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Messages - Risay117

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The Flood / Re: Are we on the brink of war?
« on: August 12, 2017, 10:18:46 AM »
Worst case scenario: N Korea nukes 5 cities. Likely the military base in Guam,  Seoul, Honalulu and 2 cities on the mainland. Then North Korea becomes a radioactive parking lot. The bright side? The light nuclear winter sets global warming back.

Likely scenario? Business as usual.
Global warming is a hoax. Hasn't been going on in two decades.

Where do you live? Anyone who is in a temperate climate and anything north of that knows the climate is getting warmer every year. We are getting less snow year after year in Canada, and summer ls reaching 30s in Northern Alberta, when they never passed 25 a few years ago.

The Flood / Re: Why are you still using Chrome in the current year?
« on: August 12, 2017, 01:50:32 AM »
Cause it is the only web app I bother to use on my phone. Also I just use mozzila. And no Google still has a superior search engine.
Mozilla is just as bad as Google in the Orwellian department.
You know I only use Mozilla because it uses less RAM well that fact may have changed by now depending on the updates.

Orwellian or whatnot nothing is as good for users than Chrome and Mozilla, unless you use apple then Safari should be another option. Heard good things about IE recently but have not checked it out.

The Flood / Re: So I'm watching Unite the Right livestream.
« on: August 12, 2017, 01:05:31 AM »
You know I feel like modern alt-right and modern Nazis like Das made a point of, are nothing like the Nazis of old. At least the Nazis knew how to look good and have style and knew they had responsibility to support their communities. Instead of being anarchist edgelords.

The Flood / Re: Why are you still using Chrome in the current year?
« on: August 12, 2017, 01:01:30 AM »
Cause it is the only web app I bother to use on my phone. Also I just use mozzila. And no Google still has a superior search engine.

The Flood / Re: What makes a villain interesting?
« on: August 11, 2017, 04:01:41 PM »
It depends, if you are going for realistic and going to give motive, it needs to feel like either he has a reasoning or a person who is so involved into his belief he has blinded himself, or a fallen hero. But mostly there needs to be some depth, and it has to come from the character personality. They can be crazy because even that is potential reasoning.

But sometimes a bad guy just needs to be a bad guy. We do not need a big reasoning for why Sid was evil in Toy Story or any big motive or explanation for why Scar killed Mufasa.

Best way to look at it is what does your story represent and how is the tale told. Is it a complicated game of politics, or a simple story of heroism following a single character

Personally I want a reinvention of the old Sinbad or Ali Baba stories and others from the One thousand and one nights. Mostly about Sinbad and his adventures, with no specific story of triumph but a story of just pure adventure and discovery, with each story being short and each tale entering into a fantastical and strange lands or world. Whether it be sci fi or not.

And stories like those usually have a simple bad guy and do not go into motive of reasoning of a bad guy, they are just bad because in the short time the main character spends with them, these character's are evil, and the only goal of the main character is to survive and escape. But they do not always have to be evil, they can just be a normal obstacle like a big bird that catches you and drops you into it's nest to feed it's kids with your other travellers. The villian main goal in these stories is to just be an obstacle to the main character as he travels.

Which is what made Indiana Jones fun, it was mostly about adventure and less about bad and good characters.

The Flood / Re: I want to buy an AR-15 for 450 dollars.
« on: August 10, 2017, 02:43:31 AM »
Depends how you have financed your life. Got enough in your 401k or investment? Any bills to pay off, want to buy some US bonds?

But at the same time a AR15 may be fun to get, I do not know what their going rate is.

The Flood / Re: Is activity still low?
« on: August 10, 2017, 02:40:00 AM »
Kind of. Shit is slow but I think it picks up at certain times of the day. I returned for some reason. Not sure why still.

The Flood / Re: AMA
« on: August 09, 2017, 12:12:05 AM »
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How does it feel to be a quarter of a century old?
Thank you.

When you put it that way, I feel older than I should. In reality, after about my 18th or 19th birthday, I don't feel much difference. Its just a number.

I feel ya. It's weird being 25 'cause you don't feel old, but when you're a kid you think 25 is old... but it's not. Anywho... I hope you have an amazing birthday! :D

Ain't much different at 28. I honestly don't think I'm ever going to grow up.
Until you talk to kids, especially highschool kids and notice how old you are.

Plus it brings in the Chinese
Debatable. Even China is rather sick of NK. The only benefit they see with NK if that they're a buffer state. If anything, the US would tell China they're going in no matter what and China would topple the current regime and install a China friendly government that's not so atrocious with human rights.
China would but the way they have been delaying has meant they do not care until the US actually invades. Which I really doubt the US will do. Unless we want a more bloody conflict with higher casualty count than the Iraq war.

Also an invasion that harms Japan and Korea will only create a humanitarian crisis bigger than Syria and make alot of nation's hate the US. For now this battle is a battle of rhetoric. Until someone actually fires a bullet and troops actually land on North Korean soil I will ignore all talk about it.

Also Trump said "If NK threatens the US again they will be met with fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen" About 40 minutes ago, NK said they're planning to strike Guam. Sure hope nothing comes of this.

Nothing will. The South Korean have dealt with this for decades. They live their lives like nothing is going to happen. Cause nothing will. The Americans will not invade cause invading costs way more than they can gain. Plus it brings in the Chinese and you do not want another story of the American aggressor going around.

The Flood / Re: Enjoying coffee for the first time!
« on: August 08, 2017, 08:29:37 PM »
Congrats, still coddling that chocolate milk here.

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:42:43 PM »
So? You just want to talk to someone that does not want to talk to you?

Ehh, go for it. It is not my cup of tea. Too much drama for me, prefer it in real life, where I can actually pull out my popcorn and warch.

The Flood / Re: Aria
« on: August 08, 2017, 06:35:53 PM »
What the fuck is this drama? Why is this highschool? Like how do people know each other so intimately here.

You work at the waffle house. No wonder you won't get fired. No one gets fired from shitty retail or restaurant jobs with minimum wage. The managers do not give much of a crap as long as work is done. I called in sick at random times during my time in Walmart, but I learnt how to keep a good rapport with my bosses so avoided alot of problems.

And Class, just clean shit, act busy and do shit, it helps make your time go by easier. Well I do daydream alot so monotonous task does help me with my daydreaming.

Funny thing is I think the South Korean do not care anymore. Also looks like the US has failed to stop the Korean Nuclear program and Korea has reached a point where the US cannot do shit.

Kim Jung Un for how stupid he is has finally checked the US.  Five years of quiet when they are done and expect once they have enough nuclear weapons to stop their program, leading to sanctions being dropped.

The Flood / HBO hackers release personal info of GoT actors
« on: August 08, 2017, 03:05:37 PM »

Well it has been done, first it was episodes and scrips, and now it is the actors personal info. Looks like we might as well accept the clamping down on the internet in the Western world.

How long till you think they will take for nation's to update their internet laws and start hunting down people online?

When you hit big government it is okay, but when you hit private companies and multi-national Corp. Well the hammer always ends up coming down harder than it did before.

The Flood / Mazda has made new combustion engine
« on: August 08, 2017, 09:52:51 AM »
"Mazda announces breakthrough in long-coveted engine technology" -

Basically Mazda designed a new engine which is 20%-30% more efficient than our current combustion engine.

Ignites fuel by compression instead of spark plugs, and as fuel economic as diesel engines without the release of nitrogen oxide and sooty particles.

Plan is to get it rolled out by 2019, with it's new electric car line and autonomous vehicles by 2025.

This comes on the news that Japan's GS Yuasa Corp is going to start producing lithium batteries that will double the range of electric cars.

The Flood / Re: Why Do People Drink Absinthe?
« on: August 07, 2017, 11:28:05 PM »
Seriously, fuck off with that attitude. Coming from someone that intended to be obnoxious for a good amount of time, your behavior is quite toxic.
unlike alcohol
At least the intoxicated people on this site avoid from attacking others with consistent negativity.
and no one cares but you

I wonder if you are like Socrates, but then I remember Socrates actually pushed the boundaries of philosophical thought unlike you.

You are edgy for the sake of becoming different. Or maybe you like the attention. But I will never know, I will just have to learn to coexist with you. And honestly you are kind of refreshing with your action. It's different from others.

The Flood / Re: Why Do People Drink Absinthe?
« on: August 07, 2017, 11:07:54 PM »
I mean my friend she got some box wine and Jager and started mixing them and me and her drank a whole bottle through. It tasted horrible, but for some reason we just kept drinking. I wish there was a reasoning, but sometimes the reasoning is why not, because it sounds stupid. We also threw in some fireball in it.
Yeah, that just sounds stupid. You're going to get shitfaced chugging either of those, there is zero reason to mix them together. The whole point of mixing things is to add (in effect or taste), not to make something disgusting. That's like the kid in elementary who would mix all of his food together just to create a mess.

Yeah if I wanted taste then I would mix for that reason, but over here the reasoning was different. Just a stupid desire to do it. Stupid but fun while in the moment. I usually live a reserved life of order and design but sometimes I like to do stupid shit. Takes away from the monotony of my life. Like quitting my job and traveling. Cause I got bored.

The Flood / Re: Why Do People Drink Absinthe?
« on: August 07, 2017, 11:05:02 PM »
I wish there was a reasoning, but sometimes the reasoning is why not, because it sounds stupid.
you people have no fucking concept just how fucking revolting you are
What is life if not to live and indulge, to feel emotions and express desires. To reach heights you never once imagined. We rise and we fall. A fleeting light in this eternal escape. Yet for every purpose we search we always come face to face with the inexplicable end. For no reason and no answer, to what comes next. And if I try to answer that question, I always have to accept that nihilistic idea and shudder in fear. Turning my gaze to the gods of man, idols and ideas to find comfort in the horror of our fleeting existence. And all I can find is that to not enjoy this world with bounties it has given us and not to strive for betterment is the only sin that exists. Why punish oneself for enjoying and having fun which harm no one other than yourself. We are only here for a brief period. Strive for a purpose but do not fall to zealotry but instead find balance, as this universe preaches this very concept again and again. Have fun and work.

The Flood / Re: Why Do People Drink Absinthe?
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:52:35 PM »
Jäger straight up tastes like cough syrup. I don't understand the hype.
Cause people want a shot and get wasted. Some people drink alcohol and harsh one not for the joy of taste but to get wasted. And fast.

Which honestly a bottle of wine can do quite well.
I'll drink Jäger if I'm doing bombs, but I have some friends who will just drink it straight.

If you just want to get fucked up fast, Vodka is cheaper and straighter to the point.
Good point but I think is more because it just seems like if we are not going to do bombs let's just down some Jager, cause it is harsh and high in alcohol content. Also vodka does the same but has a different flavouring.

I mean my friend she got some box wine and Jager and started mixing them and me and her drank a whole bottle through. It tasted horrible, but for some reason we just kept drinking. I wish there was a reasoning, but sometimes the reasoning is why not, because it sounds stupid. We also threw in some fireball in it.

But mind you I usually only get wasted in safe locations among friends. Other times I time my drinks. Cause every time I get kicked out for being intoxicated cause they say I look like I am going to pass out when I am naturally lazy, and usually look tired. Fuck I got kicked out once when I was sober just cause I sat down to enjoy some music in a club with my eyes closed.

The Flood / Re: Why Do People Drink Absinthe?
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:29:53 PM »
Jäger straight up tastes like cough syrup. I don't understand the hype.
Cause people want a shot and get wasted. Some people drink alcohol and harsh one not for the joy of taste but to get wasted. And fast.

Which honestly a bottle of wine can do quite well.

The Flood / Re: The GoT episode 4 discussion thread.
« on: August 07, 2017, 10:08:36 PM »
I was wondering one things , why do we not see Podrick pussyslaying anymore if that is his true skill.

The Flood / Is being normal now edgy?
« on: August 07, 2017, 08:17:20 PM »
I mean once upon a Time not being normal was being edgy and cool, whether it be emo, or deep or whatever you want. But as more people are trying to make themselves seem edgy in different ways from Tumblr girls, to /pol/tards, what if being a normal person is now the weird thing?

The Flood / Re: Why the fuck do people watch rick and morty?
« on: August 07, 2017, 08:06:46 PM »
i've been told that it explores a lot of themes and expresses the same kind of messages that i do about life and whatnot

but if that were true, why would it be so goddamn popular
Because maybe not everyone is as shallow as you think and actually have these thoughts every now and again. I mean get high and talk about philosophy with anyone and you can end up in totally new locations. Everyone has a different take on the world.

Some just like to think about it less and are just shallow. Plus it is mostly popular in certain population groups, which you are a part off. Other population groups are not that into this.

"EU expresses worry over Poland reviving different retirement age for men and women" -

So this might end up becoming an issue for Poland and is drawing the ire of Brussels and Berlin.

Poland is proposing to change the retirement age for Polish people. With males receiving it at age 65 and females at age 60.

Reasoning is based on different roles and expectations for males and females in society. But Brussel consider it discriminatory and anti-equality.

So what do you think?

The Flood / Re: Meet me
« on: August 07, 2017, 05:06:06 PM »
Hahahaha, funny joke. I have not met a single one of you, and I would like to keep it that way.

Well maybe not, some of you can be sane.

Serious / Re: The decline of the United States superiority
« on: August 07, 2017, 03:36:07 PM »
I'm not even sure what the point of all that apologeticism is. The ACA is republican policy? Obama steered the economy -- you mean the Great Recession? "There's only so much you can do" as far as not completely going against the principles he ran on re: war in the middle east? Come on.

The middle East and his involvement is something I really disagree with. If anything I believe he should have got the whole US apparatus to not get involved in there in the first place.

The ACA is a Republican policy, it is in fact the policy many Republicans supported before Obama and was implemented in Republican held states like Massachusetts. If anything it was being paraded as a solution, until Obama used the same idea. If anything Obamacare is just Romneycare and instead of only covering Massachusetts, it covers America.

The economy that you blame Obama for crashed under the Republican led Bush presidency, I won't even blame Bush for the recession as it would have happened anyway. It was a combination of issues that still needs to be understood. But Bush left the presidency when the Recession hit it's worse point. Obama took over when chaos was running rampant in the markets. And over the eight years he was president, and the leadership of Bernanke and the federal government the economy picked up. If anything Obama was able to steer a ship to better waters, and that is even generous as presidents do not have much say in the economy. But he heeded the advice and practiced stimulus instead of austerity and that helped the United States economy bounce back faster than the European economies.

I will say this and stand by it, if Trump fails on the economic side of this presidency then his presidency will be the biggest failure tied to Carter. As Obama is leaving him with an intact economy growing that he does not even need to touch for it to do well.

Looking at his whole career, yes he was involved in conflict but the involvement was alot less deep than his predecessor. He did not place boots on the ground, but he did get involved in a proxy war.

As far as I am concerned no one would have done a better job than him with the card he was dealt with.

Serious / Re: The decline of the United States superiority
« on: August 07, 2017, 01:33:48 PM »
Not to disregard the rest of your post, but Obama certainly wasn't diplomatic (I think you mean 'bipartisan'), and that stubbornness is directly responsible for quite a few major issues such as our involvement in Syria, the temporary collapse of Iraq, and the dumpster fire of policy that is the ACA. Obama is right that Americans' hate towards him led to Trump's presidency, but it's not because he's black: it's because he was just an awful president in many regards.

Syria is a weird place, yes America got involved with it, but it was also a task Obama tried his best to avoid after Libya while major factions in his administration which include Clinton we're pushing it and taking action to speed it up. If anything I would have said Obama should have ignored the Clinton and other war Hawks and stayed out of Syria only to look into getting involved on the humanitarian side of things.

Libya was weird as it was the French that dived in first pulling everyone in and then passing the reigns to the US. But it was also Obama's fault for going in thinking no boots on the ground would be okay. Only to find out it was a bad idea all along.

Iraq's failure is more to Obama initial attempt to leave, problem was the Iraqi government created a situation hostile enough for the Sunni to jump to the ISIS ranks when the opportunity arrived. No president could fix that issue, unless they stayed which would have been a bigger toll on the US. If anything I am okay with this because it made Iraq realise the situation they were in and how they could not malign their Sunni brethren anymore. Something that Sadr has made a point of. It may in a sense build a sense of nationalism identity.

If anything Obama avoided going troops heavy even betraying his red line, though succeeding in getting Syria to forfeit it's chemical weapons. With Iran he was able to diplomaticly halt the nuclear arms program though not the missile program, honestly a better option than having a second North Korea on our hands. But Obama did not do enough he should have taken a hard stance of staying out of there and not helping groups with ties to Al-Qaeda, but there is only so much you can do when your intelligence community are doing their own things under your nose.

The ACA was a dumpster fire in certain sense, but the biggest reason was trying to appeal to Republicans. The Republicans would never accept a proposal even if it was friendly to them. I mean the ACA is basically a republican health bill that they themselves pushed and supported before Obama came to power. Romney himself implemented it in his state and Obama was going to do the same. But because it was Obama they would not accept it. I mean the ACA in many ways is a Republican policy, but the only reasoning of it not being accepted by Republicans is that it was proposed by Obama.

The economy was also steered under him from the 2008 recession to the growth it is having now. He left Trump with an under 5% unemployment, with the stock markets hitting new highs that it has not reached in history. All Trump has to do now is not mess with it and it will keep chugging along happily. If he leaves the US under another recession then it will be the biggest blunder I have seen in ages.

I will disagree on him being an awful president, compared to others he did great, Bush, Carter, Nixon there are many that did worse than him. The TPP would have been a nail in the coffin in China's expansion in the East, but we know what happened to that, a few political points win which sacrificed strategic superiority in the economic sense.

People voted for Trump because some hated him, but many hated Clinton, and wanted an outsider. Trump seemed like it but like others he is just another establishment candidate. Only hope for anti-establishment is a third party.

The Flood / Re: The Imperium of man shall Fall
« on: August 07, 2017, 01:13:00 PM »
Here's will spread.

The Tau shall reign supreme.
Foolish Tau heretic we just have to get close
Yet still have failed to purge the heresy and in the act lost world's to the Tau Empire.

As more join our ranks to serve The Greater Good, both xenos and human alike. And unlike the humans, are not susceptible to the charms of chaos as the warp space is not a place we venture into.

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