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Messages - Risay117

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I like Trump and I would vote for him if I were an American citizen.
The dude thinks vaccines cause autism.
And yet somehow managed to get from poor to millionaire 4 times in his life...
Okay first thing first, when was this guy ever poor.
Read his biography.
When, he has always had cash, and if according to aMetroid he claimed bankruptcy well rich people do that when they want to get out of contracts. Basically companies avoid it due it creating bad credit but if they want to they do it to nullify all contracts and start from scratch. Does not mean he is poor.

Actually according to this article Forbes article he never actually was poor and among the four times he claimed bankruptcy, the first time was the only time his own assets and cash was at risk.

Honestly if he thinks he can use bankruptcy to reshape and restructure America's economy. He might as well nuke the heartland of American Economic might. After that, no one, i repeat no one would dare to trade with America, for the basic fear that they can claim bankruptcy. Actually if anything investment drops and the whole economy will never recover again.

The Flood / Tom Clancy Novels
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:54:55 PM »
Hey, just wondering. I am planning on reading some Tom Clancy novels and was wondering if you guys have any recommendations.

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:54:00 PM »
XCOM is actually quite a good Turn Based Strategy Game.

Though if want RTS, Europe, Civilization, Age of Empires, Starcraft.

The Flood / Re: Verbatim was right.
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:52:16 PM »
I've been meaning to quit smoking like the past year but I don't really see a point. My lungs are already fucked and it's not like I'm in a good place so why quit something thats helping me feel nice inside

Well you can reverse some of the damages, and instead of smoking you could try baking?
I mean girls love guys who can cook, so two birds one stone. You become a master baker, and get high at the same time.

The Flood / Re: who's up for a cheeky sesh
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:45:24 PM »

Gaming / Re: My bros didn't like the last guardian
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:41:42 PM »
Have they shown any gameplay of the Last Gaurdian. Have not seen it, but must say the worst thing is that it has been in the works for ages it is kind of sad that it may fall into memory.
yeah Sony opened with it at e3
Cool will check it up.
I just fear that this will fail spectacularly in sales because of how long it has been in the works. With the stoppage and work and such. I feel sad but it may have been better if they had not brought it back up from dead.

Unless it shows something amazing and can grab attention like the Last of Us did.

Gaming / Re: My bros didn't like the last guardian
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:34:09 PM »
Have they shown any gameplay of the Last Gaurdian. Have not seen it, but must say the worst thing is that it has been in the works for ages it is kind of sad that it may fall into memory.

This just reminded me. What if people made games with this and the environment. Like objective based games. Imagine a bunch of people in vr running around.

It could get scary and kind of disturbing as it could be used to allow people to feel like they can do something they once could not do. Leading to people actually taking unecessary risk that is dangerous to their lives.

I do not care. Only problem is i do not have a computer where i can play lol or dota. My computer right now is for work.

Reminds of 90's punk rock. Kind of good.

Serious / Re: Uber
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:20:58 PM »
But i heard one of the biggest argument is that other taxi companies cannot compete.

That's a sign that Uber is providing a better service.
The question though, is it because they can skirt the laws and regulations that taxi companies have to deal with, or that they are a preferred option and have a better revenue model. I really want to see the regulations on taxi companies be lifted and see how they deal with less government interference and protectionism.

The Flood / Re: boycott jurassic world
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:19:05 PM »
Stop laughing Psy, it's not funny.

On topic this is hilarious.

Serious / Is Obama a Republican
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:12:00 PM »
I know this is a stupid place to discuss this but here is an old article that i feel should be discussed.
Obama is a Republican

The point the author makes is that throughout the whole presidency, Obama has actually been closer to the policies that the Republicans follow in comparison to that of the Republican party. His fiscal policies have introduced cuts although spending did go up, cuts were made quite heavily both due to Republican negotiations and personal reorganization. He has also moved against the projection of power into conflicts and has played a fine line between interventionism and isolationism. Focusing more of his foreign affairs on the economic and the diplomatic platform in contrast to a militaristic one.

And most ironic of all, is that Obama's own Health Reform is based of old Republican Health Plans and ironically, previous presidency candidate Mitt Romney's own Health Care Package that he proposed and applied to his state. Although he has been supportive of progressive social stances, he has been slow or quite hands off when it comes to those topics. These include Gay Marriage, drugs, taxes and Race. It seems that no matter how we look at it, Obama has been quite silent when it comes to social issues, instead staying out of it, and giving remarks every now and again.

Overall if one looks at his presidency, it seems to outline a Republican presidency in the shroud of Democrats. Why so, not sure. It could be personal policy choice of Obama to Republican control of the house that pushed these type of motions. If anything this does show that minority governments do have to rely on diplomacy to get things through.

I wonder if the Republicans were in the same position would they have been more progressive instead of conservative.

The article in it's full:
Back in 2008, Boston University professor Andrew Bacevich wrote an article for this magazine making a conservative case for Barack Obama. While much of it was based on disgust with the warmongering and budgetary profligacy of the Republican Party under George W. Bush, which he expected to continue under 2008 Republican nominee Sen. John McCain, Bacevich thought Obama at least represented hope for ending the Iraq War and shrinking the national-security state.

I wrote a piece for the New Republic soon afterward about the Obamacon phenomenon—prominent conservatives and Republicans who were openly supporting Obama. Many saw in him a classic conservative temperament: someone who avoided lofty rhetoric, an ambitious agenda, and a Utopian vision that would conflict with human nature, real-world barriers to radical reform, and the American system of government.

Among the Obamacons were Ken Duberstein, Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff; Charles Fried, Reagan’s solicitor general; Ken Adelman, director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for Reagan; Jeffrey Hart, longtime senior editor of National Review; Colin Powell, Reagan’s national security adviser and secretary of state for George W. Bush; and Scott McClellan, Bush’s press secretary. There were many others as well.

According to exit polls in 2008, Obama ended up with 20 percent of the conservative vote. Even in 2012, after four years of relentless conservative attacks, he still got 17 percent of the conservative vote, with 11 percent of Tea Party supporters saying they cast their ballots for Obama.

They were not wrong. In my opinion, Obama has governed as a moderate conservative—essentially as what used to be called a liberal Republican before all such people disappeared from the GOP. He has been conservative to exactly the same degree that Richard Nixon basically governed as a moderate liberal, something no conservative would deny today. (Ultra-leftist Noam Chomsky recently called Nixon “the last liberal president.”)

Here’s the proof:


One of Obama’s first decisions after the election was to keep national-security policy essentially on automatic pilot from the Bush administration. He signaled this by announcing on November 25, 2008, that he planned to keep Robert M. Gates on as secretary of defense. Arguably, Gates had more to do with determining Republican policy on foreign and defense policy between the two Bush presidents than any other individual, serving successively as deputy national security adviser in the White House, director of Central Intelligence, and secretary of defense.

Another early indication of Obama’s hawkishness was naming his rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state. During the campaign, Clinton ran well to his right on foreign policy, so much so that she earned the grudging endorsement of prominent neoconservatives such as Bill Kristol and David Brooks.

Obama, Kristol told the Washington Post in August 2007, “is becoming the antiwar candidate, and Hillary Clinton is becoming the responsible Democrat who could become commander in chief in a post-9/11 world.” Writing in the New York Times on February 5, 2008, Brooks praised Clinton for hanging tough on Iraq “through the dark days of 2005.”

Right-wing columnist Ann Coulter found Clinton more acceptable on national-security policy than even the eventual Republican nominee, Senator McCain. Clinton, Coulter told Fox’s Sean Hannity on January 31, 2008, was “more conservative than he [McCain] is. I think she would be stronger in the war on terrorism.” Coulter even said she would campaign for Clinton over McCain in a general election match up.

After Obama named Clinton secretary of state, there was “a deep sigh” of relief among Republicans throughout Washington, according to reporting by The Daily Beast’s John Batchelor. He noted that not a single Republican voiced any public criticism of her appointment.

By 2011, Republicans were so enamored with Clinton’s support for their policies that Dick Cheney even suggested publicly that she run against Obama in 2012. The irony is that as secretary of state, Clinton was generally well to Obama’s left, according to Vali Nasr’s book The Dispensable Nation. This may simply reflect her assumption of state’s historical role as the dovish voice in every administration. Or it could mean that Obama is far more hawkish than conservatives have given him credit for.

Although Obama followed through on George W. Bush’s commitment to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq in 2011, in 2014 he announced a new campaign against ISIS, an Islamic militant group based in Syria and Iraq.


With the economy collapsing, the first major issue confronting Obama in 2009 was some sort of economic stimulus. Christina Romer, chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, whose academic work at the University of California, Berkeley, frequently focused on the Great Depression, estimated that the stimulus needed to be in the range of $1.8 trillion, according to Noam Scheiber’s book The Escape Artists.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was enacted in February 2009 with a gross cost of $816 billion. Although this legislation was passed without a single Republican vote, it is foolish to assume that the election of McCain would have resulted in savings of $816 billion. There is no doubt that he would have put forward a stimulus plan of roughly the same order of magnitude, but tilted more toward Republican priorities.

A Republican stimulus would undoubtedly have had more tax cuts and less spending, even though every serious study has shown that tax cuts are the least effective method of economic stimulus in a recession. Even so, tax cuts made up 35 percent of the budgetary cost of the stimulus bill—$291 billion—despite an estimate from Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers that tax cuts barely raised the gross domestic product $1 for every $1 of tax cut. By contrast, $1 of government purchases raised GDP $1.55 for every $1 spent. Obama also extended the Bush tax cuts for two years in 2010.

It’s worth remembering as well that Bush did not exactly bequeath Obama a good fiscal hand. Fiscal year 2009 began on October 1, 2008, and one third of it was baked in the cake the day Obama took the oath of office. On January 7, 2009, the Congressional Budget Office projected significant deficits without considering any Obama initiatives. It estimated a deficit of $1.186 trillion for 2009 with no change in policy. The Office of Management and Budget estimated in November of that year that Bush-era policies, such as Medicare Part D, were responsible for more than half of projected deficits over the next decade.

Republicans give no credit to Obama for the significant deficit reduction that has occurred on his watch—just as they ignore the fact that Bush inherited an projected budget surplus of $5.6 trillion over the following decade, which he turned into an actual deficit of $6.1 trillion, according to a CBO study—but the improvement is real.

Screenshot 2014-10-20 12.59.16

Republicans would have us believe that their tight-fisted approach to spending is what brought down the deficit. But in fact, Obama has been very conservative, fiscally, since day one, to the consternation of his own party. According to reporting by the Washington Post and New York Times, Obama actually endorsed much deeper cuts in spending and the deficit than did the Republicans during the 2011 budget negotiations, but Republicans walked away.

Obama’s economic conservatism extends to monetary policy as well. His Federal Reserve appointments have all been moderate to conservative, well within the economic mainstream. He even reappointed Republican Ben Bernanke as chairman in 2009. Many liberals have faulted Obama for not appointing board members willing to be more aggressive in using monetary policy to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.

Obama’s other economic appointments, such as Larry Summers at the National Economic Council and Tim Geithner at Treasury, were also moderate to conservative. Summers served on the Council of Economic Advisers staff in Reagan’s White House. Geithner joined the Treasury during the Reagan administration and served throughout the George H.W. Bush administration.

Health Reform

Contrary to rants that Obama’s 2010 health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), is the most socialistic legislation in American history, the reality is that it is virtually textbook Republican health policy, with a pedigree from the Heritage Foundation and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, among others.

It’s important to remember that historically the left-Democratic approach to healthcare reform was always based on a fully government-run system such as Medicare or Medicaid. During debate on health reform in 2009, this approach was called “single payer,” with the government being the single payer. One benefit of this approach is cost control: the government could use its monopsony buying power to force down prices just as Walmart does with its suppliers.

Conservatives wanted to avoid too much government control and were adamantly opposed to single-payer. But they recognized that certain problems required more than a pure free-market solution. One problem in particular is covering people with pre-existing conditions, one of the most popular provisions in ACA. The difficulty is that people may wait until they get sick before buying insurance and then expect full coverage for their conditions. Obviously, this free-rider problem would bankrupt the health-insurance system unless there was a fix.

The conservative solution was the individual mandate—forcing people to buy private health insurance, with subsidies for the poor. This approach was first put forward by Heritage Foundation economist Stuart Butler in a 1989 paper, “A Framework for Reform,” published in a Heritage Foundation book, A National Health System for America. In it, Butler said the number one element of a conservative health system was this: “Every resident of the U.S. must, by law, be enrolled in an adequate health care plan to cover major health costs.” He went on to say:

Under this arrangement, all households would be required to protect themselves from major medical costs by purchasing health insurance or enrolling in a prepaid health plan. The degree of financial protection can be debated, but the principle of mandatory family protection is central to a universal health care system in America.

In 1991, prominent conservative health economist Mark V. Pauley also endorsed the individual mandate as central to healthcare reform. In an article in the journal Health Affairs, Pauley said:

All citizens should be required to obtain a basic level of health insurance. Not having health insurance imposes a risk of delaying medical care; it also may impose costs on others, because we as a society provide care to the uninsured. … Permitting individuals to remain uninsured results in inefficient use of medical care, inequity in the incidence of costs of uncompensated care, and tax-related distortions.

In 2004, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) endorsed an individual mandate in a speech to the National Press Club. “I believe higher-income Americans today do have a societal and personal responsibility to cover in some way themselves and their children,” he said. Even libertarian Ron Bailey, writing in Reason, conceded the necessity of a mandate in a November 2004 article titled, “Mandatory Health Insurance Now!” Said Bailey: “Why shouldn’t we require people who now get health care at the expense of the rest of us pay for their coverage themselves? … Mandatory health insurance would not be unlike the laws that require drivers to purchase auto insurance or pay into state-run risk pools.”

Among those enamored with the emerging conservative health reform based on an individual mandate was Mitt Romney, who was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2002. In 2004, he put forward a state health reform plan to which he later added an individual mandate. As Romney explained in June 2005, “No more ‘free riding,’ if you will, where an individual says: ‘I’m not going to pay, even though I can afford it. I’m not going to get insurance, even though I can afford it. I’m instead going to just show up and make the taxpayers pay for me’.”

The following month, Romney emphasized his point: “We can’t have as a nation 40 million people—or, in my state, half a million—saying, ‘I don’t have insurance, and if I get sick, I want someone else to pay’.”

In 2006, Governor Romney signed the Massachusetts health reform into law, including the individual mandate. Defending his legislation in a Wall Street Journal article, he said:

I proposed that everyone must either purchase a product of their choice or demonstrate that they can pay for their own health care. It’s a personal responsibility principle.

Some of my libertarian friends balk at what looks like an individual mandate. But remember, someone has to pay for the health care that must, by law, be provided: Either the individual pays or the taxpayers pay. A free ride on government is not libertarian.

As late as 2008, Robert Moffitt of the Heritage Foundation was still defending the individual mandate as reasonable, non-ideological and nonpartisan in an article for the Harvard Health Policy Review. thisarticleappeared-novdec14

So what changed just a year later, when Obama put forward a health-reform plan that was almost a carbon copy of those previously endorsed by the Heritage Foundation, Mitt Romney, and other Republicans? The only thing is that it was now supported by a Democratic president that Republicans vowed to fight on every single issue, according to Robert Draper’s book Do Not Ask What Good We Do.

Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod later admitted that Romney’s Massachusetts plan was the “template” for Obama’s plan. “That work inspired our own health plan,” he said in 2011. But no one in the White House said so back in 2009. I once asked a senior Obama aide why. His answer was that once Republicans refused to negotiate on health reform and Obama had to win only with Democratic votes, it would have been counterproductive, politically, to point out the Obama plan’s Republican roots.

The left wing of the House Democratic caucus was dubious enough about Obama’s plan as it was, preferring a single-payer plan. Thus it was necessary for Obama to portray his plan as more liberal than it really was to get the Democratic votes needed for passage, which of course played right into the Republicans’ hands. But the reality is that ACA remains a very modest reform based on Republican and conservative ideas.

Other Rightward Policies

Below are a few other issues on which Obama has consistently tilted rightward:

Drugs: Although it has become blindingly obvious that throwing people in jail for marijuana use is insane policy and a number of states have moved to decriminalize its use, Obama continued the harsh anti-drug policy of previous administrations, and his Department of Justice continues to treat marijuana as a dangerous drug. As Time put it in 2012: “The Obama Administration is cracking down on medical marijuana dispensaries and growers just as harshly as the Administration of George W. Bush did.”

National-security leaks: At least since Nixon, a hallmark of Republican administrations has been an obsession with leaks of unauthorized information, and pushing the envelope on government snooping. By all accounts, Obama’s penchant for secrecy and withholding information from the press is on a par with the worst Republican offenders. Journalist Dan Froomkin charges that Obama has essentially institutionalized George W. Bush’s policies. Nixon operative Roger Stone thinks Obama has actually gone beyond what his old boss tried to do.

Race: I think almost everyone, including me, thought the election of our first black president would lead to new efforts to improve the dismal economic condition of African-Americans. In fact, Obama has seldom touched on the issue of race, and when he has he has emphasized the conservative themes of responsibility and self-help. Even when Republicans have suppressed minority voting, in a grotesque campaign to fight nonexistent voter fraud, Obama has said and done nothing.

Gay marriage: Simply stating public support for gay marriage would seem to have been a no-brainer for Obama, but it took him two long years to speak out on the subject and only after being pressured to do so.

Corporate profits: Despite Republican harping about Obama being anti-business, corporate profits and the stock market have risen to record levels during his administration. Even those progressives who defend Obama against critics on the left concede that he has bent over backward to protect corporate profits. As Theda Skocpol and Lawrence Jacobs put it: “In practice, [Obama] helped Wall Street avert financial catastrophe and furthered measures to support businesses and cater to mainstream public opinion. …  He has always done so through specific policies that protect and further opportunities for businesses to make profits.”

I think Cornel West nailed it when he recently charged that Obama has never been a real progressive in the first place. “He posed as a progressive and turned out to be counterfeit,” West said. “We ended up with a Wall Street presidency, a drone presidency, a national security presidency.”

I don’t expect any conservatives to recognize the truth of Obama’s fundamental conservatism for at least a couple of decades—perhaps only after a real progressive presidency. In any case, today they are too invested in painting him as the devil incarnate in order to frighten grassroots Republicans into voting to keep Obama from confiscating all their guns, throwing them into FEMA re-education camps, and other nonsense that is believed by many Republicans. But just as they eventually came to appreciate Bill Clinton’s core conservatism, Republicans will someday see that Obama was no less conservative.

Bruce Bartlett is the author of The Benefit and the Burden: Tax Reform—Why We Need It and What It Will Take.

I like Trump and I would vote for him if I were an American citizen.
The dude thinks vaccines cause autism.
And yet somehow managed to get from poor to millionaire 4 times in his life...
Okay first thing first, when was this guy ever poor. Second the way he makes his money is vastly different from the way someone runs a country.

Remember he makes money by licensing his name to projects or companies, and if successful he gets a cut of the profits. If not well someone paid for it and so he can laugh all the way to the bank.

Second point most of his money is inhereted from his dad and he has not made if i remember correctly any huge gains on it. Mainly moderate depending on his investments. And well if you have money to throw around you usually do quite well in the stock market.

On another point, America's economy is not shit, and recently i have joined the following that national debt is of no great importance if anything GDB to Debt ratio is more important. Are we making more than we owe is what matters. The new philosophy is that it is better to go into debt to invest so that you can increase earnings and offset your debt.

Serious / Re: Why I don't mind the Conservatives' austerity
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:48:02 PM »
Okay. You have piqued my interest in returning to this forum on a more regular basis.

Unfortunately i am not financially literate so i will be learning from the base up. So likely to expect alot of stupid points to be made.

Reminder, reply within 3 days.

Serious / Re: Uber
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:41:35 PM »
To be honest this is a pretty good example of why we ought to cut back on labour market regulation. Uber drivers are employees any way you look at it, but it's quite clear that the current arrangement (where they're kind of treated as contractors) is preferable for both the company and the "employees", and a good business model.

Just fucking leave them be, they're providing a good service as they are.
But i heard one of the biggest argument is that other taxi companies cannot compete. And the main excuse they give is that unlike Uber thy have higher capital cost for the same service.

These include insurance, license, permits and the kind.

Though what i am saying is protectionist in a sense, i really do wonder if with time, something really stupid will occur that will force Uber to slowly become a taxi company.

Honesrtly i hate the taxi system where there are draws or permits that drivers fight for and use to gain revenue. I also wonder if cities may start to lose a revenue stream and may start cracking down on Uber.

Serious / Uber
« on: June 20, 2015, 12:40:18 PM »

Okay, this is a question i have been having a hard time grappling with. Is Uber a taxi company like the cabs you choose or a company that just provides an app. Why i am asking is because i am not sure if the drivers can be considered employee's or contractors.

Because if Uber has the right to control how drivers do business (Example). Then are the drivers considered employees of the company?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon is indeed a community
« on: June 18, 2015, 10:13:39 PM »
Just a group of people. We could make gaming clan if you want. But personally i think we should make ourselves test subjects to some strange psychological experiment.

Only question now is to design an experiment and get data from our activity.

The Flood / Re: Is it weird to say I love apple's packaging?
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:13:28 PM »
Not sure what is with all the Apple Hate.

That is definitely not going to pass. It will be laughed up and thrown out.

So when is the EU going to cut the infected limb off to save the rest of the body?
I do not think the one's in power like Germany want Greece gone, cause it could pave way for other countries leaving if things got hard and screwing it over.

On the main topic, have not been following closely but i wonder if there is another option for Greece. Has stimulus been tried yet over there?

Or what about trying to restructure the economy. I mean wage and pension cuts is only band aid solutions, but a true work around has to take into account the economy.

The Flood / Re: Would you date a disabled person?
« on: June 17, 2015, 09:24:14 PM »

I mean yeah beauty matters to me, but that does not mean someone handicaped would not be in my zone of interest.

The Flood / Change one event in your life
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:25:45 PM »
If there is one event you could change in your life what would you change.

A haunting or embarrassing scenario from the past or a stupid action in the past.

Gaming / Re: eylo 5 gameplay
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:19:43 PM »
Looks promising. Nothing more than that.

Serious / Re: Why do Islamists do the finger thing?
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:24:43 PM »
Hard to explain but SgtMag has got it. It is also used in prayer during even and final sequences. Mainly for shahada. Basically affirming your belief in oneness of allah.

The Flood / Live Shows
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:20:54 PM »
This is old news but i have always found live shows to be more amazing than recordings from albums.

Case in point. When i went to watch Purity Ring play in Calgary this friday. I was amazed at both theirs and their side liners, notably Braids, performance. They sounded way more spectacular and the light show was mind blowingly amazing. Honestly i feel like i will remember this for years to come.

Anyway i was just wondering, is there any live show you have been to that has stuck in your memory?

The Flood / Re: Interesting questions
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:07:27 PM »
1. Text

The Flood / Re: What Breast Size Do You Like?
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:06:27 PM »
Depends on the girl but nothing to big.

The Flood / Re: Are Foo Fighters any good
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:05:48 PM »
They are good. Amazing not sute but Dave Grohl is one of the most successfull artist to date.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession
« on: June 14, 2015, 10:03:43 PM »
So is the rest of this forum.

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