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Messages - Risay117

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The Flood / Re: No Shave November Results. Post Yours!
« on: December 02, 2015, 12:42:09 AM »
Too late shaved mine.

The Flood / Re: Do you think people like you IRL?
« on: December 02, 2015, 12:41:21 AM »
Yeah.  But I am not that important in anyone's life.

The Flood / Re: Need ideas
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:41:44 AM »
Forums. Where did they start from and how they have become more prevalent in culture.

The Flood / Blues
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:38:12 AM »
How do you handle them?

Personally for me I play the guitar.

The Flood / Re: We really need new members
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:35:54 AM »
Really.  It seems we keep getting new members.  Or people just keep changing their username.

Serious / Crossroads between Civil Liberty and Good Governance
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:33:01 AM »
A topic that just arose in my head during a walk on the streets of Korea was the concepts of the opposing paths that civil liberty and good governance follow.

Civil Liberties are rights and freedoms that are granted to the individual and cannot be tampered with.  Including freedom of privacy religions and actions.

While governance is mostly about control and trying to Sheppard a group of people through safe paths in what is a treacherous environment.

Biggest issue to governance though is the unpredictability of the masses when freedom exists.  Which makes it harder to keep the flock from straying of course. After all everything is easier if everyone follows their set path.

But the want to make your subjects more predictable to help guide your flock is in direct contrast with civil Liberties which push for greater freedoms and a challenges the authorities control.  These actions although preferable can lead to harm not only to the individual but to the flock. Yet can also lead to more prosperous fields by chance arrival.

Yet there are exceptions where people give up their Liberties for the chance of safety in better governance. Whether it be fear of the population of an enemy or a group of followers willing to blindly follow their leader to wherever he leads them.

Still just a question to be raised how often does governance end up leading to a conflict with civil Liberties.

The Flood / Re: I am fucking excited for lunch today
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:44:22 AM »
Uhhh. Okay.  Hope it tastes good.  Not really what I would consider lunch.
why not pleb?
Mainly because my consideration for lunch is very different from yours.  He'll what I eat at home for lunch I will never eat outside (exception being restaurants), for lunch.

The Flood / Re: The most epic name EVER
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:30:14 AM »
Mother fucking Singapore.  Saw the coat of arms and immediately knew which country it is from.

Cannot wait to visit the country after a couple of years since my last visit.

The Flood / Re: Do you care for the general well being of this site
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:27:49 AM »
Yes.  Definitely care for it.

The Flood / Re: I am fucking excited for lunch today
« on: November 21, 2015, 07:26:55 AM »
Uhhh. Okay.  Hope it tastes good.  Not really what I would consider lunch.

Serious / Re: Indus Valley Civilization
« on: November 21, 2015, 06:00:16 AM »
The Mongol invasions of Europe and Asia
You realize that the Mongolian empire likely spearheaded technological, cultural, economic, and religious development across the Eurasian continent, right?
Actually that was attributed to the Muslim transfer of knowledge to Europe through the Mediterranean.  As can be seen with the commercial and educational progress in areas like Venice.

The Mongols on the other hand wiped out centuries of knowledge through the burning of the great libraries.

The Flood / Re: Favorite news sources?
« on: November 20, 2015, 08:37:10 PM »
Reddit has a couple good sources.  Need to get on associated press and Reuters more often.  Anyone know any good economic papers?

Serious / Re: ISIS kills Chinese and Norwegian hostage
« on: November 20, 2015, 08:35:30 PM »
Personally I believe the major powers do not give a duck about Isis and are just using them as an excuse to further their political cause in the Syrian/Iraq theatre.  This war can change the political climate of the middle east for the next century.

Go for it.  Your friend will figure it out.

The Flood / Re: What are the oldest memories you have of your fetishes?
« on: November 20, 2015, 01:11:29 PM »
Nothing really, I remember when I was a kid, my family computer started going to some porn search site. Not really pornhub but alot more tame and more than likely a virus phishing scam.

Hot chicks in lingerlie with a search bar for images and stuff. Funny thing is that the first one was asian chicks.

Serious / Re: A services led economy vs automation
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:46:15 PM »
Though I would have to ask you Meta what about the focus that businesses may become more prevalent due to the decrease in capital requirement to start up a business.
A less capital-intensive economy could see lower real growth rates, but also the added benefit of increased competition. Hard to say, I haven't studied that part of the economy much; although corporate governance is interesting.
Corporate governance as in Caldaei Race in Eve online.

The state is run by a number of corporations who compete against each other and have their own security and governance.

Funnily enough South Korea can be a test case for such a system.

Actually Singapore is a great example of a corporate country as well as some of the gulf states.

Serious / Re: A services led economy vs automation
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:25:33 PM »
He agreed that the day is coming when all but the elite few would be let go and our customers would just go online and shop for what they want.
He's wrong. The only concerns coming out of increased automation, not structural unemployment. It just cannot happen.
Why does no one understand this. I understand if people will lose employment because their kobs arennow automated but new jobs will come and people will have to tweak their skillsets to adapt to the new job environment.

It is basocally the luthereans again. Just because you may lose your jpb does not mean another job is not available.

Though I would have to ask you Meta what about the focus that businesses may become more prevalent due to the decrease in capital requirement to start up a business.

With 3D printing allowing a more local manufacturing and other specializations like social and human based business coming to the forefront especially with changes in the social environment.

The Flood / Re: ISIS wanted a fight. Now they have it
« on: November 19, 2015, 12:04:38 PM »
This is wrong. It should be the syrians who win this war not westerners. Personally I see this as a race between Nato and Russia. The race to Raqqa between the SAA amd their oponents. SDF. Americans propping the SDF and the Ruskies backing the SAA.

Everyone knows ISIS is on its last legs in Syria and with the success at Kuweiris there is a stronger push to get to Raqqa.

Also after the Div 30 fiasco where the Dod trained syrian rebels were betrayed and squashed by Nusra the CIA released their own small military force in the east with American supplied weapoms and tech.

The war against ISIS is a false war as far as I am concerned the main focus is on who comes out with a better hand when Raqqa falls, Assad or the SDF. Whoever gets the spoils will have the upper hand in the rest of the conflict.

Plus people forget the Russian have been mainly focusing on non-ISIL rebels whem it comes to their airstrikes.

The Flood / Now you see me 2 - trailer
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:46:57 AM »

The big reveal at the end and the potential is huge. Not sure if I should be excited or not?

I wish they did an Inception like reveal though.

So thoughta on the trailer?

Serious / Re: A services led economy vs automation
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:10:23 AM »
Another question that can be posed is whether humans shall try to accelerate evolution so as to not be rendered insignificant. Humans love control and there lilelyy be a push tk create hybrids. First on militaristic levels, then in the sports arena and whem more accpeted in the general populace.

This then leads to the fear that was noted in the begnnig of Dune where people become slaves to their machine parts and can become easily manipulated. This could lead to a push in advancement in humans on the biological and mental front.

Serious / Re: A services led economy vs automation
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:05:27 AM »
New jobs will be created. What they are I have no clue but will the current generstion be equipped to take advantage of it. Likely not.

But another opportunity exisrs and that is the decrease in cost to start a business. Why spend cash and time to get something from overseas when you can cut the time inhalf and although pay the same amount or less and have built in the same city. 3D printing is what I had in mind.

Something I notice and it will be more prevalent I feel is that business shall be made with people who others trust. Like the construction where subcontractors are ruled out from bids due to previouse bad memories. And other subcontractors are preferred due to good experiences.

Serious / Re: Islam vs. ISIS
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:58:32 AM »

That last verse was one of the last verses that were released by the prophet. And has more to do with how you are not supposed to force others to avcept islam.

A quick google search shows me that the line is also taken out of context, here is the full thing:
2:256: “There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.”
2:257: “Allah is the protecting guardian of those who believe. He bringeth them out of darkness into light. As for those who disbelieve, their patrons are false deities. They bring them out of light into darkness. Such are the rightful owners of the Fire [of Hell]. They will abide therein [forever].”

He is essentially saying that believers better keep believing and non-believers better start believing.

add on to it this verse:
18:29: “Say: (It is) the truth from the Lord of you (all). Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve. Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers Fire. Its tent encloseth them. If they ask for showers, they will be showered with water like to molten lead which burneth the faces. Calamitous the drink and ill the resting-place!”

That sure seems like compulsion to me.

As to justification for war it exists if you place it in certain contexts. The war in Iraq is a memory that recent generations of muslim look at as justification for war.

So are you agreeing with me?

Especially kids as islam considers kids (keep in mind before puberty) to be pure..

Muhammad wants the kids intact so he can marry and rape them.

Punishment in the hereafter is not a reason to force in present day. It says that if they disbelieve they will answer on the day of judgement.

So if I ask did he give permission to muslims to force conversion or to wait till the day of judgement.

To say that the prophet likes having sex with kids is the greatest misconception. His first and favourote wife eas older than him. Aisha was more of a marriage of politcal cause than of love. As this was used to create stronger ties with his second in command Abu Bakr.

Also one also makes a diservice to Aisha by calling her a sex slave and ignoring what she accomplished on the political front in the post muhammed era. Evem during Muhammed time she became quite a powerful political figure head.

I can agree with you on justification but it depends on certain circumstances that have to be stretched. Though the very conduct they perform immediately considers the "jihad" unislamic. Remember the battle should only he focused on expelling the army.

Some rules are you are not allowed to kill, women children and elderly, those who seek refuge in places of worship or their home.

Serious / Re: Islam vs. ISIS
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:49:37 AM »
If you took religion out of the Middle East, everyone would still hate each other.
Okay you have made some really sensible points out of this whole discussion on this issue the past week but this is just ignorant rubbish.
No it is not. Go to Pakistan and you will see hate for people of different ethnicity and violence against different ethnicity. The bagladesh war can be attributed to the Pumjabi's as they comprised the majority fo the force in the Pakistan army.

Plus a number of their actions can be seen as racist. Not religious intolerance.
Great one example of a nonreligious conflict in one country.

Still the fact remains that almost the entirety of conflicts in the Middle East is Sunni v. Shia or would someone like to deny that conflict's existence?

Saying the same amount of conflict would exist in the middle east without the existence of Islam is like saying the Crusades still would have happened without Christianity existing.
Actually no. Kurdish and Saddam.

You might not know this but arabs are very loyal to blood lines. Family first, tribe second religion next ane finally country.

Allawites versus arabs.
In Pakistan here are rhe ethnicities:

Each side has groups which are vioently hatefull to other groups. And will attack other groups to help their own. Though there has been a recent push against it. Actually political parties are also based on these very lines.

You will also notice many muslims hate the arabs in the gulf. In lebanon there is anger against the palestenians and hezbollah themselves blame the palestenians for the 2006 war.

Serious / Re: Islam vs. ISIS
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:33:46 AM »
If you took religion out of the Middle East, everyone would still hate each other.
Okay you have made some really sensible points out of this whole discussion on this issue the past week but this is just ignorant rubbish.
No it is not. Go to Pakistan and you will see hate for people of different ethnicity and violence against different ethnicity. The bagladesh war can be attributed to the Pumjabi's as they comprised the majority fo the force in the Pakistan army.

Plus a number of their actions can be seen as racist. Not religious intolerance.

Serious / Re: Islam vs. ISIS
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:32:21 AM »

Also when at War, the prophet pushed certain rules on his commanders at all times.

Npw take the sources in the way you want and make your choice. Yes religionofpeace and answerimg islam has a different view but hwre is the other side for you to read and discuss.

These don't seem like very good sources.  The first one labels Sam Harris a "New Atheist extremist" and anyone who believes the Koran is violent as an anti-Islam extremist.  The three verses also do not do a convincing job.

1. Qur’an 22:40: “Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged.”

It's not hard to see how some muslims have turned scrutiny of their religion into "War on Islam", and justifying violence.

2. Qur’an 22:41: “Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said, ‘Our Lord is God’ — And if God did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, wherein the name of God is oft commemorated.”

Thus, the Qur’an defines “have been wronged,” as a person who has met two more conditions. The first: one who has been unjustly driven from his own home. The second: being driven out on account of faith.

War has driven muslims from their homes.  Throw in the "War on Islam" and the Wests Islamophobia and you got yourself so justifications for war.

3. Qur’an 2:257: “There shall be no compulsion in religion.”

This is just a straight up contradiction present in the Koran. It's incoherent to say that there is no compulsion in your faith and at the same time know that the lack thereof results in eternal suffering.  Spending an eternity suffering rather than an eternity in paradise will obviously compel people to have faith.

That last verse was one of the last verses that were released by the prophet. And has more to do with how you are not supposed to force others to avcept islam.

As to justificatiob for war it exists if you place it in certain contexts. The war in Iraq is a memory that recent generations of muslim look at aa justification for war.

Only issue though is that killing of elderly, children and women is not allowed. Especially kids as islam considers kids (keep in mind before puberty) to be pure of wrong doings.

Serious / Re: Islam vs. ISIS
« on: November 19, 2015, 10:21:14 AM »
If you took religion out of the Middle East, everyone would still hate each other.
Tell me why I shouldn't interpret this as racist.
Ethnic hate is quite great over there. Blood divides the people mostly.

I know this cause I have lived in these places and noticed it. Racism is strong there among the people. For you, you see syrians, arabs etc. For a syrian he sees people of different tribes just by their facial features.

Allawites, Arabs, Kurdish etc. All their nationalistic extremists hatw the other groups. Most of these hates have mainly gained more fuel during colonialism and after. Though it still existed under the previouse empires.

Serious / Indus Valley Civilization
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:52:13 AM »

Have any of you wondered what would have been possible if certain dead civilizations were able to carry on to this day.

Instead of reinventing the wheel we may have been furthee in progress. So what do you think is the greates setback for humanity in terms of technological advancement.

Serious / Re: What Is Hate Speech?
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:38:32 AM »
Anthing that constitutes as a threat on someones life or property.

Serious / Re: Islam vs. ISIS
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:35:11 AM »

Also when at War, the prophet pushed certain rules on his commanders at all times.

Npw take the sources in the way you want and make your choice. Yes religionofpeace and answerimg islam has a different view but hwre is the other side for you to read and discuss.

Serious / Re: Islam vs. ISIS
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:21:54 AM »

With the idea of abrogation in the interpretation of the Koran, does early or peaceful verses losing precedence to later, more cruel, or warlike verses mean that IS personal are actually the truest Muslims in the world?
Does the Koran's last chapters proclaim violence over peace?  I know it and the Hadiths are a tangled mess of flopping between advocating barbaric violence and tolerance.  I just wouldn't want someone to state a random tolerance script because I wouldn't be able to refute it.

Well it seems you do not understand how the Quran was written then.

Also certain scripturea are only relevant to certain time periods. Especially the violent ones.

Remember certain verses were revealed during certain ecents and only focus on those events. Others aee universally binding no mattr the time.

Also each violent verse usually comes with a restraint clause with it.

There are though verses that pertain to war:
http:// [url][ /URL]
http:// [url][ /URL]

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