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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 313233 3435 ... 99
The Flood / Re: What happened to Isara?
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:26:40 PM »
I wonder. Does she get cash or income from this site? She should get to split the revenue equally with Cheat.
I asked her before, she does it for free.
Then she must be finding a job for the summer or an internship. People in Greece are fighting for those like a pack of vultures on a stray wolf.

The Flood / Re: What happened to Isara?
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:22:10 PM »
I wonder. Does she get cash or income from this site? She should get to split the revenue equally with Cheat.

The Flood / Re: Would this place show up in a background check?
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:20:22 PM »
Likely not or maybe will.

Serious / Re: The ECB is going to end Greece's bailout
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:19:29 PM »
I personally do not think Greece will leave. They have little to no hope and the Germans are going to force them to take the deal they make. There is going to be a need of huge restructuring of the Greek finances.

But although austerity is needed short term, stimulus is needed long term with a strong push in fixing the holes in the Greece tax codes. That in itself could fix some revenue shortfall. Plus tourism could perform better especially if labour cost drops. Lower cost means more visitors. That sector itself could help support Greece.

But personally i feel two things have to be dealt with. First austerity to clean some of the debt in this year, with a strong stimulus that is focused not on pensions or wellfare but on infrastructure spending. Pensions should be paid after tax laws are dealt with and revenue generstion for the government is fixed.

The Flood / Re: Its Psy's birthday today
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:51:04 PM »
Happy birthday psy.

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: June 29, 2015, 01:47:29 PM »
History will remember hom like they do Lincoln.

From what i heard they are just creating a buffer zone. Going to shove those refugees somewhere and maybe start setting up the final push to Damascus from Idlib.

This is a race now can Ktaib Hezbollah connect Iraq to sSyria in time to reinforce the regime or will the militants be able to push hard from the north and clear another governent next summer.

Also got to worry what happens in the South. They lose that the regime is near done. Cause Jordan plans to make a buffer zone there as well.

Serious / If Malcolm X was not killed
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:42:04 PM »
How do you think civil rights movements would have changed?

Where would you see him and how important would he be in the political theater?

I was just wondering as he became a really polarizing person who due to his belief became a target of the very organization he once suppprted.

Serious / Re: Walmart refuses to make a Confederate flag cake. . .
« on: June 27, 2015, 05:41:06 PM »
Oh my god. Was someone seriously trolling him. Man who is stupid enough to sell that.

She gonna win anyway
most liberals don't even want her, everyone knows she's one of the most corrupt politicians out there
And she's still gonna win on name recognition alone. I want Sanders, and I think he'll surprise people with how much he challenges her, but she'd have to do something horrific to lose the lead she has. Republicans don't stand a chance with the current demographics no matter who they run.
Hey Repubs could do it. The only problem they have is that they have ro go so far right in the primaries that it is hard for them to get back to course in the general. Honestly they have the latino vote just waiting for them. And they are a growing demographic.
Barring a Dem fucking up, they can't. They'll get trounced again. They need to shed the old guard and modernize, but that's not exactly in their nature. They're on the verge of losing Texas the rate things are currently going.
Well i feel Jeb Bush may have some hope. Honestly the taste of another Bush in office may come of bad for kany but he can do it.

The glasses and his persona is quite different to his brother while at the same time his marriage to a latino and his ability to speak their language gives him the ability to help slowly pivot the party. And bring the latino vote under them. Remember latinos are conservatives. The only reason they support dems is because of the repub xenophobic policies. Jeb could do it.

Also i just feel like the timing for him to join is quite deliberate. Not too early, when the memories are fresh and not too late for another repub to take the spotlight.

She gonna win anyway
most liberals don't even want her, everyone knows she's one of the most corrupt politicians out there
And she's still gonna win on name recognition alone. I want Sanders, and I think he'll surprise people with how much he challenges her, but she'd have to do something horrific to lose the lead she has. Republicans don't stand a chance with the current demographics no matter who they run.
Hey Repubs could do it. The only problem they have is that they have ro go so far right in the primaries that it is hard for them to get back to course in the general. Honestly they have the latino vote just waiting for them. And they are a growing demographic.

She gonna win anyway
most liberals don't even want her, everyone knows she's one of the most corrupt politicians out there
But what other options exist. I mean Sanders sounds great but in the presidential he will lose. And most people who follow politics or re liberal may not like her but how many people do you bet are there that are illiterate on the positions of these leaders.

The Flood / Re: Would you rather...
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:54:20 PM »
Consensual, the first cause if they find out it is out of wedlock damn will we be considered outcast in our families.

Well why not print the reasoning the judges gave for their rulings and why they voted how they wanted. As well give the whole case to them that is recorded by a clerk. Give it to them to read and find why majority of the judges supported the ruling.

Serious / Re: If education was free, what would you study?
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:46:12 PM »
Personally, Civil Engineering with a focus on Project Management and focus on getting a Masters in Business. I prefer the business side of construction.

That is my preference though.

The Flood / Re: Naming your daughter Isis is bad, mkay?
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:32:39 PM »
The more news i get of ISIS, the more pissed i get. Honestly one of these days i may just join the reserves, get some training and fly down to syria. I know i will likely die if i go but fuck if i must i will try to start a movement against those shit fuck daeshits.

Serious / Re: Well, we're screwed.
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:11:04 PM »
What a load of bollocks.

TPP and TTIP are fine. Enough with the scaremongering.
Keep drinking the kool aid, man
He is not. The TTP and TTIP are not that bad. And we have no idea what is in it for us. Hell in Canada the most socialist of parties the NDP are supportive of these agreements.

We need free trade though where laws and certain detail matter we can differ on and we will depending on which side of the talks we are on.

Serious / Re: Well, we're screwed.
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:09:23 PM »
What a load of bullshit. Fast tracking just puts the final version to vote instead. Instead of multiple voices representing america, only the potus will represent you guys in the negotiations.

All that is left is for the government to vote after 60 days if they approve or disapprove. Rememver during those 60 days the full deal with its final terms will be out for people to discuss.

Serious / Re: Is Greece still insane? Yes, yes they are.
« on: June 26, 2015, 11:06:51 PM »
I wonder if they just go full commie and then work their way out. Could it work long term. Nah.

Seriously though, they could try the offshore tax haven routes. Or maybe try to lower taxes in certain industries that could creat jobs. Maybe renewable could be a market they could target.

The Flood / Re:
« on: June 26, 2015, 09:58:49 PM »
that doesnt look like either of the two rooms that users here frequent.
This one is the one Noelle just created as a replacement of the old one.

Okay, I will state although i push for a stronger safety net for the lower income, I am a big supporter of Free Trade. I genuinely hope it gets done properly. The only issue i had was the ability of the company to sue governments. But i just need to see the rules underlying it, as every free trade has done so. So my issue mainly will be, could regulations against a whole industry be accepted. For example you put up a carbon tax or a new regulation for anyone working in this industry, could you be sued for that.

Also am I rights that Phillip Morris lost the suit against Australia.

Another question i would have would be rules that force companies to manufacture a number of their products domestically. Example Toyota has to produce a set percentage of their Canadian sold vehicles from Canada. Is this allowed under these agreements or is it an issue.

She gonna win anyway, unless the Repubs do something stupid. Jeb has the best chance of winning i feel. Actually the best chance in reforming his parties standings and moving them more to the progressive side. Not sure of the other candidates.

He better be ready to fuck over every crazy repub promise he makes in the primaries to win the presidential.

Hmm, not sure why people hate them.

My interest would be where do they think they will focus their research and which research are starting to bear fruits.

The Flood /
« on: June 26, 2015, 09:45:47 PM »
Join the party

Does anyone still use it anymore?

Serious / The more you know....
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:44:18 AM »
The more aware you are that you do not know.

This is something i have been thinking about for sometime. As i pointed out it just seems that the more you learn or are knowledgable in one topic the more you start to notice how much you do not know.

Thia is mainly due to more questions being composed as you answer each question.

So what i am saying may be full of bullshit, so i was wondering do you ever notice how you are more awarenof what you do not know, the more educated you are in a topic?

The Flood / Re: Human beings are such wastes of garbage.
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:32:36 AM »
Nothing really. I mean there are stories of individual people helping different animals. Or those trying to save the planet so that the animal kingdom will not face mass extinction.

Humans have also helped each other at different times.

Look at it this way. We are sinners, selfish people who care only for ourselves but sometimes we do stuff tp help others.

The Flood / Re: There's an influx of new users.
« on: June 24, 2015, 10:29:33 AM »
Who be new?

The Flood / Re: 2016 the year of video game movies?
« on: June 22, 2015, 01:54:11 PM »
A bunch of failures but if anything there may be some gems out there and maybe better content may start coming out of it.

Google is quite ruthless and it has resulted in high turnover. Basically it is worse than normal companies, where once you meet the quota they expect you next time to meet a higher quota. Usually it leads to high stress. Ever wondered why their offices are so great. Basically to keep their workers living in their offices.

Serious / Re: Is Obama a Republican
« on: June 21, 2015, 06:58:46 PM »
The truth of the matter is that Democrats and Republicans aren't really that far apart

Partisanship has been growing since the 1950s-60s. The parties are more different now than they have been since the Civil War. The fact that presidents tend to adhere to a "mainstream" (even though there are absolutely vital variations between presidents) is probably more a function of having to deal with the federal bureaucracy.

It's not that Obama's basically a Republican, it's that both Democratic and Republican presidents cannot just pull a lever and move the bureaucratic cogs.

Actually for discussion sakes, what if the partisanship is all for show and the whips of the each party are forcing their representatives to sing the parties tune. In Canada for example even though you can vote in someone into parliament and he can be crazy, he will have no say and is just a brainless person under the authoritarian of the Party Leader. He has a person called the whip to put all representatives inline with the Party's voting decision.

I feel like the same can be said in the US where although the partisanship exists the leaders like Boehner and some other veterans have the rest of the party under their thumb. Notice how Boehner has rarely ever made many extreme or crazy remarks. Just disagreed and said they could do better. Never proposed a law that was too out there.

Also how did they come together to fast track and vote through huge number of bills.

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