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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 262728 2930 ... 99
Other than spanish? Like english or something else?

Cool. And when was this. Was it a one off thing or is it a stream of minoon posts.

The Flood / Re: You Can Go Back in Time to Change 1 Event in History
« on: September 25, 2015, 12:41:49 PM »
Sacking of Baghdad.

Well not sure in the movie. They did expand but something went wrong with their terraforming machines and they lost all their colonies. From that time onwards they have remained on Krypton.

The Flood / Re: What's your power level?
« on: September 25, 2015, 12:38:46 PM »

Serious / Re: Does Putin want a coalition in Syria?
« on: September 17, 2015, 10:26:06 PM »
I feel like he is planning to use the narrative that has been pushed of ISIS being the defacto evil badguy and using them as a way to first clean up his foreign affairs image with the recent Ukrainain conflict which he has successfully placed into a frozen conflict (seems like he never intended to capture Ukraine but leave it in limbo unable to join nato or the EU). With the second focus being shutting down the US and the gulf powers, though also trying to gain some prestige and relationship points with the Syrians, as they fear losing quite a bit of influence with the sudden rise of Iranian prominence in the Middle East.

This way they can still have a foot in the affairs here, while at the same time deal with a diminishing sphere of influence, where countries like Iran and China are starting to take from them.

Another big reason is that they want to secure their naval base on the Syrian coast. The base has been there for a long time, dating to communist era, and with Russian expansionism Warm Water Ports are of great importance to Russia with Crimea in the Black Sea and this naval base in Syria. Getting some browny points helps them secure it in the long term instead of having to deal with a new government where the chance of them getting kicked out is high.

Also with new tech they may be trying to reinvigorate their military complex and this could help them bring some life to it, and maybe battle test some of their new designs, as well as tactics. Actually depending on how they train the Syrian Army they could end up testing new tactics for unconventional warfare that they can use elsewhere. After all hybrid warfare is all the rage these days. Trying to create new doctrines in a world where their sphere of influence in both military and economic might is waning.

Serious / Are school officials too jumpy recently?
« on: September 16, 2015, 09:01:43 PM »

After a kid was arrested recently for bringing a homemade clock to school, one has to wonder if School administration have screw loose or two.

News Story

The Flood / Re: Teperosum
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:25:38 PM »

Also, Risay, what was the stuff that appealed to you most?

I have some lo-fi sad core, some crappy doom/sludge metal, some more singer songswriter stuff, and Im going to be dropping some punky garage rock stuff this month.
Honestly most of it appealed to me. Sludge metal is alway good. You have a bunch of riffs or small pieces on your soundcloud that really seem great, if only they could be further developed into a song. But overall nearly everything you made was good. Yeah most are experimental and not something mainstream but good nonetheless.

Would be interested in the punky garage rock but I believe that riff you posted on soundcloud may be the direction you were looking for in that genre. Your singer and songwriter stuff is quite good.

The Flood / Teperosum
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:59:12 PM »
Whose band was Temperosum?

He had a couple bands as well but was just wondering what the band camp page was for one of his bands, and other bands name were.

Serious / Re: New Poll Shows Carson Gaining Steam on Trump
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:28:39 PM »
Real question is how many of those supporting Trump will go out to vote in the Primaries. Cause if they fail to do so, then it is Jeb Bush's win.

Remember the most important thing in elections is converting support into votes. You can have 70% approval and still lose, because either you cannot convert that support to people turning up to vote, or your support is too widely distributed and thus other parties are winning in territories.

It's a pretty widely accepted theory Jon is coming back by warging into Ghost.
Is there not three theories on how he will be brought back. One with Melisandra bringing him back as Azor Ahai, and another as a White walker?

The Flood / Re: Would you rather be skinny or muscular
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:22:43 PM »
Skinny but fit. Would rather but my skill points in dexterity and agility over strength. There is a reason you have weapons. To cover where you lack in strength and defence.

The Flood / Re: Why don't we just kill all insects?
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:20:57 PM »
Honestly why do we need them? Yes, birds would die. Except why the fuck do we need birds either? It's not like a suburb or something is actually an ecosystem.
You know Mao tried that, and it fucked up China for a long time. Causing a famine that killed millions. Yeah he was good as a General but man his Governing ability were shit. The guys after him were geniuses.

Lee Kwon Yu you can say is one of the few guys in the 20th century you can call a great example of autocratic governance.

On topic it is a stupid idea.

The Flood / Re: why do wisdom teeth hurt so goddamn much
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:15:41 PM »
Never had a problem with my wisdom teeth, but not sure if I should remove them or not.

The Flood / Re: My cousin is the cringiest person on the face of the planet.
« on: September 15, 2015, 05:39:48 PM »
Why not take her on a driving trip. Make her lose her phone and forget her laptop. After a month without internet she might grow out of it.

The Flood / Re: Quitting Pool Job
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:56:49 PM »
Hey if you live in Canada try getting a job in the oil patch. Life is hard but pay is good. Like really good. Or even learn how to be an operator. You will make way more than I do and I am a Project Engineer.

If you want to avoid spoilers work in sonme random ass location in the middle of nowhere for a construction company. Be housed in a camp and work 10 to 12 hours a day. And have barely enough time to check the web out.

The Flood / Re: I got out of jail last night.
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:53:33 PM »
I worked 65 hours last week.
Fuck I must have worked more than you. 70 hours here. A couple weeks ago on another project I was clocking 84 hours a week. With overtime at 44 hours a week, I was making 1.5 times my pay.

Serious / Re: There's a political test which calculates your bias
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:49:08 PM »
Bullshit that works. I always find a topic where I am politically biased and only after getting some extra knowledge do I have a better view on it. Most recently with Economics.

Hell everyone has a bias one way or another.

Serious / Re: What the FUCK NYT???
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:46:30 PM »
That is in poor taste but if this is about the nuclear deal then honestly they should let it through. As you read more of Iran you notice a more balanced distribution of power. Where even the Ayatollah although the supreme leader has to stay wary or else he can be removed. Not from moderates but his very own republican guards who are more pragmatic over ideological. Not only that the clerical order is kind of weird as they have been part of every revolution in Iran and are also a group that threatens the Ayatollah power. Hell the Green Revolution a couple years ago had backing of some prominent Shia Clerics who once were part of the 1970 revolution that removed the Shah from power.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's deleted emails may be recoverable
« on: September 13, 2015, 11:44:45 AM »
How are they not recoverable. Pnce sent online they can be recovered, even your hard disk has remains of info that you deleted.

The Flood / Re: My mom just bought me 60 condoms for university
« on: September 13, 2015, 11:42:41 AM »
You know at least she acknowledges you have sexual interest and is open with you about it. What I would do to have my parents talk to me about sex normally instead of abstinencr till marriage is a must.

I'll give ya tree fiddy
Seriously though how much do you think they are worth?

How much would you be willing to pay for these prints and how much do you think they would cost?

Also wondering how much you think it costs?

Made by a friend.

Selling price for prints:
Taking orders for prints of my ‪#‎artwork‬ done with pencil. Pricing - 24"x18" - $80ea, the ‪#‎samurai‬ set for $220. Or 18"x12" - $65 ea, the samurai set for $180. I've got 60+hours of work into each of these pieces. Act fast, I'm only going to do this one time - taking orders till Saturday. Let me know. Thanks.

Let see if this will actually happen.

Gaming / Re: All this salt.
« on: August 30, 2015, 08:26:52 PM »
Well some is entertainment, though I have more interest watching Competitions like the Dota International.

That is fun to watch.

The Flood / Re: Dream Job
« on: August 30, 2015, 08:11:31 PM »
Self Employed. Amass a big wealth and pay people to make you more money.

The Flood / Re: why did deci sperg out over his ip
« on: August 30, 2015, 04:57:50 PM »
there's a big PM ring going round where I've given to about 30 people, and posted it on multiple websites like /b/.
Just waiting for the fun to start now.
No one is going to do shit, cause it is boring and the reaction will be underwhelming. Even /b would not give a fuck. They are attention whores. They target people like liver streamers or youtube celebraties, not random people on other sites.

What is going on, with people posting their IP address. Cheat can you delete them please.

The Flood / Re: Why is getting laid such a big fucking deal?
« on: August 28, 2015, 10:41:41 PM »
Why are we discussing this.

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