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The Flood / Re: >Substituting Cornbread for Birthday Cake
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:32:59 PM »
>Substituting nothing for birthday cake

"Happy" Birthday.

would rather have no cake than having my taste buds obliterated and my stomach chrurning

The Flood / Re: Someone fill me in on the latest Deci situation
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:30:42 PM »

The Flood / >Substituting Cornbread for Birthday Cake
« on: December 20, 2015, 10:27:31 PM »

but that's just my oppinion

Gaming / Re: What new heroes from TFA should Battlefront get (TFA spoilers)
« on: December 20, 2015, 09:34:24 PM »
Kylo Ren's special attack should be
To auto-Kill any active Han Solo( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 20, 2015, 02:26:09 PM »

So that's what happened to the Knights of Ren

Gaming / Re: Halo Custom Edition: SPv3 gameplay on "Halo"
« on: December 20, 2015, 12:44:38 AM »
What happened to muh Foehammer?

Gaming / Re: Reach Custom game right now
« on: December 19, 2015, 11:26:52 PM »
With or without textures?

with textures
just with the lowest possible resolution

Gaming / Re: Reach Custom game right now
« on: December 19, 2015, 10:38:06 PM »
Lock Requested

Gaming / Re: Reach Custom game right now
« on: December 19, 2015, 10:37:43 PM »
Did I miss it

yeah sorry.
If I can get  a new group i'll do another one, or just wait for when the people here orgainze theirs.

Gaming / Re: Reach Custom game right now
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:52:32 PM »
I'd be down for some Infection Mansion/Get out of my house but gold expired the other day :/

want my 14 day?

Gaming / Reach Custom game right now
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:48:19 PM »
Anyone want to join feel free
gamertag is ChaosMetalDrago

Gaming / Re: lolReach kids are so garbage
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:05:06 PM »
>Playing with radar on
>Using Armor Lock
>Using the Banshee
>Camping with a shotty

Sorry for playing the only well populated playlist (big team)
I'll make sure next time i'll play with the 4 people in the MLG matchmaking

Gaming / Re: lolReach kids are so garbage
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:33:23 PM »
Tbh a lot of online games are like that. At least it sounds like you're getting them as opponents and not teammates.

And if you don't trust your ability to spam the DMR aimed near their head then finding an exit is pretty smart tbh.

They're on both teams. We lost because nobody was grabbing any of the Stockpile flags.

Gaming / Re: lolReach kids are so garbage
« on: December 19, 2015, 04:49:00 PM »
Sounds like you're bad if you're getting hijacked in a banshee
got Nade launcher'd

Gaming / lolReach kids are so garbage
« on: December 19, 2015, 04:44:34 PM »
-Running an strait lines

-Making themselfes super easy to hijack

-Not checking radar

-still Boosting face first into armor lock

-Spending the entire game trying to noob combo  and then running away the moment you miss the Plasma shot and not even trying to finish the gunfight

-hijacking me and then getting out of the Banshee to try to fight me with a DMR battle for no reason only to get completely outshot

-Chasing me and getting a face full of shotgun even though they had the high ground and I still had no sheilds and a grenade would have easily finished me off

-getting a full falcon triple killed by a stationary turret


Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: December 19, 2015, 03:14:13 PM »
scripting tutorial

ignore how gay the dude's voice sounds

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:18:06 PM »
I'm watching all of these trailers for the first time right now. They give away SO MUCH, what the hell.

You can't trust people these days to do anything right where hype is involved.

What? None of the trailers iv'e seen give anything away.

Gaming / Re: Gonna play lolReach this Saturday
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:11:23 PM »
I'm sure everybody wants to play with you.
Playing with Deci on your team is like learning to swim with a barbell tied to your feet. Will it be nigh impossible? Yes. Will you be a literal god if you can do it? Also yes.
as long as you're not doing some UBER competitive "1 shot on my X in left right mid top bottom" sweat-fest match he's ok.
on my x is a fucking garbage callout and im honestly offended by this

but seriously that match when me and Deci were mowing down people as they all ran in a strait line to our base was probably the funniest thing that ever happened to me in Halo
Watch the match where I decimated him.

I remember that poor mistreated Rocket Launcher

But when I played with him it matchmaking, he wasn't exactly a determent, he did OK

Gaming / Re: Gonna play lolReach this Saturday
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:07:29 PM »
I'm sure everybody wants to play with you.
Playing with Deci on your team is like learning to swim with a barbell tied to your feet. Will it be nigh impossible? Yes. Will you be a literal god if you can do it? Also yes.
as long as you're not doing some UBER competitive "1 shot on my X in left right mid top bottom" sweat-fest match he's ok.
on my x is a fucking garbage callout and im honestly offended by this

but seriously that match when me and Deci were mowing down people as they all ran in a strait line to our base was probably the funniest thing that ever happened to me in Halo

Gaming / Re: Gonna play lolReach this Saturday
« on: December 19, 2015, 01:01:53 PM »
I'm sure everybody wants to play with you.
Playing with Deci on your team is like learning to swim with a barbell tied to your feet. Will it be nigh impossible? Yes. Will you be a literal god if you can do it? Also yes.

Me and Deci managed to kick a bit of ass in H2A big team....I mean the enemies were Brain Dead and ran in a strait line into BR and Gauss Hog fire, but long as you're not doing some UBER competitive "1 shot on my X in left right mid top bottom" sweat-fest match he's ok.

Gaming / Re: Gonna play lolReach this Saturday
« on: December 19, 2015, 12:52:20 PM »
Enjoy the cinematic 15fps and no textures


The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:46:04 AM »
General Hux totally reminds me of a more insane version of Grand Moff Tarkin

Hux's speech to the legion of Stormtroopers before they fire the Starkiller Base for the first time was inspirational as fuck. He's what being an Imperial Officer is all about.

Ah yeah I loved the good old Space Nazis from A New Hope and i'm glad they got that vibe again

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:36:21 AM »
An interesting theory I read:

When Palpatine tells Anakin about Darth Plagueis in Episode 3, a certain music track plays. And apparently in The Force Awakens (I'm watching it again tomorrow to see if this is true), that same music track plays whenever we see Snoke. It could mean nothing but a coincidence, but I find this observation very interesting.

Which begs the question; how is he alive? Didn't Palpatine say he killed him?
That's what I'm wondering too but I mean come on, if Darth Plagueis was this all-powerful Sith God basically, being "killed in his sleep" just sounds really lame but then again, it was George Lucas that wrote that.

Kinda off topic but it kinda reminds me of Backstroke of the West where  R2 D2  and Darth Plagueis were apparently the same character (Reach the Man) even though he had been killed already.

but back on topic
I'd really like to know what Snoke convinced Ben of to make him to fanatically  opposed to the light side of the force. Something important regarding the fact that Vader was his grandfather probably?

The Flood / Re: everyone is hyping and shitting their pants over star wars
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:26:19 AM »

The Flood / Re: So what did Deci do this time?
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:22:28 AM »
Posting Star Wars spoilers
That's it?

Thats it?
Nigga that's a fucking Child Porn-teir Sin against humanity where I come from. They'd shoot you dead and burn your family at the steak for that, and that's them being merciful.

Yup they don't use stakes where i'm from.
They strait up throw you on a grill with Steak and Ribs.

The Flood / Re: So what did Deci do this time?
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:19:45 AM »
Posting Star Wars spoilers
That's it?

Thats it?
Nigga that's a fucking Child Porn-teir Sin against humanity where I come from. They'd shoot you dead and burn your family at the steak for that.

Ummm. No. Do not compare me spoiling Star Wars to Roman as Child Porn.

If you have a problem with what I did, remove me then.

Did you actually take that seriously?
They'd shoot you dead and burn your family at the steak for that.


The Flood / Re: So what did Deci do this time?
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:13:22 AM »
Posting Star Wars spoilers
That's it?

Thats it?
Nigga that's a fucking Child Porn-teir Sin against humanity where I come from. They'd shoot you dead and burn your family at the steak for that, and that's them being merciful.

The Flood / Re: TFA Spoilers
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:10:35 AM »
What I loved was the lighting during the scene when Han confronts and is killed by Ren.
The metaphor of the Dying sun and light were pretty obvious bit I still love it nonetheless.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Spoilers (Seriously. Spoilers ahead)
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:04:52 AM »
An interesting theory I read:

When Palpatine tells Anakin about Darth Plagueis in Episode 3, a certain music track plays. And apparently in The Force Awakens (I'm watching it again tomorrow to see if this is true), that same music track plays whenever we see Snoke. It could mean nothing but a coincidence, but I find this observation very interesting.

Which begs the question; how is he alive? Didn't Palpatine say he killed him?

The Flood / Re: TFA Spoilers
« on: December 19, 2015, 02:03:03 AM »
I mean the scene definitely was too telegraphed, but at the same time everything else about it was masterful IMO

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