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Messages - Risay117

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Serious / Re: Los Angeles minimum wage raised to $13.25
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:42:39 PM »
Minimum wage needs to be tied to inflation or cost of living. We cannot have this debate again and again.
Or we could just abolish it and choose something which actually alleviates poverty?
With Bureaucracy, the flexibility a government needs to adapt to the changing landscape plus how hard it is for people to reeducate themselves, you will be left with a bunch of people with skills not required and too few people with the required skills. Honestly Universal Basic Income would be my choice or something similar but that will require a huge change in thought process. So min wage related to inflation may be a temporary band aid till we get to Universal Basic Income.

The Flood / Re: What is the difference if there is.
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:38:19 PM »

Serious / Re: Los Angeles minimum wage raised to $13.25
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:34:12 PM »
Minimum wage needs to be tied to inflation or cost of living. We cannot have this debate again and again.

The Flood / Re: The more sons your mother had, the gayer you may be
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:33:23 PM »
Honestly i am not bi, well not sure, but have fantasy of being naked with men and kissing, just for fun, but i always draw the line on blowjobs and usually anal, but for some reason i would be okay if a female put her finger in there but not a dick. Now i do not know if i am sexually fustrated, but most fantasies i have had are usually on an emotional slow or fast but both of us having a strong connection. Mainly i create the image in my head of a person and i want to show true love not sex but true love. Orgies or banging many girls do not interest me, but making love does.
that's kinda...
So what if it is gay. I know i cannot watch gay porn but straight porn but i have fantasised many things in interest to understsnd the reason. I mean yeah the fantasies exist but am i really gay. I do not believe so. Cannot fap to men only females.

For me maybe it is more the loyalty or companionship that i seek than sex that may be why these fantasies of non sexual but close feelings exist.

The Flood / What is the difference if there is.
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:31:16 PM »
Is there a difference between sex and making love and if so what is it?

The Flood / Re: Wes Anderson[Favorite Movie]
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:29:41 PM »
Alien vs Predator.
That is not a wes anderson movie.

The Flood / Re: The more sons your mother had, the gayer you may be
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:28:45 PM »
Honestly i am not bi, well not sure, but have fantasy of being naked with men and kissing, just for fun, but i always draw the line on blowjobs and usually anal, but for some reason i would be okay if a female put her finger in there but not a dick. Now i do not know if i am sexually fustrated, but most fantasies i have had are usually on an emotional slow or fast but both of us having a strong connection. Mainly i create the image in my head of a person and i want to show true love not sex but true love. Orgies or banging many girls do not interest me, but making love does.

The Flood / Re: So I turn 18 today you fuc­kers
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:20:18 PM »
Happy Birthday.

The Flood / Re: This shit needs to stop
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:08:08 PM »
Oh, My, God.
My name is on there.

Anyway yeah it needs to stop.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:07:13 PM »
It is there and let it exist, it is a historical article that has had a significant impact on our world whether good or bad.
I can agree with you there. Religion - perhaps by virtue of having no competitors in history - has been a massive aesthetic influence on our culture. The literature and architecture is simply breath-taking. My disparaging of religion is by no means a rejection of these aspects. The Muslim call to prayer is simply a divine piece of music - if it could be called that - and the KJV Bible is essentially for a historical understanding of English literature and politics.

My problem with religion lies in the metaphysics and its ethics; I'm glad we can agree on the aesthetic contribution at least.
Well as far as i am concerned we agree on most of the basic facts, it is just the small details that causes differences, how much can we contribute to each side. I really love the culturall history that many civilizations have but the stagnation and the ethics although great for their time feel stagnated in the past, unwilling to adapt until a radical overthrow occurs.

My younger brother suggested to me this that if a species even foreign or extraterrestrial wants to progress technologically, it must also first progress ethically and culturally. For new ideas and systems to exist new ideas in all forms need to exist, and the tearing down of the old laws will occur. If humanity needs to progress we will need to progress from our past, evolve, and i can see that occuring in the Muslim communities. I mean it does look brutal but it is evolution in process. It is brutal and fast in its final stages and these are its final stages. Questions are popping up, the new are challenging the old fight between each other while those who are trying to bridge the gaps are trying to throw down the borders. It is chaotic and brutal but in a sense beautifull and sad, as the old is removed for the new but kept for us to remember as its lessons are invaluable.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:50:19 PM »
Well yes they have claimed genocide against the jews but why well you can trace the reasons quite easily. The truth is the actions of Isreal has made many of the kids to hate jews
And the fact that Hamas broadcasts anti-semitic cartoons to children has nothing to do with it? The Russian hoax "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has nothing to do with it.

If you're going to blame Israel for the actions and intentions of Hamas, you'd be at a loss to explain away all of the other flagrant sources of anti-semitism in the world. It would be an incredible anomaly if Israel was the cause of this one anti-Jewish sentiment. Nonetheless, do you not think that a Hamas militant would kill a Jew, be he in New York or Tel Aviv? How can the actions of Israel possibly be used to justify murderous intentions to people across the globe?

It doesn't make sense. You can't maintain this anti-semitism to be a product of Israel's actions (although I've no doubt Muslim authorities will use the collateral damage of Israel's attacks for their own ends) when the Quran is a much more convincing and proximate cause. To claim Israel has more immediacy in the matter is to treat the Islamists if they weren't theologically genuine.

This is a religion that incited riots in the face of a Danish cartoon, and a fatwa on the head of a novelist. This religion faces a people who have been systematically abused throughout history, perhaps more than any other demographic. To claim Israel is the author of its problems is to either be intellectually dishonest, or not understand the importance of belief and moral community within religion.
You are correct in many ways, personally i look at it as the Dark Ages, where the religion has stagnated and the way at approaching the religion is lost in the past. The only thing i wanted to point out is that both have caused this issue, but this issue is also a product of the environment. Someone will need to be the bigger man and the one we will usually look to is Isreal.

The religion needs a new enlightment era that allows new idea to flourish and thus the slow removal of the old practices and rules of islam. I do not have a problem of people following the 5 tenants but following the Sunnah has always irked me. The Quran is also okay, because one can easily create meanings from the words the way they want to create it. And it is easy. Though i will never support the editing of the book as that leads to lies and apologising etc. It is there and let it exist, it is a historical article that has had a significant impact on our world whether good or bad.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:32:16 PM »
Well yes they have claimed genocide against the jews but why well you can trace the reasons quite easily. The truth is the actions of Isreal has made many of the kids to hate jews, i know the hatred for jews firsthand when i hear some muslims talk about them. It is something that happens when the other side is demonized into animals or other beings.

The ottomon empire although religious was more of a political and ethnical movement. They removed the former rulers from power and took over not because of religion, but for power. To give themselves divine right they used Islam, like how some countries use Freedom to fight wars. I will maintain although Islam is used as a justification and support for the war by Hamas, the real reason no matter how hard they support it exist because of real world events.

Now i undersstand why Isreal makes it's decision and how they were treated back then but they have a part of the blame. Yes Hamas has done more horrible things, but if Isreal has to make the hard choice of integrating the next generations of Palestenians or to create a two state solution right now.

Serious / Re: Really though somebody explain this
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:24:07 PM »
One google search later...
According to a hadith attributed to Mohammed (Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Number 6985), Judgment Day will see Jews hiding behind stones and trees which will betray them to their Muslim attackers. Only behind the gharqad tree, which we know as the boxthorn, will Jews be safe. (Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu was once photographed planting a boxthorn.)
God islam is fracking weird
That is true, there are alot of texts that call out Jews as traitors to god. And how they will be punished later on. The debate over what it means usually comes about from people who are trying to find excuses. But it is real. Kind of like some of the texts in other religions. The hadith though its strength is unknown to me, mainly is it a properly recorded one or not. Not from the Quran though but from the Sunnah. Still not an excuse for me to persecute Jews.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:17:33 PM »
Didn't Hamas start the most recent conflict by firing some missiles on Israel? I fail to see how Israel is the bad guy here.
Eh that is quite a contentious issue but the reason of the conflict can be traced to the blockade that Isreal has had on the Gaza strip, and to the arresting of a number of Hamas members in the West Bank, after three Isreali teens disappeared and were killed. Whether it was Hamas or not i am not so sure. With this Hamas started firing the rockets, which was uncalled for, but why they did it is unknown.

Also remember Hamas and Fatah were in talks for a Unity government to move forward, but that was shut down after the isreali teens being killed.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:12:37 PM »
The genocidal and psychotic ideology originated from the actions of Isreal
You have got to be kidding.

I'm sure the steaming piles of anti-semitic bullshit in the Koran has nothing to do with it. Why is it people are always looking for excuses in the face of religious atrocities? It can't be because their Muslims and believe in the corresponding theology, can it? No! Of course not, it's somebody else's fault.

Thomas Jefferson faced Muslim pirates from the Barbary States who explicitly stated their right to kidnap and enslave America sailors was given to them in the Koran, did Israel cause that?

Don't be ridiculous. To mitigate genocidal intentions to some imagined proximate cause is to excuse Hamas and their despicable, utterly immoral preachings.

Funny, you talk how muslims are anti-semites when in history while the Christian killed and persecuted them the Muslims protected them. Look at the Crusades. The feelings are never religious but usually originate from political and real world events, and then they use religion as a way to support their points. You want to play the islam card i can play it as well and prove that what they are doing is wrong and unislamic. You are just fighting a fight where you are trying to aboslve one side of all guilt when in reality they have the equal blame.

Isreal was founded by terrorists, just as how ISIS was, and the Isrealis had a decent reason for doing such actions, as they are facing anti-semitism in the west. The same way the persecution the muslims are facing are causing these reactions. You cannot blame one side for the issue when both sides have equal hand in this issue.


So will Gates have the one key to rule them all?

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:58:47 PM »
Oh frack you forget who created the serial killer,
The genocidal and psychotic ideology I just demonstrated that Hamas holds is probably a good place to start.

and the second-degree murderer, well to avoid getting first degree murder charges plans out the murder in a way that the person commits suicide or kills themselves in an accident
. . .

The genocidal and psychotic ideology originated from the actions of Isreal, let me ask you of this not only Hamas and the muslim palestenians are being persecuted, hell there are stories of Christian Palestenians who have been peacefully standing up for their territory and their rights and their lands is being taken away, their homes their livelihoods. Nothing left they become desperate and sooner or later they may start joining hamas. Similar to how Hezbollah has started to gain support among the Christian population recently.

And Isreal does not kill immediate, they kill over a long time kicking them out of their homes and leaving them refugees. Putting them into an open air prison. Either way both are horrible and cannot be excused for their actions.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:48:47 PM »
Lets not even get started on Israels use of chemical weapons
White Phosphorous is not a chemical weapon and legal in warfare.
Only because no one has made it illegal specifically. Though it is not allowed according to treaties that ban certain types of weapons. Also its usage in civilian location is illegal.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:44:19 PM »
"Hey guys, let's do away with moral priorities because both sides have done wrong things!"

I'd sooner shoot a serial killer than a second-degree murderer.
Oh fuck you forget who created the serial killer, and the second-degree murderer, well to avoid getting first degree murder charges plans out the murder in a way that the person commits suicide or kills themselves in an accident. Remember how the wall keeps out everything where the fishing industry doesn't even exist and that is a big food source for the people. Starvation and being treated as second class citizens.

The Flood / Re: It started out just like an average weeknight for me.
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:39:12 PM »
Nice job. It could really piss of alot of fedora lovers and Bronies. Still it is okay.

Serious / Re: Hamas is far, far worse than Israel
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:30:06 PM »
Not this fracking argument again. Just because someone is worse does not excuse you for your own fracking actions. For fracking sakes each of them are horrible in their own ways and one is the direct result of anothers actions. One has short term evil action while the other has a more long out drawn out evil plan. Both are fracking tards that deserve to frack themselves to oblivion. But sadly that means many innocents will get caught in the crossfire.

The Flood / Re: When will this site get good?
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:26:32 PM »
Eventually it will reach a peak of activity and slowly decrease.  It's just how it works for everything.

It could be soon and it may not, it just depends on how much the activity changes in the foreseeable future.
Not when stats show nothin but growth. We're gonna be fine for a while.
Fuel can only burn so long, and it seems that most of the fuel from has been used.
Well that is why we have to figure out how to tap into new resources.

The Flood / Re: When will zesty get good?
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:25:06 PM »
Please Do not call out other users no matter how angsty they are.

The Flood / Re: Royal Blood
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:03:26 PM »
This article caught my attention ->

I should probably listen to their album, considering that I love RATM, Muse and Metallica.
I looked at it, and must say was expecting something more. Anyway will say they are worth checking out on Spotify.

The Flood / Re: Alright, fine.
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:59:38 PM »
I cannot forget how close you look like the Scarecrow from the Dark Knight.

The Flood / Re: This is... Absolutely Great. And hilarious.
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:38:10 PM »
It is good, but i dunno it could be a great performance.
I think the music isn't good, but I find it funny.
Music is definately not on par with other great, but performance wise it works out.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Tell the story of your childhood
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:22:52 PM »
At the comic book part i expected something close to Captain underpants but i was wrong.

My life, well have always been a smart quiet kid, expected to do great in schools, very easily bullied funnily enough. A girl in elementary school had this thing for me and kept telling me how horrible i was and i always felt horrible. Anyway the weird thing is when a couple guys teased me i cried and well she supported me but later on started to attack me. Called me pathetic and everything. I laugh now writing it. Must say i can easily fall into tears, been quiet and a lover of art and culture. Always avoided fights, after losing my friends on my 3rd move i never made good friends. Always distant from people. Funny, i notice that as i grow i learn from my mistakes and issues and try to mold myself into a stronger man, but at the end of the day i am that smart quiet, nice kid that did not like getting into fights, who has to prove himself to the world, that can get easily emotional.

Funnily as i look back into my past my eyes are starting to get teary.

The Flood / Re: Wes Anderson[Favorite Movie]
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:15:56 PM »
The Life Aquatic is one of those films that is brilliant and can also be watched while wasted. All the nuances may not be picked up by everyone who watches... but Bill Murray will see you through.
Looks like i will get a couple of friends some time this week to watch it then. I know a friend or two who have watched Wes Andersons movie for quite a bit and just a couple months ago did i find him.
i know right
Ever regretted watching any of his movies with anyone?

The Flood / Re: Royal Blood
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:15:10 PM »
Meh, not too fond of traditional music, especially the softer genres.
Well to each their own. Been going through their Spotify channell and some come close to Black Keys and White Stripes, but that depends on your interest.

I would love to come down after i get my citizenship to dive into your books. I might find something interesting.

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