>Spends entire life fighting for corrupt private millitary corporation
>Becomes Vice Admiral
>Does not even change the organization's policies like he says he would
>idiocy makes the one guy capable of destroying IMC defect
>continues to allow Australian George Bush to pointlessly slaughter civilians even though he despises civilian casualties
>literally murders civilians instead of the rebels they were fighting
>fucks up and pisses off the one person who could destroy IMC again resulting in an absolute failure of a war
>Angel City
>Wins ground battle but does not even get the one man they came for
>Gets ambushed like an idiot and almost loses flagship
>Outpost 207
>Falls for obvious Millitia ruse
>wins ground battle but loses the IMC flagship
>Fails to stop militia from getting vital intel
>Decisive battle of war
>Losing means being cut off from Earth and the Inner Colonies
>Dr. Hammond himself is counting on you
>Sends nobody to protect Reactor Core
>sends Australian George Bush on sensitive mission to capture enemy commander
>loses the main reactor
>doesn't call back ground forces until it's far too late
>get's mad when AI overrules his pisspoor decision that could have gotten everyone killed
This fucker defected to the Millitia
-not because of the civilian casulties
-not because of any problems with a PMC monopoizing human expantion into space
-not because of all the half desstroyed planets
-not because the IMC is somehow too far gone with corruption
But because Spyglass overruled his pisspoor command and saved the lives of god knows how many people, so now "hurr durr we cant trust teh machines"