve by watching people's gameplay
3) alot of the streamers are good entertainers regardless
4) Watching games is how people make decisions to buy them ratther than lying commercials
5) That he's an ignorant tool and should be horribly mutilated
Like seriously, if something horrible happened to him, if he got shot or got cancer or died in a car crash i'd probably throw a party to celebrate. He is vile filth not worthy of being called a human being, and I'm just waiting for the cops to bust him on child porn charges.
Fuck him to the highest degree
« on: August 28, 2015, 03:40:15 PM »
I guess he doesn't realise the same thing happens with sports, only you have to pay to watch it.
^^^ This Jimmy Kimmel shoul kill himself
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:48:46 AM »
Humans were never said to be Forerunners
Was 343 Guilty Spark's quote to Chief just his Rampancy going overboard, or is there another canon explanation for that?
Humans like the Chief have geas within them. These geas contain ancient shit that connects them to old Forerunners long gone. Like Chakas' connection to the Lord of Admirals and stuff.
A bungie employee even stated that the original intention was that the Forerunners were humans.
yeah, the original intention, something they didn't follow through on. 343 didn't change anything, they continued what bungie wrote.
@HaloArchive I mean, the Precursors never existed before Halo4, at least at Bungie. Much of the fiction in Halo4 is pretty new. Good stuff!
That's from Paul Russel, he was part of the Halo team at Bungie from 1998-2010.
primordial is mentioned in halo 3's terminals. anyway, we aren't talking about the precursors here. we're talking about how humans were never forerunners.
@HaloArchive Not much to say that isn't known. Forerunners originally were humans, seeding their dna on earth to re-evolve, away from flood. Yes they were at one time. -The Halo Rings are perfect for human life, so this hints at what the average Forerunner environment was like -343GS is confused when Chief didn't know anything about the Halo -343GS refers to "our lost time" as in the time after the Halos were fired and the Forerunners disappeared -Only humans can access Forerunner technology -343Gs even offers Chief forerunner combat skin, if they were different species then why would 343 offer it to him if they aren't anatomically the same? -343GS asks Chief "Last time to you asked me, would I do it?". 343GS already established that they're the same species so he's talking about them as a whole
Also about the flood. They were originally a Forerunner bio weapon that got loose and turned against the Forerunners. The only way to stop it was to build the Halo rings.
Like Lemon said, that was the original intention but 343i took a different aproach than that. Read the Forerunner books. Spoiler The precursors evolved both Humanity and Forerunners to hold the Mantle of resposibility (some say from the same species (but that's only speculation at this point) but in the end the Precursors decided they prefered humanity which the Forerunners didnt like and so they drove the Precursors out of the galaxy to near extinction, and became the dominant species in the galaxy. Some of the precursors tried to preserve themselves by becoming a powder but the powder degenerated over time, and when Humans and the Prophets found it it ended up becoming the Flood by infecting people. Humans , while fighting the flood expanded into forerunner territory and began glassing planets which lead to war, at the end of which, humanity was devolved by the foreruners and sent back to earth, untill the Librarian sent the rest to the Ark to survive the Halo activation (Most had been composed by the Didact late in the war to fight the flood. As for Guilty Spark (He was an ancient Human who helped the Iso Didact) The Iso Didact said that quote to him, and because of it some people suspect John (and possibly other Humans) have the Iso Didact's Geas (Some Assassin's Creed genetic memory mumbo-jumbo, Humans are already known to carry the librarian's Geass) and that is why he identified him as such.
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:30:37 PM »
When you want to be Shinji
So they want to destroy the word 3 times, drive a giant robot and fuck a loli version of their mom in space all in the most pretentious way possible? Oh wait that's right, this is weebs we're talking about.
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:00:47 PM »
I enjoy shitty Ecchi Harrem anime and hate myself for it Spoiler I realy only hate legend of Korra because of the ending and haven't actually watched passed season 1
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:56:06 PM »
You're ok when you're not pity-fishing like a white girl on facebook....or playing Halo 3
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:51:00 PM »
Video description
In Metal Gear Solid 1 you play as Solid Snake, a genetically cloned super-soilder as he infiltrates Shadow Moses a remote military compound now under the control of terrorist super-cell unit called Foxhound. The terrorists all have super-powers because they were genetically enhanced with top secret nanomachines, Snake uses his own nanomachines to rescue Darpa chief but then master chiefs nanomachines make him have a heart attack. Then Ninja Gayden kills everyone and snake has to shoot at him so that he will reveal his true self
it turns out octogon was the ninja all the time, he reveals that he is a gay anime guy and he only built metal gear as part of his show-stopping cosplay. *theyre gona put a dismantled nuclear missile into metal gears missile module ? - wrong they're using metal gear as peace-walker to nuclear strike its own self in order to reverse reality. By doing this they can create an infinite amount of metal gears and sell them all for one million dollars.
Then Solid Snake gets captured by Liquid Snake. He reveals that they are twin snakes created from the same nanomachines as Mega Snake. Snake kicks Liquids head off and parachutes into the secret room where he confronts the legendary super-soilder Revolver Ocelot. Known for his legendary skill with the desert eagle gun. They both shoot each other 100 times until ocelots arm gets shot off and he backflips into the pacific ocean and swims back to australia with one arm.
Turns out everything i said was fake and staged.Liquid Snake who is actually dead, is actually a spy for the pentagon. Snake was double-crossed by his own country into being a triple agent for the Patroits.
Even though nobody is who they are anymore you have to have a fight to death with Liquid, luickly since his body is made out of water he slips off of metal gear and dies into hell. Still less convoluted than meta gear's actual story also and dies into hell
« on: August 27, 2015, 11:58:05 AM »
"The sergeant...the LT........THEY WERE ALL INFECTED"
so unnecessarily over the top and hammy
Aw but I liked all the crazy marines
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:39:47 PM »
What if he made a movie to go along with legend of korra?
It might actually be worse than the actual legend of Korra.
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:30:48 PM »
Settlers of Catan
I played that only once a coupl years ago and I loved it
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:16:03 PM »
Speaking of which somebody invite me to the Shitbox One update preview program
« on: August 26, 2015, 12:14:57 PM »
You can't deny that GUNGNIR mix is an abomination of MJOLNIR mix, though.
Fuck you 1v1 me Titanfall nigger
Bring it on smart pistols only
Nah fag. Last Titan Standing
« on: August 26, 2015, 11:58:15 AM »
You can't deny that GUNGNIR mix is an abomination of MJOLNIR mix, though.
Fuck you 1v1 me Titanfall nigger
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:34:40 AM »
*Disk Locked Grindfest: The Taken Wallet - Legendary Scam Edition
Are you ready for the fight of your life, Guardian? You killed Crota and Now Oryx HAS COME FOR YOUR WALLET.
- Experience recycled levels, - Old enemies - Broken gameplay. - Unbalanced multiplayer - No dedicated servers. - Pay-walled Content from far before release - same weapons with different colors and names or with a few exterior add on and armors that look ridiculously stupid with dumb names - A RNG system that will make you think that nothing is ever random. - No new vault space to store new weapons. Which weapons will you keep? And how many 100's will you delete?
Oryx has come to wreck your wallet, Guardian. BEND OVER AND TAKE IT LIKE A CHAMP! Brought to you by Bungievision!
Pre order now, year one guardians get a crappy shader, emblem, and sparrow. And to all the new guardians out there get everything, yes EVERYTHING! for half the price as our loyal community! Also you get cooler preorder bonuses that vanilla players don't.
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:28:43 AM »
Yeah I always did like Unyielding better though. It's a shame we still never got the version from Halo: Legends
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:14:09 AM »
I like both.
However, regarding soundtrack, CEA was much better than H2A. H2A pretty much butchered every song with the guitar in it from the original.
I personally prefer the guitar tracks from anniversary
« on: August 26, 2015, 08:30:45 AM »
Someone gimmie a code
« on: August 26, 2015, 02:23:54 AM »
"For more than a decade, Marty O’Donnell filled our worlds with unforgettable sounds and soundtracks, and left an indelible mark on our fans. Today, as friends, we say goodbye. We know that wherever his journey takes him, he will always have a bright and hopeful future.
We wish him luck in all his future endeavors."
As a matter of fact, someone get some choice quotes from DeeJ's weekly updates
« on: August 26, 2015, 02:09:56 AM »
How long do you reckon it took Truth's ship to breach atmosphere?
Looks like it exited slipspace just beyond the moon, so Chief was fucking around on that ship for a few hours? Days?
Truth stayed out of Eaths orbit for a while trying to deal with Chief.
« on: August 26, 2015, 02:07:25 AM »
"Master Chief? Mind telling me what you are doing on that ship?
"Sir. Finishing this fight"
*jumps out of ship and lands in woods unconscious*
yep, you sure are finishing it
If i'm not mistaken, chief was onboard the ship for a while between Halo 2 and 3 trying to fight his way to Truth and he only jumped out because he was making no progress and Truth was finaly landing.
I'm actually interested in what happened. Is there a book or something that explains this?
I'm not sure. Lemon probably knows but I do know that during that time ODSTs legendary ending happened and Rtas glassed the second Halo ring
« on: August 26, 2015, 02:02:06 AM »
"Master Chief? Mind telling me what you are doing on that ship?
"Sir. Finishing this fight"
*jumps out of ship and lands in woods unconscious*
yep, you sure are finishing it
If i'm not mistaken, chief was onboard the ship for a while between Halo 2 and 3 trying to fight his way to Truth and he only jumped out because he was making no progress and Truth was finaly landing.
« on: August 26, 2015, 01:35:57 AM »
"This cave is not a natural formation"
« on: August 26, 2015, 01:32:34 AM »
« on: August 26, 2015, 01:28:14 AM »
"The Covenant are on Reach. I repeat, the Covenant are on Reach."
That's not bad writing as much as it is bad line delivery. The line itself if fine.
« on: August 26, 2015, 01:21:55 AM »
"To War"
"That Wizard came from the moon"
"I dont even have time to explain why I dont have time to explain"
>"lets have a ship Milles long simply cloack and land on a heavily fortified planet and drop off an entire invasion force without being detected by anyone, makes scene"
« on: August 26, 2015, 01:12:26 AM »
>"To War" >BR Spread >No Hitscan >Netcode
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