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Messages - Risay117

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The Flood / Suleiman the Magnificent
« on: September 25, 2016, 11:39:28 PM »
A great man who tore through the walls of the World's desire. Yet failed to conquer Hungary. Though he did conquer Persia. Still he was the beginning of the decline for his action to not follow the inheritance laws of their people allowed weak men to take the seats of power. Why because of his love of his second wife.

If he was a true Ottoman he would have chosen his first wife son as the true heir as he was the most competent and after choosing him would have killed his other sons. Though it would have been okay if he left his most loved and weak and disabled son to live. He was a smart and loyal man to his first son. But due to his failure to carry out his duty. The Ottomans failed to have a strong leader with good genes. And in further fail to become a more powerful empire.

So I ask you this are you weak to allow love to guide you like Suleiman or are you strong and ignore the temptations of love and become a king?

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Did you know that Churchill had to be persuaded by family members to not convert to Islam?
Your lying? Cause this would be hilarious and the main reason he hated Islam afterwards.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
I'm not.
Nah, looking it up, he had a fascination for the Islam under the Ottoman Empire and the Muslim ruler's of old. Their push and expansions interested him heavily. This also extended to his love for the life of the nomads. Cruel and hard yet build men who are strong. It seems his close relationship with TE Lawrence was another big factor in it (funny thing I some dude told me Lawrence and the Prince of Arabia or one of them were having a gay relationship). Anyway he did have a disdain for the certaintypes of Islam he came across which he wrote in his boot the river wars.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
Regardless, he was a warmonger.
Why he liked Islam is mainly due to its conquering and expansionist policies of its Empires, if followed it can build a really strong man. None of the loovey doovey shit from Christianity, making weak sauce humans who whimper at the sight of blood. Who keep changing the rules cause their feelings got hurt.

No Islam is strong, don't need to bend over for anyone. Making strong men from boys by helping them wet their blade once a year and learn the importance of responsibility. With every sacrifice must be a proper distribution of the food to show humility. Every year the followers journey on a pilgrimage, shaving their head dressing in nothing but undergarments and a white rag and spend days in the heat. This to show strength and willpower. Everyday they learn about persistence praying to the one God.

That's why Islam is the Superior religion.

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The Flood / Re: Fat bitches need to die
« on: September 25, 2016, 11:24:11 PM »

Is that Clinton, cause she an old type of feminist. The ones the new type hate. She savage. Don't get on the wrong side of her or else you gon get skinned.

If she were my mom, I know I would have to do good if I was to be considered worthy to inherit her legacy.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

Serious / Re: Genetic Engineering, Pt. II - CRISPR & CAS9
« on: September 25, 2016, 11:22:20 PM »
Need to read this on the computer cause this is the shut I want to see on Serious not more who wants to be the next America Top Model, *cough* i mean President.

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The Flood / Re: Bavaria Sucks
« on: September 25, 2016, 11:20:32 PM »
Brandenburg OP

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Did you know that Churchill had to be persuaded by family members to not convert to Islam?
Your lying? Cause this would be hilarious and the main reason he hated Islam afterwards.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
I'm not.
Nah, looking it up, he had a fascination for the Islam under the Ottoman Empire and the Muslim ruler's of old. Their push and expansions interested him heavily. This also extended to his love for the life of the nomads. Cruel and hard yet build men who are strong. It seems his close relationship with TE Lawrence was another big factor in it (funny thing I some dude told me Lawrence and the Prince of Arabia or one of them were having a gay relationship). Anyway he did have a disdain for the certaintypes of Islam he came across which he wrote in his boot the river wars.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk


Did you know that Churchill had to be persuaded by family members to not convert to Islam?
Your lying? Cause this would be hilarious and the main reason he hated Islam afterwards.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk


Well he wasn't wrong. Germany was and always was a threat whether good or bad to the power of the colonial eras. The only problem was that in their constant bickering they let the American's supersede them. And now after all those years it's the Germans who decided instead of rushing it why not wait.

With all that they have finally come close to conquering Europe. And with the uniting of all the lands under the European flag, the Holy Roman Empire shall rise again from the dust of its predecessor and finally the Fourth Reich we have all been waiting for shall be born.

The Crusades shall be launched again into realms of the infidels and their hearts shall be ripped from their sinning souls. The day of Charlemagne awaits. All men must prepare for the great day for God wills it. The flags will be drawn on from Jerusalem to the Constantinople and everyone shall remember the Empire was never gone, it was merely asleep waiting for the time of our greatest need. So set out my brothers to make Germany proud and unite the heretics under one banner. For God wills it

Deus Vult

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Serious / Re: List of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary and Bill Clinton
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:59:52 PM »
You don't become the most powerful couple in history without a couple bodies under the floorboards. And I must say good on them for achieving so much against all odds. I wonder if their souls are still worth it for Satan to posses or if he will call a pass and smuggle them to heaven for God to deal with.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

Serious / Re: Bank of England may have double counted some Brexit costs
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:56:55 PM »
Honestly Brexit has not happened and the whole thing has been the biggest lie in UK history. Kind of funny that they voted to leave yet they have been delaying any talk about it.

It's like everyone is living as if Britain has left but in actuality it hasn't.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

The Flood / Re: mirror selfie thread
« on: September 25, 2016, 10:55:14 PM »
Selfie Thread eh?
Well ain't nothing good comes out of that. Also what happened to Charlie?

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« on: September 25, 2016, 10:53:08 PM »
So? Alot of people get ill. Can't presidents be human. Though her being Between Two Ferns was interesting.

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The Flood / Re: Haha I want to fucking die
« on: September 24, 2016, 12:58:06 AM »
I feel bad because I haven't paid my phone bill and can't text all the people who are texting me.
Get some me thing like WhatsApp and do it through WiFi.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

The Flood / Re: I'm glad I'm not in college anymore
« on: September 24, 2016, 12:57:25 AM »
as if the right has stayed in the shallow end
True Dat

Idiots putting themselves and others into boxes and forcing themselves into a narrative they may not believe.

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Serious / Re: Obama and the Middle East
« on: September 22, 2016, 07:01:36 PM »
We have (by far) the largest military in the world, one of the most robust volunteer agencies in the world through the Peace Corps, and are home to some of the larger charitable organizations in the world (Not including the Catholic Church). Yes, resources and manpower is going to finite. However, that isn't to say that we aren't one of the best equipped to actually assist nations that are in need.

Not to mention we often conduct assistance alongside countries who, like us, have similar abilities in terms of military and volunteer manpower.
The needs of the people in the Middle East are not nearly equivalent to the needs of people in, say, Honduras. One requires aid that is more military based, while the other is much more humanitarian.

And again, I'll repeat that the government of the United States is massive - the point where hundreds (if not thousands) can be focused on various issues at any given moment. That's the beauty of bureaucracy.

We are mostly involved with the Middle East because it affects our people and not the people in the country. We wouldn't do anything with military forces if it didn't affect our citizens. It's why we only give humanitarian aid in Africa to feed starving children and why we don't waste military might on stopping African warlords from savagely killing each other every other Tuesday.

Nowhere did I say that the issues in the Middle East should be ignored, nor do I believe anyone else in this thread did.

I never said anyone in this thread did, I said Obama did. The whole argument was brought up from:

As well as his push to pivot America from the Middle East to the Pacific Asia region. With his push to try to get the nation to give more attention to areas like Africa and the Latin America.

If we are so massive and omnipresent we have no reason to avert attention away from the Middle East. Either it is as you say and we have the resources to be able to focus on multiple areas at once or we don't and we need to make a hierarchy of what we must focus on. What you're saying is in conflict with what Obama is doing according to what OP and the article are stating.
I think the issue is that you are thinking too much on the military side and less on the diplomatic. By attention we mean create stronger ties both with embassies and trade deals as well as partnerships in science and the kind. Same in Africa with countries like Kenya where there is a field with unlimited potential due to how foreign their approach is to technology.

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Serious / Re: Obama and the Middle East
« on: September 21, 2016, 01:51:57 PM »
This is folly in his part. Not because I'm very anti-Obama, but because that would be a wasted effort.

Africa is even more tribal-like than the Middle East. A major chunk of the continent is untamed wilderness and what civilizations that do exist outside of the southern countries is in constant civil war and strife. It's hard to look at a map of Africa with all its different countries and think that half of them are as stable as they are with their existence. Yes, we could go in and solidify peace, but the people there are barbaric. As soon as we leave they'll just go back to killing one another off civilian trucks with mounted machine guns through huts constructed out of cardboard and tin metal.

As for Latin America, I don't see much of a problem. Most of the countries there seem to be fine so it continues to make no sense by moving attention to a place that doesn't need it. Unless of course he's a fan of Brazil and he's still butthurt about Germany raping them in soccer years ago.

As well as his push to pivot America from the Middle East to the Pacific Asia region. With his push to try to get the nation to give more attention to areas like Africa and the Latin America.
As far as I see it seems he is not interested in these areas to use the military but to create better relations and push their foreign policy there. To gain not only give them better opportunity, but to open up those markets for America.

Did you read the article cause it's long and is kind of like a story. And also I want to reiterate. It's long.

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Serious / Re: Obama and the Middle East
« on: September 21, 2016, 11:28:22 AM »
It comes off as borderline schizophrenic.

The US has been backing so many competing groups, almost none of whom actually like us. I have to wonder if anyone in Washington actually has a grasp of what's going on, or if the CIA, US Army and other fed organizations are competing internally for power or some shit.
Well there are competing groups and a scary number of them that are undermining each other. If I can find the article but the one concerning Cia and special forces in Syria show that.

Hell Obama is usually irritated by his own cabinet from Power and Clinton to Kerry and Rice. Everyone pushing for conflict and him trying to tell them to shut up for once.

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Serious / Obama and the Middle East
« on: September 21, 2016, 11:12:38 AM »

Above is a long article about Obama and his approach to issues with the middle east, a place he tried his best to leave but was always pulled back into, both for foreign elements and internal.

As well as his push to pivot America from the Middle East to the Pacific Asia region. With his push to try to get the nation to give more attention to areas like Africa and the Latin America.

Another fun thing to read is his strong annoyance of his allies in the Arab world and his European friend.

Might be a fun read, but if you do read it, do you have any points of contention with Obama approach with foreign policy?

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Serious / Re: US airstrike hits SAA and Russian officers in Eastern Syria
« on: September 21, 2016, 10:25:46 AM »
Retarded move. Also here is a link of the blunders the US are having in Syria. Kind of scary.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
Try this reddit comment chain.
Has the links to it within.

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The Flood / Re: Wanna be a bigger fuccboi?
« on: September 19, 2016, 10:10:06 PM »
>mfw i see vapers on campus
>some of them unironically wear fedoras
I actually have trouble containing my laughter in front of them. I know it's mean, but I didn't actually think the memes were real before I started college.
Seeing Memes in real life is weird and scary. On one hand you want to laugh on  the other you wonder what in God names happened to the kid to make the choice that led him to this.

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The Flood / Re: The US (as we know it) doesn't exist
« on: September 19, 2016, 10:08:12 PM »
Wet implies you can get dry
lmao no it doesn't

this is what we call "grasping for straws"

Literally what outside of a contained environment can be permanently wet?

Wetness is a property given to something when water is on it
When water leaves, it becomes dry
That's why things with water as a component of its structure aren't wet
Kool-Aid is Kool-Aid regardless of the presence of water, but by this logic you wouldn't call a pitcher of Kool-Aid "wet Kool-Aid" even though it clearly is.

Well there's solid Kool Aid and there's liquid Kool Aid
Keep in mind when I say water, I'm talking about pretty much all liquids

Liquids give the property of wetness but are not wet themselves

The little Kool Aid particles are wet but as a whole, the liquid Kool Aid is not wet
That's a failure to understand science if there ever was one.

There is no liquid Kool-Aid, just little tiny bits floating around in water.

What's the difference if you replace those bits with single water molecules?

They still never become a single polymeric molecule, therefore, if the Kool-Aid particles can be wet, so are the water particles.

Difference between Kool Aid and water is that there aren't any little bits of anything floating around in water

Little bits of water just make up the whole water
There's no such thing as "whole water"

Water is like a billion tiny grains of sand.

Yeah but it's uniform
It has no particles in it to wetten
What do you mean by wet?

Is water really wet?  Or does water make other things wet but it itself cannot be wet.

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The Flood / Re: Yarr! Talk like a Pirate Day 2016
« on: September 19, 2016, 09:13:06 PM »

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Serious / Re: US airstrike hits SAA and Russian officers in Eastern Syria
« on: September 19, 2016, 09:11:43 PM »
Retarded move. Also here is a link of the blunders the US are having in Syria. Kind of scary.

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Gaming / Re: EU4
« on: September 17, 2016, 01:13:12 AM »
So is anyone interested in a multilayer match on Saturdays or Sundays?

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Gaming / Re: EU4
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:30:07 AM »
You play multiplayer ever?
Eh, not really. I would be open to it, though, if you were looking to organise something like that.
Actually if interested want to try to set one up?
If you have steam my ID is
And if we can add some other people on here I can try to figure out how to host a game.

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The Flood / Re: Off to (Boot Camp) tomorrow.
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:24:46 AM »
Been in Air cadets for a few years so had my time in a camp once. Personally kind of divided if I should join the Canadian reserves or not?

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The Flood / Eid ul-Adha
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:22:23 AM »
So it's eid,  and I fucked up by missing the prayer in the morning. Woke up too late and it was too far away to attend.

But looks like I am going to have to make up for it.

Still it's a day for celebration, so in Canada you can have a mandatory day off as it is a religious holiday. Another excuse to stay in bed the whole day.

So what are you going to do? Also any questions?

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Gaming / Re: EU4
« on: September 11, 2016, 03:08:17 PM »
Was looking into it but having a hard time finding anyone who plays it. Everyone I know are not the type to play it.

Unless there are more people on here who play it.

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Gaming / Re: EU4
« on: September 11, 2016, 02:50:14 PM »

Gaming / EU4
« on: September 11, 2016, 02:41:39 PM »
Anyone play EU4 here?

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