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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 909192 9394 ... 99
The Flood / Re: Why can't I get into Anarchy?
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:37:26 PM »
How can i enter anarchy board?

The Flood / Re: Why can't I get into Anarchy?
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:30:31 PM »
It is not working for me.

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:29:18 PM »

already reading it bby
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How is the story so far?

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:49:42 PM »
well this thread went to shit faster then usual.
Manga im keeping tabs on atm, OP.
Girls of the Wild's
Akame ga Kiru!
Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou
Gojikanme no Sensou
Yozakura Quartet
Silver Spoon
Iron Knight
Berserk (has this ended yet?)
Magi (i need to catch up, badly)
there was a Korean one about sacred swords and cooking but i cant remember what it was called so ive lost it :(
Fairy Tail
Mercenary Maruhan (just started)
im waiting for my site to start uploading Rocket Starter so i can read that.
Tokyo ESP
so many more i only remember then when they update.

i am enjoying Koe no Kitachi, actually. even though its not what i lean towards.
Lawdy, you really enjoy manga,
i can get through them faster then anime. i like them better. with an anime you have to devote 22mins to get the full story. with manga i could consume more of the story in a shorter time since i read faster then the anime progresses. i finished the GTO manga in 2 days, which is not bad.
thats really not that much though. most of those update either weekly or sparsely.
this is also why i havent watched/read Steins;Gate, JoJo's Bizarre or the countless other anime...
I love reading, if I could get my hands on (hardcopy) manga I'd be all over that shit.
i just read them online, hardcopies are expensive. i only own 3 volumes of manga.
I find reading like that, online to be irritating. I like the feel of pages and when I need to take a few seconds between each page turn, it interrupts my thoughts. And then the fact there's other distractions on screen...

During the summer I picked up a series of books (the first of which I reviewed on this site >.>) I sat down one day to read the third book.
When I sat back up, it was dark and my fingers were blackened from touching the pages so much.

My biggest problem with animes is that unless it is an original anime series they usually cannibalize the manga. For some stupid reason. The World God only Knows was canibalized, a great story although romantic was quite good.
That's an interesting point, I know it was canabalised, but TWGOK made it into my top ten regardless...
Trust me i felt the same but after some time i got used to it. Books are also so captivating i remember when i was younger i could lose track off time. I remember when i got my hands on the Foundation Series. I was captivated by the world, as images and worlds were being built in my head.

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:17:49 PM »
My biggest problem with animes is that unless it is an original anime series they usually cannibalize the manga. For some stupid reason. The World God only Knows was canibalized, a great story although romantic was quite good.

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:58:44 PM »
Akame ga Kiru!

Berserk (has this ended yet?)
That was one of the worst endings to a show I've seen.
From what I read about the adaption, they left out tons of fantasy stuff to focus on Guts and Griffith, so when Griffith's Behelit awakens, it literally comes out of nowhere with demons and shit.

Fuck Beserk has not even ended yet. It is like he post a chapter and then disappears for a year and then comes back and posts again. It really makes me sad. The story is no where close to ending and honestly i have no idea whether i should care anymore. Before it was brutal and bloody. Now it is kind of more optimistic.

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:56:35 PM »
well this thread went to shit faster then usual.
Manga im keeping tabs on atm, OP.
Girls of the Wild's
Akame ga Kiru!
Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou
Gojikanme no Sensou
Yozakura Quartet
Silver Spoon
Iron Knight
Berserk (has this ended yet?)
Magi (i need to catch up, badly)
there was a Korean one about sacred swords and cooking but i cant remember what it was called so ive lost it :(
Fairy Tail
Mercenary Maruhan (just started)
so many more i only remember then when they update.

i am enjoying Koe no Kitachi, actually. even though its not what i lean towards.

Beserk, the author just posts a little and then disappears.
Honestly not been into many of those, Ajin is quite good though about immortality. Gate Thus the JSDF fought there is also another great one.
im editing more in as i remember.
hmm my site doesnt have Gate Thus...

Serious / Re: Kurbani
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:51:09 PM »
Once you kill a person or animal once, it's a lot easier to do again. I don't think the tradition really helps teach people to understand the significance of slaughter. But then again, everything I know about this topic I learned a minute ago in the OP.
It does make it easier if you do not carry any feelings with you when you do it. But when you carefully raise an animal and then slaughter it, it can be quite painful. One time will be enough for me, and well honestly i will carry that burden with me, if i have to carry out the task of ending another persons life.

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:49:30 PM »
well this thread went to shit faster then usual.
Manga im keeping tabs on atm, OP.
Girls of the Wild's
Akame ga Kiru!
Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou
Gojikanme no Sensou
Yozakura Quartet
Silver Spoon
Iron Knight
Berserk (has this ended yet?)
Magi (i need to catch up, badly)
there was a Korean one about sacred swords and cooking but i cant remember what it was called so ive lost it :(
Fairy Tail
Mercenary Maruhan (just started)
so many more i only remember then when they update.

i am enjoying Koe no Kitachi, actually. even though its not what i lean towards.

Beserk, the author just posts a little and then disappears.
Honestly not been into many of those, Ajin is quite good though about immortality. Gate Thus the JSDF fought there is also another great one.

The Flood / Re: The last Claymore manga chapter released.
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:48:04 PM »
Used to and then took a break during the last fight. It was great but the fight was going too long and well i kind of got bored. May get back into it to finish it off. Do they go into the bigger conflict?

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:46:58 PM »
Koe no Katachi

For any of you Manga or Anime lovers, or anyone who wants to read a well written story, have i got the story for you. Koe no Katachi, a manga that was made after a short story published in Japan.

The story is a unique one in manga and anime, as it does not follow the archetypes that most manga and anime have, with the obvious girls having their special characteristics like Yandere etc.The series mainly starts where the Short Story left off, the story of a younger Shoya(main Character), a popular kid in school. Well without spoiling anything, a girl comes to his school, and right now all of you people might be groaning, but no this is important. You see the girl is deaf, unable to hear and thus unable to communicate with people around her. A target for the popular kids, like Shoya, she is teased, and made fun of behind her back. He was one of the main culprits of these attacks, as well as another girl.

The story although is about the bullying it shows the darkness and horrible acts kids can do, and how it can haunt us for the rest of our life, as the actions he perpetrates in the Short Story carry on to haunt him in the Series when he is in High school or Middle School.

Honestly it is a very well written story that shows the faults in people and the darkness that each can hold. How people can be horrible at certain times and great at other times. For some reason i would heavily recommend this story to anyone.

Also wondering if any of you guys read manga and know off any good manga.

Also another recommendation.
Aku No Hana
A Psychological romance. Gets quite dark.
already reading it bby
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
How you liking it?

The Flood / Re: Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:44:02 PM »
It is a manga, not been turned into an anime, and must say is a better story than most anime i have had to deal with.

Serious / Kurbani
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:42:33 PM »
The basis of writing this topic is because EID is this Saturday, the second Holiest Day in the Muslim Calendar. And with it is an important practice called the Kurbani in Pakistan, has other names in other cultures. Anyway first let me explain what the Kurbani is.

What is Kurbani?

Kurbani is in remembrance of Ibrahim AS sacrifice to Allah SWT. Abraham (for most of you), was a prophet who was one day commanded by God Almighty to sacrifice his son on the top of a mountain on a certain day Distraught at the command he felt sadness but decided to follow the order and told his son and his wife the decision. Satan hoping to lead them astray coaxed them to disobey and each, wife, husband and son, stoned the devil for doing so. Upon the day and location as Abraham was about to slaughter his son, God Almighty switched the son with a goat, and with that explained to the confused Abraham that this was only a test to see his loyalty and he would never have made him sacrifice his son.

With this story the muslims have been carrying on the tradition of slaughtering an animal for their family since the days of Muhammed SAW. The practice mainly calls for the one animal to be slaughtered for the family and the portions divided into multiple portions, with one two the person, another to the family and another couple portions to the poor. The main reason was

Why am i talking about it?

Well one would say it might be because i want to educate you people, but for me it is a question. As the practice has been taking place i notice a lack of care for how the animals are slaughtered. People will kill these animals and not care about the importance of taking a life that i feel was the purpose of the Tradition. As life is important one had to understand what it means to take the life of a living being. Sadly i see it now as a way for people mainly in the muslim dominated countries to show their wealth as they buy huge number of animals and exotic ones and slaughter them. A bloody practice but one with no understanding as to why it was done.

It does help in feeding the poor, as major portions of the sacrifice are given to charity organizations, and in Pakistan, when i visited i noticed many not well off people come door to door to get a portion of the meet.

Problem for me is that as i grow older in my family i am expected to carry on the tradition as the oldest able man in the family must be responsible for the sacrifice the animal although does not need to do it physically. The sadest part for me is that these animals are taken care of for days by kids and then on the day of Eid are slaughtered. And although it does have some benefits it feels dark and painful. Watching something you took care of for a couple weeks or month get slaughtered is a horrifying sight but something that really strikes you hard in the heart.

Although it is not Fard(Obligatory), it is Sunnah(highly recommended). Still i cannot stand feeling that it seems like a brutal action. Quite hypocritical as i myself eat meat, and am heavily removed from the process of the slaughtering of the animal. I mean if i eat it i should be able to see what is being killed and how a life is being taken away. After all if you support the death sentence i always believed you should be able to carry it out, but also carry the burden of the action.

Anyway thoughts, does the tradition hold value that could teach people or is it just some brutal act that is barbaric and will never help human kind?

The Flood / Koe no Kitachi
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:19:42 PM »
Koe no Katachi

For any of you Manga or Anime lovers, or anyone who wants to read a well written story, have i got the story for you. Koe no Katachi, a manga that was made after a short story published in Japan.

The story is a unique one in manga and anime, as it does not follow the archetypes that most manga and anime have, with the obvious girls having their special characteristics like Yandere etc.The series mainly starts where the Short Story left off, the story of a younger Shoya(main Character), a popular kid in school. Well without spoiling anything, a girl comes to his school, and right now all of you people might be groaning, but no this is important. You see the girl is deaf, unable to hear and thus unable to communicate with people around her. A target for the popular kids, like Shoya, she is teased, and made fun of behind her back. He was one of the main culprits of these attacks, as well as another girl.

The story although is about the bullying it shows the darkness and horrible acts kids can do, and how it can haunt us for the rest of our life, as the actions he perpetrates in the Short Story carry on to haunt him in the Series when he is in High school or Middle School.

Honestly it is a very well written story that shows the faults in people and the darkness that each can hold. How people can be horrible at certain times and great at other times. For some reason i would heavily recommend this story to anyone.

Also wondering if any of you guys read manga and know off any good manga.

Also another recommendation.
Aku No Hana
A Psychological romance. Gets quite dark.
Yamada Kun to 7 nin no majo
A comedy, harem, school life story, and although has a number of manga archetypes it is alot better than most other mangas or recent animes. The plot twist just keep coming and i am still confused as how the author can keep the reader on their toes this far in. Usually most stories go to shit at this point.

The Flood / Re: I see why Tblocks is always drinking maple syrup now <.<
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:00:09 PM »
Now pour it on some pancakes or waffle. Maple syrup is the hidden gem of Canada.

Serious / Re: I don't know what I'm doing anymore.
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:54:07 PM »
Honestly do you still feel kind of empty inside with no end in sight. Like lost. Cause if you do i really do not want to see you giving up on life. It may sounds stupid for me, to care for a stranger, but still you are a member of our forums and honestly kind of like a second family. If you still feel there are problems just tell us.

Serious / Re: Somehow I am still unhappy
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:51:27 PM »
Are you depressed, those everything look grey?

Just asking, because we will need to talk or at least i will give you a suicide help line number.

Serious / Re: sex ed + free contraception = wow!
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:00:41 PM »
Teens are smarter than you think, and dumber than you think.

Serious / Re: Why is Islamophobia a thing?
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:58:35 AM »
I don't understand what Yasir is trying to say.

What we're saying is that people who criticize Islam are being labeled bigots by use of the term "Islamophobia". There are people who hate Muslims due to ignorance and hating brown colored people. The point is, normal people who make valid criticisms against Islam are being thrown in with racist dumbasses. That's the problem, that the term is censoring valid criticism by labeling it as racist or as if there is such a thing as phobia of Islam.
Ok, now i get what you are saying, i was wondering whether you thought Islamophobia does not exist. And it is just a word to invented. Personally for me Islamophobia is for people who think all people with muslim heritage or are muslim are bad people, mainly bigots. Now if you want to challenge Islam and criticize it you can, but that is not Islamophobia, that is just a disagreement, which allows the other side to bring in their argument, and thus a debate begins.

The issue of Islamophobia you talk about how it is thrown willy nilly is quite noticeable in many other movements from certain feminist groups calling people misogynist, and sometimes racism is thrown around whenever someone does not like what they are getting.

The Flood / Re: Review this shit story
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:49:08 AM »
Use paragraphs.
Hmm, put an extra enter space between the paragraphs for you to read.

The Flood / Re: Music thread!
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:22:59 AM »

The Poop Song.

So did the father wrote the song, the mother or the kid.

Serious / Re: Why is Islamophobia a thing?
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:19:21 AM »
It's the distinction where people associate Muslims with Islam. Kinda like the term African-American where it's a implication that all people from Africa are black but it's not the case since South Africa is a large white African nation
Seeing how Muslims are followers of Islam, your post makes no sense.
Well religion usually divides people on ethnic lines. Imagine this, you say muslim who do you think, the brown people. The religion has been tied to a race in the foreign world.
There are many races of people that are Muslim. I don't really think of a specific type of person because I just don't think like that.
You might not but quite a number of people do. But the freedom to practice your religion and being discriminated based on your religion is wrong. I mean is Judaism a race or a religion. Remember people convert to Judaism, so ethically they are not. But if you criticize them you are labeled an anti-semite. Mainly calling you out as a racist. So the problem is are you a muslim or not if you practice a religion or not.
Salman Rushdie calls himself a muslim although he does not practice Islam. Saying his father was a muslim and so he is too. This is mainly a case where culture and religion blend so close together and people present a religion to be their background culture.
Freedom of religion=/=freedom from criticism
Yes but when you are discriminated based on your religion. When people fear you because of your religion, it is a problem.

Islamophobia is mainly the fear of Islam or the followers of the faith. Cause my parents are muslim am i being of fear, someone who may kill you. I know muslims have caused some horrible acts but i would never fear a person based on their religion or discriminate based on their religion. But it happens, and is mainly because of people not know who muslims are.

« on: October 02, 2014, 11:16:24 AM »
Flox Pizza with 4 Different kinds of cheese.
That sounds tasty.
Yep so why don't you sit still for a bit and let me make it.
For interests sake...

Now i will teach you how to skine and cut a flox. First we must slit the Flox's throat. So why don't you come close for a big.
Dude. I'm outta here.

Looks like we will be having a meet lovers pizza instead.
That's what you were going to make anyway!
So time to start cooking.

The Flood / Re: Got pulled over by a cop tonight
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:15:31 AM »
In Canada with no headlight with father. Cop pulls us over in Alberta and just tells us how to turn the headlights on. We were renting a car and had no idea.

The Flood / Remember the video Animator vs Animation?
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:14:21 AM »
Well  years later and a new one was made.

The Flood / Review this shit story
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:57:20 AM »
If you have the guts to read it.
Long fracking chapter, tell me when you get bored of reading it and tell me what i need to fix.
While the old man frantically read through the codex; the pages cracked, a shadow grew from behind and with its rise, the candlelight dimmed. His heartbeat rose as he tried to pick his pace, trying to find a page, a phrase in the book.

Suddenly he stopped his eyes wide open, his mouth agape. The words just in his sight yet so far away, numbness was spreading from his heart; unable to utter the word. His head started to spin, unable to garner the strength to say the holy words. With his vision blurring his head fell, and from the little light in the growing darkness he saw what got him, a claw straight through his chest, blood soaking and spreading within his clothes.

So much effort spent and all lost and then he felt the claw pull up, pulling with it his ribs cracking a few but keeping him intact. Like a puppet rag doll he was lifted and turned towards the beast looking at him, with its horn and the fiery breath. A bison skull for a head covered in flames, and aloud it gurgled with laughter as black liquid fell from its mouth.

"You may have killed me but all you have done is delay the inevitable" wheezed the old man and with that he screamed a word and in a explosive light that brightened the room both the dying old man and the beast vanished. Wind gushed around and the white light spread, and with that all was normal again, the book open, left on the table.

A knock came upon the door, and a kid slowly entered, barely 3 years of age. In she came stumbling on her robes.The codex flanked by the candles caught her eye, and she stumbled her way towards it. Pulling herself up on the chair she climbed onto the desk. She looked at the book and drool fell. Staring at it for a bit, she slowly tried to read the words, spelling each letter out, though with a slur. She clapped and laughed as she completed each word proud of herself and her accomplishment. How she could read the text none would know as the secret to deciphering the ancient text were lost, and all the natural speakers had died with the language, but here stood a girl creating words from the letters, sounds that had never been uttered in millenniums.

And then a mans voice arose, "Marisa where are you?" and just as he entered the room, the girl uttered the last word, he stood there shocked at the sight of the words flowing from her mouth, but was blown away by what came next. The codex rose and with it the girl and in the glowing white light as she laughed the book merged with her, and for a second time this day another great act occurred, the wisdom of the old beings was forever locked away in the mind of the youth.

With horror, and fear he knew what had happened and immediately upon her coming down, without hesitation whisked her away. He knew her life was forever in danger, and immediately upon realization he decided it would be best to leave the city and forever hide her from the world, in the darkest and most remote parts of the world. Where none would find her or harm her.

After all his daughter from his late wife was more dear to him than anything and he would do everything in his power to save her. And in the glowing darkness as the moon and stars shone brightest she smiled and gurgled different words to her father, as she was carried away far way. Oblivious to what was to come next.

Note: So many mistakes not sure what to do with this, but had a sudden need to post a stupid story, and anyway here it is. Not sure what to do. If you want to critique my writing and artistic integrity.

The Flood / Re: My new avatar.
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:54:58 AM »
Can i Stick it in the Pooper?

« on: October 02, 2014, 10:53:45 AM »
Flox Pizza with 4 Different kinds of cheese.
That sounds tasty.
Yep so why don't you sit still for a bit and let me make it.
For interests sake...

Now i will teach you how to skine and cut a flox. First we must slit the Flox's throat. So why don't you come close for a big.
Dude. I'm outta here.

Looks like we will be having a meet lovers pizza instead.

« on: October 02, 2014, 10:44:00 AM »
Flox Pizza with 4 Different kinds of cheese.
That sounds tasty.
Yep so why don't you sit still for a bit and let me make it.
For interests sake...

Now i will teach you how to skine and cut a flox. First we must slit the Flox's throat. So why don't you come close for a big.

« on: October 02, 2014, 10:39:40 AM »
Flox Pizza with 4 Different kinds of cheese.
That sounds tasty.
Yep so why don't you sit still for a bit and let me make it.

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