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Messages - Risay117

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Serious / Re: Unbiased News Sources?
« on: December 11, 2016, 03:22:05 PM »
Reuters, BBC is sometimes good, also Al-Jazeera world news for anything that does not have anything to do with Qatar or has a strong bias.

Just remember what the organizations bias is and keep your head to the ground, search deep into reddit to find out events occurring and keep tabs on those events and listen to the both sides. Reddit and most news sources are heavy American centric and lose focus of issues around the world from Venezuela to Korea Rasputin story, and the Chinese and Singapore debacle a few weeks ago. There was also a story about Ghana election.

But honestly download the Reuters app and go to the wire instead of trending. Go to associated press and keep track of latest news on their international list. And then look for academic communities for different topics you are interested in. I cannot for some reason remember a military journal I was reading a year ago and a intelligence journal that I was reading which had some really nice articles on changes in geopolitics.

Also for economics to learn recommend searching up Meta post and going through r/badeconomics. I listen to them and usually unfortunately rely on the appeal to authority as some of the points go over my head. Right now in Engineering and taking seven courses this semester. So I really have a hard time staying up to date on them.

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Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 11, 2016, 03:13:16 PM »
I hear a lot about this Russian-pushed 'fake news' but I don't think I've ever actually seen any.
I think it's mostly an establishment buzzword to explain why it's not Democrats' fault for losing. (Hint: they picked a weak candidate) Don't take the bait, though.
I know this may sound like liberal propaganda or US propaganda but it is well known that the Russians have been focused over the last few years on a massive pr campaign. Mainly focused on mass disinformation to confuse the populace. It's kind of their game plan, anything anyone says and you basically throw a bunch of arguments whether fake or not, add what about isms.

The Russians love mass disinformation campaigns and mind you for them to expand they need the west to be unstable and dealing with local unrest. Why they have been heavily focused on tearing apart the EU by funding the different parties within European countries, whether left or right, to mainly pull their countries out of the EU. If they succeed they can easily move into the Balkan and actually annex a bunch of old soviet satellite stores and not many countries can do anything about it.

By creating distrust in Nato as well, I see them trying to weeken the resolve of the leaders of the US for standing up for the Alliance. If anything if they can make the US to leave it due to some excuse, it really makes all of Europe a playground for Russia. The more countries they can pull from it, even Turkey who they are both strong arming and giving some nice concessions if they listen, the easier it is for them to swing their club around.

I do wonder though if the Chinese may start getting worried, yes they have a huge economy and are trying to expand eastward, but I feel they will soon have to deal with the Russian threat as they are only allies of convenience and naturally expected to but heads due to territorial friction. Their spheres of influence are always colliding with each other. India may take advantage of this and stay out, and the Americans will keep propping Pakistan up, because it is the most significant force in the region that can counter and really drain the resources of the three major players I  that region.

Overall the Russians trying to influence the US election is guaranteed. The question really is to what end goal. There is a report going around NYT and other more trustful sources that a couple sources from the CIA, that not only DNC were hacked but the RNC were also hacked by the Russians. Now the RNC hack theory I am not so sure about, but the DNC is well known to be done by the Russian intelligence agency we'll either their agency or groups working in close unison with them. This is mainly due to a number of verifiable and we'll respected cyber security firms doing an assessment on the hacks and coming to the same conclusion based on many similarities to other Russian Cyber attacks around the world most notably the one in Germany.

Personally I see their end goal is basically to create unrest, push people further to the fringe by supporting groups that are alt-right and strong left wing groups, to mainly push the populace of America to be more isolationist and more willing to hate each other over any foreign threat. The main plan is to make it hard for the country to get involved and find the political will to support agreements like Nato and most of all undermine the major institutions like the UN and the World Bank. Thus cutting them off from Europe and allowing the Russians to expand west and and expand their sphere of influence over their old states and further into heart of Europe.

Americas best counter to that though is to create and support a strong Europe, Iran in a weird sense will be a great tool in that as a strong Iran erodes the Russian influence in Middle East. Isolate China and force the Chinese to expand west and north, thus putting the Chinese and the Russians in more conflicts over land and resources.

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Serious / Re: Obama orders investigation in Russian hacking
« on: December 11, 2016, 02:49:31 PM »
The Russians are definitely involved in trying to create instability wherever the Americans are. It's kind of something of a tool that they have used quite often. Mass disinformation campaign to murky the water and create exhaustion and then make the populace to tired to even give shit for their actions cause everyone is bad now.

But I wonder what the US are planning, personally I wonder if they may plan on expanding their offensive cyber espionage and start using this as an excuse to start undermining a number of Russian systems.

Also this Russia ain't bolsheivik Russia, it reminds me more both with character and imagery of the impearilsit Russia from before the Bolsheivik.

Weird we are slowly going back into the past with the rise of the Ottoman Empire, Russian Empire from Muscovy, and maybe the Germans might quietly under the shadows form the Holy Roman Empire from the remnants of the EU.

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Serious / Re: Geert Wilders convicted of hate speech
« on: December 11, 2016, 02:42:11 PM »
Honestly trying to incite hatred against a groups is the wrong way to go. If a minority becomes a significant part of your population, it is best to try to incorporate them into your country.

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The Flood / Re: Debating on going vegetarian for a month
« on: December 11, 2016, 02:37:39 PM »
If you want to, go for it. I think you might want to learn to cook to expand your choices on vegetarian choices. And if you fail, don't be too hard on yourself, your friends will likely understand.

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Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:18:29 PM »
Hey, why not we just get rid of the election and make it a series of challenges with the last people standing have to duel each other for the right to rule.

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Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 06:42:47 PM »
Honestly America does not need to remove the electoral College but needs electoral reform. Ditch the two party system and try to bring in more companies.

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I am tired. I meant parties.

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Serious / Re: Should the US abolish the Electoral College?
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:54:19 PM »
Honestly America does not need to remove the electoral College but needs electoral reform. Ditch the two party system and try to bring in more companies.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

The Flood / Re: Should I cheat on my girlfriend before she cheats on me?
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:49:54 PM »
Serious or not. You have already gotten real advice. Cheating on her will just Fuck with your head later on if you were wrong or even right.

But figure out for sure if she is trying to get back with her ex or whatever it is and talk to her?  Personally it might just be something stupid.

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Cool. So jail him. What does this have to do with anything. Why do you have to create a bigger narrative than the story. Plus if it's a Facebook news blog, well I already fear the site is the type to focus on certain crimes to create a narrative to basically create an echo chamber. Considering I do not believe they are that zealous in their tracking of crimes by other people that include people of all races who do the same shit.

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Serious / Re: One good thing about Trump
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:46:25 PM »
Racism ends up flowing both ways, when a lot of identity politics exists then it does not matter who you are, just being different can make you a target.

Also Isreal is so far removed from American Jews they are a in sense two different groups that share a religion but come from different spectrums when it comes to policies.

Still though how does one convert to Judaism. That's one thing I keep hearing is possible but seems to only occur from some fringe sects of Judaism. And as far as it is concerned a convert will never be considered a true Jew,  as Judaism is a religion entertwined to a race. Where the main factor on whether you are a Jew or not is based on your Mother being a Jew. If your dad is a Jew and your mom is not, you are usually not considered a Jew.

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The Flood / Re: Soulless chinks begin human genetic manipulation
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:38:49 PM »
Uhhh, geography and history fail aside, kind of interesting  to see. I will wait and maybe tune in to see the results. Hopefully after a couple more test it will show some clear signs on how close we are to another era of medical tech growth.

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The Flood / Re: FMA live action trailer looks like garbage
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:34:54 PM »
Hated anime live actions. If you are going to do it, ignore everything from the anime and restart from scratch with design. Keep the script and story somewhat pure but the design. Redo it to make if feel more enjoyable and less a fan made promo.

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The Flood / Re: New Kong: Skull Island trailer
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:33:47 PM »
Eh, I am okay with the humor. In dire circumstances people act differently, some people cope with cracking stupid jokes.

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The Flood / Re: This girl who bullies my girl is trying to fuck me
« on: November 15, 2016, 10:37:45 AM »
Lets raise the stakes, tell your girlfriend, and see what happens.

The Flood / Re: I have a confession to make
« on: October 25, 2016, 12:47:59 PM »
That you like Foo Fighters?

The Flood / Re: Here's why believing in god is stupid
« on: October 22, 2016, 02:15:31 PM »
Giving a shit about how or what people believe in and telling them they are inferior is really stupid. Placing everyone in one box although the box is too small to even truly represent a population that is as diverse as the different nations on this planet. Just cause someone sees the world different for you, for whatever reason, either due to upbringing or a search for some godly light that they can feel at ease with, one should not judge them harshly for their choice in life.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here doing 3D modeling?
« on: October 22, 2016, 08:20:28 AM »
I made a gun but I can't run it on my home computer
So you made it in a computer lab at school, I guess?

I did play around with it some time ago, but gave up, so unfortunately cannot help you much. I do have Unity 3d downloaded on my computer as well as autocad. The only person I know personally who actually was involved in quite a bit of 3d modelling and a little bit of game design was my younger brother, but he wont likely be any help for you.

Used to play around with Blender, that was beautiful piece of program that I came to love.
Any specific reason you gave up? I could possibly help you (although probably not that much,considering I'm a complete newbie).

I've tried blender before, but I'm learning 3DS Max now.
Biggest excuse, right now in Engineering School. Presonally, a project or two I will dive right in and then after a point I might just get distracted with something else.

I am a fickle man and that is my weakness.

The Flood / Re: Anyone here doing 3D modeling?
« on: October 21, 2016, 05:01:51 PM »
I did play around with it some time ago, but gave up, so unfortunately cannot help you much. I do have Unity 3d downloaded on my computer as well as autocad. The only person I know personally who actually was involved in quite a bit of 3d modelling and a little bit of game design was my younger brother, but he wont likely be any help for you.

Used to play around with Blender, that was beautiful piece of program that I came to love.

Some weathering on the vehicle, but got to say, one beautiful hunk of machine. Cant say much more. Although the type of style for aesthetics is one that sometimes weird me out, for some reason kind of love it, especially after Initial D manga.

The Flood / Re: Why is stoner culture so cancerous?
« on: October 21, 2016, 01:45:50 AM »
Who boasts about smoking weed. Honestly, I would use it sparsely and thats cause I am in Uni and I do not need to feer any drug tests. But if I have a job, well looks like I would be sobering up quick, cause those oil and mining jobs really have zero tolerance for that shit.

Septagon / Re: What I'm Working On
« on: October 19, 2016, 05:07:28 AM »
Any update? Any plans to connect this site to the Bungie site?

The Flood / Re: What. The. Holy. Fuck.
« on: October 18, 2016, 02:56:46 AM »
So whats new?

The Flood / Re: Recommend a good movie to watch
« on: October 17, 2016, 08:10:03 PM »
SevenSamurai, find it subbed. Or  Yojimbo

Serious / Re: Operation to liberate Mosul begins
« on: October 17, 2016, 07:53:20 PM »
I bet it is going to be an Iraqi Army operation, they better make sure to keep the Kurds and the Shia militia out or else this could get alot more ugly.
>thinking any of these people are relevant

This is an American operation.
The Americans may be calling the shots in some cases but this is mostly and Iraqi army operation, hell the Iraqi forces have gone against the advice of the Americans before. Also the question will come down how fast will it fall, cause the longer it takes the quicker Aleppo falls. And the Americans will do anything they can to close the border and halt the flow of Shia Militia to Syria. Mosul is a big part of that plan.

Also they really need Iraq to look strong and independent to at least show some form of opposition even if friendly against the Iranian. They do not want another puppet in the region for Iran to play with. Thats why Iraq needs to call the shots and needs to show the strength of its army. Funny thing is they also need to make their former enemies like Sadr strong and vocal, to actually stand up to the Iranians. Even if they are friendly. Make these people patriotically Iraqi. In essence tear down these sectarian divides and force Iraqi patriotism in the population. This way even their most vocal enemies like Sadr will not look too kindly on the Iranians ordering or trying to force their will on Iraq.
Yeah whatever dude none of that matters.

American special forces are the ones doing all the heavy lifting with the Iraqi army coming in and claiming victory afterwards. That is, what's left of the Iraqi army that didn't surrender and join ISIS.
Not sure if joking or not. Special forces are no W40K knights that can slaughter through huge number of enemies. And there is a really small contingent of American special forces. The air forces yeah they are doing alot of the heavy lifting removing alot of the surprises, but the ground work will mostly be Iraqi troops who you will see die in huge number from IED and SVBIED as well as traps.

Also if you like dissing Iraqi army, why not read up on the Golden division that were siege for a couple years protecting a town and a bunch of oil refineries from ISIS troops. The collapse in the West in the early part of the war was more due to low moral and huge amount of mismanagement of troops that everyone knew of. These two years of heavy lifting and slow build up of the army, with the Golden Division as the banner boys and lead fighters, has actually made them into a formidable force.

Though you might want to know, the Iraqi army is the US weapon in Iraq, while the militia are a tool of the Iran. Their success on the battlefield and on site operation is a success for the US. Therefore having the US do the heavy lifting goes against the whole geopolitical play the US is going after here. Funny thing is after this war if the US and the Iraqi army show alot of cooperation, we could see the creation of a new relationship between the the nations, one of an alliance that could threaten Iran's sphere of influence.

Serious / Re: Clinton business partners behead child
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:55:48 PM »
Hey, what do you expect. Someone like her who has ties with nearly everyone in the world who actually has influence, hell some of her friends I bet have done worse, and friends is a loose term, if anything they were likely associates for one business transaction.

Serious / Re: Operation to liberate Mosul begins
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:54:01 PM »
I bet it is going to be an Iraqi Army operation, they better make sure to keep the Kurds and the Shia militia out or else this could get alot more ugly.
>thinking any of these people are relevant

This is an American operation.
The Americans may be calling the shots in some cases but this is mostly and Iraqi army operation, hell the Iraqi forces have gone against the advice of the Americans before. Also the question will come down how fast will it fall, cause the longer it takes the quicker Aleppo falls. And the Americans will do anything they can to close the border and halt the flow of Shia Militia to Syria. Mosul is a big part of that plan.

Also they really need Iraq to look strong and independent to at least show some form of opposition even if friendly against the Iranian. They do not want another puppet in the region for Iran to play with. Thats why Iraq needs to call the shots and needs to show the strength of its army. Funny thing is they also need to make their former enemies like Sadr strong and vocal, to actually stand up to the Iranians. Even if they are friendly. Make these people patriotically Iraqi. In essence tear down these sectarian divides and force Iraqi patriotism in the population. This way even their most vocal enemies like Sadr will not look too kindly on the Iranians ordering or trying to force their will on Iraq.

Serious / Re: Operation to liberate Mosul begins
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:31:25 PM »
I bet it is going to be an Iraqi Army operation, they better make sure to keep the Kurds and the Shia militia out or else this could get alot more ugly.

Serious / Re: So can someone explain the middle east?
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:17:28 PM »
Oh oh oh, I could write an essay on this shit and still not explain it. Hell Syria in itself is a shitfest, and even basic factions have internal fighting. Did you know the KRG (Iraqi Kurds) have good relationship with the Turks but the YPG and the PKK do not.

The Flood / Re: Fuck this hangover.
« on: October 16, 2016, 07:16:11 PM »
No clue, I personally am not a big drinker, most beer taste shit so I end up forcefully drinking it. Only had a few beer that I have liked the taste of, but usually they are specially brewed, and not ones that you just buy a 24 pack for.

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