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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 252627 2829 ... 99
The Flood / Longest Wait
« on: October 02, 2015, 01:26:11 PM »
Well three and a half hours at the ford dealership and waiting for someone to pick me up. I understand that it is a two hour ride to pick me up. After all site and camp is two hour north of the city. But this is getting ridiculous. But who gives a fuck, getting paid $28 an hour to sit and wait. Might as well do it.

So what is the longest wait you have to endure?

The Flood / Re: Car fuck ups
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:59:59 PM »
Got into a crash on the highway last May.
Good to see you okay.

On anothet topic, three hours of waiting at the dealership for someone to pick me up to take me to site. Should have been two hours wait. Well who gives a shit. I am being paid for this stupid shit.

The Flood / Re: If a condom is used, what is wrong with incest?
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:57:42 PM »
It is only after the third or second generstion of incestual relationships when probaility of issues due to birth occurs. Anyway, incest as far as I am concerned is socially and morally considered wrong. But honestly if you swing that way it will not affect me. Just like gays do not affect me.
wow, ninja'd
Lol, it was my little brother who clued me in on this topic. After cousins of mine got married and the topic came up.

The Flood / Re: If a condom is used, what is wrong with incest?
« on: October 02, 2015, 12:55:32 PM »
It is only after the third or second generstion of incestual relationships when probaility of issues due to birth occurs. Anyway, incest as far as I am concerned is socially and morally considered wrong. But honestly if you swing that way it will not affect me. Just like gays do not affect me.

The Flood / Re: If my ex was Mrs Charlie, what should I call my GF?
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:00:14 AM »
Charlie's angel?

The Flood / Re: How Do You Deal With Your Inadequency Issues?
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:57:48 AM »
Focus myself to improve myself and become productive.

The Flood / Re: Car fuck ups
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:47:54 AM »
Ignition switch was fucked up once. Would literally sometimes lose power while driving. Brakes and power steering going out while driving down the highway is a bit nerve racking tbh. Had to drive it like that for a couple of weeks trying to make time to get it repaired.
That is fucked up. How the hell did you get away with driving it. What happened to the car?
Did you drive differently due to thst issue?

The Flood / Re: Why are people so obsessed with their parents?
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:45:22 AM »
Well nit sure about you. But ever heard the saying family sticks together. The oldest and closest relationships are usually family. Actually in the west is the concept of splitting away from the family exist. While if you look into other cultures, family is still strong. Which is why you can see multiple geneeations living under one roof. So usually although thibgs can get tense there is a devotion to protecting your family.

Afterall the belief is that when you are in trouble, it will be your blood relatives that will save you. Hell how many parents put effort in giving better futures to their kids. And thus kids protect their parents reputstion.

The Flood / Re: we have another school shooter. 10 dead.
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:39:00 AM »
He fucked up.

The Flood / Re: Would you have stabbed someone?
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:34:05 AM »
Your back charlie? Hooray. Anyway you should. How could they fuck uo that bad?

The Flood / Car fuck ups
« on: October 02, 2015, 10:32:26 AM »
So what is the biggest issue you have ever had to deal with a car?

For me it was this morning. Wake up 5 am and get in the truck at 6 am to drive to the next door camp to puck two workers and drive them to the airport.

Well the drive is 2 hours long from site to the city and the airport. While driving we noticed it was fucking up and just sounded like it was weak and dying. Hearing screeching and we ignored until we reached the airport.

Now I shit you not, upon arriving at the airport the guys got off to take their bags and the first thing they noticed was the smoke spewing out of the front passenger tire. Front right of the car for you people who live in the opposite world.

Not only was it smoking and smelled like oil or grease, you could visibly see the tire tilted inwards towards the truck.

Called office and told them the issue and I was told go to Ford dealership for repairs and on the way pick up coveralls, hard hats and stickers. Arrived and when they looked at it, they just looked and told me the car was fucked.

And here I am in the ford dealership, waiting for someone 2 hours away to pick me up with the coveralls and help me finish my part runs. Pick any parts the company mechanics need. Anyway heard it is the wheel bearing was fucked by Kaltire(guys who I was told to take to first). But the office says it is likely the ball joint. But not sure what to believe and would leave it for the Ford mechanics to figure it out.

So what is the worst fuck up your car has faced?

Serious / Re: Russia begins bombing in Syria
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:36:18 PM »
The ruskies are going to focus on clearing out ISIS and allow the SAA to focus on the other fronts with the other rebels.

On the same time they will be giving logistical and equipment support. Most of all logistical as thay can heavily change the tide of the war. Knowing when and where to hit is a great advantage. Training as well.

I wonder though if they will also push and open fronts with Nusra up north. That could easily hurt the rebels and destroy alot of their mobility.

The Flood / Re: My house just caught on fire
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:28:50 PM »
Shit. Inusrance covering it? You got anyone to crash with?

The Flood / Re: Almost at a thousand pages
« on: September 30, 2015, 09:55:55 AM »
14 months now bitches e.e

And not just 14 months of nice polite quiet tea and scones.

That's about 9 months of utter bedlam and flamewars courtesy of a series of ex-users .____.
Well forum drama always keeps activity up.

The Flood / Re: I need an ACDC song that doesnt suck
« on: September 30, 2015, 09:42:55 AM »
They have one with bagpipes. Honestly they are casual rock and are good at what they do.

The Flood / Break and Enter in home in Kamloops, BC, Canada
« on: September 30, 2015, 09:22:36 AM »
News Link

The accused, a Nova Sotian broke in, fed the cats, prepared a meal, shaved, showered and even took meat out of the freezer to thaw.

The horror.

What must be done to this man.

Man, i watched a goat getting slaughtered. My little bro was younger and cried and was given sent jnside and distracted with a computer game. Me I sat there and was kind of let down but was kind of interested.

Well every city in Calgary is like that. Hell I have foynd myself slowing down so that as much of the traffic leaves before I reach. Hopefully will not have to hold anyone uo. And this is calgary Canada.

The Flood / Re: Well the year has gone by quick once again
« on: September 30, 2015, 06:49:00 AM »
Good. Life is hitting new highs. Got a real job. Going to be trsveling later this year. Overall, it seems to be a start of something new for me.

The Flood / Re: Other shows like Rick and Morty?
« on: September 29, 2015, 08:40:46 PM »
Adventure time, spongebob? Brojack.

The Flood / Re: Any 4channers here?
« on: September 28, 2015, 09:27:09 PM »
Not really. I visited once or twice but honestly the set up is kind of non-user friendly.

The Flood / Re: This is what a Sep7agon party would look like.
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:46:54 PM »
Honestly I feel like most of the guys here are normal, some like to act edgy but most are people you can have drinks with and have grown past their teenage years.
And then there's the teenagers here
Comeon, they act like any other teenagers would. Some are in their awkward teenage phase while others are just angsty. Overall they are like any other teenagers. Best to not judge before getting to know them a bit better.

The Flood / Re: This is what a Sep7agon party would look like.
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:41:04 PM »
Honestly I feel like most of the guys here are normal, some like to act edgy but most are people you can have drinks with and have grown past their teenage years.

The Flood / Re: 3 months of work later
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:36:08 PM »
Where are you going?
South Korea then Singapore and finally New Zealand.

Next year going to backpack around South East Asia and hopefully South America during the later end of the year.

Cool. Say hi to Fruit.
Where does fruit live again? Been barely visiting these forums and honestly started to lose memory of each member.

New Zealand, I think.
Wellington, to be exact
Cool, well will be starting to book my flight tomorrow and hostels to stay at. Hope to find place to crash as well.
You got a basement suite or something for a night?

The Flood / Re: 3 months of work later
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:31:21 PM »
Where are you going?
South Korea then Singapore and finally New Zealand.

Next year going to backpack around South East Asia and hopefully South America during the later end of the year.

Cool. Say hi to Fruit.
Where does fruit live again? Been barely visiting these forums and honestly started to lose memory of each member.

The Flood / Re: 3 months of work later
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:28:56 PM »
Where are you going?
South Korea then Singapore and finally New Zealand.

Next year going to backpack around South East Asia and hopefully South America during the later end of the year.

Serious / Re: I'm considering joining the army
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:27:25 PM »
Not sure what to recommend but it could be a good gig to start up with and plus there are alot of benefits. Just be prepared to be put in the line of duty when the time comes.

Otherwise it is a good gig to set yourself up with rather than jumping into school immediately.
You get to travel every now and again and although work can feel shit it can be interesting and fun,

Though about IT i am not so sure.

The Flood / 3 months of work later
« on: September 27, 2015, 10:24:15 PM »
I should have enough money to a) pay off my remaining school loan and b) go on a month long vacation to 3 different countries, and honestly my boss is okay with it.

Hell one of my coworkers who has been working for a couple months with us is going on a 4 month vacation around the same time I am.

Life feels good.

Serious / Re: "I hate what marijuana does to my students"
« on: September 26, 2015, 12:47:58 PM »
Well the over consumption of it is bad. A pipe with friends on a get together is okay. Honestly there is an issue with kids wanting to get high or play with new drugs and are easily swayed by these drugs.

Serious / Re: How do you feel about the pope speaking to congress?
« on: September 26, 2015, 12:45:47 PM »
Welll there is. But allowing someone to speak is not that important. If he can speak and imam can speak an atheist can also speak.

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