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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 232425 2627 ... 99
The Flood / Re: My iPhone messed up again, so I'm switching to android.
« on: October 31, 2015, 10:31:08 PM »
Either you have bad luck or you got to stop being rough with your phones.

The Flood / Re: 4chan is getting a history board
« on: October 31, 2015, 09:42:22 PM »
Have not gotten around to figuring out the boards yet. Only remember /pol/ and /b/

The Flood / Re: Man Cucked by His Own Unborn Twin
« on: October 30, 2015, 09:55:34 PM »
Technically he is still his father as two became one.

The Flood / Re: Do you put butter on your popcorn at the movies?
« on: October 30, 2015, 09:52:08 PM »
No just take it the way they deliver it.

The Flood / Re: Recommend me a good book.
« on: October 30, 2015, 09:40:34 PM »
Foundation Series,
Dune Series,
Necromicon from H.P. Lovecraft
The Martian
Anything from that youtuber that include "Fault in our Stars"
Some of the earlier Halo books,
Not sure what else but I have a bunch of books I have read but cannot remember right now of the top of my head.

Otherwise if looking for manga or webcomics two sites to check out are:

Some Manga worth reading:

The Flood / Re: Remember Kangaroo Jack?
« on: October 30, 2015, 05:07:10 PM »
Now I do.

The Flood / Re: Hey Canadians, good fucking job.
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:42:29 PM »
Remember when Pierre Trudeau yelled "Viva la Fidel Castro". Also when he twirled behind the Queens back.

The Flood / Re: Which are you filled most with? Hate or Love?
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:38:45 PM »
Love in a sense. I am less motivated by anger and more by care and a sense of duty.

Not sure, I do not watch horror but there may be some good ones. Some good horror games have also come out in the past couple years.

The Flood / Re: Think of the person closest to you
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:32:28 AM »
Sadly I will protect them and keep an eye over them.
If it becomes a fear that they may do it again then maybe I will call the cops.

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:30:11 AM »
lol underachievers itt

i aint gonna be satisfied until I got 7 figures
You know you can get that 7 figure job easily, if you are willing to live a life of hell without internet for 6 to 12 months in a year.

Surveying in the oil patch can get you that as well as Underwater Welding and many other life threatening jobs.

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:25:58 AM »
too bad stem is the only field that actually contributes to society
too bad losing one STEM major isn't going to affect anything

because the market is currently being inflated by young faggots who think that a STEM major is going to be the key to affluence

silly cunts
but its true. liberal arts majors arent the ones raking in the cash.
Not really, you know in Alberta Canada the people raking in the 100k a year jobs are our trades. Plumbers, Electrictians, Crane Operators, Masons etc.

Any skilled trade can get you more cash with little to no debt the moment you get out of school. And more money than a STEM degree. Liberal Arts can get you good jobs.

In the end it is not the degree you get but who you know and how you network that gets you the 6 figure salaries.
networking will get you in the door for an interview. your skills and knowledge will get you the job offer.
Not really, my networking got me a job without an interview. Many companies will just hire you if they need someone. Hell a friend of mine got a job without an interview just cause he went to a dinner his friend invited him to. Guy was impressed he came to attend and offered him a job right there. Though the idiot quit because it was not what he wanted and ended up with another job where he got layed of in a month due to the companies policy of hire and fire. Now he is working in Home Depot.

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:21:22 AM »
too bad stem is the only field that actually contributes to society
too bad losing one STEM major isn't going to affect anything

because the market is currently being inflated by young faggots who think that a STEM major is going to be the key to affluence

silly cunts
but its true. liberal arts majors arent the ones raking in the cash.
Not really, you know in Alberta Canada the people raking in the 100k a year jobs are our trades. Plumbers, Electrictians, Crane Operators, Masons etc.

Any skilled trade can get you more cash with little to no debt the moment you get out of school. And more money than a STEM degree. Liberal Arts can get you good jobs.

In the end it is not the degree you get but who you know and how you network that gets you the 6 figure salaries.

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:18:54 AM »
Honestly STEM is not what is necessary to get a good job. Just getting the degree of your choice and knowing where the markets are. Political Science has a lot of demand and if you know where to look you can get a job. Though it may require you to move to new places and start networking again. If in America DC will likely be the place you want to move to. Hit the keynote speeches and talks as well as meet people who are already in and find someone who can get you an in with one of the organizations.

Mainly cause we have not moved our relationship beyone these sites. Mostly due to the belief that internet and real life should stay seperate.

Which in some cases is totally right, but a lot of people use internet interaction as a replacement for real interactions because of social anxieties and such. Maybe it's comforting to talk to someone and not have meaningful context about the person?
And that is true. It was for me during highschool as I was reserved due to expectations from family both socially and academically and what I wanted to do.

Still though if opportunity arises I would be okay with opening up my relationship to others if they do the same. Hell I might end up visiting one of the members on here when I backpack through New Zealand.
Molesworth St, Pipitea, Wellington

Come visit sometime
Will do.

The Flood / Re: Being a college student like
« on: October 25, 2015, 07:54:43 PM »
Yay for being able to stay at home while attending college.

The Flood / Re: Mixed black chicks are sexy asf
« on: October 25, 2015, 02:22:50 PM »
Mixed blood > Pure blood.

Mainly cause we have not moved our relationship beyone these sites. Mostly due to the belief that internet and real life should stay seperate.

Which in some cases is totally right, but a lot of people use internet interaction as a replacement for real interactions because of social anxieties and such. Maybe it's comforting to talk to someone and not have meaningful context about the person?
And that is true. It was for me during highschool as I was reserved due to expectations from family both socially and academically and what I wanted to do.

Still though if opportunity arises I would be okay with opening up my relationship to others if they do the same. Hell I might end up visiting one of the members on here when I backpack through New Zealand.

Mainly cause we have not moved our relationship beyone these sites. Mostly due to the belief that internet and real life should stay seperate.

Sure, maybe not a lot of people voted for this guy based on his looks but rather his political views, but I find it sad to think that a considerable percentage probably only voted for him because they thought he was cute or something.

Yeah, that's fair. I think if most people voted objectively, Mulcair would have won instead, considering he was

a) the official opposition
b) far more experienced than Trudeau
c) essentially had the same platform with a few differences
d) was willing to form a coalition with the Liberals but was shut down multiple times

I dunno, I really like Trudeau but Mulcair should have won IMO.
Yeah, probably.
Well likely people choose Trudeau over Mulcair as he was a more charismatic leader and was another option against Harper.

I still feel like most people do not take into account how much hate there was for Harper. Which is mainly why it was either Mulcair or Trudeau. Funny thing ia early in the campaign Mulcair had the support but as the campaign moved forward it slowly died.

According to many it was in the debates and later on where Trudeau actually shined and showed himself as an option and where Mulcair lost out. Actually if anything it was the Conservatives who dealt the Liberal the winning hand with their attacks on Trudeaus personality and their efforts to sideline and ignore Mulcair. This ad campaign although was successful in sidelining Mulcair it ended up making it a Harper versus Trudeau campaign. And with everyone wanting Harper out, Trudeau waa the only other option that aeemed like the best bet.

The Flood / Re: Dune
« on: October 24, 2015, 06:35:16 PM »
I finished the Dune book in August and I've been reading the sequels since then, I have to say it's easily made it into my favourites category.

The events of Dune were good, Dune Messiah was a very interesting evolution from that but it was Children of Dune which started the chain of events that's really caught my eye.

I don't want to accidentally spoil things and the like, so I'll keep it vague but Leto II > Muad Dib.
And I had no idea of getting the sequels.

The public really is stupid.  They vote for people based on their looks, race, or gender rather than their actual political stances.  Sigh...
Actually he was voted in because he was the best chance to get the former Prime Minister Stephen Harper out of power. He also has some good ideas that are centrist and has quite a solid team to rely on.

His platform includes:
Electoral Reform
Legalization of Marijuana
New Tax Credits
Run a 3 year deficit to spend in infrastructure and Public Spending (Take into account Canada is close to entering a recession)

His Platform is as below:
Liberal Platform

The vote was more to decide who was best to kick the former ruling Conservatives out of power.

The Flood / Re: Went to Comic Con today (pics)
« on: October 24, 2015, 03:01:26 PM »
You look like a Storm Trooper who just graduated highschool and trying to find a job with a budget suit.

My office was on the Death Star.
So an unpaid intern?

The Flood / Re: Went to Comic Con today (pics)
« on: October 24, 2015, 02:59:15 PM »
You look like a Storm Trooper who just graduated highschool and trying to find a job with a budget suit.

Original Piece

OTTAWA – Less than one week after guiding his party to a surprise majority in the federal election, Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau has already filed 35 million workplace harassment complaints against his employers, the people of Canada.

“Obviously this isn’t the way I envisioned starting a new job,” explained Trudeau, “But I can’t work like this. Everywhere I go, women keep calling me names like ‘The PMILF,’ telling me to smile more, and yelling things like “show us your abs!” This morning, Marc Garneau and Bill Blair had a 45-minute conversation about how fuckable I am.  In my office.  Right in front me.”

The Liberal leader went on to add that the problem is even worse online, where his social media feeds have been inundated with shirtless photos of him, invitations from constituents to “Netflix and chill,” as well as countless links to editorial pieces on what political insiders all agree is “a pretty stellar D”.

The harassment has become so pervasive, Trudeau notes, that’s it’s even spread beyond Canada’s borders.

“Angela Merkel drunk dialled me at 3am last night,” recounted the Papineau MP, “To tell me she’d rather sit on my face than on the UN Security Council.”

But while Trudeau sees himself as a victim, the government’s Chief Human Resources Officer places blame for the unwanted attention squarely on the taut, muscular shoulders Canada’s 29th Prime Minister.  In a statement released today, the CHRO claimed that Mr. Trudeau is “asking for it with those suits he wears.”

“The guy just spent two and half months travelling across the country, begging Canadians to let him show us what he can do,” the statement continued. “And then when we try to take him up on it, he complains.”

“Fuckin’ tease.”

That is what you get for voting a Prime Minister based on his looks.

The Flood / Dune
« on: October 24, 2015, 02:11:53 PM »
Finished reading it and must say it is a great book. Though must say it basis its setting around the romanticized arab world that existed during world war 1.

I wonder what books have you read you would recommend to others.

Serious / Re: If free will doesn't exist...
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:45:14 PM »
Also it is ironic to see you discuss about how everything is predetermined without noticing this very topic is predestined and our decision and conversation is predestined.

Who says I didn't notice? I just don't care as it makes no difference.
And you do not care as it was predestined for you that way. During the failing days of the Ottomon empire and throughout the Islamic world a term is used that signifies this belief. "If Allah wills it". Inshallah.

Serious / Re: If free will doesn't exist...
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:40:00 PM »
Also it is ironic to see you discuss about how everything is predetermined without noticing this very topic is predestined and our decision and conversation is predestined.

Serious / Re: If free will doesn't exist...
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:37:32 PM »
A philosophical argument a judicial argument it makes not.

Serious / Re: Swedish sword attack at a school.
« on: October 24, 2015, 01:32:32 PM »
Is it wrong that while opening this thread I was tjinking to myself. "Please let this not be a muslim, please let this not be a muslim." And when it was not I sighed with relief. Still it is a sad day.

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