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Gaming / Re: Dark Souls build recommendations
« on: June 17, 2017, 06:58:43 PM »
Max resistance build

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls build recommendations
« on: June 17, 2017, 06:58:12 PM »
for every level, add one to each stat in descending order repeatedly

+1 vit -> +1 attunement -> +1 endurance -> +1 strength -> +1 dexterity -> +1 resistance -> +1 intelligence -> +1 faith -> repeat

jack of all trades, master of none

this is actually how i started out before i discovered the concept of builds

In practice this only works for high level builds, except in Dark souls 2 where weapons can be infused with mundane. Mundane scales weapons off of your lowest stat, and if all your stats have the same value they will ALL be treated as your lowest.

For Dark Souls 1 I recomend either a quality build with some int or a dex-mage with a Greatsythe. Getting the dark spells from the DLC makes the game pretty much un loosable.

Dark Souls 2 Int builds are the way to go for a pain free time, Or a havel build.

Dark Souls 3 has three builds total: Quality, Luck and Pyromancer. Anything else is throwing points away.

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: June 17, 2017, 12:18:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: pokemon is the greatest film ever made
« on: June 17, 2017, 09:20:25 AM »
The First Movie is pretty awful TBH  as are the ones about Keldio and Arceus.

Pokemon 2000, Destiny Deoxys, and Heroes are p good.
The Darkrai one wasn't quite as good but still alright.

The Arceus and Keldio movies were fucking mistakes, and the first movie isn't so much better.

Everything else I either have not seen or thought were just meh.

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 17, 2017, 09:06:50 AM »
In Dark Souls 2 you could still be invaded while hollow
what in cunt's name
On the plus side, it's the one Dark Souls game where the PvP is anywhere near good.
PvP is great in 1 fuck are you talking about

That's only if you go Into Halo 2/Melee levels of abusing glitches. Otherwise it's an absolute fuckfest of either stunlocks, mindless poise wars, or infinite backstab chains.

Oh god he's engaged, Verb in a thread about mods. Everybody take cover!

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:21:51 PM »
In Dark Souls 2 you could still be invaded while hollow
what in cunt's name
On the plus side, it's the one Dark Souls game where the PvP is anywhere near good.

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:13:39 PM »
  • Move this to Gay Ming.
  • The lack of  a propper pause mechanic is absolutely retarded and unnessisary, if not lazy, however, quitting to the main menu essentially functions as a pseudo pause, and you lose no progess, spaning at the same spot where you quit.
  • Third. None of the Soulsborne games have done the invasion mechanic correctly. All three Dark Souls have garbage matchmaking priorities in different ways. Dark Souls 1 and 2 allowed for some horrific twinkling or PvP far outside of the appropriate level range. In Dark Souls 2 you could still be invaded while hollow, which was made even worse with how hollowing worked in Souls 2. Dark Souls 3 finally did away with the twinkling problem, but attempting to play Co-Op would almost always result in the session devolving into 'Planetside 2, Phantom Warfare edition' becuase the invasions are fucking endless.  Also Dark Souls 1 and 3's PvPs are fucking awful with the latter being the actual worst multiplayer games I've ever played.
    Ideally Invasions should use Dark Souls 3's level and upgrade priority, and you should only be able to be invaded while in human form, and even after the area boss has been defeated. Also Invaders should not be able to chug. Co-Op should not prioritize general invasions, that is not fun for anybody. However It should give an extra possible invader for every white phantom currently in your world.
  • No, Sasuke Verb, it's not akin to rape you fucking emo edgelord.

We got our first official gameplay! And the best part? NO DOGFIGHT MODE HELL YES

Wait, so does average game play mostly revolve around just using missiles?

Gaming / Re: Metroid: Samus Returns
« on: June 15, 2017, 02:10:51 PM »
More gameplay is at E3 RIGHT NOW!!!

Gaming / Re: Metroid: Samus Returns
« on: June 15, 2017, 12:42:09 PM »
OP updates with upgrade info

Gaming / Re: what are some fun 3ds games i can get
« on: June 15, 2017, 10:00:32 AM »
Super Metroid
Custom Robo
Smash Bros
Monster Hunter
Super Mario 64 DS
Megaman ZX/Advent

The Flood / Re: Words and names I HATE
« on: June 15, 2017, 09:59:28 AM »
You missed me, you fucking weeb.

Gaming / Re: Metroid: Samus Returns
« on: June 14, 2017, 11:37:25 PM »

Tomorrow i'll expand the OP with more info such as lists of enemies and power ups

Gaming / Re: You know what I don't like about Destiny 2
« on: June 14, 2017, 07:40:07 PM »
This is an actual quote from Luke Smith in an interview he had with PC Gamer.
Ghaul seems like a cool new big-bad to introduce in the same way Oryx rocked up for The Taken King and provided the main antagonist. But are we going to learn any more about the core story introduced in Destiny 1, who the Speaker is and where he comes from, what the Darkness is? Are we going to hear from the Exo Stranger? Are those kind of questions going to be answered in Destiny 2?

Not specifically all of those questions. I think some of those questions we’ve taken off the shelf to look at, and some of those questions we’re leaving on the shelf and may never answer. Personally, I think of Destiny 1 as sort of an issue zero in a comic book series. It’s about introducing the universe and some characters in it and some statements, but I think we want to—and a bunch of those statements were questions. I don’t know that we’ll answer all of those statements from the first game, and aren’t going to attempt to in Destiny 2 either. We’re telling a story here with some momentum and I think it’s going to show direction and progress for where the arc of Destiny is going to go. And that arc is, for us, really beginning with game two.


lol remember the Exo Stranger? We're just gonna leave that as a loose end, as well as every other question you had about Destiny's broken plot.

That's what the video I posted was about. The Destiny lore community is absolutely fucking livid.
Damn, at least 343i were still going to bring the Didact back after they shelved him.
BUNGiE lets Luke get away with fucking murder and every E3.

Gaming / Re: You know what I don't like about Destiny 2
« on: June 14, 2017, 07:20:32 PM »

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 14, 2017, 06:23:48 PM »
ARMS looks like absolute garbage

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 14, 2017, 05:58:32 PM »
This ARMS tournament is a grab spam fest

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: June 14, 2017, 12:04:22 AM »
someone fixed it

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 13, 2017, 11:54:43 PM »
Honestly, if CoD abandoned the same tripe it's been pushing for years and takes notes from Battlefield, I wouldn't mind it at all. It'd feel more like a war at least and less like paintball.

Then play battlefield dammit.
We haven't had a good simple shooting gallery since Black Ops 2.

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 13, 2017, 11:38:16 PM »

Is anybody seriously considering buying this game?

- No create a class (we get Battlefield-like classes instead)
- Same old open area with symmetrical cover maps
- Clearly copying BF1's Operations with new mode

It's literaly just Battlefeild 1942 HD at this point.

So much for "Same Game Every Year" and "Going back to It's roots. Call of Duty Stopped existing back when It decided it was fucking ODST: Advanced Warfare, and then Titanfall lite two yeras in a row.

It's alright
Still got better games
They're losing exclusives like crazy though

What do you mean
In the past few years they've lost MGS, KH, and Final Fantasy, alongside many of their games now currently being given PC presence.


Well they could always bully a Blooborne franchise from Fromsoft to keep them afloat

Sony lost E3 the moment they didn't announce Bloodborne Kart

Gaming / You know what I don't like about Destiny 2
« on: June 13, 2017, 10:24:33 PM »
It's abundantly clear at this point that BUNGiE plans to go absolutely nowhere with the story and keep it in filler hell longer than even Naruto could dream of accomplishing.

In four years the story has not made an ounce of signifigant progress, neither toward answers as to the actual nature of the conflict we have been pulled into, nor are we any closer to any kind of resolution. Not even the grimore helps. Oryx's backstory was a great story, and good worldbuilding, but at the end of the day all it's really done is give about a millon excuses for if they want to Dragonball Z Oryx back to life again.
There have been SOME indications that the Traveler is some kind of uncaring symbiotic that uses species simply to protect itself from The Darkness™ but that is also set up in a way where it will likely not end up panning out.

And now we come to Destiny 2. Filler was was excusable in the past since it was only expansions to the first game, but now not only are we sill not following up on anything the original base story set up, but we are actualy taking steps BACKWARD to justify even more damn filler revolving around the franchisees' most insignificant faction.

It feels bad, because there are enough elements in the game for me to enjoy it but at the same time I know i'm feeding into some of the most cynical and scummy business practices this side of Weyland fucking Yutani.

Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 13, 2017, 09:25:44 PM »


Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
« on: June 13, 2017, 06:18:18 PM »
Oh, its just metroid... :/
KYS and your entire genepool please.

Gaming / Metroid: Samus Returns
« on: June 13, 2017, 04:36:44 PM »

      Reveal Trailer

      45 Minnutes of Gameplay

      'Metroid: Samus Returns' is a 2.5D remake of Gameboy original sidescroller  'Metroid 2: Return of Samus'. This new title returns the series to an emphasis on exploration puzzle solving and atmosphere for the first time in a decade.


      For those unaware of the timeline, the game's story follows bounty hunter Samus Aran after the events of the Metroid/Zero Mission and the (current) Metroid Prime series. Due to the threat that the Metroid species has posed in the past, the Galactic Federation elects to exterminate them on their native planet of SR-388. After several millitary units are lost on the planet, the Federation hires Samus to complete the mission, and if possible recover any survivors.
      Samus ultimately succeeds in exterminating the Metroids, as well as securing the final offsprinng of the species after it mistakes her for it's mother upon hatching.

      Release Date: September 15th, 2017

      What we know:
      • Developed by Spanish developer Mercury Steam along with Yoshio Sakamoto and Director Takehiko Hosokawa. Mercury Steam's involvement with Metroid dates back to 2015 when they pitched a 3D Prime-like title to Nintendo, which has not seen the light of day so far.
      • The soundtrack is composed by 'Super Metroid' Composers, Kenji Yammamoto and Minako Hamano
      • The game will release with a special edition which includes a sound, including music from across the Metroid series.

      • Metroid: Samus Returns also adds various new gameplay mechanics to the Metroid sandbox including:

             -The ability to free aim, as opposed to the 5 directional aiming introduced in 'Super Metroid'. A laser pointer
              shows when you are properly aimed at an enemy.

             -Counter Melee: which allows Samus to parry a charging enemy and counterattack with critical damage

             -Aeion abilities: A new set of armor upgrades which provide utility but come at a cost of being limited by a
              new resource called Aeion energy.

             -New Map features such as the ability to place pins and a "sonar" that indicates when Samus is approaching a
              Metroid encounter

           -Teleport Stations allow for fast travel across SR-388's various ares

          -Samus can discover Chozo memories across SR-388 which uncovers bits of backstory about the species and planet.

      Weapons and Equipment
      Standard Eqipment and Upgrades:

      Chozo Battle Suit Ver SA1-4468-VM6-P:
      Otherwise know as the 'Power Suit'. This Chozo combat exoskeleton serves as Samus' main form of both offense and defense. The built-on Arm Cannon is equipped by default with the Power Beam. The suit supports a diverse array of upgrades which can be installed in seconds, ranging from Galactic Federation equipment to technological relics which Samus encounters throughout her journey.

      • Power Beam:

        Default beam weapon. Can be aimed and fired in 360 degrees. All beams can open basic doors.

      • Charge Beam:

        Allows the beam to be charged up. Standard charge shots are slightly more powerful than default missiles

      • Spazer/Wide Beam:

        Beam now fires 3 slightly more powerful projectiles

      • Ice Beam:

        Beam freezes targets. Especially effective against Metroids

      • Plasma Beam

      Beam damage is considerably increased and rounds are capable of traveling through multiple enemies.

      • Missile:

        More powerful than standard beam attacks, but limited by ammo. Missile stores can be expanded by 3 at a time by aquiring missile tanks. Opens red locks.

      • Super Missile
        A more powerful missile, with a larger blast radius. Has less ammo. Can open green and red locks.

      • Bombs:

        Main offensive ability of the Morph Ball mode. Explode shortly after being dropped. The blast can propel Samus upward, and well timed bombs can be used to preform an infinite chain of bomb jumps. Charging the beam before switching to Morph ball mode will cause Samus to drop five bombs at once.

      • Melee Counter
        The strength provided by Samus' power suit allows her to parry chaarging enemies, knocking them back, and leaving them open for counterattack. Counteratacking fast enough rewards Samus with a critical attack.

      • Varia Suit

        Upgrade that provides Samus immunity to atmospheric based dammage, and decreases overall dammage taken from all other souses

      • Gravity suit

        Negates movement encumberment due to environmental factors such as high gravity or moving through fluids such as water, acid or magma. Also negates damage from most extreme environments such as acid or magma, while also further reducing damage received from most sources.

      • Morph Ball:

        Samus' suit transforms into a compact sphere, allowing the traversal of extremely narrow passageways with mobily that crouching or going prone would not provide.

      • Spider Ball[/b]

        An upgrade to the morph ball which allows it to adhere to and climb walls and ceilings.

      • Spring Ball
        • Allows Samus to jump in Morph Ball form without the use of bombs.

          • Grapple Beam

            An energy based grapple hook that can be used to aid mobility, and also in an offensive manner as well, to pull or disrupt enemies like Zeta Metroids. The grapple beam automatically activates in place of the normal beam whenever Samus aims at an applicable target.

      • Energy Tanks

      Samus' Armor relies on an energy reserve to remain active. By default the suit carries a maximum reserve of 99 energy units. Energy Tanks expand this reserve by a totall of 100 units per tank, increasing Samus' survivability

      • Missile Tank

      Each one of these increases the maximum number of missiles Samus can carry by 3.

      Aeion Abilites
      A set of upgrades and abilities entirely new to Metroid Return of Samus. These provde various utilities and augmentations to Samus' abilities, but are limited by consumption of a new resouse called Aeion. The exact method of replenishing Aeion is yet unknown but may come in the forms of drops from slain enemies, as do health and missile replenishment.

      • Scan Pulse
        Samus' Suit emits a radar-like sweep which maps some of the surrounding area and reveals intractable blocks. This upgrade effectvey takes the place of the Scan Visor and Power Bombs

      • Lightning Armor
        Envelops Samus' armor in an electrtic aura, which damages enemies on contact and depletes Aeion instead of HP. Damage is also added to the melee counter, and the Long Beam upgrade is negated.

      • Machine Gun (placeholder name)
        Holding down the fire button will cause Samus' beams and missiles to fire in fully automatic rapid fire, overriding the charge beam.

      • Phase Shift
        Activating this slows down time. Useful for traversing crumbling blocks.


      Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
      « on: June 13, 2017, 03:45:46 PM »
      Someone should do a sep7agon gaming thread bingo. "Discussion about mods breaks out with Verb" is a very recurring theme.

      Should make it a drinking game so I finally have an excuse to KMS

      Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - DUDE WHO WON?? LMAO
      « on: June 13, 2017, 03:44:47 PM »
      Kenji is back for Samus Returns

      Gaming / Re: E3 2017 - Nintendo Direct on June 13th @ 9 AM PT
      « on: June 13, 2017, 02:00:33 PM »
      all that needs to be said about god of war


      Reminds me:

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