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Messages - Risay117

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The Flood / The Imperium of man shall Fall
« on: August 07, 2017, 01:01:32 PM »
Heresy will spread.

The Tau shall reign supreme.

Serious / Re: The decline of the United States superiority
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:20:25 PM »
I guess to be a strong leader you need to shout constantly and get attention.
Trump wouldn't have been elected if he had been a yes man.
Trump won because Americans are deluded on what they want. Because they had a choice of which hell they wanted. The fanatics in the Repbulican caucus forced one to represent all and all supported him, not because they support him but because he is the party he represent needs to win for them to push their ideals.

The Democratic caucus was also confused. Trump may come out and do a couple sane things. But being diplomatic is more politically cheap than being a strong man where you make more enemies than friends. And what have we learnt when you make more enemies than friends. Your policies can  be blocked by those you insulted when you needed them most. McCain and the like betraying you when you need them.

If anything, the US election system needs a third party to come out of it to challenge the two establishment. People wanted someone anti-establishkent and all they are getting are establishment. A third party is the only hope not the existing two.

For everyone saying Obama is a yes man, should know that Obama said no alot but also tried to be diplomatic. But we know what that got us, the party of No. Which cannot figure out what it wants to do other than scream and whine. No plans or anything. What does Trump do as well whine but never offer any comprehensive plans. If something does not work instead trying he jumps on to something else giving up. Alot of hot air for nothing. If the tax reforms fail, then we will know that Trump will be the strongest looking president to accomplish nothing.  Either he gains humility and get his shit together and stop passing the blame to others or carry on floundering around like an idiot.

If he cannot follow through he should shut up, because all he is doing is showing the world he is full of hot air but no substance. And a really predictable idiot. The Chinese figured it out and were able to delay the US until North Korea acquired ICBM tech. And now what card can the US play nothing. Trump talks about military action but everyone knows he won't do it. And now with nuclear tech and future missile tech being improved on expect North Korea to switch their message and start watching sanctions be dropped in the coming decade.

If you disagree with me see how it occurred in India and China, and Iran as well for a matter of fact.  The only card the US can play to convince China to end their nuclear program once and for all is to remove their THAAD anti-missile launchers from Korea and to forfeit the South China Sea to China. A bigger slap in the face than anything that exists.

Oh wait what was that the US are now talking about opening dialogue with North Korea, where is the tough man now? Desperation setting in for another defeat.
"U.S. can talk to North Korea if it halts tests: Tillerson" -

And where is that announcement he was going to make about looking over China trade deal and placing tariffs on it? He was supposed to announce it two weeks ago, but for some reason it was delayed.

If the Chinese can predict and play him like a fiddle who else can.

Honestly I am okay with him doing some reform on legal immigration but he better be careful cause his plan is going to be torn assunder by the agriculture lobby, construction lobby who he is deeply involved in and he relies on heavily, who love the cheap migrant workers. They are going to create loopholes that will keep bringing in migrant workers who will turn illegal after their Visa expires. But we know nothing will happen to the emoloyers, who will keep hiring them once they become illegal, just the illegals are going to be prosecuted and deported. While the businesses keep hiring them, and creating a demand for illegal workers.

And do not start about prosecuting these businesses, a bunch of states tried and gave up and now don't even want to deal with this issue of immigration, they will talk but do little, as doing something substantive hurt their economies and their tax income.

There is already calls for revision that will remove alot of the teeth in these policies and make useless.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:43:41 AM »
You know what I hope Jamie dies next episode just because. Captured, does not bend the knee and is killed. Bronn, finds out his debt is never payed and switches side.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:20:07 AM »
I just don't get how Bronn has such great plot armour. And somehow gets to do everything right. I feel that D&D have forsaken real life event and decided to let people cheer for their winners. Even if Danaerys looks evil next episode she will still be cheered for, cause they will make her look good.

And what happened to Euron. Good battle scene, but if usually you snipe out the leaders first thing first, and you can spot them on the horses.

Prediction, Jamie and Bronn wash up on a shore or Bronn swims him to shore. Maybe Bronn gets captured and meets with Tyrion again. I do not know.

Tarly died then I bet Dickon will be next in line and due to his feeling he may switch sides. Also burning the food supply? Why do that? Should have kept hold on to that and burn the soldiers instead. Important supplies, unless the Dothraki don't need that, like the Mongols did.

Serious / Re: The decline of the United States superiority
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:00:43 AM »
I really wouldn't mind a return to early 1900's American 'isolationism' in the grand scale of things.
Europe needs to take care of itself. The world can go on living without us. South Korea would be maybe the only ally I'd be hesitant to leave alone though. Israel can go fuck itself ten fold.

Re-re-affirm the Monroe Doctrine and then forget about the world outside of our two continents.
Germany needs a strong leader.

I find it interesting you do not see Merkel as a strong leader, she has been able to strongarm a bunch of nation's to follow her plan and put Russia in it's spot. Even with all the drama they put up, Germany has been chugging along quietly solidifying it's strength and rebuilding Europe to suite it's own taste. And been able to force certain  stares to get their finances in  order, like Greece and Spain, this under Merkel.

She has been the leader of a Christian Conservative party and been able to play both sides of the aisles. And although the refugee crisis seemed like an apocalypse, her ability to hold strong on her decision for quite a long time until the crisis had passed is something admirable. Unlike Trump or Putin who like to put on a show of strength, to sometimes show gravitas of strength that does not exist, she likes to stay quiet and absent from the picture until she needs to be there. Some might consider it weakness, I see it as cold and calculating.

She already has with her team in Brussels and the like started pushing forward with the centralization of Europe. Reforms are being pushed through both economically and militarily, and I expect Merkel to force the Poland if they will not house refugees to help pay for the management of the crisis down south in Greece and Italy. Which they are not willing to do. Taking advantage of the Euro benefits, while not taking on it's responsibility.

The Flood / Re: Do you celebrate your birthday?
« on: August 06, 2017, 09:22:53 PM »
Weirdly enough I might, share the day with my lil bro. But as I will be in University and I do celebrate my friends birthday and get them presents, I expect them to try to celebrate mine. I also have to buy some gifts, actually need to give my two lil bro $400 for his birthday present.

The Flood / Re: Do you celebrate your birthday?
« on: August 06, 2017, 09:20:20 PM »
always seemed a bit narcissistic to me
Ehh everything you end up doing for yourself is a but narcissistic. But as I have come to learn, it is not wrong to be selfish every now and again.

Serious / The decline of the United States superiority
« on: August 06, 2017, 09:18:21 PM »
Now I know what the initial reactiom will be denial by some and others agreeing. But my goal today is not to decide if America is no more the strongest power in the world which it still is, but something else.

 The United States after the fall of the Soviet Union, becames the main power in the world and could spread it's reach everywhere on the glove. But since the Iraq war the supremacy of the United States has been brought into question, with China being mostly touted as the alternative and the eventual new king.

But I disagree with all this. China has grown true, but so has Russia from the ashes, but as the old bear it is, most of it's action is from pride and the gains it gets from it's action are costly and phyrric at best. The capture of Crimea forced it to work with OPEC when oil came crashing, and the sanctions have hurt what remains of the economy, turning it into a resource country. The European Union although still fragmented is starting to form cohesion from the threat of the old bear and is some times touted as the alternative to the US as the leader in the Western world.

But knowing all this,  I feel the US is woefully unprepared for the future, and how it plans to guide it's foreign policy. Most still cling to the era of American Military might in the past, but with old wounds from Vietnam and Iraq, and the assertiveness of foreign powers checking their moves, and loss influence in multiple regions in the world, I feel the US might want to play a different game.

A doctrine to mainly check the other super powers once and for all, those who are starting to get bold. My proposal would be the strengthening and development of smaller nation's to replace the US in certain theaters around the world, giving the US the capability to retreat and tend to old wounds and internal discord.

To the Far East, the ASEAN nation's with their islands and their natural tendency to form navies, can be used to check China's expansion and even that China's claim in the South China Sea. In the middle east, allowing Iran and Saudi Arabia to grow and develop their game, and even if they are hostile, the two strong regional powers will be able to keep the Russians and Chinese from expanding South, especially with a strong India in the mix to counter them at the borders. And like always Afghanistan will end up as the buffer state.

In Africa I feel I need more information.

So how do you think of this idea?
But maybe I am just deluding myself, and this topic should be in the flood forum to be ridiculed.

The Flood / Re: Should we arm teachers and professors?
« on: August 06, 2017, 08:08:12 PM »
You know I am starting to think, if everyone wants to have a firearm and if we want everyone to learn firearm safety but can't, why not reinstate conscription, and after serving for two years after highschool you can own a weapon. Both for males and females.
Conscription is a nation as large as America or Canada outside of times of war is rather cost prohibitive.

And then also personally I find the idea distasteful as a person who volunteered for duty.
Well I never said I liked it, hated it. I think honestly in the US the issue is more due to culture on guns. I mean protection is a valid case but there are some who are going all out there and have an issue with it like crazy cat ladies.

I also think the US police force is usually brought into this topic, and honestly the way they are trained is a big issue. Descalation needs to be higher on the totem pole in training. Less of the shouting and more of the hey there buddy I see you have problems want to talk about them and give space. Less costly on the police force with less litigation and paper work.

The Flood / Re: Should we arm teachers and professors?
« on: August 06, 2017, 08:00:19 PM »
You know I am starting to think, if everyone wants to have a firearm and if we want everyone to learn firearm safety but can't, why not reinstate conscription, and after serving for two years after highschool you can own a weapon. Both for males and females.

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man Homecoming
« on: August 05, 2017, 11:37:13 PM »
finally gonna see this shit

expecting PURE GARBAGE
If you are a Puritan I expect you to start hating it. But for me, it is a great movie that finally has its own soul like the Dark Knight.

It takes liberty in story and casting which I feel does the movie and the character great justice. After seeing enough comic based or book based movies failing due to hem trying to copy the books or try something else, I prefer this direction of keeping the spirit of the story alive but going in different creative direction.
i respect your point of view, but i'm kind of glad that i didn't read this post before seeing the movie
Honestly I won't say it is some amazing movie, but it feels very different from most of the other super hero movies. Why it is tied or maybe got a higher rating than Iron Man.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man Homecoming
« on: August 05, 2017, 07:51:29 PM »
finally gonna see this shit

expecting PURE GARBAGE
If you are a Puritan I expect you to start hating it. But for me, it is a great movie that finally has its own soul like the Dark Knight.

It takes liberty in story and casting which I feel does the movie and the character great justice. After seeing enough comic based or book based movies failing due to hem trying to copy the books or try something else, I prefer this direction of keeping the spirit of the story alive but going in different creative direction.

comparing it to the dark knight is insulting and misleading

Obviously, both approach their characters differently, but both heavily deviate from their sources and try to create a movie that still captures the essence of the comics even if characters and other plot points are different.

The Flood / Re: Spider-Man Homecoming
« on: August 05, 2017, 07:02:11 PM »
finally gonna see this shit

expecting PURE GARBAGE
If you are a Puritan I expect you to start hating it. But for me, it is a great movie that finally has its own soul like the Dark Knight.

It takes liberty in story and casting which I feel does the movie and the character great justice. After seeing enough comic based or book based movies failing due to hem trying to copy the books or try something else, I prefer this direction of keeping the spirit of the story alive but going in different creative direction.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 3.0 Wishlist
« on: August 05, 2017, 06:25:31 PM »
Seems like a big undertaking. You doing it alone?

Anyway I agree with other groups have to be managed carefully. It can grow it but it can crash it. The real question is how groups can be implemented better. Like calendars for events and such.
Aye. So far it's only me. I'm open to help for building certain elements (or even ideas). If you have CSS skillz, give me a heads up.
I might have some CSS skills, but I never really tested them before in real projects. I still would like to help though if I'll have free time. Also, only CSS, or HTML and JavaScript are required too?

I wish, I jumped off the programming side of sciences when I went into Engineering. All I can do with computers is learn, and do basic python programming.
Engineering? Are you designing logical schemes?

Nope civil. The most generic of all. Just upgrading my civil tech diploma. Two years and degree.

So honestly other than me dabbling with code and my mom telling me to learn coding again because that is the future. I don't have much experience.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 3.0 Wishlist
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:56:57 PM »
Seems like a big undertaking. You doing it alone?

Anyway I agree with other groups have to be managed carefully. It can grow it but it can crash it. The real question is how groups can be implemented better. Like calendars for events and such.
Aye. So far it's only me. I'm open to help for building certain elements (or even ideas). If you have CSS skillz, give me a heads up.
I wish, I jumped off the programming side of sciences when I went into Engineering. All I can do with computers is learn, and do basic python programming.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 3.0 Wishlist
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:41:48 PM »
Seems like a big undertaking. You doing it alone?

Anyway I agree with other groups have to be managed carefully. It can grow it but it can crash it. The real question is how groups can be implemented better. Like calendars for events and such.

The Flood / Re: Bass Guitar
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:35:56 PM »
Been my thing for like, ten years man. What'cha got?
Got a used Fender Squire PBass, seems to have not been used at all.

It feels nice to play some songs but planning on figuring out some Red Hot Chilli Peppers songs due to some decent bass lines there.

Might try figuring out slap to help me out but for now just two finger picking and using Rocksmith.

I did play guitar before, fender starcaster. Not an expert but slowly by slowly expanding my knowledge.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
Nice man, that's a good place to start.
Flea definitely has some cool fuckin parts to learn.

Okay was learning some songs but decided to go down the route of music theory for a bit, and I must say it is way easier to understand the theory with the bass than it was with the guitar. Right now trying to understand how to build chords, from the bass scales. Starting with major and mostly trying to figure out the 1 - 3 - 5 scale interval, which seems simple enough but still trying to apply it to every major chord.

The Flood / Re: GoT Episode 4 Leaked
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:04:53 PM »
Dragons and hordes descend upon the land.

Honestly not true horde tactics but imagine if the Mongols had dragons.

The Flood / Re: GoT Episode 4 Leaked
« on: August 04, 2017, 09:57:07 PM »
Was decent episode. Fun battle scene. Kind of interesting seeing Bran be so weird and detached.

The Flood / Re: Who technically owns the land you are on?
« on: August 04, 2017, 08:05:05 PM »
Apparently my family own the land where my property is, but the Crown owns the river, and anything valuable if it was extracted beneath my property.

What a bullshit system. If a karst system makes a sinkhole on my land or breaks my house, I'm responsible for damages. But if that hole exposed gold, oil, coal or some other expensive minerals, it's the governments property, and I still am responsible for the hole.

This might have to do with laws on whether what is below or above the ground is your property. Issue with giving automatic ownership to everything below the land is now you can apply that to the sky, an dthen you have people suing airlines for entering their airspace.

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

Serious / Re: As gas prices drop oil production grows
« on: August 04, 2017, 08:01:51 PM »
As gas prices drop
Just not in PA. We have an insanely high gas tax in order to fund our State Police so they can protect us by giving speeding tickets to people who are going 10MPH over the limit in their precious speed traps.
You forget, oil prices are very different from retail gas prices. They are two different markets. If anything the refineries are making a killing of the low oil as demand to get your unproceesed oil to the market is pushing suppliers to pay more to get their products to the market.

Another thing you have to remember is that gas prices at retail are very inelastic on the demand side.

People be jealous. Just know your takes of infamy is spreading.

The Flood / Re: Who technically owns the land you are on?
« on: August 03, 2017, 11:12:07 PM »
eminent domain?

Nope, the queen technically or the government technically owns all the lands since the inception of Canada, you can only receive lease on the land.

The Flood / Who technically owns the land you are on?
« on: August 03, 2017, 10:28:28 PM »
Who does?

I know in Canada majority of the land 89% is considered crown land. Meaning property of the her majesty the queen through both the federal and provincial government.

What people have access to is lease to the land. Which are 100year long bad have to be renewed every 100 years.

The 11% that are private are location in forests etc and are for the forestry industry.

Serious / As gas prices drop oil production grows
« on: August 03, 2017, 10:11:34 PM »
"Oil subdued on high OPEC supplies, rising U.S. production" -

Although one would assume with falling prices that production would stall, in fact the opposite, US production has grown as demand has still grown, but OPEC production has also grown with increase in supply from African countries.

This raises questions on how long can OPEC maintain the cuts in production, and if they may attempt to crash the market again to hamper alot of investment in the oil industry in the US.

On another point, is US production tied to existing Wells or to newly explored Wells. Is exploration and installment of new infrastructure growing or are US suppliers trying to survive in their existing infrastructure.

Serious / Re: ICBC Money Laundering Probe
« on: August 03, 2017, 10:05:13 PM »
This isn't exactly surprising. I'm pretty sure we've all known for a long time that the Chinese are basically turbojews.
It is not, but it really is interesting the problems that some state companies may start facing, and if they cause problem due to heir ties to the government, could hurt the government quite heavily, who is trying to make sure that everything runs smoothly and their relationship are good with EU.

The Flood / Re: Does the pay gap exist
« on: August 03, 2017, 09:21:32 PM »
If all women were getting paid less on a broader sense, why not just hire women? Cheaper workers.
Because women can't do anything right.

This is the answer to every female related issue. If you want to see what a matriarchy looks like go look at Sweden and ask yourself why it's now the rape capital of the west.
They have an abysmal conviction rate though.

So really nobody in Sweden is  getting raped and women just like making shit up.

Oh yeah there's no doubt the feminists in Sweden make shit up but I was referring to the muslims that have been raping women on the daily.

Actually no, I did research on this and the spikes in Rape came only after the definition if Rape changed and how rape is recorded. Every instance of rape is a new rape case unlike other countries.

I mean their definition is so crazy broad it adds even harrasment as rape. Also the spikes in Rape cases can be tied to immigrants who are the biggest victims of it.

Also number convicted have remained the same.

Rape cases in Sweden can not be compared to any other nation in the world. They have a definition and counting system that is very different and inflates their number. Why? Because of their feminist policy.

If any other nation on Earth had their definition and method of counting you could see a giant spike in rape cases the next year. An abnormal increase.

See my last reply. Sexual offences have been rising steadily since 2014 and Sweden purposely hides rape/sexual harassment cases by Muslims to avoid ''racial tensions''.
Rape cases increased in 2014 due to definition change. 2015 it dropped 11%-12%, this is when the refugee crisis began.

Also in Malmo the city at the center of this, sexual assault peaks were in 2008, 2009, and 2010, before refugees.

And for rape these are the acts included.
"Rape is one of the sexual offences, but other crimes such as paying for sex, sexual harassment, indecent exposure, sexual exploitation, molestation and trafficking are included in the numbers as well."

Now I know you are going to attack BBC so I might as well get you more sources.

Also when it comes to Swedish Crime reporting from one of the sources you linked.

"Swedish statistics, on the other hand, record all reported events as crimes even if some of them are later found not to have constituted criminal offences."

"Several offences of the same kind against a single victim will be counted in some countries as a single crime. By contrast, in Swedish crime statistics every offence occurring under these circumstances is counted separately"

Take these two quotes into account when looking at Swedish Crime data, they can not be compared to any other nation especially as they have a really high reporting rate compared to any nation in the world. Many rape cases in third world countries are never reported, while in the West a significant amount are still not reported.

And last of all this paragraph of rape.

"Exposure to sex crimes average
Instead of looking at the statistics for crimes reported — which in any case merely show a proportion of the actual number of crimes — criminologists instead recommend comparisons between countries based on large surveys of the general public, so-called victim surveys. Sex crimes, such as rape, are in themselves not easy to investigate using victim surveys, as they relate to sensitive experiences and because the attitude to sex crimes varies between countries.

But in the victim survey that exists that permits basic comparison between levels of exposure to sex crimes in ten European countries (ICVS 1989–2000), Sweden does not top the list, as in the reporting statistics. Instead, Sweden is around the average mark, which is also the case for assaults and threats, despite the fact that compared to other countries, we have many such crimes reported. However, the fact that we are not any worse than many other countries does not mean that the situation is good. If any rape is committed, the level is too high."

Also read all the way through, after the definition change there was a spike, a drop in 2015 then a return to numbers of 2014 when the definition changed and the spike occurred.

I implore you, not to put your narrative into these graphs and what you believe and read the details to the statistics. You will find you are jumping to conclusions when there is no data to support your hypothesis.

"Reported offences
In 2016, a total of 20,300 sex offences were reported; this is a 12 per cent increase as compared with 2015. The number of rapes reported to police increased by 13 per cent to 6,720 between 2015 and 2016.
The number of reported rape offences has increased over the last ten years (2006-2015). The increase can be partially explained by the entry into force of new sex offence legislation on 1 April 2005. This legislation entails, among other things, that certain acts which were previously classified as sexual exploitation are now classified as rape. The effect of the statutory change appeared in the statistics such that the number of reported offences in respect of sexual coercion and exploitation declined in the years immediately following the statutory change while the number of reported rapes increased. As from 1 July 2013, the sex offence legislation was again made tougher; among other things rape was expanded to include cases where the victim reacts passively.
In the Swedish system, individual reports regarding a great number of offences may affect and give rise to variations in the statistic. For instance, when a single case is reported that turns out to involve hundreds or even thousands of instances of offences committed against an individual over the course of many years, every single incident is recorded as an offence in the year it was reported. It is also important to remember that non-reporting is particularly extensive for sex offences and changes in the inclination to report can affect the number of rapes in the statistic.     
Reported offences regarding sexual molestation increased to 10,600 (+21 %) while reported sexual coercion, exploitation etc. decreased to 1,290 (-10 %).
A total of 3,010 rape offences against children aged 0 to 17 years of age were reported in 2016. In 88 per cent of the cases, the victims were girls."

Ah, didn't know about the definition changing so dramaticly in 2015. Still though, the Muslims haven't been treating the Swedes so nicely especially with their growing numbers.

Now that is a whole different discussion on which we are placing our on bias without actually getting any data. Crime has not increased. And one would assume as Sweden is in the EU, that any spike in crime would have occurred after the Schengen was introduced, the free movement of people. Especially considering how deep the eastern European Bloc nation's are involved in the crime organization like the Roma communities, but that just like what you are doing is generalizing.

The most plausible explanation is the these refugees are most likely trying to find something the seems common to them, which may be leading to creation of enclaves. In a sense a ghetto, something that should not be allowed at all, as it could lead to one group having a harder time integrating. These also leads to parallel communities, that can be distrusting of their local government. Failure to instill a sense of nationalism or at least strong connection to a countries Constitution is something that can hurt a nation. Yeah it is assimilation but it works, and allows for the blending of the two cultures even if enclaves exist.

But until I get more info and maybe visit Sweden myself I won't know the story of what is really going on there. It is like saying there is a shooting epidemic and an out of control  police force having Target practice on minorities, with no oversight, in the US, but not understanding the nuances and such as to why this is an exaggerated and likely mistaken story.

So I really do advise not to make a conclusion until you have a more clear understanding and more data with you.

Funny thing to note, alot of Muslims and brown people that voted for Brexit, did so cause they said the Polish were taking their jobs. Majority of the Brexiters reasoning is due to decrease in wages is what resulted in Brexit similar to US, and the main Target of these were the Polish communities who like the Mexicans would apply for a job and work for alot less pay than the British citizen no matter of colour.

Mind you I do not know much about the UK.

The Flood / Re: Does the pay gap exist
« on: August 03, 2017, 08:39:09 PM »
If all women were getting paid less on a broader sense, why not just hire women? Cheaper workers.
Because women can't do anything right.

This is the answer to every female related issue. If you want to see what a matriarchy looks like go look at Sweden and ask yourself why it's now the rape capital of the west.
They have an abysmal conviction rate though.

So really nobody in Sweden is  getting raped and women just like making shit up.

Oh yeah there's no doubt the feminists in Sweden make shit up but I was referring to the muslims that have been raping women on the daily.

Actually no, I did research on this and the spikes in Rape came only after the definition if Rape changed and how rape is recorded. Every instance of rape is a new rape case unlike other countries.

I mean their definition is so crazy broad it adds even harrasment as rape. Also the spikes in Rape cases can be tied to immigrants who are the biggest victims of it.

Also number convicted have remained the same.

Rape cases in Sweden can not be compared to any other nation in the world. They have a definition and counting system that is very different and inflates their number. Why? Because of their feminist policy.

If any other nation on Earth had their definition and method of counting you could see a giant spike in rape cases the next year. An abnormal increase.

See my last reply. Sexual offences have been rising steadily since 2014 and Sweden purposely hides rape/sexual harassment cases by Muslims to avoid ''racial tensions''.
Rape cases increased in 2014 due to definition change. 2015 it dropped 11%-12%, this is when the refugee crisis began.

Also in Malmo the city at the center of this, sexual assault peaks were in 2008, 2009, and 2010, before refugees.

And for rape these are the acts included.
"Rape is one of the sexual offences, but other crimes such as paying for sex, sexual harassment, indecent exposure, sexual exploitation, molestation and trafficking are included in the numbers as well."

Now I know you are going to attack BBC so I might as well get you more sources.

Also when it comes to Swedish Crime reporting from one of the sources you linked.

"Swedish statistics, on the other hand, record all reported events as crimes even if some of them are later found not to have constituted criminal offences."

"Several offences of the same kind against a single victim will be counted in some countries as a single crime. By contrast, in Swedish crime statistics every offence occurring under these circumstances is counted separately"

Take these two quotes into account when looking at Swedish Crime data, they can not be compared to any other nation especially as they have a really high reporting rate compared to any nation in the world. Many rape cases in third world countries are never reported, while in the West a significant amount are still not reported.

And last of all this paragraph of rape.

"Exposure to sex crimes average
Instead of looking at the statistics for crimes reported — which in any case merely show a proportion of the actual number of crimes — criminologists instead recommend comparisons between countries based on large surveys of the general public, so-called victim surveys. Sex crimes, such as rape, are in themselves not easy to investigate using victim surveys, as they relate to sensitive experiences and because the attitude to sex crimes varies between countries.

But in the victim survey that exists that permits basic comparison between levels of exposure to sex crimes in ten European countries (ICVS 1989–2000), Sweden does not top the list, as in the reporting statistics. Instead, Sweden is around the average mark, which is also the case for assaults and threats, despite the fact that compared to other countries, we have many such crimes reported. However, the fact that we are not any worse than many other countries does not mean that the situation is good. If any rape is committed, the level is too high."

Also read all the way through, after the definition change there was a spike, a drop in 2015 then a return to numbers of 2014 when the definition changed and the spike occurred.

I implore you, not to put your narrative into these graphs and what you believe and read the details to the statistics. You will find you are jumping to conclusions when there is no data to support your hypothesis.

"Reported offences
In 2016, a total of 20,300 sex offences were reported; this is a 12 per cent increase as compared with 2015. The number of rapes reported to police increased by 13 per cent to 6,720 between 2015 and 2016.
The number of reported rape offences has increased over the last ten years (2006-2015). The increase can be partially explained by the entry into force of new sex offence legislation on 1 April 2005. This legislation entails, among other things, that certain acts which were previously classified as sexual exploitation are now classified as rape. The effect of the statutory change appeared in the statistics such that the number of reported offences in respect of sexual coercion and exploitation declined in the years immediately following the statutory change while the number of reported rapes increased. As from 1 July 2013, the sex offence legislation was again made tougher; among other things rape was expanded to include cases where the victim reacts passively.
In the Swedish system, individual reports regarding a great number of offences may affect and give rise to variations in the statistic. For instance, when a single case is reported that turns out to involve hundreds or even thousands of instances of offences committed against an individual over the course of many years, every single incident is recorded as an offence in the year it was reported. It is also important to remember that non-reporting is particularly extensive for sex offences and changes in the inclination to report can affect the number of rapes in the statistic.     
Reported offences regarding sexual molestation increased to 10,600 (+21 %) while reported sexual coercion, exploitation etc. decreased to 1,290 (-10 %).
A total of 3,010 rape offences against children aged 0 to 17 years of age were reported in 2016. In 88 per cent of the cases, the victims were girls."

The Flood / Re: but more importantly does the pap gay exist
« on: August 03, 2017, 07:42:14 PM »

The Flood / Umm, what happened to Epic Meal Time?
« on: August 03, 2017, 07:37:44 PM »

Apparently Hurley has decided to help people and his first task was to help JusReign be happy.

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