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Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin will no longer perform marriage ceremonies at the county courthouse.

The judge said he typically performs about 16 marriage ceremonies a month.

When asked about the reason for the change, Martin said he isn't required to perform the ceremonies and as of Tuesday he "just stopped having ceremonies in the courthouse."

However, he told the Clanton Advertiser "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and because of that, I will not perform a ceremony for a couple that doesn't fit in that criteria."

Martin wouldn't confirm to WSFA 12 News if the decision was related to the recent federal ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage in Alabama. A hold on the ruling is set to expire Monday unless the U.S. Supreme Court approves Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange's motion for a stay.

Martin said he will issue marriage licenses to any couple who comes in starting Monday.

The current marriage license form includes spaces to enter information for the "bride" and "groom." Martin said he's expecting to get a new marriage license form from the Alabama Department of Public Health sometime Friday, but it will take some time to enter the new form into the computer system. He said the new form might not be in the system Monday if they don't get it until late Friday.

I guess they were right - gay marriage IS destroying traditional marriage.
I have never been vaccinated
That has nothing to do with this discussion.
Serious board is for serious discussion. Don't forget that.
Fuck off hillbilly.
nice b8
Didn't I just tell you to fuck off?
your lucky the mods got your back kid
They don't, you inbred pig dick sucking honky.


Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin will no longer perform marriage ceremonies at the county courthouse.

The judge said he typically performs about 16 marriage ceremonies a month.

When asked about the reason for the change, Martin said he isn't required to perform the ceremonies and as of Tuesday he "just stopped having ceremonies in the courthouse."

However, he told the Clanton Advertiser "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and because of that, I will not perform a ceremony for a couple that doesn't fit in that criteria."

Martin wouldn't confirm to WSFA 12 News if the decision was related to the recent federal ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage in Alabama. A hold on the ruling is set to expire Monday unless the U.S. Supreme Court approves Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange's motion for a stay.

Martin said he will issue marriage licenses to any couple who comes in starting Monday.

The current marriage license form includes spaces to enter information for the "bride" and "groom." Martin said he's expecting to get a new marriage license form from the Alabama Department of Public Health sometime Friday, but it will take some time to enter the new form into the computer system. He said the new form might not be in the system Monday if they don't get it until late Friday.

I guess they were right - gay marriage IS destroying traditional marriage.
I have never been vaccinated
That has nothing to do with this discussion.
Serious board is for serious discussion. Don't forget that.
Fuck off hillbilly.
nice b8
Didn't I just tell you to fuck off?
your lucky the mods got your back kid


Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin will no longer perform marriage ceremonies at the county courthouse.

The judge said he typically performs about 16 marriage ceremonies a month.

When asked about the reason for the change, Martin said he isn't required to perform the ceremonies and as of Tuesday he "just stopped having ceremonies in the courthouse."

However, he told the Clanton Advertiser "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and because of that, I will not perform a ceremony for a couple that doesn't fit in that criteria."

Martin wouldn't confirm to WSFA 12 News if the decision was related to the recent federal ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage in Alabama. A hold on the ruling is set to expire Monday unless the U.S. Supreme Court approves Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange's motion for a stay.

Martin said he will issue marriage licenses to any couple who comes in starting Monday.

The current marriage license form includes spaces to enter information for the "bride" and "groom." Martin said he's expecting to get a new marriage license form from the Alabama Department of Public Health sometime Friday, but it will take some time to enter the new form into the computer system. He said the new form might not be in the system Monday if they don't get it until late Friday.

I guess they were right - gay marriage IS destroying traditional marriage.
I have never been vaccinated
That has nothing to do with this discussion.
Serious board is for serious discussion. Don't forget that.
Fuck off hillbilly.
nice b8


Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin will no longer perform marriage ceremonies at the county courthouse.

The judge said he typically performs about 16 marriage ceremonies a month.

When asked about the reason for the change, Martin said he isn't required to perform the ceremonies and as of Tuesday he "just stopped having ceremonies in the courthouse."

However, he told the Clanton Advertiser "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and because of that, I will not perform a ceremony for a couple that doesn't fit in that criteria."

Martin wouldn't confirm to WSFA 12 News if the decision was related to the recent federal ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage in Alabama. A hold on the ruling is set to expire Monday unless the U.S. Supreme Court approves Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange's motion for a stay.

Martin said he will issue marriage licenses to any couple who comes in starting Monday.

The current marriage license form includes spaces to enter information for the "bride" and "groom." Martin said he's expecting to get a new marriage license form from the Alabama Department of Public Health sometime Friday, but it will take some time to enter the new form into the computer system. He said the new form might not be in the system Monday if they don't get it until late Friday.

I guess they were right - gay marriage IS destroying traditional marriage.
I have never been vaccinated
That has nothing to do with this discussion.
Serious board is for serious discussion. Don't forget that.


(Yes I know the website is called liberalamerica, but this is one of two locations I can find this kind of story right now.  It does, however, link to the bill on Cruz's own website:

Cruz has proposed a new bill, the Expatriate Terrorist Act (Senate Bill 247), which strips away the rights of any American citizen who runs off to join or in support of any terrorist organization. It would immediately strip the citizenship of anyone in support of an organization that the United States deems a “terrorist organization.”

There is a problem here, however…

This is in violation of the US Constitution, which Cruz has often referred to himself as a fan and follower of. His bill, which was originally written by the ineffable jingoistic idiot Michelle Bachmann (who also happens to be a Dominionist) violates these particular Amendments:

Amendment V:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;

Amendment VI:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

Here's the link to the bill

Even if Ted Cruz believes that this can stop terrorist threats, this bill could be heavily exploited since it appears to be so fucking flawed.  Not to mention, even if you do run off to a terrorist organization you're still a United States citizen and still have access to your rights.

Though I probably would feel differently if you completely 100% renounced your ties to the United States and declared yourself a foreign citizen.  Not totally sure on how I'd feel in those types of situations.
you're a idiot
Only liberals would have a problem with this
Problem is you aren't a American if you do that

Do you have anything to say about this topic?   If not, then please leave.
Who are you ?


Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin will no longer perform marriage ceremonies at the county courthouse.

The judge said he typically performs about 16 marriage ceremonies a month.

When asked about the reason for the change, Martin said he isn't required to perform the ceremonies and as of Tuesday he "just stopped having ceremonies in the courthouse."

However, he told the Clanton Advertiser "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and because of that, I will not perform a ceremony for a couple that doesn't fit in that criteria."

Martin wouldn't confirm to WSFA 12 News if the decision was related to the recent federal ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage in Alabama. A hold on the ruling is set to expire Monday unless the U.S. Supreme Court approves Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange's motion for a stay.

Martin said he will issue marriage licenses to any couple who comes in starting Monday.

The current marriage license form includes spaces to enter information for the "bride" and "groom." Martin said he's expecting to get a new marriage license form from the Alabama Department of Public Health sometime Friday, but it will take some time to enter the new form into the computer system. He said the new form might not be in the system Monday if they don't get it until late Friday.

I guess they were right - gay marriage IS destroying traditional marriage.
I have never been vaccinated
That has nothing to do with this discussion.


[ quote author=Kupo link=topic=26771.msg534267#msg534267 date=1423495631]
There is a problem here, however…

This is in violation of the US Constitution, which Cruz has often referred to himself as a fan and follower of.
Well of course. He thinks Obama was born in Kenya and thus shouldn't be President because he's not a natural-born citizen. Meanwhile, Ted has legal documentation proving that he was born in Canada. He doesn't even meet his own requirements for the presidency, but that hasn't stopped him.


you're a idiot
[/quote]I'm talking about leaving for a terrorist group. What the hell are you talking about?

Septagon / Re: Change the Gaming board title bar.
« on: February 09, 2015, 09:05:48 AM »

That's great, I want to hear more feedback. I wonder if the style is something overall liked.

I'm sold
I like the look of the banners for the other boards. It just looks cleaner and more " professional"..

Septagon / Am I banned
« on: February 09, 2015, 09:05:09 AM »

Serious / Re: Science causes deaths
« on: February 09, 2015, 09:01:23 AM »

If "religion" causes wars then science is responsible for deaths
Aka atomic bomb, etc

Serious / Science causes deaths
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:56:48 AM »
If "religion" causes wars then science is responsible for deaths
Aka atomic bomb, etc

Serious / Re: Clinton Expected to Launch Campaign in April
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:54:14 AM »


Not only is she running, but we have a very good idea of what her campaign will look like.

Hillary Clinton is in the final stages of planning a presidential campaign that will most likely be launched in early April and has made decisions on most top posts, according to numerous Democrats in close contact with the Clintons and their aides.

Campaign advisers say the likelihood of a campaign, long at 98 percent (she never really hesitated, according to one person close to her), went to 100 percent right after Christmas, when Clinton approved a preliminary budget and several key hires.

Most of the top slots have been decided, with one notable exception: communications director, a job that is now the subject of intense lobbying and jockeying among some of the biggest names in Democratic politics. One top contender is White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri, who is close to likely campaign chairman John Podesta.

Numerous lessons from Clinton’s failed 2008 campaign are being baked into the 2016 plan, including a determination to improve relations with the news media — or, at the very least, to have a “good cop” role to help her get off on a better foot with the journalists who will help shape her image.

Reflecting other lessons learned, the campaign is being planned with more of a “big-tent mentality,” as one adviser put it. And Bill Clinton is being integrated from the start, after feeling isolated from parts of her campaign against Barack Obama.

One component of Hillary Clinton’s emerging strategy involves quietly but aggressively courting key endorsers from the left, who could help increase progressives’ comfort level and take the wind out of a potential challenge. Two top targets: Robert Reich, the economist and former labor secretary in her husband’s administration, and Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), the civil rights icon. In December, she won public endorsements from former Democratic National Committee Chairman and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean and Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.).

Bill Clinton is already deeply engaged in the campaign, warning that Jeb Bush is a real threat, while New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is probably just a sideshow.

The former president got a heads-up from the camp of President George H.W. Bush a few days before former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush made his surprise Facebook announcement in December that he would “actively explore” a campaign. The two former presidents have developed a friendly bond, partly because of their work together on relief for the 2004 Asian tsunami.

The exact timing of Hillary Clinton’s launch is unknown, but close allies expect her to officially enter the 2016 race shortly after the end of this quarter, so that her first fundraising report will be a blockbuster. On March 4, the Clinton Foundation holds its annual gala in New York, with entertainment by Carole King, and it’s expected to be one of the Clintons’ final major events before the campaign.

Friends and advisers say she is planning this campaign “her way,” without being buffaloed by outside pressure.

“She is taking her time,” one adviser said. “Part of doing something right is … taking the time to balance the advice she is getting with her own thoughts. She’s in no rush. People have been putting a red ‘X’ on the calendar for a long time, but that isn’t necessarily happening internally.”

Clinton will enter the Democratic race with a bang — and virtually no opposition to speak of. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who could mount a serious campaign from the left, has said she won’t run, and is making no behind-the-scenes preparations. Vice President Joe Biden says he might very well run — but mainly wants his name in the mix in case Clinton implodes.

This leaves a trio of long shots with scant money: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and former Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia.

The potential opposition is so weak that Clinton might wind up not even debating during the primaries, which many Democrats view as a mixed blessing.

The Clinton team knows it can’t campaign with the swagger of a presumptive nominee because the air of inevitability was so damaging last time around. That said, some advisers are already privately talking up potential running mates, with Sens. Michael Bennet of Colorado and Tim Kaine of Virginia dominating the early speculation.

Some advisers expect a push for diversity on the ticket. So the shortlist also is expected to include Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and perhaps California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who is running for U.S. Senate.

Despite the internal confidence, Clinton won’t enter without substantial concerns and obstacles, some of which are self-evident to her top advisers and are a subject of constant conversation among Democrats during the build-up phase.

The Warren wing can be expected to continue pounding her for fat speaking fees and chummy Wall Street relations, and try to pull her to the left in ways that are unnatural for the Clintons. If she were to lurch left, she would risk appearing insincere or baldly political.

These allies also know the past problems of Clinton Inc. that could resurface: the competing Bill and Hillary camps, the questionable donors and backbiting when things get tense or go south. Clinton insiders blame a confused and conflicted ’08 structure for many of her stumbles in that primary race.

The campaign-in-waiting is working to assuage these concerns by creating a coherent leadership structure and bridging the Bill and Hillary worlds. “There’s an enormous amount of coordination and communication that goes on with his office,” an adviser said. “Everybody recognizes that it’s important.”

Here’s the rub: A trio of people with substantial juice will be above campaign manager Robby Mook — with Podesta, who is leaving his West Wing post as counselor next month for a short stay at the Center for American Progress until the campaign formally launches, serving as chairman; longtime family counselor Cheryl Mills serving as a top adviser, regardless of whether she is on the inside or outside (a possible title: co-chair); and longtime close aide Huma Abedin, the most important non-Clinton in her orbit. (When the White House wants to reach Clinton, Abedin gets the call.) Philippe Reines, one of the longest-serving Hillary whisperers, will be another crucial outside adviser.

Toss in Bill and Chelsea, and it’s clear why structure is such a stress point.

Tom Nides, who returned to Morgan Stanley after serving as Hillary Clinton’s deputy secretary of state, will have a top role in the campaign — probably involving high-level fundraising. Dennis Cheng, the Clinton Foundation’s chief development officer, is expected to move over to the campaign in a top finance post.

Advisers know that Clinton neither likes nor trusts the press — and feels that it’s mutual. She remains a voracious consumer of news about herself, occasionally complaining about an article’s tone or omissions.

But she got largely favorable coverage as secretary of state and experienced a press corps that she considered more substantive and less sensational. She visited with reporters in the back of her plane on international trips and discovered they don’t bite. So the campaign plans to include a media-friendly communications official, as a counterweight to the instinctive insularity of Hillaryland.

“You do see what works and address what works the next time around,” an adviser said. “The default isn’t toward the pit-bull mentality.”

In addition to Palmieri, other names that have been in the hopper: Eric Schultz, principal deputy White House press secretary; Brian Fallon, an alumnus of New York Sen. Chuck Schumer’s office who is now the top spokesman for Attorney General Eric Holder; Mo Elleithee, the DNC communications director; Karen Finney, a former MSNBC host and alumna of the Clinton White House; and Kiki McLean, a consultant and strategist who has worked at the top of many national campaigns.

Nick Merrill, who worked with Reines at State and is now Clinton’s spokesman, is trusted and well liked and will remain in the inner circle.

Clinton has recruited two of the top brains of the Obama campaign — pollster Joel Benenson and media strategist Jim Margolis, who worked for her husband’s campaign in 1992. Now that the architecture of the campaign is clear, the two are helping with the next critical task: developing her message.

Well, it's all but official now.

Serious / Re: Are we really free to protest?
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:52:35 AM »

Even a peaceful protest, the cops show up and tell everyone to go home.

What's the point in having the right to protest when you get told to go home, anyway?

The best outcome is that everyone disperses. It's not uncommon for peaceful protesters to be arrested or pepper-sprayed when they don't disperse.

Where's the freedom?
blocking a area violates someone's freedom


Police armed with pistols in heavily gun-controlled European countries are realizing a hard lesson fast–jihadists with no respect for the law are side-stepping gun control and stockpiling weapons that will give them the upper hand in confrontations with officers.

Europol chief of staff Brian Donald says there were two “large seizures” of firearms–particularly “assault weapons”–over the last two weeks and more seizures are expected as investigations and tracking continues.

According to TIME magazine, this is indicative of the reality European police face. Regardless of the gun control laws passed/implemented, jihadists are able to arm themselves just as those who attacked the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s headquarters on January 7 were armed.

Cherif and Said Kouachi “were armed with Kalashnikov rifles and could easily outgun the police officers who tried to apprehend them with pistols,” not to mention the police officers who weren’t armed. The third attacker, Amedy Coulibaly, “had an even greater collection of military grade weapons.”

The terrorists also had grenade launchers and Scorpion machine guns. AFP reports that Coulibaly had purchased most of the weapons from an unnamed arms trafficker in Belgium.

On January 7 reported the that Charlie Hebdo attack exposed the black markets for firearms that now exist in Europe–particularly France–and undercut gun control.

In other words, gun control appears to have created a false sense of security for the European people and their police forces as well. The reality is that guns remain available in black markets, albeit especially for those who have criminal or terrorist intent.

TIME reports that gun traffickers are thriving to such a degree that a training assignment for some new European officers has been to go out an buy a Kalashnikov from a black market dealer, just to see how easy it is. To date, doing so has only taken a couple of hours.

This is what Donald Trump warned about when he reacted to the Charlie Hebdo attack by saying, “When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns.”
stupid liberals


(Yes I know the website is called liberalamerica, but this is one of two locations I can find this kind of story right now.  It does, however, link to the bill on Cruz's own website:

Cruz has proposed a new bill, the Expatriate Terrorist Act (Senate Bill 247), which strips away the rights of any American citizen who runs off to join or in support of any terrorist organization. It would immediately strip the citizenship of anyone in support of an organization that the United States deems a “terrorist organization.”

There is a problem here, however…

This is in violation of the US Constitution, which Cruz has often referred to himself as a fan and follower of. His bill, which was originally written by the ineffable jingoistic idiot Michelle Bachmann (who also happens to be a Dominionist) violates these particular Amendments:

Amendment V:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;

Amendment VI:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

Here's the link to the bill

Even if Ted Cruz believes that this can stop terrorist threats, this bill could be heavily exploited since it appears to be so fucking flawed.  Not to mention, even if you do run off to a terrorist organization you're still a United States citizen and still have access to your rights.

Though I probably would feel differently if you completely 100% renounced your ties to the United States and declared yourself a foreign citizen.  Not totally sure on how I'd feel in those types of situations.
you're a idiot
Only liberals would have a problem with this
Problem is you aren't a American if you do that

Serious / Re: Happy Nigger Month
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:49:05 AM »

Was written by the KKK on a rock outside South Pointe High School in Rock Hill, S.C.

Bunch of Racist asshats.


Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin will no longer perform marriage ceremonies at the county courthouse.

The judge said he typically performs about 16 marriage ceremonies a month.

When asked about the reason for the change, Martin said he isn't required to perform the ceremonies and as of Tuesday he "just stopped having ceremonies in the courthouse."

However, he told the Clanton Advertiser "I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and because of that, I will not perform a ceremony for a couple that doesn't fit in that criteria."

Martin wouldn't confirm to WSFA 12 News if the decision was related to the recent federal ruling that struck down the ban on same-sex marriage in Alabama. A hold on the ruling is set to expire Monday unless the U.S. Supreme Court approves Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange's motion for a stay.

Martin said he will issue marriage licenses to any couple who comes in starting Monday.

The current marriage license form includes spaces to enter information for the "bride" and "groom." Martin said he's expecting to get a new marriage license form from the Alabama Department of Public Health sometime Friday, but it will take some time to enter the new form into the computer system. He said the new form might not be in the system Monday if they don't get it until late Friday.

I guess they were right - gay marriage IS destroying traditional marriage.
I have never been vaccinated

The Flood / Re: Sorry Challenger my friend...
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:55:33 PM »

The Flood / Re: Cun7agon
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:54:19 PM »

Lo and behold, thine cunts!

Cheat, the alpha cunt--the first of cuntkind, who sits at the throne.
Nuka, the beta cunt--the second of cuntkind, with a will as strong as stone.
And of course, Kinder, the gamma cunt--third-rate, and truly lowly.
Slash, the delta cunt--a lone wolf, independent and with utter focus.
And then Dustin, the epsilon cunt--the centre of our community, the genetic locus.

Camnator, the iota cunt--such is his ability to understand affirmed.
Turkey, the lambda cunt--truly radioactive, in a sense, his half-life confirmed.
Rocket, the upsilon cunt--transcendent and immaterial, brilliantly holy.
Mr Psy, the tau cunt--forsaking the imperium, to fight on the xeno fronts.
And then I? I am the omega cunt--the cunt to end all cunts.
come to then

Septagon / Re: cheat what the fuck
« on: January 18, 2015, 06:11:06 PM »

Hey I'm 12 and I got no armpit hair and no voice crack yet but I can still ejaculate semen and I got pubes
Stop spamming up this board, please and thank you. :)
Why not just permaban him? It's clear he only post here to troll or derail threads.
im not trolling
Fuck off you little faggot.
Hey can you stop derailing the threads ?

Septagon / Re: cheat what the fuck
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:43:34 PM »

Hey I'm 12 and I got no armpit hair and no voice crack yet but I can still ejaculate semen and I got pubes
Stop spamming up this board, please and thank you. :)
Why not just permaban him? It's clear he only post here to troll or derail threads.
im not trolling

Septagon / Re: cheat what the fuck
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:29:31 PM »

Hey I'm 12 and I got no armpit hair and no voice crack yet but I can still ejaculate semen and I got pubes
Stop spamming up this board, please and thank you. :)
yes sir!!!!

Septagon / Re: cheat what the fuck
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:27:54 PM »

Hey I'm 12 and I got no armpit hair and no voice crack yet but I can still ejaculate semen and I got pubes

Septagon / Re: How come I can receive PMs from ignored users?
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:27:23 PM »

The Flood / Re: HELLO
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:26:33 PM »

Septagon / Re: Hello
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:25:26 PM »

Shitposting isn't allowed on this board, reported.
im introducing myself

Septagon / Re: Why do you lock threads?
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:23:26 PM »

lol PSU
Hey I'm 12 and I got no armpit hair and no voice crack yet but I can still ejaculate semen and I got pubes

Septagon / Re: Hello
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:22:27 PM »

The Flood / Re: HELLO
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:21:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: HELLO
« on: January 17, 2015, 01:21:15 PM »

Pages: 12 34 ... 6