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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 171819 2021 ... 99
I agree. Only problem for me is that it has become a prerequisite for many jobs. And honestly most companies could get better hires by basically running an apprenticeship program or hiring from college for certain jobs and helping people build up.

The biggest problem I feel is that getting a job in any industry requires too much prerequisites. But it is better in other places.

It is also the culture of hire and fire and short term career and job hopping.

Honestly I feel the economy need to become decentralized a lot more. Self Employment seems to be the trend. And with more of those you get more competition and thus more hiring.

Serious / Re: Donald Trumps wins Nevada
« on: February 24, 2016, 12:27:36 AM »
=Reminder that the people that vote are old, racist, white people. No way they'll vote for Community Sanders or Criminal Clinton. Trump has this election locked up.
Well by that logic, how did Obama win?

If the democratic party actually gets excitement, they'll win, but it seems from the turnout polls, and history in general, that a Republican will win. Unless it's Cruz.
Because black people, who don't normally vote, voted for Obama. If Obama was white he would have lost.
I'm not so sure about that. The entire country was fed up with Bush and the republicans in the white house.
And here we are, nearly 8 years later, fighting the stupid wars that we hated back then, soo...fat lot of good that did us.
Who is this we.

I didn't hate the Afghan or Iraq wars.
Of course you don't - conservatives love wars. Wars make them money. Wars give the government more power to control the American people. That's a conservative's wet dream.
I disagree. Conservatives are disillusioned and Trump appeals and also scares a number of Republicans that already exist.  There is a clear divide in the Republican party. Next election cycle the message I feel from the establishment will likely be different. Honestly I am more interested in the court case against Hillary. Wondering if that will drop any bombshells during the general when Hillary is running for president.

Serious / Re: Donald Trumps wins Nevada
« on: February 24, 2016, 12:21:36 AM »
Reminder that Republican Party is actually very small in our country and his appeal on the general election won't be nearly as good. He may be favorable in that small group, but not the entire country where he's still very much disliked.

He has a 51% un-favoriteable rating, the highest any front runner has had, ever. Also remember that Rubio and Cruz are too busy circle jerking over fighting each other and not Trump, along with not doing the obvious things to actually hurt Trump, and you have this.

Odds are it will be Hillary v Trump, with Hillary winning. Though maybe not. Hillary does an amazing job at deflating the Democrat Party because she flips on issues more than a pancake being cooked by Mitt Romney.
I think this is the majority consensus. But I also feel Trump will scare enough people to go out and vote against him. The Latinos will definitely be out in droves as well as the blacks.

Centre Left and and Centre Right will also likely join Hillary to hold him off. Hell I bet a decent chunk of Sanders supporters may vote Hillary out of fear of Trump winning.

Be there for him and support him throughout any thing that comes up,  but I still think in private you should call him out for being an idiot and an asshole for doing what he did if he did it.

If he has really done something horrible and due to stupid idiots who gossip this shit can get tied to your family especially if it hits news or becomes a talk of the town.

Well once you get the complete picture and it is real evidence then call him out in private. For now support him but make sure he knows you really do not like this behaviour.

Is it working?

Honestly it is okay. But it has to focus on strong teamwork participation. I wonder if rocket league should have their own championship of their own considering how the game is.

The Flood / Re: Tegan and Sara best band
« on: January 13, 2016, 07:18:18 PM »
They are good. And honestly I listened to them a lot. Though did they bring any new stuff out. Unfortunately been busy listening to other shit.

The Flood / Re: The autistic guy in my class is hilarious
« on: January 13, 2016, 07:05:07 PM »
Can I say I feel unfortunate for mentally ill people who can keep a conversation. They say the weirdest and most awkward shit ever.

Had to deal with the same shit as a mentally disabled dude kept hitting on the girl working at a Korean hostel I was staying. I took him out to help the team out but he annoyed me and I became kind of angry and cold to him.

The Flood / Great deals
« on: January 13, 2016, 07:00:42 PM »
What is the best deal you have come across and taken advantage off?

For me it was the ski day pass for only $0.90 CAD. For a ski hill in Banff called Norquay. The cost to ski usually is way higher but with this deal on a Wednesday, I had to go.

Serious / Re: Iran holding 10 U.S. Sailors
« on: January 12, 2016, 05:02:18 PM »
Interesting. Kind of pissed how the Republicans are being all gunho about this. That kind of attitude is more likely to get the sailors killed than returned safely. Demanding and threatening is a stupid act.

Hopefully this issue will be resolved. I wonder though what the US were doing so close to Iranian sea.

The Flood / Rocket man doing live demo
« on: January 11, 2016, 01:19:56 AM »

What you guys think?

Gaming / The Flood from Halo
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:47:59 AM »
Has anyone ever wondered why they have been absent from the game for some time. I mean it just feels like they up and disappeared. Like gone from the previous trilogy mainly due to the death of the gravemind . But still a proto-gravemind should exist somewhere like the one on the Mona Lisa.

Or at least one of the earlier installations should be housing them. Remember there were many research facilities made by the forerunners to study the Flood. Some of them must have had a breakout and there are still five more halos to deal with. Well four, what with a new Halo already being discovered by ONI.

So any though of the return of the Flood or are the gone for good?

And bonus, any chance of the prophets returning?

And canon wise it makes no sense, especially with the first order and how they came about and where the fuck stoke came from.
1. Snoke

2. I don't really care what you thought of the movie, but do you know what "Canon" means?
Well the Canon keeps changing. But for me. A sudden change in the Empire and the Republic view on each other cannot be that fast. The Republic. Which just came out of a war, suddenly wants peace and no war with the empire remnants. Hell not even any effort to build an espionage network to keep themselves in the know of the empires movement and the rise of a new emperor called Snoke?

Actually another thing I read before is that in a former script the new superweapon was actually a Republic project as a super weapon against the empire and any other threat. That was against the advice of Liea who believed such a weapon should not exist.. And the Knight's of Ren in the second movie gain control of it with the empire remnants. With the third movie being the resistance and the Republic wiping it out.
i don't think you know what "canon" means
You are right. I am mixing it up and using it interchangeably with the plot.

And canon wise it makes no sense, especially with the first order and how they came about and where the fuck stoke came from.
1. Snoke

2. I don't really care what you thought of the movie, but do you know what "Canon" means?
Well the Canon keeps changing. But for me. A sudden change in the Empire and the Republic view on each other cannot be that fast. The Republic. Which just came out of a war, suddenly wants peace and no war with the empire remnants. Hell not even any effort to build an espionage network to keep themselves in the know of the empires movement and the rise of a new emperor called Snoke?

Actually another thing I read before is that in a former script the new superweapon was actually a Republic project as a super weapon against the empire and any other threat. That was against the advice of Liea who believed such a weapon should not exist.. And the Knight's of Ren in the second movie gain control of it with the empire remnants. With the third movie being the resistance and the Republic wiping it out.

Why does everyone think the new Star Wars is a great movie.
Because we aren't edgy neckbeards
And I am not being edgy. It is a good movie. It just not that amazing. I mean mad max felt like a better movie as well as the hateful eight. I can appreciate it but cannot give it a great score. I would recommend movies such as The Martian. But this does not seem like it has much in it. Reminds me a lot of Micheal Bay. Appeasing to the lowest common denominator.

For me it felt more like a reboot of the whole series. Basically JJ Abrams version of A New Hope over a continuation of a story.
Mad Max and The Hateful Eight are by far the best movies this year. That doesn't mean Ep7 wasn't great, because it was.

It's the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back.

Excellent acting.
Great action, that was a good balance of the OG trilogy and the OTT prequels.
Good characters.
The plot is basically a bette version of ANH. This isn't even a bad thing.

It was very much a continuation of the franchise. And a great one at that.
I'm surprised you aren't freaking out over its similarities to A New Hope.
I did. In another post. It is basically A new hope all over again and a bit of stuff from the other two movies chucked in. I hated it for that reason. And the parts that made A new Hope great were missing from this movie. Phantasm was shit. The bomber scenes were shit. A fleet of X-wing somehow just coming in. 30 or something more taking on a planetary base which should have housed more than Tie Fighters.

Also how small the Galaxy felt. And the Republic and it's story ignored. This movie I feel should have been in the later half of the trilogy.

Plus Rey becoming force sensitive and like OP on the first try. Personally if I received a sixth sense it would be hard for me to control. And if I did use it early on with any sense of power. It would be under the influence of the darks side. As the dark side relies on the emotion and that is easier to use and lash out with. In comparison to the light side which relied on a lot of internal calmness and devoid of emotions.

Mind you I am not hating it and am just exaggerating my feelings. It was fun. But nothing felt epic.


And canon wise it makes no sense, especially with the first order and how they came about and where the fuck stoke came from.

A fun movie but definitely not a great movie. And likely not memorable like that of the sequels or even some parts of the prequels.
It's a first in a trilogy; it's not supposed to explain everything. Where Snoke came from and what he is, how he seduced Ben; those are all part of the mystery we're all supposed to be thinking about for the next installment. What if A New Hope told you Vader was Luke's father? Also, I agree that how the First Order rose up could be explained a little better, but at the same time we don't need to be bogged down with politics or else we'd get Star Wars: Trade Negotiations. I thought it was pretty straight forward though. The New Republic underestimates the First Order, they're tired of war, don't take action. That's what the Resistance is for; the New Republic is just a bunch of bureaucrats that don't see the threat like General Organa does. Also the First Order is more of a radical splinter group.
I agree but it should have fleshed out the story more. Just because it is part of a trilogy does not excuse the movie for lacking in context.

I still think context could have been explained better. As well as plot points like how an Empire who lost their number one and two suddenly found a way to become strong again and build a mega death star with no one noticing. How one can learn to use the force so well they can defeat another force user who was trained in the force for a longer time.

There are things that make sense and don't. And personally I did not feel like the movie was in a Galaxy but in just a solar system.

Why does everyone think the new Star Wars is a great movie.
Because we aren't edgy neckbeards
And I am not being edgy. It is a good movie. It just not that amazing. I mean mad max felt like a better movie as well as the hateful eight. I can appreciate it but cannot give it a great score. I would recommend movies such as The Martian. But this does not seem like it has much in it. Reminds me a lot of Micheal Bay. Appeasing to the lowest common denominator.

For me it felt more like a reboot of the whole series. Basically JJ Abrams version of A New Hope over a continuation of a story.

Why does everyone think the new Star Wars is a great movie. For me it felt like a B rate movie. If it wanted to be action it did not meet that criteria like Mad Max. An adventure in a Galaxy, maybe tried but for me it felt kind of small. Story wise it felt bland and a copy of A new Hope with reference to the later two while at the same time creating plot points out of thin air without much explanation why they exist other than they exist.

And canon wise it makes no sense, especially with the first order and how they came about and where the fuck stoke came from.

A fun movie but definitely not a great movie. And likely not memorable like that of the sequels or even some parts of the prequels.

The Flood / Re: Better quality look at the Knights of Ren
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:07:14 AM »
Notice that there are 7. Like 7 sins.

The Flood / Re: Better quality look at the Knights of Ren
« on: January 07, 2016, 11:06:41 AM »
These guys are gonna be awesome to learn about.

Here's hoping the Knights of Ren are badass.

Hopefully they'll be as badass as Captain Phasma.
so extremely lame?
Likely. And from the looks of it not much in it. Hopefully they are other students of Luke and that they were led astray for different reasons.

The Flood / Re: Better quality look at the Knights of Ren
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:51:46 AM »
They do not look like Knight's but more like a group of mercenaries following the leader.


I wonder where the previous script was leaked and why the huge change?

The Flood / Re: Vagina Bacon (NSFW? It looks like bacon)
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:38:31 PM »
What the fuck. Why fry it?

The Flood / Re: who else is lactose intolerant?
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:36:52 PM »
Man it must suck. Milk is great as well as ice cream and yogurt.

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on The Force Awakens?
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:55:09 PM »
I think the more I look at it. The prequels had the issue that they shoehorned and made a cringy love plot that could have been done better. Though when it came to universe building and anything related to the clones wars. It was well done.

Also although the prequels did follow a good concept when it came to overall arc. The way it was delivered was bad. Especially with the acting. Personally I still feel this movie is just a copy paste.

The Flood / Re: Thoughts on The Force Awakens?
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:50:25 PM »
Lol. Made the same complaints when I watched it last night. It was basically a new hope all over again.

They had great characters and a great setting to work with. An empire in fractures trying to remain relevant. A Republic just starting to gain relevance.

Also learning to use the force so fast.
And a broken empire that after losing their centre, the emperor suddenly fixes itself and builds a bigger superweapon. I mean I would expect them to be in disarray trying to keep their planets from switching sides while the rebels are pushing ahead after their victory in the sixth movie. Except now everything is in a stalemate.

Kylo Ren being Han and Leia son is straight from the books.

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:43:07 PM »
Tropic Thunder. How could I forget about that military movie. A true documentary.

The Flood / Re: Favoite top five war films?
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:47:56 PM »
Why Passchendael? Because of the soft core porn. I remember watching that because our social studies teacher wanted us to watch a world war 2 movie in theatre due to the topic we were covering. Well 100+ kids in a theatre watching soft core porn was not in the plans for them. Also the hookah pipe in the back.
I actually just forgot that that happened until now, lol.
But nah, the acting was superb and the writing was nice. It just felt like a really good film.
And the ending battle sequence was intense as shit without being entirely over the top.
How could you forget the porn. There are multiple scenes with it. Good movie but not memorable for me.

Saving Private Ryan is more memorable as well as the show Pacific although I have watched one or two episodes of it.

The Flood / Re: What's the weather like down under?
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:44:46 PM »
Just came back from there. It is summer but the winds near the cost can be cold for some.

Really nice place. Where you checking out and how long?

The Flood / Re: airports are fucking expensive
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:44:00 PM »
Because they can and people will buy

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