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"You know that race that got completely demolished by the Flood, forcing them to commit a Galaxy-wide Genocide in order to protect all life from being infected? Well guess who has a few handfulls of enforcers that can each singlehandedly keep shit under control in an entire Solar System?"

Admirals explained to me in another thread that the even Guardians would not have been capable of containing the Flood.
They had already gotten into slipspace by the time the forerunners had to deal with them so the EMP's wernt going to do much good, plus there was still the massive issue of the Logic Plauge that turned everything that thought in 1s and 0s to the flood's side.

The Greatest Hunt in Gaming History

No offense but I was hoping we could keep the thread less cynical and more on constructive criticism of specific aspects of the story. Plus this is the billionth time we've made that exact joke anyway.
The Greatest Hunt in Gaming History

Gaming / Re: Current go to game?
« on: February 04, 2016, 08:08:37 PM »
Smash Bros.
I play Halo 5 every day but it's only enough for my daily wins TBH

Gaming / Halo 5 Story specific discussion thread (Admirals get in here!!)
« on: February 04, 2016, 08:06:27 PM »
I know there's already a Halo 5 mega-thread but I felt the need to make a story specific one to have constructive discussion about the game and it's pre-release advertising campaign's story questionable discussions and what they did both wrong and right as well as it's implications for future material without having 2 billion "Fuck Pizza skins" complaints in a row.

My opinion on the game
Now with that out of the way in my opinion Halo 5 is extremely curious. I honestly don't hate the ending like most people. In fact I love the ending! The prospect for this war against the Forerunner's overwhelming technology and the possibilities for what comes next excites me. I instead feel that the problem is with the events leading up to it. The game does not earn the big cliffhanger ending. I think the big problem is that they advertised the game's story at it's core is a search for Cortana and trying to uncover her intentions, but it get's sidetracked with so much other stuff that it almost completely loses focus at points and thus loses out on the part of the story that really matters.
I realize now that the hunt for John was only supposed to be a front in the first place and the intrigue was supposed to be that of figuring out what's going on with Cortana, but the game gets way too distracted with Locke and Sangelios which ultimately accomplish nothing that acting as filler, and taking up time that could have been better spent on the main story of Cortana's reappearance.
They could have easily condensed and consolidated certain levels (like Glassed, Meridian Station, Unconfirmed and Evacuation) to make room for more important things, like missions on Genesis or cutscenes that actually advance the main story, and even cut certain levels entirely like Enemy Lines and put the Kraken into the Battle of Sunaion.

I think the problem of the story losing it's focused is the most pronounced when Locke finally Catches up with John and John already knows Cortana's goals aren't exactly the best. We never got to see what brings him to that conclusion. Exuberant Waifu even states that they have been wandering the Conduit for hours. You'd think seeing what happens between then that lead John to be suspicious of Cortana would be more important to show than Mike Colter and friends going to find a pet sentinel.

I think 343 was just desperate to fit the fall of the covenant into the game and the whole thing suffered because of it. Maybe they should have waited for Halo Wars 2 or done a completely different project for the sake of giving both stories the space they need.

If they had focused more on the real point of the story, and constructed it in a way that felt less like everything had just gotten started at the end, I think the prospect of Cortana beginning her takeover of the galaxy. In fact I think the main events of the main story-line lend themselves to this very well. John finding  out Cortana is alive and has plans for this forced control over the galaxy over a mislead idea of peace and ends up being captured out of his compasion for Cortana, and then meanwhile Locke, who was sent on a manhunt for John who went AWOL, has his mission changed to a rescue when he realises the truth of what's happening by the clues John left behind. You take those elements of the story develop those without all the needless filler and you have a full narative that makes the ending woth it.

Other than that, Loke was boring. No idea what 343 wanted to accomplish by introducing him. In fact everyone  other than John, Warden Eternal and Cortana are pretty anemic or nonexistant in terms of anything other than backstory. They needed to do more with the characters that had or simply not had them at all.

John seems to be growing as a character. He has at some point between Halo 4 and now developed his own opinions and convictions including about what was done to him, but despite that he hasn't gone full Karen Traviss like everyone else (Including Halsey herself apparently) although I do question his comparison of the Spartan program to Coranta's forced peace.

Warden Eternal is an interesting fellow. He clearly shares the sentiment of the Didact and plently other forerunners that humanity are dangerous and animalistic, but still defaults his goals to Cortana. Why he belives AI's are to inherit the Mantle is unknown and an interesting prospect. It is very likely that he has an ultirior motive and may have just made the entire thing up, especially since the only other Forerunner AI we see in the game thinks he's gone apeshit and is firmly agains his and Cortana's goals.
And everyone makes white knight jokes about the Warden which is an absolutely hilarious interpretation of his charachter but ultimately what his is doing, in subverting Cortana to stop John is exactly what he should be doing in his role. He knows John only as a warrior of what he considers a dangerous and savage race, and what we gather from his dialogue, probably knows a good bunch about the Spatan program in general and even John personally. At the end of the day he knows John wont agree with Cortana's plan and will likely do everything in his power to stop her, making him a threat to Cortana and their plans.

There's still the issues of the Domain and the audio logs
As much as I do like about the campaign and  think they had some good ideas, I still think it was the weakest story in the series by far.

but that was just my 2 cents on the matter for now, so with that what are you guys' thoughts, oppinions and theories on Halo 5

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 photoshoot/game night anyone?
« on: February 04, 2016, 04:52:04 PM »
Fuck yeah

gt: ChaosMetalDrago

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:19:34 PM »
I honestly belive once people reach Batonetta's full potential that she's going to be at least borderline game breaking, essentially Brawl Meta Knight with a skill-gap.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 03:07:45 PM »
People are dying a ton as Bayonetta, apparently her recovery isn't that good

Well her recovery doesn't end at the first jump.

You can double jump and perform the recovery again, which I guess does make for a viable recovery.

Yeah bayonetta definitely has a pretty tricky recovery to get used to but like everything else about her im sure it's going to be OP fuck once people really figure her out

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:53:07 AM »
I swear Taunt Party'ers need to all be hunted down and thrown into concentration camps

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 01:21:38 AM »

Eruption (B) base damage increased to 10% from 9%

Neutral Air first hit/second hit damage increased to 4.2/8.5 from 3.345/7.6
Forward Air damage increased to 10.5 from 8.5
Back Air damage increased to 11.8 from 9.975
Up Air damage increased to 11.4 from 9.975
Down Air normal/meteor damage increased to 12.3/14.2 from 11.4/12.13

Neutral Air first hit sour/tipper damage increased to 3.5/5 from 3/4
Neutral Air second hit sour/tipper damage increased to 8.1/9.5 from 7.6/9
Forward Air sour/tipper damage increased to 8/11.5 from 7/10
Back Air tipper damage increased to 12.5% from 12%
Up Air sour/tipper damage increased to 9.5/13 from 9/12
Down Air sour/sweet/meteor damage increased to 12/14/15 from 11/13/14

Flare Blade (B) uncharged damage increased to 6% from 5%
Neutral Air landing lag reduced to 11 frames from 13 frames
Forward Air landing lag reduced to 13 frames from 15 frames
Up Air landing lag reduced to 14 frames from 16 frames
Back Air landing lag reduced to 16 frames from 19 frames
Down Air landing lag reduced to 23 frames from 28 frames

Sakurai Is A Fucking Hack





Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 04, 2016, 01:16:20 AM »
Im not sure guys but I think Samus may be feeling a little bit faster than normal...

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:41:17 PM »
LOL Corrin's D-Air can cheese edge an guarding Peach to kingdom fuck

The Flood / Nice try, Cheat. But you wont make me homesick that easily.
« on: February 03, 2016, 10:13:58 PM »

Man, the Wing Stop on Fulton avenue was the place where I bought the wings for my going away party when I was moving out of Brooklyn. That was the day I finally payed back my friend for all his bullshit Little Mac shenanigans once and for all.
I have no Idea how you found out about it,or what cheap emotional Jew magic you're trying to pull by showing me this but it wont work!

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:30:14 PM »


I need people to spar with

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:10:43 PM »
So catching someone with Corrin's D-Air offstage will only get yourself killed. The opponent can jump out of it while you can't recover. Cant even Kamikaze and take them down with you.

That fuckin stinks

The Flood / Re: Cringe video thread
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:03:19 PM »
Want some cringe? I'll give you some cringe.


Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:57:17 PM »
Those fuckin next gen hitboxes on Corrin's D-Air doe. Gonna enjoy meteor smashing people from the other side of the solar system with that

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:51:28 PM »
Why is every Corrin and Beyonetta that I've play just a BK Randy?


nah that couldn't possibly be it

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:18:21 PM »
God I love how insanely fast Corin's  F-smash comes out

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:13:02 PM »
Who the fuck is Corrin

I could Google it but tabs take ages to load on my laptop

The main character and only cool thing in that terrible newgrouds dating sim that Nintendo is trying to pass for a Fire Emblem game

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:11:35 PM »
Witch Time is a fucking cunt

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:41:57 PM »

something tells me Sakurai is going to use this as an excuse to fuck Samus over even harder than he has.

The Flood / Re: Sorry for the quality of my posts
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:31:39 PM »
Don't be sorry man, I mean having better written posts makes it easier for others to read but we're not gonna go all Grammar -Godwinslaw!- on you for it. :)

Maybe I could end up being as constructive as Big Boss someday.


You're legitimately one of the site's most constructive members, and you're always doing something cool and creative, be it that KFC art or this card game business. I wish I wasn't so lazy these days and had the patience to do something as nice as that.

The closest I've been is the Lego NXT scorpion I made, but I still haven't even programmed it out of sheer laziness.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:24:04 PM »
when the hell are these characters dropping? what time zone are we still waiting for?

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:18:52 PM »
I like the sound of the specialist.

The Flood / Sorry for the quality of my posts
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:17:49 PM »
Specifically in regards all my poorly spelled out and not fully thought out or researched shit that I tend to post. I don't know why but for a while now iv'e just felt lethargic and a little bit depressed and because of it I don't put much thought or effort into the things Iv'e been posting.
I honestly don't know when i'll start feeling better. Maybe then i'll put more time and care into the things I post. Maybe I could end up being as constructive as Big Boss someday. Until then i really am sorry.

Gaming / Re: So I got Halo 5 for Christmas..
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:11:03 PM »

TBH the main flaw with the story is that a massive chunk of it was filler that didn't lend itself to the final outcome, and the characters with the exception of the Warden (and I would ague John too) were massively underdeveloped. The gameplay was alot of fun although in my opinion the set peices never did reach the iconic levels of scale and awe that BUNGiE's did.
Basically this, except I found the Warden to be a completely useless and terrible character. Cortana and Warden's roles should have been merged into the Didact IMO. Most of the missions don't really feel like you, as the player, are driving the story forward, particularly Osiris's missions. In fact, the way Halo 5 was written, there wasn't really any need for Osiris until the final mission IMO.
As for the campaign gameplay, there are some decent missions, like Blue Team, Evacuation, Battle of Sunaion and The Breaking but I never really found any of it memorable. I found the Kraken incredibly underwhelming and nothing else really stood out for me. It's the first Halo campaign I've had no desire to replay. Halo 4 had a similar issue except there were parts I did want to replay. The gameplay was lackluster but the amazing story was there to hold it up.

Yeah the Kraken was definitely a ludicrus waste of potential. I mean you can sort of tell 343 wanted to make it a chase as a callback to Halo 2 but it really just does not cut it. Getting above the Scarab and jumping on it as it walked past was so much more engaging than just having a bigger inactive scarab with no main gun.

The scarab was it's own entity, while the Kraken just severed as a big platform with an objective to shoot inside.

Gaming / Re: So I got Halo 5 for Christmas..
« on: February 03, 2016, 03:47:35 PM »

TBH the main flaw with the story is that a massive chunk of it was filler that didn't lend itself to the final outcome, and the characters with the exception of the Warden (and I would ague John too) were massively underdeveloped. The gameplay was alot of fun although in my opinion the set peices never did reach the iconic levels of scale and awe that BUNGiE's did.

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: February 03, 2016, 01:14:38 PM »
Halo 5 Dynamic Resolution and frame rate scaling

The Flood / Re: Cringe video thread
« on: February 03, 2016, 11:47:30 AM »
Same person
Go home Rocket, you're drunk. I don't want you hurting yourself now.

where do si go if im already home

to war

The Flood / Re: Kittens thead
« on: February 03, 2016, 08:49:17 AM »

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: February 03, 2016, 12:50:21 AM »

It must be made of something weak Vegeta; like paper mache....or Raditz

And of fucking course they'd make the DMR a fucking vehicle killer yet again.

No fucking wonder I just melt in warzone now. Everybody's got DMR's or god forbid, DMR's with kinetic bolts.

Single worst weapon added to the series solely on the fact that in every game it has to be the spamtastic "fuck you and have a bad day too" weapon.

What makes it better is how absolutely worthless the fucking Hydra is for fighting any vehicle exept for killing warthog gunners who were fucked anyway by being on said warthog gun.

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