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Messages - Risay117

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The Flood / Re: Here i Sit, Broken Hearted
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:10:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: Here i Sit, Broken Hearted
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:09:53 PM »

I remember a couple weeks ago, a teacher used the term blue screen of death. Anyway a year before that i started using the term quite alot because our school issues out laptop and my laptop had a number of issues from the computer shutting off if you pull the charger cord in and out of the computer and getting the blue screen when i press the wifi button.

Anyway after using it many times and many people having blue screens pop up on their computer time and time again, a teacher said it, and my friend started saying i should take credit for it considering i started it. Well truth be told i told him it was nothing special and i had heard it on the internet, plus why should i take credit of something that has is being used prominently now. He still pushed, me but for me taking credit for something like that was stupid.

I mean if you make something awesome you do not do it for the right to say i did it, well you do, but you also want people to share in its beauty and gloating how you started or did it is just stupid. If people know you did it they will respect you for your work anyway.

The Flood / Here i Sit, Broken Hearted
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:54:34 PM »
Tried to Shit, but only Farted
Went to Class and took a Chance
Tried to Fart, and Shit my Pants

Poetry is best. Especially those that are intelligent. What poetry do you know off that is amazing, and perfect?

The Flood / Re: I see many have joined our ranks
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:45:59 PM »
"Newfoman" is the dumbest word ever. Now that we're not in a forum that's run by SJWs, we can actually use the proper word, newfag.

Slang for newfoundlanders




The Flood / Re: I see many have joined our ranks
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:10:56 PM »
"Newfoman" is the dumbest word ever. Now that we're not in a forum that's run by SJWs, we can actually use the proper word, newfag.
Ehh it comes from Foman's name, has a history and reason behind it. Yeah it is not newfag, but it is something that arose from our old forums. It is our newfag. An inside joke.

The Flood / Re: Why Is There No Windows 9?
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:06:22 PM »
Stealing this but it is because

7 ate 9


The Flood / What makes a good Album?
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:36:18 AM »
So Septagons, what makes a good album?

Personally for me a good album is as Elton John said, under an hour to 45 minutes long. And one where each song flows from one to another and feels like a story. There needs to be an intro, a first act, transition, second act and finale for me.

Anyway for me one of my favourite album is White Blood Cells from the White Stripes.

Also only monsters listen to their library in Shuffle. True music lovers listen albums as a whole.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone poke their head into anymore?
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:30:18 PM »
All i know is that there are a bunch of new kids on the block but the site is unbearable. They really need to get their shit together. Bungie is a sinking ship.

Gaming / Re: Bungie Employee AMA On Reddit
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:27:25 PM »
Monsieur DeeJ has already debunked this.
He is likely bullshitting, also posted this on r/games, to kind of get it more into the spotlight for the wider public to see what is going on. Maybe it will kick some sense into Bungie's, board. And we might get a proper and fixed game, with a proper DLC. Right the ship before it sinks you dimwits.

Gaming / Re: Remember Guitar Hero?
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:16:00 PM »
Well there is Rock Smith. hopefully it can be brought back alive.
Rocksmith is pretty fun, but also challenging.

I've been playing guitar for like, 15 years, and I still find that game fun.
Started playing guitar and that game is brutally hard sometimes with songs. I need more lessons. But as i get better in some songs, i start to notice i have a better handle of things. Still cannot figure out how to play a song from Death Cab for Cutie, Follow you into the Dark. It is a simple finger picking song but playing it with any tab i get i dunno, does not sound correct. Maybe i need more practice.

The Flood / Re: @Whoever is responsible for this
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:11:05 PM »
Honestly there should not be any permabans just bans that stick for weeks. It is fun to see them enter and cause problems and then poof banned and they get angry.

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:07:49 PM »
Also the Iranian Crisis is not only an American mistake but also a huge British clusterfuck. It just that the US takes the blame for taking action afterwards. The British had as much of a hand behind the scenes as the US did.

Serious / Ingenious Homes in unexpected places
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:05:24 PM »

So just watched a Ted presentation with my younger brothers about communities being built out of scraps and must say it blew my mind. It just brought to light the lack of understanding on how to approach poverty in  some of these countries. It is like the aid we give them and the community or system we give them do not appeal or fulfill their needs or desire.

It seems that just giving them the houses and everything a western community has will not help them, but communities and systems created by the populace themselves work. All you need to give them is the basic building blocks and voila see what is made from it.

Anyway did you take anything from this presentation or was it just a waste of your time?

Serious / Re: Depression in school/work
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:04:49 PM »
Not really depression, but I almost threw away my first two years of law school because I didn't care and part of me wanted to fail.
I did this with sciences and must say it was good, new place no friends no way to fit in. Not that open and kind of not interested in the subjects. No interest no drive, failed and then just switched to a different school and must say feel alot better ever since.

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 04:01:17 PM »
Only reason it's a "threat" is because it doesn't surrender to American imperialism
True, but that doesn't give the "government" the excuse to trample all over freedom and human rights, and threaten to destroy a country because it's full of Jews.
Freedom can't exist in the Middle-East till they get their shit together. You did say those countries are poor and uneducated and which are factors in breading extremism. Only way to keep extremism low and prevent groups from being formed is in the way of a government that is authoritarian. It's a necessary evil and will continue till society progresses over there

Israel also threatens to destroy Palestine
Plus it is usually the impoverished back trodden rural dudes.

Gaming / Re: Destiny's original plot
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:41:03 PM »
Staten quit he wasn't fired.
Well forced to resign or fired are kind of the same thing.

Gaming / Re: Remember Guitar Hero?
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:25:31 PM »
Well there is Rock Smith. hopefully it can be brought back alive.

Serious / Re: Is Iran a threat?
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:23:01 PM »
Iran although has some questionable human right accord, they are 100X better than some US allies. Truth is the only reason the are in the axis of evil is because they are a regional power tat competes with Isreal and Saudia Arabia, and threaten American economic and national leverage and power in the region.


As a Northerner I can say with complete honesty that at least half of people on benefits are scroungers. They continuously refuse to take into consideration that the government isn't their nurse and just vote for those that give the more benefits. This is why I do not support universal suffrage as it is currently proposed.
The trouble with altering universal suffrage is that it starts to enter some seriously murky waters, I don't want to play slippery slope but I doubt much good can come from it.

This is the system I support:

1) people who work and pay more money in to the government then take out (i.e. those on assistance money rather then expecting the dole to pay for everything, on and up) can vote
2) people who live off of pensions can vote as they are merely have their previous wealth transferred back to them

This would eliminate those who have the most to gain from expanding the welfare state while also including those most in need of monetary assistance.
This creates two class of people, and a huge economic disaster could remove a number of people from voting to the "pleb" class. If done a certain way this could end up turning into a serfdom where although it is not technically slavery, the people cannot pull themselves out of the hole they are in.

Gaming / Re: Europa Universalis
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:38:48 AM »
Me and Slash play it every weekend. Join the steam group and add me: DxM Scotty MxD
Will try got to get steam running on my another computer and get the game. Been playing the demo, and well not sure if i have the cash to spare right now.

Will join steam group. Likely my brother will end up playing majority of the time.

Gaming / Europa Universalis
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:21:30 AM »
Any of you guys play it?

Interested in a multiplayer game of Europa?

Serious / Re: Did the EU just do something good...?
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:12:56 AM »
It doesn't, I'm afraid. It has more to do with solving crimes than the actual prosecution.
Does it involve robots? >.>

You are just teasing me, i really want to see what happens. Personally canadian, but if EU does something hopefully the next government if not Harper, will also slightly follow suit.
Sorry man, I was forced to sign several different non-disclosure agreements and agree to confidentiality clauses before I was even told what the project is going to be about. Not that I suspect being spied on, but I'd rather not stake my academic future on something like this.

Besides, I'm pretty sure there's going to be general information released soon, if it hasn't already. I might make a thread about it sometime when/if that feels appropriate.
I know, considering personally i would never break NDA. Hope you get it through soon.

Serious / Re: So I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:11:06 AM »
Do not make it to pompous and keep it sentimental. Her characteristics i am not sure but sometimes doing too much will make it cringeworthy.

Maybe something private maybe at your place, something special or on a lake at night or make the snow a part of the setting for when you propose, if it snows soon enough.

We're in AZ so it definitely won't snow. It's still in the 90s here. It's going to be small and private, the gazebo is hidden behind some shops and is really low-traffic.
Does she know?

We're already planning the wedding, but so far this is a surprise.
Hmm setting it up and all i bet she is expecting it, but how to come from the left field and surprise her will be the trick.

Yeah, that's the problem. I've been trying to propose for almost a week now, but nothing will surprise her. If I invite her to a nice dinner, it's obvious. Walk around the lake? Obvious. We meet with friends every monday night and this gazebo is one of our spots. We're setting it up like we're meeting there like normal, but my friends will get there early to decorate a bit and we'll come in a bit later. I think it'll work.
To make it better go on a bunch of romantic spots and do nothing. Go to dinner, and disappoint her, then to a walk on the lake and disappoint her again, and then somewhere special and then disappoint her again. Leave her confused.

Serious / Re: So I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:07:28 AM »
Do not make it to pompous and keep it sentimental. Her characteristics i am not sure but sometimes doing too much will make it cringeworthy.

Maybe something private maybe at your place, something special or on a lake at night or make the snow a part of the setting for when you propose, if it snows soon enough.

We're in AZ so it definitely won't snow. It's still in the 90s here. It's going to be small and private, the gazebo is hidden behind some shops and is really low-traffic.
Does she know?

We're already planning the wedding, but so far this is a surprise.
Hmm setting it up and all i bet she is expecting it, but how to come from the left field and surprise her will be the trick.

The Flood / Re: Stoner Rock
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:00:22 AM »

Checked these guys out ever.
Black Mountain.

Their albums are great pieces of art. BC Canada.

Serious / Re: So I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:58:14 AM »
Do not make it to pompous and keep it sentimental. Her characteristics i am not sure but sometimes doing too much will make it cringeworthy.

Maybe something private maybe at your place, something special or on a lake at night or make the snow a part of the setting for when you propose, if it snows soon enough.

We're in AZ so it definitely won't snow. It's still in the 90s here. It's going to be small and private, the gazebo is hidden behind some shops and is really low-traffic.
Does she know?

Septagon / Re: Advertising
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:56:54 AM »

Well people from sorta get pissed everytime we try to advertise this site. It's fine if you would like to do it, I personally just try to PM people rather than make a thread but its your choice.
I was trying to do that on a group wall recently. They got so frickin' pissed.
Bio was angry there were no notifications, Cowpie was angry about the Anarchy board, most called this place an orgy, and they said it was full of shitposters.

Well there will be alot of hate, but i feel it will slowly grow. If the main site keeps deteriorating and this one becomes keeps improving.

Serious / Re: Did the EU just do something good...?
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:55:15 AM »
It doesn't, I'm afraid. It has more to do with solving crimes than the actual prosecution.
Does it involve robots? >.>

You are just teasing me, i really want to see what happens. Personally canadian, but if EU does something hopefully the next government if not Harper, will also slightly follow suit.

The Flood / Re: Is this your wallet?
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:33:45 AM »

Serious / Re: So I'm proposing to my girlfriend tonight
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:33:26 AM »
Do not make it to pompous and keep it sentimental. Her characteristics i am not sure but sometimes doing too much will make it cringeworthy.

Maybe something private maybe at your place, something special or on a lake at night or make the snow a part of the setting for when you propose, if it snows soon enough.

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