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Messages - TB

Pages: 1234 56 ... 570
Gaming / Re: Mario Tennis Aces
« on: June 03, 2018, 01:30:18 PM »
It's way more fun than I anticipated, I'll pick it up and yeah, odds are I'll stay away from the energy games. They can be alright but it makes it super annoying at times.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Drama 2k19
« on: May 31, 2018, 11:42:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Drama 2k19
« on: May 31, 2018, 11:40:10 PM »
It's 2018

Gaming / Re: Who here plays Halo Online?
« on: May 28, 2018, 12:44:30 PM »
finland doesn't even exist

The Flood / Re: What's the healthiest way to get over someone?
« on: May 27, 2018, 01:13:45 PM »
I don't have any advice to give. Just don't indulge in anything unhealthy to get your mind off of them. Keep it simple. Learn a new hobby. Basic carpentry is a good start. No one can go wrong with learning how to build a workbench. I mean who doesn't need another work bench? I wish I had 3 more.

this reads like a raimi post.
You ever learn the proper form for noose tying son?

The Flood / Re: How do you imagine world in 2814
« on: May 25, 2018, 02:13:21 PM »
Flying cars, Asianized LA, androids, dark and gloomy skies, and cyberpunk cities.

Only LA. Because the aesthetic works in Blade Runner.
Yeah, but LA would took all the planet.
Or made into a prison island.

I would rather prefer a nuclear holocaust over LA world.
There'd also be no guards in the prison, it is only the prisoners and the world they made... the rules are simple, once you go in, you don't come out.
Sounds like anime. Or a visual novel, if to be more precise.
Escape from NY dude

The Flood / Re: How do you imagine world in 2814
« on: May 25, 2018, 02:06:31 PM »
Flying cars, Asianized LA, androids, dark and gloomy skies, and cyberpunk cities.

Only LA. Because the aesthetic works in Blade Runner.
Yeah, but LA would took all the planet.
Or made into a prison island.

I would rather prefer a nuclear holocaust over LA world.
There'd also be no guards in the prison, it is only the prisoners and the world they made... the rules are simple, once you go in, you don't come out.

It's all pretty much the same when it comes to America. If you're white you're white, you're not 1% this 7% that you're just a white American. Obviously you're not all from the same countries but it doesn't really matter in America. A white American is pretty much anybody whose ancestors were European. You're missing the point of my post intentionally and I'm not sure why.

Oh, okay. Yeah, it's not really like that here. That's why I was asking. There's a huge difference in general behaviour and culture from people who's ancestors were from the United Kingdom or Germany, and say, Italy or Spain. So despite the fact that they all have white skin, they don't really posses many similarities beyond that. It just doesn't make sense to clump a bunch of people together like that.
Yeah America isn't like that.
I find that really hard to believe.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: May 22, 2018, 02:09:40 PM »

blue - starting
red - unlockable
11 newcomers - 2 of which unlockable
going off of the "no cuts + ridley, ice climbers and simon belmont" text leak since we have nothing else
72 total characters - 63 starting and 9 unlockables
organized by by prominent characters along the top and series below

skull kid - zelda rep, stand in for what will likely be between him and botw characters
captain toad - jump worked into his moveset through springs like sonic
k rool - heavyweight as expected, likely a bombshell hype reveal character
waluigi - also a hype character
inklings - yeah not too sure about this one
marx - more unique than bandana dee and fleshed out in star allies
rusty - replace with any wtf character
wolf is back
eevee - representing the new leaked games. weak at first but evolves through a limit break mechanic where you can choose an offensive upside flareon, defensive upside vaporeon, or a speedy jolteon for the rest of the stock
rex (+ pyra) -
amaterasu - third party using brush strokes as specials
simon belmont - in the text leak, reps konami's involvement before snake is considered for dlc maybe possibly sorta
Official Prediction for gamer clout

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: May 22, 2018, 01:53:43 PM »
Ridley is too big

he has simon though so i won't say anything else
It's funny cause Ridley and Simon were rumored in the same leak for E3.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: May 22, 2018, 01:37:18 PM »

Switch Chibi-Robo to Ice Climbers*

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: May 22, 2018, 01:11:29 PM »
Who's your top pick for Smash 5?

The Flood / Re: What you usually have for a breakfast?
« on: May 16, 2018, 09:13:14 AM »
Either a muffin, bagel, or toast and a hot chocolate because coffee is a no

Gaming / Re: Fortnite is just the coolest, video gamey game ever
« on: May 09, 2018, 04:14:21 PM »
Fornite barely qualifies ass a game

I don’t know how people can sit around all day playing it

You barely qualify as a human being, you chink fuck. Get the fuck out of my country!
Wow what the heck Eli, watch Spiderman much?

I preferred the "day of the rope" bit, personally. The elm is prepared, just have to wait for a full moon to cleanse this world.
Wow how did I miss this at first? I think you've been spending too much time with Grand Wizard Raimi

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 05, 2018, 10:04:40 PM »
There should never come a point where you have to hit your child and in no scenario is it justified.
That’s very easy to say.
And it's doable in practice. My parents never laid a hand to me. I know many people who  have never been hit by their parents.

The Flood / Re: How did your parents punish you as a kid
« on: May 05, 2018, 09:55:09 PM »
There should never come a point where you have to hit your child and in no scenario is it justified.

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: April 18, 2018, 12:03:13 PM »
thinking about making a video that i'll never actually make:

why EVERY character you want in smash for switch is a STUPID FUCKING IDEA

might make a post though

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 12:06:54 PM »
This is actually concerning. Does this apply to all work for you?
just the biggest projects

you get yourself into the groove of chipping away at this big passion project you've had, and when you finally finish it, there's this feeling of "what the fuck do i even do now" combined with "why the fuck did i spend so much time and effort on this"

it's never a good feeling
No sense of accomplishment or pride? Maybe even relief that the work is over?

The Flood / Re: Who says hard work doesn't pay off?
« on: April 15, 2018, 11:59:52 AM »
Misery? Humans are wired to feel good after completing something that needs to be done especially if you don't want to do it.
you just described the exact opposite of how reality works, especially for me

i finish something i've been working on and the next thing i want to do is kill myself
This is actually concerning. Does this apply to all work for you?

The Flood / Re: Moat oppressed species on Earth?
« on: April 14, 2018, 03:37:27 PM »

Gaming / Re: Video game music that no one appreciates but you
« on: April 13, 2018, 10:18:41 PM »

Always loved this song.

The Flood / Re: SecondClass shaming thread
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:32:12 PM »
I've always thought employment is when you're being paid to do a job. If you're not being paid then you're not employed... it's like, volunteer work or something. You just said you're not being paid.
i get paid in "room and board" as my dad puts it

why do you think i specified "monetarily," and what about making money makes having a job any different

it's still a job, it's still work that i'm doing

what a ridiculous notion
You could have just said that, fuck. I get it now.

I mean it's still dumb that you're not being paid monetarily for your work but I guess if your parents really want you to "Pay rent" or some shit then it works.

The Flood / Re: SecondClass shaming thread
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:27:51 PM »
i'm also not getting paid, monetarily
Well what the fuck, you're not employed then.
yes i am, you stupid fuck

how does that make any sense at all

an engineer no longer has a job the moment he stops getting paid
I've always thought employment is when you're being paid to do a job. If you're not being paid then you're not employed... it's like, volunteer work or something. You just said you're not being paid.

Also calm the fuck down, I'm just saying that doesn't seem like employment if you're not being paid.

The Flood / Re: SecondClass shaming thread
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:24:48 PM »
i'm also not getting paid, monetarily
Well what the fuck, you're not employed then.

The Flood / Re: SecondClass shaming thread
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:24:23 PM »
and i'm not even unemployed lmao, i work at a record store
To be fair you have one of the cushiest jobs I can think of. I know your thoughts on work quite well but man, how do you not enjoy being around music all day?
because i can be around music all day at home, whenever i want, and whatever i want

it's not like only i have that privilege, as someone who "works around music"

in the store, i'm limited in what i can listen to in the sense that i don't want to disturb customers, so it's a rare treat for me to be able to listen to an album that i enjoy front to back while in the store
Right, but you don't get paid to listen to music when you're at home. The added benefit here is that you get paid to listen / talk about music. I suppose the benefit of that doesn't outweigh you being required to be there but that sounds like a relatively nice gig.

The Flood / Re: SecondClass shaming thread
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:18:01 PM »
and i'm not even unemployed lmao, i work at a record store
To be fair you have one of the cushiest jobs I can think of. I know your thoughts on work quite well but man, how do you not enjoy being around music all day?

The Flood / Re: Damn
« on: April 09, 2018, 03:30:51 AM »

The Flood / Re: Hello it is me the person SecondClass worships
« on: April 06, 2018, 07:22:32 PM »

It's all in the title

The Flood / Re: I stayed out of this for the duration
« on: April 05, 2018, 11:34:17 PM »

The Flood / Re: I finally talked to her
« on: March 30, 2018, 11:15:20 AM »
After talking to her for a few weeks and knowing her better, I decided that it was time to ask her for her number. We were talking today and I asked for it. She told me that she couldn't give it to me because she has a boyfriend, but she gave me her Snapchat name instead. I didn't show or say anything that would make me seem upset but deep down that was the biggest gut punch I've ever felt.

Just when I thought something was finally going right for once in my life this happens. I added her because she offered but what even is the point anymore. I guess I can still be her friend and talk to her every once in a while but that's not what I wanted.

I'm gonna go ahead and just not even bother trying anymore when it comes to finding a girlfriend. I'm going to focus on myself and my car. At least with that, I have nobody to depend on and trust except myself.

And that's the big secret right there. You don't find love. Love will find you.
Absolutely not.

Pages: 1234 56 ... 570