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The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:48:07 AM »
Don't see what the EU fanboys are so butmad about. I know jack shit about the EU but it's clear quite a bit were nods to the EU stuff that got retconed

Han and Leia's kid becomes a sith lord, He's essentially Jacen or whatever his name is, with Ben Skywalker's name

Starkiller Base = Galaxy Gun + Death Star

and i'd bet my ass there were more of them

I wonder what Finn's role will be from here on out

The Flood / Re: TFA Spoilers
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:29:59 AM »
That scene was well done though, even though it was sooo damn telegraphed

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 18, 2015, 10:40:55 AM »
One thing missing from the scripting is a way to have doors open automatically like in the campaigns when a player is near.

Are there no activation volumes like there were in H2A?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 18, 2015, 10:38:48 AM »
is everyone just going to ignore that we're at 117 pages



Gaming / Re: Hey Verbatim
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:08:47 AM »
Locke Requested

The Flood / Re: Official® coverage of the Banter Memes™ thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 11:22:39 PM »
We need to hold an actual Hunger Games match in Reach or something

The Flood / Re: When Will We Get Microtransactions?
« on: December 17, 2015, 11:20:13 PM »
pay2ban button when?

>Sees real global warming deniers ITT


The Flood / Re: Official® coverage of the Banter Memes™ thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 10:57:49 PM »
When I saw "Banter Memes" I assumed we were raiding Halo Archive...
Oh well, this is OK too.

Gaming / Re: Moemon Gameshark Codes
« on: December 17, 2015, 10:36:16 PM »
All Perfect IVs when breeding:

k1LL0000 Y0UR53LF
93D0xxxx F4gG07xx
2NUK3500 W3RN7000
3N0UGH00 00000000
7BHx1M0x F4M00000

All Shiny's when breeding

N3V3R000 G0NN4000
G1V30Y0U U90N3V3R
G0NN4000 L37xY0Ux
D0WN0000 N3V3R000
G0NN4000 RUN00000
4R0UND00 4ND00000
D353R700 Y0U00000

Gaming / Re: Reach is out on Xbox One
« on: December 17, 2015, 09:50:16 PM »
Just so everyone knows it runs like shit and looks like shit.
I sure hope not. Though I've heard it has for some people. I just watched a stream and it was fine for him. But I've read from other that it runs bad.

Holy shit that's even worse than my frame issues and texture pop in that i'm getting.

Funny enough Deci's seems to be working fine. He uploaded a video and the frame rate seemed pretty steady.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 08:49:01 PM »
Here's how you make an opening and closing door controlled by a switch

Spawn an interaction terminal and your door of choice

For the terminal:
<Condition>         On interaction
<Action>               Power: Set
Channel               (Whichever one you need)
State                    Toggle

For the door:
Script 1-
<Condition>         On Message Recieved
Channel                Whichever one you already chose in the terminal script
<Action>               Power: Set
Channel                Same channel again
State                     Toggle

Script 2-
<Condition>        On Power: State
Channel               Same channel again
State                    On
<Action>             Move Offset
Change the X/Y/Z and time to whatever you want

Script 2-
<Condition>        On Power: State
Channel               Same channel again
State                    Off
<Action>             Move Offset
Change the X/Y/Z to the negative of what you set in Script 2

 I barely got it in H2A, I was able to recreate a combination lock for one of my maps.

How's scripting in 5? is it similar is it to H2A?

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 now sells $100 Req bundles
« on: December 17, 2015, 06:03:46 PM »
Honestly if some retard wants to buy it I dont care, its fueling 343's money supply so that they can give us huge amounts of content for free.

But when Bungie does it, it's a bad thing.


Except 343 isn't pay-walling the majority of the game content behind a season pass, ot entire events and your stat-sheets behind microtransactions

Gaming / Re: And 3Fail3 butchered forge's controlls
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:28:23 PM »
Okay. Where the FUCK is the Kill Ball?

Best you can do Is Weld fire to a boulder and set it to normal physics
>weld fire

Yup that's a thing now
Are they using weld as their term for mating/bonding objects together?

It's what the forgers I watch (like Ducain23) are calling it

Gaming / Re: And 3Fail3 butchered forge's controlls
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:05:07 PM »
Okay. Where the FUCK is the Kill Ball?

Best you can do Is Weld fire to a boulder and set it to normal physics
>weld fire

Yup that's a thing now

Gaming / Re: And 3Fail3 butchered forge's controlls
« on: December 17, 2015, 04:55:48 PM »
Okay. Where the FUCK is the Kill Ball?

Best you can do Is Weld fire to a boulder and set it to normal physics

Gaming / Re: Reach is out on Xbox One
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:50:02 PM »
Reminder that if Reach had modding support it would've been fucking perfect.

Gaming / Re: Reach Custom games anybody?
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:46:16 PM »
Fat Kid didn't even work properly in Reach. You want Galo 3 for that.

What shit map and gametype have you been playing? Fat kid works perfectly well.
There was something messed up in the game settings, rounds didn't end or something. Or maybe that was Duck Hunt/Predator? Dunno.

Never had that issue.
Then you didn't play the game.

Fat Kid was my go-to gametye in Reach m9

Gaming / Re: Reach Custom games anybody?
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:34:36 PM »
Fat Kid didn't even work properly in Reach. You want Galo 3 for that.

What shit map and gametype have you been playing? Fat kid works perfectly well.
There was something messed up in the game settings, rounds didn't end or something. Or maybe that was Duck Hunt/Predator? Dunno.

Never had that issue.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 now sells $100 Req bundles
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:28:26 PM »

Gaming / Re: Reach Custom games anybody?
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:27:59 PM »
Fat Kid didn't even work properly in Reach. You want Galo 3 for that.

What shit map and gametype have you been playing? Fat kid works perfectly well.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:15:29 PM »
Playing Reach again
Noble team are the greatest Bullet Sponges I mean teammates a guy could ask for

Kat's ass is a flotation device.

Not a driving device though

Gaming / Reach Custom games anybody?
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:13:01 PM »
Anyone got a Fat Kid map?

Gaming / Re: Reach is out on Xbox One
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:11:32 PM »
Finally, a good Halo game
ODST is already out though

If I wanted to play a campaign over and over again, I wouldn't choose the Halo series.
Reach is trash

Yet still better customs than a game that came out five years later.
enjoy armour abilities and bloom

1) Download Zero Bloom  gametypes
2) Turn off Armor Abilities in Gametype settings
3) ???
4) Profit

Gaming / Re: Since Fallout 4 is released, let's talk about Elder Scrolls 6.
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:09:29 PM »
Everyone is going to hate it because hating Bethesda seems to be the cool thing to do for whatever reason.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 03:05:56 PM »
Playing Reach again
Noble team are the greatest Bullet Sponges I mean teammates a guy could ask for

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 01:28:00 PM »

Reed is listening to the critisism

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 17, 2015, 11:55:34 AM »


The Flood / Re: Who has the best Star Wars avatar?
« on: December 17, 2015, 12:03:27 AM »
Ninja Mech Pilot Boba Fett is best Boba Fett

The Flood / Re: It's my 21st Birthday AMA me anything
« on: December 16, 2015, 10:26:07 PM »
not even fixing that typo

stop being frunk

I sweat to frunk I'm not gourd.

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