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Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:20:53 PM »
If just pushing pure dogmatism counts as "dismantling" you sure did alot of that.
You mean like PC gamers do?

PC gamers are incapable of arguing facts,

epic strawman

so I demonstrate that by being an elitist myself.  To show how fucking stupid you are. That's the point.

I'm not allowed to be dogmatic, but PC gamers are. Cool hypocrisy, bro.

where did I ever say this

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 08, 2016, 12:05:46 PM »
and I utterly dismantled all of them.

If just pushing pure dogmatism counts as "dismantling" you sure did alot of that.

The Flood / Re: New kitties
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:35:45 AM »
Aww he has a squirrel tail like my aunt's cat.

The Flood / Re: New kitties
« on: June 08, 2016, 11:34:16 AM »
AWWW can I please keep them?

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: June 08, 2016, 02:48:18 AM »
Damn Dark Souls 2. Back at it again with those quality hitboxes.

Gaming / Re: Halo Online is amazing
« on: June 07, 2016, 11:20:56 PM »
Already have it on my computer. Hit me up if you wanna play sometime.

sure thing

Gaming / Halo Online is amazing
« on: June 07, 2016, 11:04:12 PM »
Like I can actually aim and kill people with the sniper rifle. I couldnt do that shit in a hundred years on any of the console versions (Exept Halo 4 when the Beam Rifle was literally an omnipotent self aiming death-ray)
Everyone go download it.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 09:53:58 PM »
guys, this is a WILD new idea, but, when verb goes off on weird tangents like this, i think we should either completely ignore it or just meme him to death, because clearly logic doesnt work

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 05:06:48 PM »
The Whole Civ series
Age of Empires
RTS games bore me out of my mind. I'd have more fun watching water evaporate.

Try something more stimulating and fun to play.

Civ is turn based you swine.

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 05:01:09 PM »
This meme is still arround
Name an exclusive PC game and I'll tell you why it's either shit, or why it's one of the few good ones.

The molehill of good PC games cannot compare to the mountain of quality console games.

The Whole Civ series
Age of Empires

Gaming / Re: Let us calmly and politely discuss this topic.
« on: June 07, 2016, 04:57:17 PM »
PC has no games. You have to break the law to play anything worthwhile on a PC.

This meme is still arround

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 07, 2016, 04:55:37 PM »
the whole concept of genetically engineering babies is fucking disgusting.

You moved a wrong post to the other thread PSY

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 07, 2016, 04:06:30 PM »
You're right Class, fuck national security and stupid things like people's fucking lives. What REALLY matters is PR. Dosent matter if we are sending unprepared people to die in vein as long as we can flaunt some equality statistic that wont save anyone's life.

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 07, 2016, 04:00:37 PM »
Sorry, but the military is not going to deny exactly the type of fighting men they need so they can have women in combat roles
Exactly. That's the fucking problem.
No, it isn't.
Equality is far more important than having the most effective military we can possibly have.

This IS satirical right?

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 07, 2016, 03:52:02 PM »
Quit being a cuck, class.

Serious / Re: Inequality
« on: June 07, 2016, 03:45:57 PM »
the whole concept of genetically engineering babies is fucking disgusting.

And you are one for having me muted. My mute list is empty. I don't even use True Mute anymore. I've abandoned it all.



Tracer has a nice ass.

Shame she's an absolute bong.
her accent is annoying as fuck

everything about her is annoying as fuck

Also may I remind you Anita/feminists in general dont and never will have an effect on games so really it doesnt matter.

If they try to then we lynch them till they put it back the way the dev wanted it to. Or put up a more sneaky 'over the shoulder' pose.

Did we all just forget what happen with GTA in Australia.
What happened? I dont care enough about the game to follow its news.

Feminists pissed their pants on and got several major retailers to stop selling it in australia.

The Flood / Re: Just fried myself some pizza
« on: June 07, 2016, 01:59:56 AM »
I mean I have never heard of fried pizza

I first discovered it back in Brooklyn.  There were issues however so I fixed the recipe by baking Mozzeralla onto  it post dough frying. The fucking degenerate crackers  that took my home over were too stupid to figure out how to do that and just sprinkled Parmesan on the sauce as if that even constituted as food.

Also may I remind you Anita/feminists in general dont and never will have an effect on games so really it doesnt matter.

If they try to then we lynch them till they put it back the way the dev wanted it to. Or put up a more sneaky 'over the shoulder' pose.

Did we all just forget what happen with GTA in Australia.

The Flood / AMA Just fried myself some pizza
« on: June 07, 2016, 01:12:36 AM »
what recipe should I try next?

Lucy's character is intentionally a grimy whore

Is your name Lucy? Are you a chick with blue hair and blue eyes here that runs around naked whacking others? No?

Then this isn't about you.
It was a joke, but okay.

 I was confused reading this for a second.

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: June 06, 2016, 09:54:33 PM »
So after I killed every skeleton in the area they all just T-Posed out of nowhere


re uploaded version of the video as to not give her monitization cash

Gaming / Re: The Original Official Soulsborne Super Ultra Megathread
« on: June 06, 2016, 01:51:49 AM »
Replaying both Souls 3 and Bear Seek Seek Lest, partialy to get viable PvP builds in both.

I over leveled my original Souls 2 build to go through the DLC with full havels but I really prefer using the Hexer hood and Lion Mage set.

Souls 3 I made alot of mistakes that prevents me from doing the build I want proper so iv'e started over with with pyromancer as my base. I'm also going to be doing as many questlines as possible this time and the evil zombie dictator ending.

Ive mannaged the first 3 bosses in both without cheezing it with other players since probably Jabba te Hutt  or Laser Spider in my first souls 2 playthrough

Gaming / Re: Halo 5 mega thread
« on: June 05, 2016, 07:36:13 PM »
Got a link,  Jojo?

The Flood / Re: fuckin D.Va
« on: June 05, 2016, 05:51:21 PM »

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