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Messages - BasedLove

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Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:21:44 PM »
You are just saying that because you don't want to admit you can't afford Xbox Live and that you rely on Steam Sales to buy everything.
Nope, I buy what I want when my budget permits it, I already pay for the internet, why the frack would I waste my free income on something that doubles my internet costs like a useless thing such as live when I have Steam and the internet I already pay for? it's a stupid decision and you're just as stupid to agree to pay for the internet you already pay for.

You know Bill Gates probably wipes his ass with Gold encrusted toilet paper, but you're not calling him stupid for not using cheap toilet paper.

Gaming / Re: Gamertag Ideas
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:19:55 PM »
Sir Seamus of Halo

No, that guy blows. I had to unsubscribe from him and dislike all of his videos.
Sounds like you're butthurt because he's primarily a PC gamer now.

No. He uploads only 3 times a week now. His videos are only like 12 minutes.

Metro and TLOU are old games. He barely makes any progress in Shadow of Mordor. He finished the Dark Souls 2 DLC like 3 weeks ago, but at the rate he's going it won't be fully uploaded for another 3 weeks. Demon Souls was probably finished in July but he takes his sweet ass time uploading it. D4 is the only game where he actually makes progress since its relatively short and structured similar to a Telltale game.

He is just lagging, and hasn't been trying in general.
So, basically, you're upset because he's slowing down.
He puts out 3 videos every other day. That's roughly 45 minutes of videos every other day.
That's a lot when you consider he's also getting into the MLG scene.

That MLG thing is just a publicity stunt. He severely lacks the capability to perform at MLG levels for anything relevant.

Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:07:52 PM »
And this is proof that PC players are easily impressed by shit Indie games and are too poor to buy new AAA games at full price.
I can't tell if you're a troll or are just genuinely retarded.
He's just retarded, he seems to think that Xbox Live is superior to the experience of a PC, and the power of the internet.

You are just saying that because you don't want to admit you can't afford Xbox Live and that you rely on Steam Sales to buy everything.

Gaming / Re: Gamertag Ideas
« on: October 19, 2014, 09:05:26 PM »
Sir Seamus of Halo

No, that guy blows. I had to unsubscribe from him and dislike all of his videos.
Sounds like you're butthurt because he's primarily a PC gamer now.

No. He uploads only 3 times a week now. His videos are only like 12 minutes.

Metro and TLOU are old games. He barely makes any progress in Shadow of Mordor. He finished the Dark Souls 2 DLC like 3 weeks ago, but at the rate he's going it won't be fully uploaded for another 3 weeks. Demon Souls was probably finished in July but he takes his sweet ass time uploading it. D4 is the only game where he actually makes progress since its relatively short and structured similar to a Telltale game.

He is just lagging, and hasn't been trying in general.

Gaming / Re: Gamertag Ideas
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:26:10 PM »
Sir Seamus of Halo

No, that guy blows. I had to unsubscribe from him and dislike all of his videos.

Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:24:09 PM »
And this is proof that PC players are easily impressed by shit Indie games and are too poor to buy new AAA games at full price.
I can't tell if you're a troll or are just genuinely retarded.

No. But I can tell you are a peasant.

Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 07:28:26 PM »
More proof Steam is for peasants.
Would a peasant spend over $2,000 for one of those titan things? I seen an image where some guy has 4. Also GameStop sells games for around $1...

If they can spend that much than why is OP bitching over $60.
It wasn't bitching. But.. That $2,000 grand PC is a one time purchase. A lot of money yes.. but if I buy a game for $60 and hate it after a week.. I want to be reimbursed in someway.

A $60 game should be at least a month's worth of entertainment.

$60 is just like 24 hours of entertainment IMO.
Not for me man.

 I have 240 hours logged on Space Engineers and that's only a $20. I got WAY more value out of that than I did with ACM that I paid $60 for. And that was considered a complete game, while Space Engineers still isn't finished.

$60 is a lot to just throw out for me.

And this is proof that PC players are easily impressed by shit Indie games and are too poor to buy new AAA games at full price.

Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 05:41:41 PM »
More proof Steam is for peasants.
Would a peasant spend over $2,000 for one of those titan things? I seen an image where some guy has 4. Also GameStop sells games for around $1...

If they can spend that much than why is OP bitching over $60.
It wasn't bitching. But.. That $2,000 grand PC is a one time purchase. A lot of money yes.. but if I buy a game for $60 and hate it after a week.. I want to be reimbursed in someway.

A $60 game should be at least a month's worth of entertainment.

$60 is just like 24 hours of entertainment IMO.

Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 05:24:09 PM »
More proof Steam is for peasants.
Would a peasant spend over $2,000 for one of those titan things? I seen an image where some guy has 4. Also GameStop sells games for around $1...

If they can spend that much than why is OP bitching over $60.

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:33:31 PM »
ATTENTION: The argument is not whether you personally like one more than the other. It's that PCs are straight up far more powerful and anyone who denies this has Down's Syndrome.

Personal preferences I don't really give a shit about. I like to just sit back and play some Calla Dooty on a PS3 sometimes. Who gives a shit if I do? The argument is only which is more powerful and it isn't even an argument. Everyone knows PC is better performance-wise.

Performance don't mean shit since PCs are just glorified paper weights IMO.
All of my wut. Are you being serious with that statement?

I'm dead serious. I honestly haven't even owned a PC in 5 years. I would just have no use for it. I'm not going to sit down at a desk to argue with you retards. A smart phone/tablet is inarguably the better choice since I can post from pretty much anywhere with ease.

Gaming / Re: I thought of a legit way Valve could let us re-sell a game
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:14:41 PM »
More proof Steam is for peasants.

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 19, 2014, 04:13:15 PM »
ATTENTION: The argument is not whether you personally like one more than the other. It's that PCs are straight up far more powerful and anyone who denies this has Down's Syndrome.

Personal preferences I don't really give a shit about. I like to just sit back and play some Calla Dooty on a PS3 sometimes. Who gives a shit if I do? The argument is only which is more powerful and it isn't even an argument. Everyone knows PC is better performance-wise.

Performance don't mean shit since PCs are just glorified paper weights IMO.

Gaming / Re: Help with Skyrim!
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:03:29 PM »
The game sucks though. Why do you even want to finish it.

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 19, 2014, 02:31:14 PM »
And with your logic why don't you tell all your girlfriends that there are people who have much larger dicks and why settle for mediocrity. Hell they'll give her their dicks for free.
Except the girlfriend would be with the person do to relationship, not sex. Your counter argument would have made sense if it was simply a frack buddy. And even then a bigger dick doesn't make the person better. A person with a smaller dick can be better do to experience and if they both share the same fetishes. Certain fetishes would be hard to come by.   

Also I take it by that statement you're only with your girlfriend (if you even have one) only because of sex?
Yes, that's the point I've been making. The girlfriend is with the person due to the relationship (personal reasons and preferences) and not just sex (objectively better reasons).

I'm not shallow enough to abandon my Xbox just because you people say PC is objectivety better. My personal preferences make the Xbox better than any PC.

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 19, 2014, 03:09:33 AM »
Just because somebody is complacent with low FPS, games that rely on cliches to entertain, and poor graphical performance doesn't change the fact that PC is technically superior and that many of it's games are far more polished and experimental than many console games.  Accepting mediocrity isn't a good thing.
You realize that exact logic could be applied to many other things to reveal the flaws, right?

Why do people settle for a 10,000$ Ford when there's a 100,000$ Mercedes with far better specs? Why accept mediocrity?

Why do people fly business class or coach when there's first class for only an additional 800$? Why accept mediocrity?

Why do people make food at home when they could go to a 5 star high class restaurant 7 nights a week? Why accept mediocrity?

That Mercedes, first class seat, and 5 star restaurant are still objectively better though.
That's true enough, but that doesn't mean it's objectively the better choice for everyone.

Almost everyone would drive a nice car, eat at five star restaurants, and fly first class if they had the means to do so.  The thing with PC gaming is that it's not as expensive as those things and many console gamers who pour hundreds of dollars into $60 games, Xbox Live and PSN Plus fees, and other peripherals are well within the means of building a gaming rig that would not only outperform the console but would also have cheaper games via Steam and GOG.  This is the reason I keep screaming the point that you're wasting your money when you buy a console.

If I could get the best damn PC rig for free that would be prebuilt and shipped to my door, I would turn it down because I prefer consoles.

And with your logic why don't you tell all your girlfriends that there are people who have much larger dicks and why settle for mediocrity. Hell they'll give her their dicks for free.

But I'm sure your girlfriend (if you have even had any) like you for their own reasons, and don't care about getting the objectively better dick.

Then you're an idiot.  And that comparison doesn't work because the quality of human relationships are measured by a completely different set of standards than material possessions are.

You're the idiot.

I see you ran out of arguments.  Do you just want to give up and admit that I'm right and you're wrong?

No. You're still an idiot and you are still wrong.

The Flood / Re: Hellbenders
« on: October 19, 2014, 01:10:04 AM »
That show deserves more recognition.

The Flood / Re: To all of you here....
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:36:37 AM »

I've still got it!

You ain't got shit on Gamesager.

Probably not. But for a guy with no backup and friends to boost and host switch the banshee or other respective vehicle into place, I do some good work.

Wut stats u got bitch?

The Flood / Re: To all of you here....
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:31:33 AM »

I've still got it!

You ain't got shit on Gamesager.

Gaming / Re: Xbox master race thread.
« on: October 19, 2014, 12:03:41 AM »

Still doesnt have Xbox Live and everything associated with it. Still doesn't have good exclusives. Still isn't prebuilt, packaged and fully optimized for a controller for every game. Steam is for peasants. There actually are different controllers you can buy for consoles. Not to mention Xbox satisfies all of my needs and wants. PC, even if its missing just one thing I want that instantly makes it shit in my eyes.
But it DOES have live, in the form of Steam, and Skype. it has GREAT exclusives like the Grid series, and Civilization, along with the hundreds of games built specifically for controllers and thousands with at least basic support for controllers. you're either a fracking idiot, or trolling if you think the shitbox is better than a PC.

Steam is shit. I'm not giving that fat slob Gayben any of my money. Grid and Civilization are the best exclusives you can come up with?

Gaming / Re: Xbox master race thread.
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:38:47 PM »

That means jack shit though. It doesn't have the exclusives I want. The exclusives it has are shit IMO. Ports to PC are often half assed. Steam is controlled by a fat neckbeard with downs syndrome. Controllers are better because of the portability, tactile satisfaction, vibration, headset compatibility, etc. Xbox Live Gold ensures most peasants don't interrupt my gaming experience. I don't have to worry about optimization or not being able to play certain games because the PC parts are incompatible. It has Achievement, friends, apps, messages, it connects to my phone and tablet. It looks cooler. I don't have to buy the parts separately and assemble them like some Asian kid in a sweatshop.
LITERALLY all of that is possible on PC. Live gold is just a money sink for something you're already paying for, There are literally hundreds of controllers for PC, headsets are basic gear and cheaper than the $200 low quality shit headsets that you get for the consoles, and the PC has full access to the power of the internet, AND everything you can download on it, including apps, phone/tablet connections, and there are friends/achievements on steam.

Prebuilts are also a thing, so no need to buy individual parts. PC is objectively superior in every way, and is infinitely more customizable than the pathetic consoles, where you're limited to only one kind of controller, and one look for your console.

Still doesnt have Xbox Live and everything associated with it. Still doesn't have good exclusives. Still isn't prebuilt, packaged and fully optimized for a controller for every game. Steam is for peasants. There actually are different controllers you can buy for consoles. Not to mention Xbox satisfies all of my needs and wants. PC, even if its missing just one thing I want that instantly makes it shit in my eyes.

Gaming / Re: Xbox master race thread.
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:12:31 PM »
Xbone is shit
So is your PC.

>Core i7 4770K
>8 GB DDR3 1600 RAM
>Gigabyte AMD Radeon R9 270X
>Noctua NH-D14
>Fractal Design Define R4 Black Pearl case

Yeah, get the f$%k out

That means jack shit though. It doesn't have the exclusives I want. The exclusives it has are shit IMO. Ports to PC are often half assed. Steam is controlled by a fat neckbeard with downs syndrome. Controllers are better because of the portability, tactile satisfaction, vibration, headset compatibility, etc. Xbox Live Gold ensures most peasants don't interrupt my gaming experience. I don't have to worry about optimization or not being able to play certain games because the PC parts are incompatible. It has Achievement, friends, apps, messages, it connects to my phone and tablet. It looks cooler. I don't have to buy the parts separately and assemble them like some Asian kid in a sweatshop.

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:54:35 PM »
Just because somebody is complacent with low FPS, games that rely on cliches to entertain, and poor graphical performance doesn't change the fact that PC is technically superior and that many of it's games are far more polished and experimental than many console games.  Accepting mediocrity isn't a good thing.
You realize that exact logic could be applied to many other things to reveal the flaws, right?

Why do people settle for a 10,000$ Ford when there's a 100,000$ Mercedes with far better specs? Why accept mediocrity?

Why do people fly business class or coach when there's first class for only an additional 800$? Why accept mediocrity?

Why do people make food at home when they could go to a 5 star high class restaurant 7 nights a week? Why accept mediocrity?

That Mercedes, first class seat, and 5 star restaurant are still objectively better though.
That's true enough, but that doesn't mean it's objectively the better choice for everyone.

Almost everyone would drive a nice car, eat at five star restaurants, and fly first class if they had the means to do so.  The thing with PC gaming is that it's not as expensive as those things and many console gamers who pour hundreds of dollars into $60 games, Xbox Live and PSN Plus fees, and other peripherals are well within the means of building a gaming rig that would not only outperform the console but would also have cheaper games via Steam and GOG.  This is the reason I keep screaming the point that you're wasting your money when you buy a console.

If I could get the best damn PC rig for free that would be prebuilt and shipped to my door, I would turn it down because I prefer consoles.

And with your logic why don't you tell all your girlfriends that there are people who have much larger dicks and why settle for mediocrity. Hell they'll give her their dicks for free.

But I'm sure your girlfriend (if you have even had any) like you for their own reasons, and don't care about getting the objectively better dick.

Then you're an idiot.  And that comparison doesn't work because the quality of human relationships are measured by a completely different set of standards than material possessions are.

You're the idiot.

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 18, 2014, 06:43:55 PM »
Just because somebody is complacent with low FPS, games that rely on cliches to entertain, and poor graphical performance doesn't change the fact that PC is technically superior and that many of it's games are far more polished and experimental than many console games.  Accepting mediocrity isn't a good thing.
You realize that exact logic could be applied to many other things to reveal the flaws, right?

Why do people settle for a 10,000$ Ford when there's a 100,000$ Mercedes with far better specs? Why accept mediocrity?

Why do people fly business class or coach when there's first class for only an additional 800$? Why accept mediocrity?

Why do people make food at home when they could go to a 5 star high class restaurant 7 nights a week? Why accept mediocrity?

That Mercedes, first class seat, and 5 star restaurant are still objectively better though.
That's true enough, but that doesn't mean it's objectively the better choice for everyone.

Almost everyone would drive a nice car, eat at five star restaurants, and fly first class if they had the means to do so.  The thing with PC gaming is that it's not as expensive as those things and many console gamers who pour hundreds of dollars into $60 games, Xbox Live and PSN Plus fees, and other peripherals are well within the means of building a gaming rig that would not only outperform the console but would also have cheaper games via Steam and GOG.  This is the reason I keep screaming the point that you're wasting your money when you buy a console.

If I could get the best damn PC rig for free that would be prebuilt and shipped to my door, I would turn it down because I prefer consoles.

And with your logic why don't you tell all your girlfriends that there are people who have much larger dicks and why settle for mediocrity. Hell they'll give her their dicks for free.

But I'm sure your girlfriend (if you have even had any) like you for their own reasons, and don't care about getting the objectively better dick.

The Flood / Re: Respect girls.
« on: October 18, 2014, 05:42:55 PM »
I was going to make a troll thread about that until you ruined it with this thread. Good job.

Why is this in serious anyway?


Gaming / Re: Do you need an Xbone to preorder MCC
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:00:11 PM »
If anyone here was actually smart, they would stick with what they have.

I'm voting with my wallet here. I'm not buying the Master Chief Collection and I'm not even getting Halo 5 let alone the Xbox One.

Seems like no one here cares. Seriously if anyone here actually used their head meat, they'd get the PC version of Halo 2 and I would have people to play with instead of the randoms that are left on the server.

Why would a play an inferior version? It's also a Windows whatever game so I don't even know if I could run it.

You can.

Its still inferior.

Ummm. You can mod it?

Most mods are shit quality, abused for cheating, complicated to install, etc.

I would like to see someone use Halo 2 as a foundation and make something half as good as the Anniversary Multiplayerin the MCC with 1080p 60fps ion dedicated servers.

The Flood / Re: I just applied to college...again...
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:51:18 PM »
Tertiary is the period after the dinosaurs went extinct. What does it have to do with education?
Elementary school = primary
High school = secondary
College/university = tertiary


The Flood / Re: I just applied to college...again...
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:32:03 PM »
Tertiary is the period after the dinosaurs went extinct. What does it have to do with education?

Gaming / Re: Some people still think that consoles are better than PC
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:19:37 PM »
They are better.

Gaming / Re: Do you need an Xbone to preorder MCC
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:15:07 PM »
If anyone here was actually smart, they would stick with what they have.

I'm voting with my wallet here. I'm not buying the Master Chief Collection and I'm not even getting Halo 5 let alone the Xbox One.

Seems like no one here cares. Seriously if anyone here actually used their head meat, they'd get the PC version of Halo 2 and I would have people to play with instead of the randoms that are left on the server.

Why would a play an inferior version? It's also a Windows whatever game so I don't even know if I could run it.

You can.

Its still inferior.

The Flood / Respect girls.
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:06:34 PM »
That's what the advertisement says.

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