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Messages - Risay117

Pages: 1 ... 567 89 ... 99
The Flood / Re: Does the pay gap exist
« on: August 03, 2017, 07:26:39 PM »
If all women were getting paid less on a broader sense, why not just hire women? Cheaper workers.
Because women can't do anything right.

This is the answer to every female related issue. If you want to see what a matriarchy looks like go look at Sweden and ask yourself why it's now the rape capital of the west.
They have an abysmal conviction rate though.

So really nobody in Sweden is  getting raped and women just like making shit up.

Oh yeah there's no doubt the feminists in Sweden make shit up but I was referring to the muslims that have been raping women on the daily.

Actually no, I did research on this and the spikes in Rape came only after the definition if Rape changed and how rape is recorded. Every instance of rape is a new rape case unlike other countries.

I mean their definition is so crazy broad it adds even harrasment as rape. Also the spikes in Rape cases can be tied to immigrants who are the biggest victims of it.

Also number convicted have remained the same.

Rape cases in Sweden can not be compared to any other nation in the world. They have a definition and counting system that is very different and inflates their number. Why? Because of their feminist policy.

If any other nation on Earth had their definition and method of counting you could see a giant spike in rape cases the next year. An abnormal increase.

The Flood / Does the pay gap exist
« on: August 03, 2017, 07:42:56 AM »
First I was yes, then I was no, but now I don't know.

Seems to be the issue is higher up the chain than it is lower, and number of people of different genders applying to certain jobs.

The Flood / Re: So apparently alpha wolves do not exist
« on: August 02, 2017, 10:55:58 PM »
Most people believed the Earth was round in Chris Columbus' time.

I wonder if this is true everywhere, because it was a Hellinistic belief. It seems it was the church that pushed for it. Especially considering alot of other cultures accepted it and followed with the idea like the Indians and the Muslims. Hell Muslims used the spherical earth idea to determine which direction to pray.

The Flood / Re: Music Thread 2.0?
« on: August 02, 2017, 10:39:51 PM »





Mac Demarco


Anderson Paak

Looks like we have started a second thread. Well here it goes, alot of rock and metal going to be on here so decided to through some new music.

The Flood / Music Thread 2.0?
« on: August 02, 2017, 09:58:31 PM »
So looks like the old music Thread got locked is there another one hidden somewhere?

So decided to make the OP the place to highlight some songs today. Will try to update every day if able to.

Todays Highlights:


King Gizzard and The Lizards








Killing for Company


Tash Sultana

The Flood / Re: guess Im not working
« on: August 02, 2017, 09:03:33 PM »
Hey, just call them up. If not what are you looking for. Construction usually has something up, go on Kijiji or whatever you have there and search the trades. Call the guy looking for labourers and he should be able to get you working the next day or even right when you meet him. Except you might have to invest in PPE, like steel toed shoes, hard hat, safety vest, work gloves.

The Flood / So apparently alpha wolves do not exist
« on: August 02, 2017, 08:56:41 PM »
Apparently the idea of alpha and beta was popularized by the researcher who discovered it but later found out he was wrong. Tried to take down his book and disprove it but was unsuccessful in getting it out there.

So anyone know any such myths that have been popularized as fact?

The Flood / Re: Saw Dunkirk in IMAX today
« on: August 01, 2017, 11:10:04 PM »
I just started noticing it, but Christopher Nolan makes movies that focus on the concept of time. Nearly all his movies are about that and the soundtrack for all his movies follow this same theme, time and the illusion of it speeding up.

The Flood / Re: Positive vibes thread
« on: August 01, 2017, 05:51:43 PM »
Hmm, making good money, two weeks before I leave for school again. Boss is okay with me and work has slowed down and chilled out quite a bit. Still clocking the hours but not much horrible bush whacking anymore.

Going to meet up with some friends when I get back and then do a road trip to Ottawa to meet my Grandpa before driving back to school.

Not sure what, I mean I can enjoy watching Aladdin, Toy Story, Inception, Pacific Rim, Scott Pilgrim and other movies that all have different things that are important to them. I mean some have phenomenal story telling while others don't.

I personally think the reasoning will be stupid and vague but I can just say how true the movie is to itself and does it offer what it sets out to do.

Same for games.

The Flood / Re: I just found out today that I'm autistic
« on: August 01, 2017, 05:44:53 PM »
Seriously are you, cause if you are, well I mean most people here can help you with that. Plus I believe there are services available for people with autism. And you likely are on the low end of the spectrum when it comes to autism.

If anything my own question is how you dealing with it and have you been reading pamphlet about it?

The Flood / Crime Shows
« on: August 01, 2017, 05:42:57 PM »
Notice how we have all these shows about violent crimes and drug or robbery related crimes.

Is there one out there for white collar type crimes. I mean it would likely be boring. But is there?

Serious / Re: ICBC Money Laundering Probe
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:38:14 AM »
sucks i don't know a whole lot about this cause i actually found this interesting

Updated it, it seems there were more details to it. Force confinement of an employee.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post Old Embarrassing Photos of Yourself
« on: July 31, 2017, 10:54:27 PM »

Can you guess which girl is me?

2nd from left

wew! you're good

Considering you're not a black male and the others don't really seem to fit, I used my incredible detective powers to figure out the mystery

What if I told you those are all girls? lmao

Is the black girl single?
Now that you mention it with the grainy photo I bet the black chick if now of legal age, is likely cute as she may still be short.

The Flood / Re: I made a Mexican family disappear.
« on: July 31, 2017, 10:36:20 PM »
Umm, if they ain't doing shit why report them.
they broke the fucking law.
Yeah, I don't care much if they broke immigration law. It they dealing crack or getting involved  in criminal elements then I see why. If not why bother, they ain't doing anything, all that is going to happen is that you just split a family andade sure their kids will hang around with the wrong crowd. Without a father and maybe it's mother any kid will be chucked into the foster care. And we all know how that works out, lots of kids come out with mental scars and now become vulnerable and easy prey for recruitment in local gangs.

The Flood / Re: I am not a gun
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:49:10 PM »
Sad Story it was, but that ending.

Serious / China's Export Grows while Employment Falls
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:43:18 PM »
"China factory activity accelerates in July on strong export orders: Caixin PMI" -

It seems that China export numbers continue to grow meeting expectations in opposition to the failure of talks between China and the US on trade agreement. While this also occurs there has also been a growth in the economy tied to an increase in government led construction.

But with this growth there is an expectation that the economy is planning to slow down from it's two year high and contract, in anticipation the Chinese government has passed stronger regulation to decrease risk taking in the economy. Even with these rules being tightened and profits being squeezed it is still expected that growth will occur.

On another note while growth occurs there has been a noted decrease in employment, which might start raising question on China's quest to build a service economy to rival that of the US.

Serious / ICBC Money Laundering Probe
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:30:18 PM »

So as everyone keeps talking about the stupid clickbaity bullshit articles about Trump and race and whatever you want I decided to put some content I am interested on here.

Recently ICBC a Chinese state run bank was just placed under investigation with a number of it's Madrid managers arrested and some fleeing the country. This is bad news for the Chinese state as the bank was caught not only allowing but assisting Chinese businesses in Laundering their illegal earning back to China.

This is of particular concern as it now give the European Commission the allowance to revoke the banks license. A situation the Chinese government does not want to occur as it is one of the States and the world's biggest bank.

Although alot of other Banks have been caught in similar problems with the famous HSBC probe which showed they were involved in Laundering money for many illicit organization including the Mexican cartels, banking licenses have not been revoked.

Now although this is about banking, this has suddenly opened up a new issue in China's rise to dominance, the resistance of the local populace to foreign entities. Although greeted friendly initially after alot of bad will the US generated in the early part of the century and looked at as an alternative. The new premier and his aggressive stance has led to friction which were once not known to start appearing. These issues tied to the wealthy members of the party and the population and their spending in foreign countries has created hostility between local populace and the new chinese millionaire leading to bad public image for the nation and therefore it's government.

So with these in mind how does one assume China to better respond to these issues. Their economic clout once a welcoming sight is now becoming a threat to them.

Anyway I don't know what topics to discuss in this, there are many ways it can go, the rise of the Chinese rich who are causing friction around the world and causing tensions for the local populace against them. Or China's new challenge of cleaning up their economy and liberalizing trade and need to better cooperate with their trade partners laws.


Update and more details on the probe. Have not read it through fully but some interesting notes, from mafia connection and threatening employees for not paying.

The Flood / Re: wtf UK
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:02:40 PM »
oh my god who cares. there's a good reason for it.

keep crying.
There really isn't.

It just teaches kids falsities and covers up real positive African history like the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe.

Instead of talking about the unique accomplishments of Africans it just chalks it up to, "We can do everything white people can do." which is a sad way to approach cultural history.
Okay first thing first, black kids in the UK are not Africans any social identity they had with that region is gone, the only identity they have and they know about is being British, that is their history and identity.

So honestly for you to say that African leaders and culture will be something they will relate to is stupid as all you are doing is telling them, hey you are not British you guys are African. Which is not true, they are every bit Birtish as one whose bloodline lived on those isles for generation. Both the black and white boy were raised in the same countru with the same culture. They are of one identity.

People from Uganda, Mali etc. Know their history and are tied to it as it is part of their identity, but these British born kids they are not tied to that identity at all. And trust me most of these immigrant kids have to welcomed. Because if they don't fit in, they will be stuck in limbo where they are not accepted in their home country and their adopted country for being different. And I know this feeling, I cannot relate to any of the South Asian culture whatsoever as I was raised in the British schooling system in Singapore and lived in Canada. The only ties o have is some blood, but in honesty the culture and the language does not fit my skin and I do not wear it proudly.

Alot of the issue of immigrants joining crime is mostly due to them feeling ostracized from both communities. I know this is weird but trust this is a big issue. Kids will never be accepted as a local in their parents home country so the only home they will have is in their adopted country.

The Flood / Re: I made a Mexican family disappear.
« on: July 31, 2017, 08:54:19 PM »
Umm, if they ain't doing shit why report them.

Wait was it your family?

The Flood / Re: Ok, YouTube, what the actual fuck?
« on: July 31, 2017, 08:53:25 PM »
Why you searching up lol videos?

The Flood / Re: wtf UK
« on: July 31, 2017, 06:48:03 PM »
What is wrong with it?

presumably the issue is that they're inserting black people into places they didn't exist
Revisionist history for the sake of making minorities feel included is stupid.

Those cultures all have their own chapters in history, and in a way, pretending black people and white people share a history is a worse form of whitewashing than inserting white people into their history.

It robs these cultures of their identity at the most basic levels, destroying any vestige of their heritage.

Kind of does but honestly I don't give a crap about it. Most kids don't care and those that do will know that black people were not on the isles. It is mostly going to be joked about. Why waste time getting outraged at something as stupid as this. Plus no one watches it, any kid who watches history on YouTube are busy watching extra credit, crash course and then finding themselves indulging in hardcore history.

All I do is chuckle and move on. It does not affect you, neither the kids, why waste time losing hair on this. Honestly people getting outraged kind of has been a turn off for me lately which is why I don't really care about this issue at all.

Plus are they telling events or just how people lived, if how people lived in that region it does not matter much, if events and historical figures then yeah it might be an issue. But honestly fretting over it is just a waste of time.

The Flood / Re: wtf UK
« on: July 31, 2017, 06:31:25 PM »
What is wrong with it?

presumably the issue is that they're inserting black people into places they didn't exist
Oh I did not care much about that, not lu concern. They should avoid it but hey what do I care about what is going on there.

Now that I noticed it, notice how brown people are likely the biggest minority in UK and are barely represented in their media unlike black people.

Funny how brown people don't care much.

The Flood / Re: wtf UK
« on: July 31, 2017, 05:39:57 PM »
What is wrong with it?

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post Old Embarrassing Photos of Yourself
« on: July 31, 2017, 05:38:20 PM »
Other than my dick pic, not sure how much more cringe I can get.

I really don't do well in photos plus out of the thousand photos I have taken, I can count how many I am in.

Let's see if you can spot me in the others.

Assuming you're the guy in the stripes I see you. You're at the bottom right. in both pictures. :)
Ding ding ding, someone is a winner.
You're the only brown guy in the room

You know, you make a good point. Kind of a depressing thought.

The Flood / Re: I am grateful for you
« on: July 31, 2017, 04:56:27 PM »
Huh? Something happen?

The Flood / Re: How gay are y'all?
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:45:47 AM »
Bi furious baby

The Flood / Re: how shitty are you
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:44:50 AM »
Need more confidence, and swagger and be less sarcastic and pretentious

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post Old Embarrassing Photos of Yourself
« on: July 31, 2017, 09:28:30 AM »
Other than my dick pic, not sure how much more cringe I can get.

I really don't do well in photos plus out of the thousand photos I have taken, I can count how many I am in.

Let's see if you can spot me in the others.

Assuming you're the guy in the stripes I see you. You're at the bottom right. in both pictures. :)
Ding ding ding, someone is a winner.

The Flood / Re: Szechuan Sauce is BACK! - Rick and Morty S3E2 Tonight
« on: July 30, 2017, 11:27:54 PM »
That was a good episode, still interesting as it is less about weird shit but kind of more of a discussion of divorce and moving on.

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