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Topics - Coco

Pages: 123
Gaming / Muh Content
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:14:00 PM »
I really don't get why Desticles praise the shit out of Destiny for having all these events.  I see all these advertisements for a new gametype in PvP for this weekend only, and I just don't see the appeal when the base game only has 2 gametypes by default.

If Halo only ever let you play Slayer and Territories at one time, and then let you play maybe one or two other gametypes every few weeks, would that be "innovative"?  Same thing with Destiny's Queen's Wrath "unique missions" (literally the words they used to describe it), which was just some random campaign mission with a modifier on: would Halo be better if they just didn't let us turn campaign skulls on unless it's the third of every month or some shit?

Did the designers think it was just genius to ship a fraction of a game, and then hype the shit out of letting people play the missing pieces?  They have a completely retarded definition of fun.

Gaming / The Hornet is in H2A
« on: October 07, 2014, 12:27:24 PM »
Shown in the IGN video

You also get a glimpse at some stuff like the new Outskirts, Coag, etc...

Gaming / First time using Unity
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:10:32 PM »

Or doing any 3D game programming, for that matter.  How am I doing? 
The end result is going to be an online multiplayer space-fighter that will be a mesh of Halo Reach's Sabres, and Battlefield's jet combat.

The Flood / It's worse than we thought
« on: October 05, 2014, 10:30:33 PM »

Gaming / Anyone play Payday 2?
« on: September 27, 2014, 09:27:34 PM »
I thought it looked pretty generic when it first came out, but I decided to buy it for $5 on Steam a month or two ago, and oh god, it's so much fun.  I normally hate holdout games/gametypes (Firefight, horde, etc...) because they get boring after an hour, but this game tackles it incredibly interestingly.

Also, you can get a ton of free stuff, including the first Payday (on Oct 18), if you join Overkill's Payday Steam group:

Pages: 123