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Gaming / Re: The Waytards are trying to get 343 to break Halo 5's ballance
« on: September 04, 2015, 02:05:25 AM »
"muh CE nostalgia glasses even though I probably wasn't even born when it released"

From what I've seen on the Halo 5 beta footage, a slight buff to the aim assist is all that it would really need.

If they shaved off a tiny-little bit of Black Ops 3's aim assist and gave it to Halo 5 it would make both games better
(I mean shit, son Black Ops 3 guns almost aim themselves sometimes)

Gaming / Re: post people whol look like vidya games
« on: September 04, 2015, 01:57:06 AM »
Is this cheating?


You were expecting Jameson Locke but it was me, Dio!

I 'm sorry. I promise I wont post shit memes again

The Flood / Re: Weirdest thing(s) about your family?
« on: September 03, 2015, 11:40:49 PM »
My mother and father are both 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

They also believe everyone in the world who is above the age of twelve should have a gun, to "even the playing field".

Jeez it's no wonder verb has such a negatve outlook on life

OT: My father is an artist, check put some of his work sometime.
This stuff apparently sells like hotcakes on every website ever made ever, yet we see none of the money.
One time my boss showed me a curtain she had just bought, turned out it was one one of my father's paintings. Do you think he's even seen a dime from that sale?

The Flood / Re: should i have midnight waffle house or do my calc homework
« on: September 03, 2015, 11:31:59 PM »
Never been to Waffle house even though they're absolutely fucking everywhere when i'm traveling.

Gaming / Re: The Halo books are a joke.
« on: September 03, 2015, 11:22:25 PM »
lets not forget the magnificence that is the Traviss Trilogy guys

obviously the best of all halo books
But I liked those >.>

thats quite the travissty of an opinion

>I was only 12 years old
>I loved Margret Parangoski so much
>I had all the dossiers and ONIs classified documents
>I'd pray to Parangoski every night thanking her for the training that I'd been given
>"Parangoski is love" I'd say "Parangoski is life"
>Halsey sees me and calls me a pussy.
>I call her a cunt.
>She says " at least my mom wasn't a whore who left me in the trash" and sends me to be augmented
>I'm dying now, and my skeleton hurts.
>I lie in cryogenic, it's cold.
>I feel a warmth moving toward me
>Something touches me
>It's Margret Parangoski
>I'm so happy
>She whispers in my ear "let's sell guns to The Covenant, LOL"
>I am ready
>Parangoski grabs me with her old lady hands and puts me on my hands and knees
>I spread my pussy for Parangoski
>She penetrates my butthole with her indoctrination and brainwashing
>It hurts so much but I do it for Parangoski
>I can feel the canon breaking as the lore goes to shit
>I push against the fanbase
>I want to please Parangoski
>She roars a might roar as she fills my mouth with her ginger remedy for slipspace sickness.
>Halsey walks in and says "fuck this I'm joining the Covenant"
>Parangoski looks her dead in the eye and says "Enjoy the Spartan 4 program"
>Parangoski retires from ONI
>Parangoski is love Parangoski is life
>(Oh and Jul Mandama hates humans now or something)

I miss Rtas

Speaking of which, guess who's on the cover of the new book

(Also notice the energy spear and the Rippa-like sword handle)

EDIT: May not be him. I cant tell if those mandibles are cut or it's just a strange angle

Gaming / Re: The Halo books are a joke.
« on: September 03, 2015, 08:05:51 PM »
Something Something, arguing is one thing and flaming is another.

If you disagree with a user, kindly inform them of your objection in a manner that doesn't involve screaming 'kill yourself'.

 Almost every single user says that shit here. Every time!

I mean he did break the rules but he kinda has a point with that part.

Gaming / Re: The Halo books are a joke.
« on: September 03, 2015, 02:13:13 PM »
>Challenger X

Gaming / Re: My thoughts on the Xbox One and MCC.
« on: September 03, 2015, 12:11:23 AM »
So uhhh. What's Nightfall?
Live action mini-series about Jameson Locke before he became a SPARTAN-IV.


Why couldn't that just be on Netflix? It came with the MCC and it was part of the huge ass download.

So 343 can mske you download the Halo channel so they can shove E-Sports down your throat

Gaming / Ice-T sort of apologises for Law and Order's #Gamergate episode
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:56:43 PM »

Starts at about 19:40 although he sort of rambles incoherently after a while.

What he should have been sorry about was how fucking cringey the writing was

"They just leveled up"

Somebody photoshop a Gif of Sakamoto as GiantDad

>Dumb bitch who's never played Metroid

>Makes nonsense canon breaking fanfiction-teir "article" that samus is a fag trying to state it as fact

>Didn't even know Suck-a-moto's satanic powers had transcended the very bounds of time itself and  rekt his/her ass years in advanced

>RIP In fucking piss







Gaming / Re: Why can't other 3DS games get on Waifu Emblem's level?
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:28:40 PM »
Also Sakurai is a hack.

Never Forget

R.I.P Samus Aran (1986 - 2010)

Gaming / Re: "C'mon, Chief. Take a girl for a ride" | 53 days to Halo 5
« on: September 02, 2015, 11:22:15 PM »
He was the most likeable member of Majestic

I feel the fact that he's not on Osiris makes him a huge waste of a charachter.
Spartan Ops built him up as this interesting and inquisitive character who actualy cared more about the universe at large than just shooting shit, and would have been nice to have in the game, especially for new players.

Gaming / Re: Why can't other 3DS games get on Waifu Emblem's level?
« on: September 02, 2015, 08:08:10 PM »
FE: Fates is Federation Force tier of dumbing down

The Flood / Still better than One Piece
« on: September 02, 2015, 07:17:35 PM »

Gaming / Here's the Halo 5 video I promised you, Deci.
« on: September 02, 2015, 07:11:32 PM »

I'm posting this publicly because I thought the software they are using here might have some discussion value for everyone.

Gaming / Re: Make a Smash character concept ITT
« on: September 02, 2015, 06:28:18 PM »
Random character from Waifu Emblem: another Marth clone.

I meant something other than someone we already know we're getting anyway

Gaming / Re: Make a Smash character concept ITT
« on: September 02, 2015, 04:57:46 PM »
Dark Samus

Basic Properties: Heavy but floaty.

Neutral A: Phazon Syphon (infinite like Little mac, or Mewtwo)

F-Tilt: close range phazon blast
up tilt: Canon swing
Down tilt: Phazon discharge

F-Smash: Phazon scatershot (simmilar to Mii  gunner but with a wider spread and maybe less range)
Up-Smash: Phazon pillar (think PAlutena's Up smas)
Down Smash: short Phazon puse along the ground

Neutral b: Phazon beam (Either Arc-thunder/Thoron or Rob's beam)
Side B: Homing boost ball (Like sonic's crap)
Down b: Phazon pillar projectile counter
Up b: Teleport

F-Air: beam shot  (villager but probably slower)
up air: fires serveral small shots upward (like samus' up smash but actualy fires projectiles
Back Air: Kick
down air: Diagonal moving ground slam

Final smash:
Phazon wave: Does large damage and puts caught enemies to sleep

The Flood / Re: McDonald's is now selling breakfast all day
« on: September 02, 2015, 01:35:22 PM »

This is bottom of te barrel tier of things to dislike about 343. If you're going to hate them, at least think of better reasons.

I've said it before and i'll say it again

343i could cure Cancer, end world hunger, perfect solar power and build the UNSC infinity in real life at this point and everyone would hate them for it.

BDobbinsFTW would even come out with a video called "Don't buy Halo 6 because 343 Industries are Lowering the Skill-Gap on Health"

Gaming / Re: Make a Smash character concept ITT
« on: September 02, 2015, 07:42:50 AM »

Gaming / Make a Smash character concept ITT
« on: September 02, 2015, 06:35:40 AM »
Title says it.
Include a full move set with descriptions and damage if you feel the need. Let's see what everyone can come up with.



Neutral A: Basic Jab Combo
Forward Tilt: EVA shotgun
Down Tilt: Leg Sweep
Up Tilt: Upward knife slash

Sprinting attack: Eva Shotgun (can be done multiple times while sprinting but will automaticaly reload after 8 the 8th shot stopping the player )
Forward Smash: SMG spray (Short Range like mii gunner, weak at killing)
Up Smash: Jump Kick: (Kill move)
Down Smash:Some other kind of sweep Kick

Neutral B: Specter drone (Think Duck Hunt's gunmen)
Side B Smart Pistol (Think Palutena's Auto-reticle)
Down B Stim-Counter (Stun's opponet instead of doing knockback)
Up B: Thruster kick

Up air: Flip kick
Back air: Back Kick (strong knockbck with kill potential)
Forward Air: Eva Shorgun
Down air: slow falling kick

If we don't see Linda do some batshit crazy MLG 360s with her sniper then Halo 5 is unplayable.

Literally unplayable.

I will literaly burn microsoft to the ground if Linda's AI ends up another Jun



Oh and "The Spartans are running to fast"

Umm what was Kelly's fastest recorded sprint again?

Captain America is a genetically enhanced supersoldier from WW2, and he's a superhero.
Tony Stark has power armour, and he's a superhero.
Fucking Batman is a highly trained human with no power armour or genetic enhancements, and he's a superhero.

Spartan's - who are soldiers 500 years in the future - have all three of these things, but god forbid you even imply that they're anything like superheroes.

and nobody seems to even care that this happened


As well as the fact that 343s material has already stated that the Promethian Armiger Soldiers are Noble Team AI levels of ineffective.
this doesn't apply because in-game AI quality doesn't carry into the canon.

That was actually just a bit of a joke not a legitimate comaprison.
343s material on the armigers said they war an extremely ineffective fighting force,
I was just ragging on Noble's AI

And complaining about how easily they gunned past Covenant and Forerunner forces is bogus too.

Humanity was always up against insurmountable odds during the war, which is why they were constantly getting shredded by the Covies.
They hade significantly inferior tech, weaponry, and fewer numbers, against alien species that were significantly better fighters in every way equipped with tech that made humanity's tech look like WW1 tech by comparison.

In this cinematic, the Spartans have the upper hand. They have the element of surprise, air support, and vastly improved tech compared to what they had during the war.
They're also fighting Jul's ragtag remnant faction of rejects and losers, who have nothing on the War-era Covenant.

As well as the fact that 343s material has already stated that the Promethian Armiger Soldiers are Noble Team AI levels of ineffective.

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