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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 202122 2324 ... 99
Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 05:18:36 AM »
I voted for Malala Yousafzai. Literally GOAT-tier schoolgirl destroying Islam at the core. BASED


she hasn't done shit
She has done more than most people. The discussion she has started in Pakistan is something else. Her ability to speak her mind even till she got shot and after is worth alot of praise.

Trust onnme on this. This war on terror, if you think about it more is the war for islam. Who has the right over the religion. She has started a movement and although small it has had its affect in Pakistan for sure. There is still a conspiracy mindset but peolle in the cities hate taliban and al-qaeda and have started to give their full support to the army to wipe them out. There have been offensives recently that have not been on international news about these offensives.

Pakistanis are some of her biggest detractors. They feel she squandered a good opportunity to give more attention to what's going on in Pakistan and that she's ultimately done nothing for them. Over there she's seen as a western media darling and a tool for western propaganda. The fact that she lied about returning to Pakistan doesn't help matters either.

Malala has nothing to do with any sort of resistance that's going on in Pakistan against the Taliban.
True. But she did start a conversation. Keep adding small issues and slowly by slowly public thought shifts.

Serious / Re: What constitutes a living being.
« on: November 19, 2015, 02:02:07 AM »

Order: Molecules in living things are arranged in specific structures.
Reproduction: Living things have the ability to reproduce their own kind. Simple life forms, such as bacteria, reproduce by dividing and making almost exact replicas of themselves. More complex organisms reproduce sexually, so that their offspring have genetic material from two individuals. Offspring with traits from both parents have a greater chance of survival because they are better able to adapt.
Growth and Development: Living organisms grow and develop in patterns determined by heredity, the traits passed to offspring by parents.
Energy Utilization: Living things need to capture and use energy, a process known as metabolism. An example of such a process is photosynthesis, whereby plants convert sunlight into energy.
Response to Stimuli: Living organisms respond to changes in their environment.
Evolutionary Adaptation: Living things evolve in such a way that future generations are adapted to unique situations in their surroundings. For example, the hammerhead shark, considered to be perhaps the most highly evolved species of shark, has superior vision and sensory perception due to its hammer-shaped head. Organisms that cannot adapt to a changing environment decline or become extinct.
But viruses do not replicate. Example is the HIV virus which basically repeograms wbite blood cells to create more HIV viruses.

Is that virus considered a living being?

Serious / Re: What constitutes a living being.
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:58:23 AM »
Something which is able to reproduce.

That is the one trait all forms of life on Earth share, and it stands to good reason that even alien life would have to reproduce.
But what about a virus. Its reproduction is done by cells it infects. Changes the protein assembler or dna and has the cell start making other viruses.

What about machines that can create themselves. Or self programming codes.

Serious / Life Decisions
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:56:13 AM »
As you walk down a path you will likely come up with decisions to make.

Sooner or later a decision has to be made but what do you rely on to make your decision. Do you choose an option when you are faced with two options or wait till one door is close and take the remaining open door?

Do you let your emotions guide you or rational thought?

Or do you delay the decision till the last second and flip a coin?

Serious / Re: What constitutes a living being.
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:52:32 AM »
Anything that does not require a host to live.
Fair point.

Serious / What constitutes a living being.
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:48:59 AM »
I know this is a stupid question but I have to bring it up. Viruses are a good example of this as they move and act like organisms but they can shut down and be dead for months or year on end until a favourable circumstances comes across.

Like light photons which phase between matter and energy virsues and other smallwr beings phase between life and death. With machines slowly entering this discussion.

So what do you think defines life?

The Flood / Re: Give me a good reason not to Nuke Syria?
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:41:30 AM »
Ever read dust? They could if the war rages for another couple generations become a really good source for soldiers. Like the fremen from dust.
To hell with nukes, we should set a few sandworms loose in the desert there <_<
Soon Muad dib shall rise from the desert and with it a new empire shall span the universe.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else feel this way?
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:33:25 AM »
My brother knows memes and even those I do not know. But he seems to know when they are fresh and which he can use. Like the "what are those" meme. He did that with a couple frienda and some of the younger kids. Especially when they had fancy footwear.

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:15:52 AM »
I voted for Malala Yousafzai. Literally GOAT-tier schoolgirl destroying Islam at the core. BASED


she hasn't done shit
She has done more than most people. The discussion she has started in Pakistan is something else. Her ability to speak her mind even till she got shot and after is worth alot of praise.

Trust onnme on this. This war on terror, if you think about it more is the war for islam. Who has the right over the religion. She has started a movement and although small it has had its affect in Pakistan for sure. There is still a conspiracy mindset but peolle in the cities hate taliban and al-qaeda and have started to give their full support to the army to wipe them out. There have been offensives recently that have not been on international news about these offensives.

Serious / Re: TIME Magazine Person of the Year
« on: November 19, 2015, 01:08:40 AM »
Why Bernie. He has only made promises which he cannot keep. Hell Justin Trudeau is on his way to keeping most of his promises. Also there are people out there who deserve it more like Malala.

Oh fuck. Looks like I might not be welcome here soon.

The Flood / Re: When do I lose Newbie Status?
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:43:43 AM »
you gotta give isara a handjob
How is that possible?

The Flood / Re: Give me a good reason not to Nuke Syria?
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:42:38 AM »
Ever read dust? They could if the war rages for another couple generations become a really good source for soldiers. Like the fremen from dust.

The Flood / Re: Asians really do have small dicks
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:40:37 AM »
Is this official. Because when I last looked, the aggregate showed that there was no large difference in size among different races. Plus another thing that was discussed was from where to where you were measuring.

They were not refugees and were reported and detained in two different locations before hand. Even the french were notified but due to incompetence were allowed through.
Was George Dubbya leading this? He did a good job ignoring a threat or two.
No. They did though enter syria and were trained by isis as reported and made their way back with false passports. Already were on watch lists.

They were not refugees and were reported and detained in two different locations before hand. Even the french were notified but due to incompetence were allowed through.

The Flood / Re: Well, I am finally divorced
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:26:30 AM »
Tried talking to a lawyer about fighting that? Also who has custody over the kids?

I didn't know you were suicidal.

After reading the explanation. I chuckled. Nice play on word.

The Flood / TFW you are at the airport...
« on: November 17, 2015, 04:47:33 PM »
after getting the next two months off from work to go home and travel.

Feels good.

Looks interesting. But depends. This has two option, either go thr arcade route and become an arena shooter, or go down the mmo route and likely end up similar to eve.

Serious / Re: Indonesia's Fire Crisis
« on: November 14, 2015, 10:33:38 PM »
Wait this is big news. Is this related to the reason why Singapore and other nearby countries are getting air contamination recently.

I wonder though what the cause of the fire is, forests being too mature. I remember in Canada due to forests growing old and becoming potential tinder boxes, the firefighters literally took a page out of the natives book and started burning certain section of the land to decrease the severity of any future forest fires.

Is there any way to help out? I mean I feel kind of useless just feeling sorry for them over here. Wish there was something I could either give money to or help out with.

I might as well just hole up in a bunker until this whole debacle is over. Rather not get lynched for being a muslim right now, although I do feel a seething amount of rage and shame for the acts today.

Serious / Re: Shootings/explosions/hostages held in Paris. [149 dead]
« on: November 13, 2015, 10:04:43 PM »
Fuck it, once I get back from my vacation I should join the reserves. Been delaying this because of my job and other shit.

The Flood / Re: Do you talk about sexual shit...
« on: November 12, 2015, 10:50:11 PM »
With my friend sometimes but with family no.

The Flood / Re: What Was Your Original Username?
« on: November 12, 2015, 09:49:35 PM »
Not sure, do you remember?

Every now and again that happens to me.

The Flood / Re: Too bad they don't give an oscar....
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:57:46 PM »
Oh a mean tweet. Yeah, was wondering why you thought he was a bad actor.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder that its canon.
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:56:22 PM »
Not sure the story but not sure how people get themselves into this situation.

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