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Topics - AngryBrute

Pages: 1 ... 678 9
Gaming / Got Dragon Age Inquisition for $14...
« on: December 13, 2014, 07:13:47 PM »
I aint even close to mad.

First timer here in these games. Enjoying is a bit so far! What all do I need to know? Edumacate me!

News / Last Inua - Sponsored By Games Republic
« on: December 12, 2014, 10:33:08 PM »

Here is that sponsored vid! If you feel like supporting, check the link in the description.

Gaming / Paid Promotion, should I or no?
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:55:03 PM »
Now let me explain whats really going on here! So dont just post away after reading that title.

Yesterday I got an email from Games Republic. A game retailer like GoG or G2A as in they sell Steam keys. Well they gave me a Steam key to a new Indie game Last Inua all part of a new YouTuber cooperation program.

They asked me if I would post a Lets Play or what ever I wanted (did not say that I had to say nice things). They acquired the pre-release key from the Developer and i have another for Latsu since he does indies for the channel...

Anywho, they also asked if I would create a link to the games page that runs through my account there. So for every copy of the game sold, I would gain 15% of the profits of each one.

It all sounds good to me, and if I did the video I most certainly would state this before it all starts. But what do you think of it all?

The Flood / Birthday Wishlist!
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:51:14 PM »
State when your birthday is and what game that is $20 or less that you would want!

The Long Dark

Gaming / What Indie Game Would You Like Covered?
« on: December 10, 2014, 05:13:34 PM »
Ok, in terms on Indie related content to the channel. Are there any indie games that still have yet to meet a full a release that you want to see covered?

These will be covered by me, and possibly Latsu who runs Indie Arcade on the channel.

No Mans Sky is not listed because we do not know its release window, nor do we have access to it right now.

Gaming / Biggest Gaming Controversy of 2014?
« on: December 10, 2014, 08:17:47 AM »
What is the biggest Gaming controversy of 2014?

News / Assassins Creed Unity - Brute Review
« on: December 09, 2014, 06:58:30 PM »

Did not create a video for this one, but felt like writing it anyway.

Let me start off by saying this, I love the Assassins Creed games! I love history, and I tend to enjoy its story every once in a while when its used properly and the characters are given a proper amount of screen time so you will know them. Take for example AC 3.

Now I know many people hate its crazy long opening, and slow burn style, but, it gave your future targets a lot of good character building screen time! You learned some things about these people and it made the ending twist all the more shocking. That example in AC Unity, is absent. Many times during my playthrough I caught myself saying "uhh who are you?" when I was given an assassination mission.

Not knowing who they were just sucked me out of the plot and say "why should I even care?"

And that's one spot where the game really messed up. I just don't care! If you cannot invest me in a story due to writers incompetence at giving me good characters, and give me a reason to remember them, then I wont be liking your story...

However, thats not my main problem with this game. We all know by now how buggy the game is (or was). It was inexcusably released in a broken state much like Battlefield 4. I fell through the map idk how many times now, fighting multiple people at once among a huge crowd tanks the FPS to unplayable levels, it also does the same thing when you're just walking through said crowds. Sure its cool to see that many people on screen, but really they just get in your way.

Arno has a problem with sticking to any surface you sprint towards. There may be an instance when you're chasing somebody and he suddenly climbs a cart. Also when you clearly are able to grab a ledge thats less than spitting distance from you, Arno will sometimes just jiggle around and not even try to reach for it.

Oh, and its not uncommon to skip frames entirely when climbing, you may initiate a jump, then BOOM you're instantly on the other side. How fun...

"But Brute why dont you just stop bitching and download the patches?" Oh really, that would be nice! IF I HAD F*****G INTERNET!!!!! I could use the mobile hotspot on my phone, but that will just drive my data usage sky high and raise my bill. So, I have literally no choice but to play it as is. And that really pisses me all the way off! (The last patch I saw was like 2gb?"

"Dear God that is terrifying!"

Knowingly releasing games at such a putrid state is unacceptable! "Oh we will just patch it later!" SHUT THE F**K UP! That is a terrible practice, and nobody should stand for it. EVER!!

This is a AAA game, that we are paying full price for! Believe it or not, there are people out there who cannot even get internet to download these patches. So guess what, they are just as screwed as I am.

Ok rant over... For now.
_________________________________________________ _______

With all those problems aside, I do really like its changes to combat! Its more strategy related, and it feels like they are trying to turn these games into lite RPG's. That shines through with character customization, and mission difficulty. Every piece of equipment you give Arno has its own stat increases/decreases and can be upgraded. This entails everything from your hood, all the way to what your weapon is. Of which there are a great variety!

"Plenty of stuff to earn!"

This made me want to play more side missions, this made me want to explore for chests. All because I felt the need to grind for that awesome Katana! In this area, this is where the game shines the most. It enhances the gameplay experience and gives you a better reason to do anything you want.

If that be solving a murder mystery, completing random events, or just watching people get their heads chopped off.

As we all know, Unity is set during the French Revolution, and its shown beautifully here! Fights in the streets, mass executions, and everything else in between are all present here. However, it serves (once again) as nothing more than a mere backdrop to the main plot.

You cannot influence the revolution, nothing really goes bat shit crazy, and it just keeps reminding me of the huge potential missed for a good story! Why not have the Templars the actual people the Revolution was fighting against instead of this middle ground tomfoolery?

While AC3 did not use it to its best potential, atleast you could actually fight for it! Here, its like a painting on the wall. Nothing more.

I really liked what the game gets right, and when it works. I like the ambition with the RPG stuff, and the game is drop dead gorgeous! And now, the 30FPS does not enhance a cinematic feel. That is a total load of bull, and games are NOT movies! They should never be downgraded to feel like a movie and anybody that uses that excuse; needs to go learn to shut their mouths and stop lying.
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I like this franchise and I really want it to be better! Thats why I am showing it some tough love.Creating excuses for the games performance is downright silly. If you like it, awesome! But do not treat others like crap because they did not have the same experience as you.

PLEASE learn from your mistakes Ubisoft!


The Flood / Who can help me search for somebody?
« on: December 09, 2014, 11:46:47 AM »
Ok, this morning my wife and I were digging around in our attach and we found some personal effects. They are letters and photo albums belonging to a woman named Mary Sue Senn who was then married to a man named Christopher Harrold.

We found letters dating back to 1997 when the man was just entering Basic Training at Ft. Jackson. They were sent to RT 9 Box 723 Sour Lake, TX 77659

We want to find these people, so does anybody have the ability to lend assistance? Or give advice.

Gaming / Jennie Bharaj starting Based Gamer. Asking for help.
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:23:49 PM »
If you kept in touch with the early days of GamerGate, then you may have seen this young lady on several interviews such as David Pakman and Huffington.

Well she is starting something pretty big here:

Gaming / The Playstation Experience Conference Official Thread!
« on: December 06, 2014, 12:01:36 PM »

Watch and discuss this stream here.

News / Goldeneye 64 - Brute Review
« on: December 06, 2014, 09:01:04 AM »

A legend steps up to the chopping block! I tried to give this one a deeper meaning, let me know if you see it.

Gaming / Gonna Blow Up The Bad Games of 2014!
« on: December 04, 2014, 08:48:58 PM »
So many of you may have been wondering "where the hell are the I Blew Up vids?" You know, the ones where I take bad games like this:
And put them to the sword (of rifle and explosives in my case)

Well, I had a better idea. What if I gathered them in a group and set off the explosives then?

What games this year (THAT ARE UNIVERSALLY PANNED) should be added in?

Just as a general question, who among us would be interested in contributing to the Sep7agon Gaming channel (formally Brute Reviews)?

Contributing would be: creating gaming videos that can be held to the highest of quality, and has a personality that will cause you to view it over and over again.


Isara recommends this software. Its open source and it has a lot of options for you to mess with. Better than Bandicam, and its free!!!!

Gaming / Next Video Suggestion
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:54:56 PM »
Help me choose what to do here. Should I do a retro review of Goldeneye 64 or start my History of a Gamer series. Thats the one from the Give Me Your Gaming History thread.

Gaming / Worst Publisher of 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:40:59 PM »
So quite questionable actions have occurred this year. Some more so than others. Which publisher this year just kept digging themselves into a hole?

Gaming / I want more indie games.
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:36:02 PM »
I want to start covering more indie games. Any ideas on what and who?

News / This War of Mine - Brute Review
« on: November 26, 2014, 06:30:46 PM »

Got this one in now! Plz like and share!

The Flood / Been Blacklisted Pt. 2 - The Appeal Process!
« on: November 24, 2014, 01:52:09 PM »

This is a response to the appeal process that I did yesterday to be taken off of the GG Block List. Thousands of you have already seen the emails, but now it is time for me to voice my opinion!

PLEASE Subscribe, Like and Share this video EVERYWHERE!!!

The Flood / Brute Reviews Has Been Blacklisted by the IGDA!
« on: November 22, 2014, 03:00:54 PM »


Well. The IGDA has blacklisted me in the gaming industry. Why? Because I follow people who associate with GamerGate!?!?!?

Gaming / Who Want A FarCry 4 Co-Op invite?
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:50:20 PM »
Well, Ubisoft suprised me today with a PS4 copy of FarCry 4. I now have 10 invites to the co-op for 2 hours.

Who ever wants one:

Add AngryRiot to friends

Tell me what your tag is in here


News / Why You Should Play: This War of Mine
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:31:19 PM »

This War of Mine is a PC game that just released today. I have been playing it for the past several hours (thanks to 11bitstudios review code) and it has already sunk in with my emotions. Their tag line "in war, not everybody is a soldier" is apparent here. Because you play as a group of civilians trying to survive in a city under siege. You have to gather supplies to keep your camp running, you mush protect it from other scavengers, and sometimes do the hard thing and raid other peoples homes for that medicine you so desperately need.

I already had a memorable encounter where I was scavenging for food and simple building supplies--and a sniper honed in his scope on my character and killed him. This sent a huge shockwave to the rest of the people back home, one fell into depression and eventually committed suicide while the other pressed on.

Its these moments where the game becomes more than just a game. It becomes a beacon and window into the lives of the many REAL PEOPLE around this world, who have been or are currently going through these same things.

There is no moral right or wrong, everything is sort of a grey. There may be this family thats housing these few precious cans of food, and you have to make the choice to either rob them of it and potentially cause their deaths, or leave it at the expense of a starving person back home.

Its really the first game since Spec Ops The Line that has depicted war on this kind of level.

If you want to experience something genuinely unique and deep--then go for this game!

News / Assassins Creed Unity - First Impressions
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:56:49 PM »
Welcome to the new generation--of microtransactions!!!

Had to do it! Sorry. Assassins Creed Untiy is... Buggy to say the least. I am playing on the PS4, and I am noticing considerable frame rate drops in large crowds, and when on tops of some buildings. NPC's can clip into eachother, or into you if you jump right on top of them, and another bug is with its free running up and down buildings.

Sometimes it can totally SKIP frames when leaping from one spot to another, you will start the jump and then magically appear on the other side... For God sake Ubisoft! They are seriously on the fast tack to becoming an embodiment of EA with all of this crap. And the Micro-transactions are only digging that hole deeper and deeper.

The transactions are pretty much like the ones you see in mobile games. You buy money with real money for fake crap that you don't need. It begs the question--did Ubisoft do something to the progression? I mean, if you have this diseased things in the game, whats to make me not believe that they slowed down progression late game? They said that you don't have to use them, but I also don't have to use this real money to buy their game...

It makes me wonder, what the actual F*** is wrong with these people this year? They have been on a role with running their unfiltered mouths, and now shipping hollow games. Not to say this this game is bad in a general POV. Far from it!

I am actually enjoying the game, I am digging these extensive customization options and the overall feel like the game is a lite RPG. Animations look so flipping good, as does the entirety of Paris. So much detail was put in to blow our minds, and it does in MANY cases!

The combat too has seen a nice change. It requires more strategy, and less counter and execute to win.

"But Brute, does it feel cinematic?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Hell no! GAMES ARE NOT MOVIES!!!! I am sick to death of this BS excuse to handicap a game to make it feel like a movie. IT DOES NOTHING TO ENHANCE CRAP! Making the game more enjoyable and immerive, is left up to the visuals and sounds, make those look and run great and you got me! Give me a good frame rate without lying to me face!

If it cant go higher because of all of the eye candy, then fine. But don't lie to us about it, we are not stupid...

The Flood / Who Else Makes Videos Here?
« on: November 12, 2014, 04:38:00 PM »
Who all in these forums makes their own videos? If so, what kind and on what medium do you post them?

As you know, I do gaming videos. Mostly Reviews, and occasionally a gameplay or some other thing. 

News / Call of Duty: Advaced Warfare - Brute Review
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:28:41 PM »

Oh boy! A CoD review, please like the video and tell me what you think.

The Flood / AngryBrute's Epic Movie Giveaway!
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:25:01 PM »
Here we go. Have some movie codes to give out: PLEASE tell me when you redeem one.

1. Prisoners
Go to
Enter Code: 6mwtkwq3gv97

2. Godzilla
Go to
Enter Code: jhxjggm2cvv3

3. Lone Survivor
Go to
Enter Code: hekfenen3w4f

4. Stalingrad
Go to
Enter Code: sgrd 49th u23y tsf3

5. Xmen Days of Future Past
Go to
Enter Code: 0160191578965536

Gaming / Jim Sterling got DMCA For Review.
« on: November 09, 2014, 11:47:24 AM »
So if you been looking at his twitter then you should see the rage. The devs of the game The Slaughtering Grounds (pc) have issued a DMCA against Jim for his megative review of their bad game.

Oh boy. Was NOBODY paying attention to TB's battles with this?

Gaming / Points you want in CoDAW Review
« on: November 08, 2014, 09:04:35 PM »
Still working on my video review. Was not satosfied with it as it is, so there are chamges coming and additions being made.

There are more things I can probably put in. What do you suggest?

I am aiming to have it done and uploaded Monday.

Gaming / Next Review Should Be What?
« on: November 06, 2014, 07:05:25 PM »
I am diligantly working on my CoDAW review, I am aiming for a Saturday release. But what should come next?

Just of those three games above. I want to get them all actually, but I have a limited amount of time here.

Gaming / Give me your gaming history!
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:38:14 PM »
I want to start a video, one that details the personal gaming history of people. Not the big name people in the industry, just every day joes like me and you! I want to detail your beginning moments, your moments of glory, and the hard times when this medium was there for you.

I would like to compile it all into a video, (with permission, and if you're willing). I would like to get individual videos of your stories.

^ Totally just an idea. Not the sole purpose of this thread.
_________________________________________________ ___________________

So, tell me your stories!

Gaming / Discuss What Publisher deserves the Golden Poo.
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:35:24 PM »
The golden poo is given out to the worst company. EA won it two years in a row before another took its place last year.

If it was dont to just game publisher, who you think should get it?

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