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Messages - Xboxdotcom

Pages: 123 456
Septagon / Hello
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:20:48 PM »

Hey I'm 12 and I got no armpit hair and no voice crack yet but I can still ejaculate semen and I got pubes

The Flood / HELLO
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:20:25 PM »

Hey I'm 12 and I got no armpit hair and no voice crack yet but I can still ejaculate semen and I got pubes

Serious / Re: In Florida, Satan just defeated Christianity.
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:18:14 PM »

Alongside the Atheists.

Separation of church and state reigns supreme in Florida schools once again after officials chose to cancel a Bible handout event rather than let the Satanic Temple and Freedom From Religion Foundation distribute their own materials to students.

In response to Orange County Public Schools allowing Christian groups to give free Bibles to students on Religious Freedom Day, the Satanic Temple petitioned to gain equal access to the event in an effort to give students actual religious freedom. The Temple would have handed out the “Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities.” The activity book asks kids to find ways to be inclusive in order to solve problems.

In addition, the Freedom From Religion Foundation would have handed out materials as well, including a pamphlet depicting the Bible as a rapist.

As a result, the school pinned themselves between a rock and a hard place. Because they allowed bible thumpers to expose students to their Christian beliefs, they opened the door for other religious and non-religious groups to seek the same privileges. And so, Satanists and atheists stepped up to the plate and challenged the school district to enact real religious freedom if it was going to insist upon violating separation of church and state.

But rather than allow the FFRF and the Satanic Temple to distribute their own materials alongside their Christian counterparts, the Orange County school board has decided to cancel the event entirely, thus reverting back to the observance of separation of church and state that would have prevented this situation in the first place.

The Satanic Temple has once again proven to be an effective fighter on behalf of true religious liberty. As you’ll most likely recall, the New York-based organization recently took Oklahoma conservatives to task for erecting a statue of the Ten Commandments on statehouse grounds. The Satanic Temple petitioned to place its own monument, which features the goat-headed Baphomet with a child on each side of his throne. The ongoing battle between conservative “Christians” and the Temple has put a spotlight on how the religious-right has persecuted other religions in their effort to redefine freedom of religion as something that only applies to themselves.

This victory in Florida further demonstrates that point. Instead of letting other belief systems participate in what the school dared to call Religious Freedom Day, the school board just got rid of the event entirely. In other words, if Religious Freedom Day couldn’t just be for Christians, they weren’t going to let it happen at all. Because the Satanic Temple and FFRF fought for true religious freedom, the school decided separation of church and state was the best option after all. Of course, this must absolutely enrage conservatives, who will likely scream to the heavens that this is tyranny and religious persecution against Christians. To that, I say no one really gives a sh*t about your fake cries of persecution. Also, all hail Baphomet.

Those poor, poor Christians will probably scream about how oppressed they are.  "Oh let's have a 'Religious Freedom Day', but if those pesky other religions decide to butt in we'll cancel it!  Heil Jesus!"

Big applause to the Satanic Temple and the atheists for not letting this slip by.
is satanism not a major religion? Plus it was just donating books

Septagon / Re: Why do you lock threads?
« on: January 17, 2015, 12:10:25 PM »

Whats the point?

Just perma ban the people offending rules and move on.

Terrible ass mods. You mods are worse than the Refs during that Cowboys-Lions game. Y'all suck.

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:37:24 AM »

What the fuck is wrong with people?
why did you troll psu?
I didn't.
you went on his twitter and asked his wife and friends for his address
I did?
To all of you....
You're all traitors.
Then why are you even here, derailing threads in gaming?
because I can
Well, excessive derailment is against the rules. Try to keep that in mind, as we're gonna go back on topic now.

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:36:04 AM »

What the fuck is wrong with people?
why did you troll psu?
I didn't.
you went on his twitter and asked his wife and friends for his address
I did?
To all of you....
You're all traitors.
Then why are you even here, derailing threads in gaming?
because I can
For somebody who claims they don't know how to use the site you sure are supporting that.
i don't know how to look in the forums only trending topics.

Serious / Re: What is your opinion on Anonymous?
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:06:07 PM »

Do you love 'em? Hate 'em? Do you support them? Do you think they all belong in a jail cell?

Feel free explain to your opinion below.

For me, I mostly support what they do. There's always a few side "ops", as they call them, that I disagree with. Of course, they don't have a hierarchy status, so they're dded sometimes vary off course.

Supporting WikiLeaks, busting child porn rings, helping activists in Egypt over throw their government, and what not seem to be good deed in my book though.
To all of you....
You're all traitors.

i remember you , then you ruined your reputation and joined this site
Heard it before.
why did you guys leave?

Serious / Re: What is your opinion on Anonymous?
« on: January 14, 2015, 08:00:40 PM »

Do you love 'em? Hate 'em? Do you support them? Do you think they all belong in a jail cell?

Feel free explain to your opinion below.

For me, I mostly support what they do. There's always a few side "ops", as they call them, that I disagree with. Of course, they don't have a hierarchy status, so they're dded sometimes vary off course.

Supporting WikiLeaks, busting child porn rings, helping activists in Egypt over throw their government, and what not seem to be good deed in my book though.
To all of you....
You're all traitors.

i remember you , then you ruined your reputation and joined this site

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:14:23 PM »

Has Bnet been a slow day for trolling so you come here to make up for it?
no. I don't even know how to post a thread on this site or look in the forums. All that comes up Is trending topics

Serious / Re: What is your opinion on Anonymous?
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:09:40 PM »

Do you love 'em? Hate 'em? Do you support them? Do you think they all belong in a jail cell?

Feel free explain to your opinion below.

For me, I mostly support what they do. There's always a few side "ops", as they call them, that I disagree with. Of course, they don't have a hierarchy status, so they're dded sometimes vary off course.

Supporting WikiLeaks, busting child porn rings, helping activists in Egypt over throw their government, and what not seem to be good deed in my book though.
To all of you....
You're all traitors.

The Flood / Re: Custom Nameplate Requests
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:09:01 PM »

I don't know...I would like something in my background, maybe like fire or something, but I don't know if it would synchronize with the text. If you think you can change my background to something like that, while still allowing the text to stand out, that would be sweet. But don't feel compelled, it would be pretty tough.
I'll give it a shot
I have a transparent PNG of just the text, if you need it. Thanks!
To all of you....
You're all traitors.

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:31:37 PM »

What the fuck is wrong with people?
why did you troll psu?
I didn't.
you went on his twitter and asked his wife and friends for his address
I did?
he said lemon did that
PSU did? lol
That never happened.
lol he said you made a fake account and tried to get his address from his wife and friends

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:53:50 AM »

What the fuck is wrong with people?
why did you troll psu?
I didn't.
you went on his twitter and asked his wife and friends for his address

Gaming / Re: >There are people that want Halo Reach Anniversary
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:42:14 PM »

What the fuck is wrong with people?
why did you troll psu?

The Flood / Re: Official Booty Thread!
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:36:21 PM »

Let's get this started off right. Big female booties are preferred, but all are accepted here!


HEY! Haha! Had no idea you were on here. I don't go on Bungie anymore.
i come on here occasionally. Still barely know how to work this site lol

The Flood / Re: Official Booty Thread!
« on: January 13, 2015, 04:05:35 PM »

Let's get this started off right. Big female booties are preferred, but all are accepted here!


The Flood / Re: You Can Decide To Trust God, Or You Can Remain Miserable.
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:35:11 PM »

Real talk homie
dat psu game though

The Flood / Re: The majority of you are great people
« on: December 27, 2014, 08:00:44 PM »

But some of you are just striaght up miserable, haters. Yall niggas gotta cheer up.

your missing the shitstorm in

Havent been on there in months. How is it?
I like it better, more users now. Cam and sandtrap are in a huge fight right now.
did you see the PSU game?

The Flood / Re: Everyone is a mod.
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:43:59 PM »

banbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanb anbanbanbanbanbanbanban

Shut up.
Learn to embed pictures
I already know.
Am I supposed to care or something?
i see this site turned you into a jerk
I act just the same as I do on Bnet.
It's not my fault you're posting irrelevant stuff and are incapable of using a simple feature.
this site is complicated
Nope. You're just stupid.
i have a better education than you
You're like what, 14?
A good education won't make a stupid person smarter though.
I have graduated from college
We know that's not true.
yes I have, penn state
>Insert penn state joke here
I don't know if getting raped in the showers by the coach counts as graduating.
you can kill yourself, he raped people that didn't go to the university

The Flood / Re: Everyone is a mod.
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:40:54 PM »

banbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanb anbanbanbanbanbanbanban

Shut up.
Learn to embed pictures
I already know.
Am I supposed to care or something?
i see this site turned you into a jerk
I act just the same as I do on Bnet.
It's not my fault you're posting irrelevant stuff and are incapable of using a simple feature.
this site is complicated
Nope. You're just stupid.
i have a better education than you
You're like what, 14?
A good education won't make a stupid person smarter though.
I have graduated from college
We know that's not true.
yes I have, penn state
>Insert penn state joke here
f u

The Flood / Re: Everyone is a mod.
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:33:30 PM »

banbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanbanb anbanbanbanbanbanbanban

Shut up.
Learn to embed pictures
I already know.
Am I supposed to care or something?
i see this site turned you into a jerk
I act just the same as I do on Bnet.
It's not my fault you're posting irrelevant stuff and are incapable of using a simple feature.
this site is complicated
Nope. You're just stupid.
i have a better education than you
You're like what, 14?
A good education won't make a stupid person smarter though.
I have graduated from college
We know that's not true.
yes I have, penn state

The Flood / Re: Everyone is a mod.
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:29:57 PM »

Pages: 123 456