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Messages - Risay117

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« on: February 18, 2015, 10:07:23 AM »

#Unexpected Jihad

Ukraine has as far as i am concerned lost.
First Ilovaysk and now Debaltseve

The Flood / Re: My sister is pregnant
« on: February 17, 2015, 06:39:57 PM »
I thought this was going to be a joke thread but seriously that is great news.
Hope the best for you guys. Also teach your new family member everything she/he needs to know about growing up.

Serious / UN
« on: February 17, 2015, 06:37:34 PM »
Here is a stupid thought and it is something i have played with quite a bit.

What if we gave the UN Body stronger powers and more independence from the countries. Allow it to hold it's own army. And make countries into territories like provinces or states of a country. Basically, the same scenario the US has with it's states now occurs between UN and the countries.

Now it is something i kind of disagree but see as a necessary evil if we want to stop majority of the conflicts and stop majority of the extremist and civil wars raging around the world. Also get our worlds shit together for once.

Serious / Syrian Civil War [Update:19/02/2015]
« on: February 17, 2015, 06:18:36 PM »

It seems the regimes surprise attack in winter has resulted with huge gains and the encirclement of Aleppo one of the biggest objective of the SAA.
Gains have also been made in the South in the province of Daraa, in Northern Daraa to be precise.

So what do you guys thing, is this a major change in the war or not?


Being caught off guard, it seems that Nusra and affliates have started counterattacking, with heavy fighting in Ratyan Village. Both sides are pushing hard with the rebels trying to keep the lines opens while the SAA is trying to close it off.



Islamic Front Video:

Nusra and affiliates like the Islamic Front seem to have pushed back the regime though it seems heavy fighting is still occuring.

Battle for Aleppo Maps


Other Links

Jaish Al-Islam bio
Lebanese Hezbollah Bio

Deci, I don't want to stand in your way of making a coup script, so I went ahead and added unique user ID classes to thread and PM view as well as a rank title class to go with the prefix one. You can now edit individual's post look and layout in whatever script you decide to write.

Good luck, mate.
The lord has ushered in a new era.

Cool bring it over.

The Flood / Re: Name a shitty band
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:24:17 PM »

I forgot that they were even a band.
Yeah they are. Also U2

The Flood / Re: Does it matter
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:23:38 PM »
Small one-man fighters are no threat to this battlestation.
Are you sure?

The Flood / Does it matter
« on: February 16, 2015, 06:31:18 PM »
Does size matter?

The Flood / Re: Gonna buy a telescope soon
« on: February 16, 2015, 05:28:00 PM »
You know spying on your neighbors is not a good idea.

The Flood / Re: Name a shitty band
« on: February 16, 2015, 05:20:06 PM »
Maroon 5

The Flood / Name a shitty band
« on: February 16, 2015, 04:29:09 PM »
Quick name one of the top of your head.

The Flood / Is it wrong?
« on: February 16, 2015, 02:00:07 PM »
If i tell my friend to stop smoking?
And try to help them quit?

The Flood / Re: So Boston had a Snowstorm
« on: February 16, 2015, 01:53:28 PM »
It's starting to look similar to that where I am. Are you from PEI or do you just know people there?
Nope. In good ole Alberta. Calgary. Still waiting for winter.

Hope to move to Vancouver in the future.

The Flood / Re: So Boston had a Snowstorm
« on: February 16, 2015, 01:49:04 PM »
why not just fucking push it out like any sensible person instead of climbing over it?
You do know there is snow behind it.

The Flood / So Boston had a Snowstorm
« on: February 16, 2015, 01:33:36 PM »
And here i am worried about my brethren in PEI

The Flood / John Wick Kill Counter
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:18:55 PM »

Thought you might want to count the kills.

Serious / Re: The ceasefire which began in Ukraine today won't last
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:17:19 PM »
we're also cutting him some fucking slack.
Well, America isn't. The western Euro countries are, but not America which wasn't involved in this. They want to arm Ukraine, thus another proxy war is started due to a wanna be Czar trying to make a Eurasia union.
And yet John Kerry is willing to go on record and indicate an interest in rolling back the sanctions.

He's saying that because people are afraid it's another Cold War looming. Russia's economy has tanked, why would you stop?

I also never liked John Kerry. Thought he was a spineless shit. Much like a lot of Obama's foreign policy regarding things.
Because oil can stay low for so long. Everyone's budget has been slashed and trust me Saudi's can only do this for so long before they have to bring the cost back up.
I like how electric cars stock has fallen because people think it will be this low forever. Now is the time to buy some electric car stocks because in like half a year or so, it'll soar back up.

Get dat dosh, yo.
Yeah like it dropped enough

The profit you can make in this is nothing but the profits you could make form the oil companies is more. Wait for oil to drop again hopefully and boom buy some cheap oil stocks. Trust me it will go back up in a roar.

Serious / Re: Make Britain safer; bring back handguns
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:15:27 PM »
I will make the point that Chicago is surrounded by guns so trying to control guns in that city is impossible.
A better point to make is that Chicago has been one of the crime capitals of the US for decades before gun control even became a thing. Those bringing up Chicago as a point that gun control doesn't work are the same kind of people who put a bandaid on a gun shot wound and then claim that bandaids don't work because it didn't heal the injury. I'm not going to bother looking up the statistics again, but both gun and "ordinary" violence strongly declined in Chicago after the gun control measures were implemented.

tl;dr: It's an argument only the most uninformed people make.
The entire point of the Chicago argument--at least when I make it--is that gun control is not the prime determinant of gun crime.
Well yes, but it is an important part of a multi-pronged approach to the problem whose main focus should be education. And then training and strong i repeat strong background checks.

Serious / Re: The ceasefire which began in Ukraine today won't last
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:05:53 PM »
we're also cutting him some fucking slack.
Well, America isn't. The western Euro countries are, but not America which wasn't involved in this. They want to arm Ukraine, thus another proxy war is started due to a wanna be Czar trying to make a Eurasia union.
And yet John Kerry is willing to go on record and indicate an interest in rolling back the sanctions.

He's saying that because people are afraid it's another Cold War looming. Russia's economy has tanked, why would you stop?

I also never liked John Kerry. Thought he was a spineless shit. Much like a lot of Obama's foreign policy regarding things.
Because oil can stay low for so long. Everyone's budget has been slashed and trust me Saudi's can only do this for so long before they have to bring the cost back up.

The Flood / Re: Proof of glorious Aryan master race.
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:04:26 PM »
Sorry but the only people truly with the immunity to HIV are certain african prostitutes.

Though only 1% of Caucasian have this mutation that keeps them alive. Also this can be used to cure people apparently if you to blood marrow transplant.

Serious / Re: Lawmaking without Congressional oversight has got to end.
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:57:47 AM »
I think you've got a good argument against the specific ban, but those agencies have regulatory power delegated to them by Congress. It would be a colossal waste of time for every minute little act to be run through the Congressional gamut.
this is kind of what you notice. Oversight though is needed.

The Flood / Re: Ok guys pick me a car
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:56:38 AM »
Which city do you live in and we can check kijiji
Yeah, no only buying from official dealers.
You could find some nice cars on kijiji or some other sites for decent money. But if you are only getting something from a dealer i believe they can help you.

Serious / Re: The ceasefire which began in Ukraine today won't last
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:55:48 AM »
Well there is a group of encirclement that the DNR and LNR are saying is within their territory so the apparently the Cease fire does not exist there.

Still i wonder how the UKR ended up having another couple thousands of troops getting encircled this time. Is this the third time and the last time this happened when they tried to run out they were massacred. Honestly the DNR and LNR are fighting a better battle than the UKR who have been allowing themselves to be encircled again and again. Debalteve is the battle front you want to look at.

Two pockets where the UKR have been surrounded and are being shelled. Heard of surrenders and defection in there.

The Flood / Re: Ok guys pick me a car
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:52:21 AM »
Which city do you live in and we can check kijiji

The Flood / Re: Are these realistic predictions of 28th century technology?
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:51:55 AM »
You can believe that but by then humanity and the whole world would have changed. I remember reading book that was crazy cool where although the bodies were elsewhere their minds were controlling a body huge distances away. Mainly to traverse a new area.

Also memories could be edited i feel.

If you really want to understand the future you could to push your mind to think of shit that is truly mindfuck and stupid and crazy. Think of new concepts and things that have never existed before. Like Light Roads.

Serious / Re: Make Britain safer; bring back handguns
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:49:02 AM »
I will make the point that Chicago is surrounded by guns so trying to control guns in that city is impossible.

In UK it is easier mainly because the guns are already controlled. Increase in firearms starts an arms race which we do not want. Honestly handguns will not make Britain safer but increase the number of idiots with no proper training to gain guns.

Personally the solution in Britain is that people should have the right to defend their life and also i hope the Good Citizen Act exists there, so that people are not fucked over for doing something right.

Honestly the US has problem with the division of powers between state and federal.
In Canada, powers are divided depending on what it is under. Example, Medical and Education is under Provincial powers while Crime is under Federal. And like that other things are divided up.

Personally, certain guns should be banned but those are a small cases. Second there needs to be strong background check and testing before people get their guns. Third, there needs to be proper tracking of the guns which are known for inflicting massive damage in short amount of time. Immediate reporting of stolen weapons need to be done.

Last of all there needs to be stronger cracking down on illegal firearm and studies done on where they are coming from. South of the Border or is it stolen firearms?

Or do what the Swiss do which is you need a mandatory Military training before you get your gun. I would be okay with that. Yeah it is conscription but it can help filter out idiots who think having a gun makes them into some ultimate super hero. Overall most gun owners are responsible, but those few idiots always end up causing shit and problems for everyone else.

The Flood / Re: >mfw i find out toy story is 20 years old
« on: February 16, 2015, 10:45:29 AM »
Actually i am a year or two older. First movie i ever watched in cinema. Or maybe the first i ever watched.

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