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Topics - Risay117

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The Flood / Stare into the Abyss
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:12:29 PM »
Stare into the Abyss
Through the Cold Darkness
As far as the Light can Reach

Let your Eyes Peer in,
and See the Nothingness Within,
Let the Shadow Cover you
Blanket you with its Shroud

Closing your eyes,
Feel the Cold Emptiness,
and Hear the Nothingness.
and Finally you shall understand the True Nature of Nothingness
Fear it or Embrace it, that is for you to Decide

The Flood / Curves :)
« on: October 01, 2014, 11:57:39 AM »
Are Awesome,

Discuss Curves and Graphs

The Flood / How to take a shit
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:29:09 PM »
So Flood, imagine this, you have this urge to excrete and you run to the washroom, how would you approach taking a shit?

Remember you just had a bunch of spicy food with you.

Why i am making this topic, because i have noticed that there are different ways people take shits, from some just going to the toilet bowl and sitting, shitting then leaving, and if cleanfreak you wipe. While someone like me a muslim, we are expected to after taking a shit to wash our ass, and genitals, usually what the spray in the washroom is for if you have been to some restaurant owned by a muslim dude. You will also see empty vessels in our washroom to use to clean your ass. Then we wipe and then clean your hands with soap and all the other stuff. Funnily we have to take a shower after ejaculation. Also some places in the world do not have toilet seats but have holes in the ground that are more like the image below.

Anyway if you take a shit, do you have a practice that you do, that you think may be different from others, like coating the seat with toilet paper even in your own home.

Also take a gander and admire the horrible grammer in OP's post.

Septagon / Pics in Quote
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:15:48 PM »
I feel like this is being addressed but why when you quote someone the pic is not carried over to your reply?

Just wondering.

The Flood / Here i Sit, Broken Hearted
« on: September 30, 2014, 03:54:34 PM »
Tried to Shit, but only Farted
Went to Class and took a Chance
Tried to Fart, and Shit my Pants

Poetry is best. Especially those that are intelligent. What poetry do you know off that is amazing, and perfect?

The Flood / What makes a good Album?
« on: September 30, 2014, 10:36:18 AM »
So Septagons, what makes a good album?

Personally for me a good album is as Elton John said, under an hour to 45 minutes long. And one where each song flows from one to another and feels like a story. There needs to be an intro, a first act, transition, second act and finale for me.

Anyway for me one of my favourite album is White Blood Cells from the White Stripes.

Also only monsters listen to their library in Shuffle. True music lovers listen albums as a whole.

Serious / Ingenious Homes in unexpected places
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:05:24 PM »

So just watched a Ted presentation with my younger brothers about communities being built out of scraps and must say it blew my mind. It just brought to light the lack of understanding on how to approach poverty in  some of these countries. It is like the aid we give them and the community or system we give them do not appeal or fulfill their needs or desire.

It seems that just giving them the houses and everything a western community has will not help them, but communities and systems created by the populace themselves work. All you need to give them is the basic building blocks and voila see what is made from it.

Anyway did you take anything from this presentation or was it just a waste of your time?

Gaming / Europa Universalis
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:21:30 AM »
Any of you guys play it?

Interested in a multiplayer game of Europa?

Septagon / Advertising
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:50:21 AM »
Do you guys ever try to advertise this group on Bnet?

Cause if you guys have a population managing problem, it could be easily fixed with a couple advertising blitz every now and again.

If i was not referred to this site i would not have come here.

Serious / Occupy Hong Kong
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:39:11 AM »

So hong kong is right now being occupied by Pro-Democracy Protestors. This started after the Mainland Chinese Government, decided to manage and filter who ruled Hong Kong. This is in direct conflict to what the Cantonese people of Hong Kong wanted. A full fledged democracy.

So far we have noticed that the police have been brought out but a Tienanmen Square type scenario has not taken place. This is interesting and well one wnoders how the the CCP will manage this affair. Will they bow down in fear of losing their gold egg laying hen. Or will they bring in the force and lose some of their economic clout and prosperity for ideological and governmental reasons.

Personally i feel CCP will bow down, as they fear having to lose the economic strength of Hong Kong. The financial district is a huge money maker, and a violent unrest or conflict could hurt the economy heavily.

Gaming / Assassins Creed [Barbary Wars]
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:11:49 AM »
So i was wondering what a new Assassins creed could take place, and well it just came to me that the Ottoman Tripolotania would have been a great location to take place.

Starting off, the place was full off Pirates, and was considered a Pirate kingdom. Pure Freedom and anarchy for the pirates. Their actions led to one of the first armed conflict that the US had taken part in. This led to the First Barbary wars and the Second Barbary wars.

It was a clash of cultures and would be a great place for either an assassin civil war or a different story, but would bring the story back to the middle east, or a chaotic area, ripe for Templar conquest or Assassin  infighting on different ideological approaches.

Anyway thoughts?

The Flood / Dog Walking in Winter
« on: September 29, 2014, 09:03:27 AM »
So Flood, an important question i have is:
Is Dog walking in winter a viable job?

I know this may be something that may be stupid to ask, but i was just wondering. I mean people do not want to go outside in winter, in Canada, and so this would mean people would rather someone else walk their dogs, but on the other hand, the cold weather up here in Calgary Canada could make dog owners worry for their dogs. And thus they would rather they stay warm and cuddled inside.

So is dog walking in winter a viable economic opportunity?

The Flood / Stoner Rock
« on: September 27, 2014, 06:30:36 PM »
Is the best genre i have listened to recently, from bands like Graveyard and TruckFighters being my first two and now Black Mountain. Fuckin Right you are.

Anyway any of you guys listen to stoner rock?

Also not sure which genre this goes into. Kind of new.

Serious / Sam Pepper
« on: September 27, 2014, 06:28:42 PM »
So some guy Sam Pepper a youtube apparently grabbed a bunch of chicks videos for a prank and then called it a social experiment and well he is being crucified. And now there is a rape allegation against him, so what the fuck did this kid think he could do?

Also if you had to decide, did he do anything illegal or wrong and if he did what punishment would you give him if you were the judge?
Let your imaginations soar, with what you would make him do or suffer depending on your verdict of guilty or not.

The Flood / Another help thread
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:01:06 PM »
How does one update their wardrobe?

I am looking at all these clothes and i am scared, want a more semi-formal look, close to a suit but not a suit. I dress very casually but need to up my ante. Anyway any of you guys male fashion counselors?

The Flood / Cats
« on: September 26, 2014, 07:12:20 PM »
How does one raise them other than the basic grooming and feeding etc.

What is the expected monthly bill?
What do i have to expect?

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