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Messages - Risay117

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The Flood / Re: *autistic screeching*
« on: March 27, 2017, 02:55:31 PM »
Oh that vid, with the chicks that don't look Muslim but only do cause they have a headscarf. I mean you can have a couple converts but converts usually are more hardcore than those born into the religion. Kind of like born again Christians.

So the girls most likely to kiss you would be eastern looking girls, which I think at a quick glance knew they were not.

Though the bigger outrage is how many people are pathetic enough to even watch this shitty excuse of a click bait. I would rather slit my wrist than watch another subscribe to this shits channel. Low quality content with obvious set up.

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Gaming / Re: Beginning of the end for Gamestop
« on: March 27, 2017, 02:50:45 PM »
HMV is going to take over the video game store.

Stores dedicated to video games are going to be rare and would need to have bigger collection, while the other group that shall take over it will be companies like HMV adding video games to heir movie and music collections.

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The Flood / Re: I'm going to my first party today
« on: March 26, 2017, 01:55:07 AM »
Go out talk, and then dance.

And if you got moves you can find a girl to dance with.

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Honestly the more I listen the more I fall in love with these tracks. Also here is a leak for one of their songs featuring Danny brown.

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The Flood / Re: Did you have any slave-owners in your family?
« on: March 24, 2017, 11:29:40 AM »
If you want to be honest probably if you go far back enough.

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Honestly love all of them. It's weird I could listen to each of them. Although will say love Ascension the most.

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The Flood / Re: Giving interviews
« on: March 23, 2017, 01:25:29 AM »
I dunno, all I can say is be careful what you say. But the questions will likely be boring honest questions, and they will likely choose a few from the bunch.

Quoted are usually small and made to be inserted into a report. Also do some research on outlet.

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I can give it a shot. But have no idea what it's about. District seven for me.

But according to the documentary "Get Out" blacks have the superior gene, bigger, stronger and better for breeding. If you want a world class specimens don't you want the superior physical genes with the superior intellect genes. Wish is BBC with Asian.

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The Flood / Re: This shit is starting to scare me
« on: March 18, 2017, 11:57:35 PM »
Ehhh, the elite going to alarm the bells and then purge the inferior members of our human race. They just building public support for it.

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The Flood / Re: Why do so many of you deny God?
« on: March 18, 2017, 11:55:58 PM »
Why would any reasonable God make me as who I am?

Good question.

It's not God it's circumstances, of which we cannot control.
So you saying God is not almighty and unable to make our lives better?

Gaming / Re: My most anticipated game this year.
« on: March 14, 2017, 10:55:03 PM »
I'm waiting for everyone else to comment saying what their most anticipated games for this year are, despite not even being asked about it.

I'm not sure I really have one yet, I'd at least like to see a trailer for the next Total War before I make any decisions.

Shadow of War is the only other game that so far holds my interest, but I'm being a bit tentative with that one.
Shadow of War looks really promising. Though I hope the AI is more flushed out. Never got to play the first, but AI being manipulated is a scary thing that can cause alot of problem for game performance. Especially friendly AI. How do you scale difficulty with AI capability.

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The Flood / Re: When will the madness end
« on: March 14, 2017, 07:36:52 PM »
Low Quality Shitpost. You be you OP.

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Gaming / [OFFICIAL] My most anticipated game this year.
« on: March 14, 2017, 07:35:29 PM »

Been waiting for this shit for a year.

HK a cat adventure

2001: A Space Odyssey.

It's alright, definitely good for the time, but I don't get why it's so hyped as being an amazing film now.
It was good but it's hard to watch. Had to quit after a portion of the movie.

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It won best makeup. Kill me.
Why, was the makeup bad? I honestly cannot fault them for that. They did a good job on that. But story wise, it was a shit show. It was rushed and the biggest mistake is the quick change in the story pace. It also did not feel gritty. When black woman killed all the people in the office it just seemed like they were cardboard characters with no emotions. I just did not notice her killing her team.

And the one bad guy they killed was just a prop. Honestly I could have written a better screenplay for it though I would need alot of help in setting up the dialogues.

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The Flood / Re: My first article was just accepted
« on: March 12, 2017, 02:46:02 PM »
What journal edition is it coming out in? Also what was the topic of your paper?

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It's scheduled to be in one of the Spring editions, so it'll be out any time now. Very generally put, the paper conducts an adequacy evaluation and impact assessment of international and European legislation, standards and best practices to asses predictive and automated intelligence analysis in deep and dark web environments, as well as issue some policy recommendations following conversations I've had with government analysts and such. As I said, not something many of you would be interested in reading anyways.
Likely not, but it would still be a fun read. As it seems I still have not got a grasp on the topic. Some words stick out but other than that nothing much which is what is leaving me with alot to desire to learn. Still though that's great you did it. Though is it a paid journal.

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The Flood / Re: My first article was just accepted
« on: March 10, 2017, 07:01:21 PM »
What journal edition is it coming out in? Also what was the topic of your paper?

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There's no snow in Toronto right?

The weather in Thunder Bay has been weird. Was told I was going to be in freezing hell, and the last year has just been Calgary Weather all over again with Chinooks coming in every now and again.


Before haircut


After haircut

The Flood / Re: Who would win a race war?
« on: March 09, 2017, 02:02:59 PM »
How the fuck are Asians and Arabs and Slavs and Italians, and Spaniards and Denisovan descended peoples white?
Why do you consider Italians and Spaniards as not white?
They were considered not white. As well as Irish during the early half to late part of the last century. Only when other immigrants came have they been considered white.

The definition of white is also way to generic. The Brits are nothing like the Americans.

The real question is what are you defining as race, should we divide based on cultural or some genetic factor. If genetic where is the difference found.

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It could be both culture and genetics. Italy and Spain are much closer in culture and location to Europe, and the areas considered as white, to other areas considered brown.
Actually I would say they have more in common the Spanish usually with the North Africans. North Africans have a culture quite similar depending on where your looking at. Especially the Berbers. Though less with the Nordics and Germanic people.

Some Arabs are very white and alot of Turks by lineage are Greek but culturally considered brown.

But what would I know.

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The Flood / Re: Six weeks eating vegetarian now
« on: March 09, 2017, 01:58:03 PM »
Interesting a friend of mine started the vegan challenge. He is well built but man does he need alot of protein. But vegetarian sounds more sane.

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The Flood / Re: Who would win a race war?
« on: March 09, 2017, 11:08:06 AM »
How the fuck are Asians and Arabs and Slavs and Italians, and Spaniards and Denisovan descended peoples white?
Why do you consider Italians and Spaniards as not white?
They were considered not white. As well as Irish during the early half to late part of the last century. Only when other immigrants came have they been considered white.

The definition of white is also way to generic. The Brits are nothing like the Americans.

The real question is what are you defining as race, should we divide based on cultural or some genetic factor. If genetic where is the difference found.

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Remake 1-3 of Star wars. Completely, nothing held back and no Jarjar stepping in shit.
Honestly it's already been done and there was one that was shown in theaters for a private viewing. The prequels has a great arc. The story is great, just the execution of the small things were horribly done and some of the small storylines.

Honestly remake it but leave the major plot lines the same and and it be considered greater than the originals.

If anything I would pay to scrap the seventh movie and redo it to make a more compelling and original story.

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The Flood / Re: Who has the biggest penis thread (no lying)
« on: March 09, 2017, 08:58:39 AM »
Wow not sure if Second Class is real but will assume so.

 Still it must feel very different especially considering your hormones are still there. How would they effect you.

On topic of dick size where you measuring from. You can add an inch or two from location of your measurement and what you consider base.

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the top
Then your doing it right. If someone measured it from the side, you are just cheating.

Personally length goes over 6.5 inches. Would say 7, but would hold back as due to curve and not having a third party to give a proper measurement. Girth is over 5 inches to 5.5 at the end but gets slightly narrower at the base but not by much. I think still over 4.5 inches.

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This be me.

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That little guy is the best on your snap
I have had friends call me crazy for some of my snaps.

On topic of pic just recently cut my hair. So looking weird.

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This be me.

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The Flood / Re: Shoe size thread
« on: March 08, 2017, 11:19:28 PM »

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The Flood / Re: Who would win a race war?
« on: March 08, 2017, 11:18:39 PM »
How the fuck are Asians and Arabs and Slavs and Italians, and Spaniards and Denisovan descended peoples white?
Are you saying they are black?
I'm saying they aren't white.
the basis of spaniard dna is basque/paleo-iberian and the basques are literally the ONLY true whites on the planet
But Iberians aren't white.
you telling me literal cro-magnon fuckers who have been in europe for 40,000+ years are less white than your horde of central asian indo-european invaders?
Then why were they not considered white by Americans when they immigrated to America. Also are the Irish and Italians white?

The Flood / Re: White people smh
« on: March 08, 2017, 11:16:31 PM »
Kill the white man!

What has he ever done except be the progenitor of every significant scientific advancement of the last several millennia?
British food, shit tier. And a flock of old white obese people with wheels for legs.

Nickelback, and country pop. Weebs and neckbeards.

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