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Topics - Jim

Pages: 123 45 ... 26
The Flood / am I the only one who thinks Mistress T is ungodly creepy
« on: July 20, 2016, 08:28:45 PM »

The Flood / You finished binge watching Stranger Things, didn't you?
« on: July 19, 2016, 07:16:47 PM »
Make sure everyone watches it so we can guarantee more seasons.

The Flood / ITT we name bands more influential than The Beatles
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:06:05 AM »
I will start

Black Sabbath

The list goes on...

Gaming / Spoiler So I beat Majoras Mask a little while back
« on: July 06, 2016, 04:33:08 PM »
Felt like sharing my thoughts on it a little bit.

My first impressions were immensely positive. I was partially overwhelmed with nostalgia, remembering my days as a young kid, unable to figure out what the fuck to do because I was young and didn't read text boxes or use my brain.

The town is probably one of my favorite things about the game. For a game originally on the N64, before we had the technology to design believable, living and breathing cities, Clock Town is incredibly active, and feels alive. I would easily get sucked into doing a side quest for everyone after receiving the bomber's notebook, extending my play time naturally, not through artificial chore-like bullshit.

Getting more detailed now, the game plays as smoothly as Ocarina of Time, if not a little more so, as the masks work smoothly in their respective environments as opposed to, say, the iron boots in the water temple.

I think that anybody who hates the time mechanic probably sucks ball sack at the game or something, because I thought it was handled beautifully, and makes for an extremely interesting feature to the game. I like the fact that you lose all of your stuff when you restart, and I like that it puts pressure on you to beat the dungeon the first time, as opposed to taking an excessive amount of time. Not only does this work from a gameplay perspective, but it works from a story perspective to. Link is the hero of time now. He can do things that Skullkid/Majora and others might not realize. It gives you a sense of power and confidence, but it also makes the game a little gloomier than it already was. The first days are bright, and you might even forget the moon is there until you talk to the townspeople or simply look up. Yes, there are sad moments, like with Anju and Kafei, but ultimately the town is cheery and lighthearted, with games and kids running around playing. The final day changes that. The town feels deserted. The workers have all left except for the one stubborn old man. By the end of the third day, every quest you have done has a negative ending. Nothing good happens, but even if you do nothing it's still not a positive outcome. Ultimately, when you rewind time back to the first day, everything you did was undone. The game has this constant atmosphere of hopelessness about it, which is interesting because of the hope it gives you at times too.
That atmosphere is perfect in this game.

The dungeons are all, interestingly enough, a weak point in my opinion. None of them are particularly interesting as they were in OoT, except maybe Stone Tower Temple, which has interesting puzzles and difficulties that come with it, although rotating the temple is a bit of a chore.

Great Bay Temple is too sterile to me. I get the aesthetic they were going for, but it just feels out of place, and I muched preferred the pirate fortress infiltration before the actual dungeon. Although I will say the Zora form controls fantastically and is very fun, just not in tight spaces like in the temple.

Woodfall is fine. Has some cool parts to it, and I like the deku scrub form, but it's just pretty average.

The goron temple (forgot the name at the moment) is fun because I love controlling the goron form, and I like some of the puzzles in it. It also has my favorite boss, only I was an idiot the first time and didn't think to use the goron form to kill him, and instead used arrows.
The goron village and the surrounding areas are also really fun to, and I enjoy the environment a lot, both snow covered and otherwise.

From here, I can safely say that MM lacks charm in its dungeons, and a feeling of adventure overall. OoT did this much better, but OoT lacks the charm MM has in its storytelling, side quests, atmosphere and a few other things.

Finally we get to Majora, after I ensure all side quests are completed.

This sequence is surreal. Walking up to the tree and seeing the kids playing is like a dream. Each little mini side quest they have you do utlilizes a mask you have, and by the end they ask you a thoughtful question you don't answer. Very odd, almost tense experience, as you realize you are close to the end.

Finally we talk to majora, and if you have all the masks, and completed the quests with the children, you will get the Fierce Deity mask, which makes the battle almost trivial. I intend to some time play again and beat him without said mask.

Finally the battle. Its fairly straightforward, nothing incredibly interesting about it, but it's fun, and playing with the Fierce Deity mask brings the gameplay back to basics.

When it's over, though, you are rewarded with a satisfying end. Everything has fixed. Anju and Kafei are reunited and do not die together on the final day. Everyone is happy. Except skullkid. He was just a dumb kid. He lost his friends, and was just alone. I don't think hr ever intended to hurt anyone, as the mask clearly acts of its own volition. But, despite how absolutely grim the game could get, to the point that a little girl gets her brain sucked out if you fuck up, it ends happy, even for skullkid, and the friendship of Link and Skullkid is Immortalized in a tree trunk.

Overall verdict: It lacks the charm found in the dungeons and adventure of OoT, but what it lacks in that department it makes up for in other ways. The areas before the dungeon are often more fun and interesting than the dungeon itself, and the people in those places and how you affect their lives is satisfying to watch unfold. The atmosphere is amazing, and the gameplay is smooth. OoT may be more memorable in terms of game design and gameplay, but Majoras Mask stays with you through the citizens of the world itself

The Flood / GOJIRA: Gay-Friendly Metal for Indie Rock Fans
« on: June 17, 2016, 04:12:57 PM »
As an out-and-proud homosexual, I have always felt maligned by heteronormative society and the tyranny of the heterosexual who crusades against my God and secular humanist-given right to lick another man’s anus like ice-cream and engage in public sodomy.

I have been arrested on numerous occasions for waving around my phallus in the public sphere – my phallus is like a dagger to pierce the heart of oppression I, as a homophile, experience on a daily basis.

The first occasion was when I was 18 years old and just beginning to affirm my status and form my identity as an anal sex fanatic. I was living with my parents at the time in a Manhattan apartment. I come from a secular-Jewish household, both of my parents regularly donated to some gay rights or ethnic diversity charity or other, so I had no problem coming out as a faeces-eater to them. My father himself told me he ‘experimented’ in college, he told me he liked to shove an Israeli flag up his rectum (as an act of defiance against Zionazis and in support of the poor, oppressed Palestinian Arabs) whilst other men would masturbate over him.

So, anyway, I was a fresh-faced young gay – and the world just had to know about it! I was sitting in an ice-cream parlour, enjoying a delicious chocolate ice-cream, and was wearing a skin-tight white t-shirt with a marijuana leaf emblazed on the front and three-quarter length khaki shorts.

I have always found ice-cream to be an aphrodisiac, and there was a cute waiter who had served me – I swear he winked at me! So I was feeling rather horny, and began to develop a semi-erection – a bit like an old soft carrot. Intoxicated by homoerotic passion and the enthusiasm of youth, I began to stroke my penis through my shorts.

Another patron looked at me, saw what I was doing. But I didn’t care. I just smiled at him and his silly conservative sensibilities. “Hello! It’s the 20th century, just be more open-minded”, I thought to myself. At this point I stood up and jumped on the table – knocking over the ice-cream and ripped off my shirt to reveal my skinny, hairless chest.

I unzipped my fly and pulled out my modestly-sized package. Everyone around me was screaming and gasping in horror – parents covered their children’s eyes.

I spoke in a firm but delicate voice – “I am a homo! A gay! A sodomite! I like to forcibly insert my dong into another man’s asshole and slap his buttocks! And for this, I am not ashamed. You there, you cover your child’s eyes and ears so he cannot here my expression of sexuality? He too is a sexual being! He must be open-minded and tolerate me!”

I felt like a Queen among men. I was masturbating with one hand and with the other took off my pants, reached into my anus and defecated. I began flinging faeces at the customers; I ejaculated and flicked my chunky semen at them as well. I heard sirens in the distance, the police burst in and tried to grab me – “you closed-minded reactionaries!” I shouted in prideful defiance.

On that fateful day I became a martyr for homophiliac tolerance and open-mindedness. I was a righteous man – I entered every gay club with a new-found sense of justice. And as I tasted that anonymous sperm in the toilets, I knew this was my calling.

Now, I have always been a musical person – I love music that reaffirms my personality. I had a pretty good collection of hip-hop to show I’m totally cool with black people, and my Mogwai CDs told people I was an artsy intellectual. Yeah, post-rock, emo and Indie have always been my musical passion. It’s just so trendy and liberal.

One genre I always felt difficult and problematic was Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal concerts were a sea of white faces – where was the diversity?! It was racist music; those guys just stole from the blues and other black music, anyway. Ok, so the pentatonic scale is used in most cultures including Europe, Asia and the Middle East... and Gospel comes from the call-and-response service found in Highland churches in Scotland and other rural European folk traditions... and the bass drum came from the Turkish Janissaries and was used in European polka and waltzes before Jazz music. But Heavy Metal is implicitly white! And that’s racist. And racism is bad.

All the lyrics are about things like death – that doesn’t make me feel good about myself! I don’t want to think about cold and harsh realities of life, just pass me a bong instead. Oh, and is that Family Guy on TV?

And then there’s those Black Metal guys – it’s kind of cool that they hate Christians so much (the oppressors of homosexualism) but they’re so elitist! Music is music, man, why label everything? Like, how can you say Britney Spears is better than Beethoven? It’s just your opinion LOL. Dude, we’re all equal and everyone’s opinion is equally valid. (Conservatives are bad though).

One day GOJIRA came on my playlist. I immediately thought ‘Heavy Metal’ – no thanks! But since I’m so open-minded, I decided to listen. Immediately something was different. It sounded so... Indie Rock!

It was artistic and the surface-level technical flourishes and window-dressings reminded me of modern, functional architecture. It was composed in the manner I was most familiar with: radio-friendly, safe and comforting rock music but played with a Heavy Metal aesthetic. I recognized those chords from bands like Fugazi and Jawbreaker, and the candy-like pop structure reminded me of REM.

GOJIRA was like Indie Rock but with a metal flavour. They stripped metal of its weird style of composition and made it something easily digestible to the type of person who flicks around his shiny new IPod and wants to impress his friends – and potential homosexual recruits.

They appropriate metal riffs, but they’re more like an add-on to the safe and comfortable pop-rock format. The music is rhythmic based, just like any other rock band so it’s nice and predictable and repetitive. You can easily sing along to the catchy chorus, too!

They made metal about personality and image, not some silly abstract concepts. They made metal accessible and inclusive – something that WOULDN’T offend your mother. They stripped metal of it masculinity and aggression, Bob Marley would be proud.

This is the kind of music that you can slip on in the background to show that you’re not out of touch and open-minded enough to like that scary metal music but not upset any minority group. You can show people you appreciate technicality – but don’t worry, underneath it’s just like Sunny Day Real Estate or Sonic Youth.

The music of GOJIRA speaks to me on a populist level, I just know these guys are open-minded tolerant individuals – and probably like to spice up songwriting sessions with blasts of semen to the face.

I have now attended several GOJIRA concerts where I have masturbated amongst the crowd – and far from being oppressed I am embraced. The mosh pit regularly becomes a gay scat orgy. Joe Duplantier himself strips on stage and blesses us by ejaculating and pissing into our faces. I was standing at the front of the crowd once and got a great taste of his ejaculate – it was like an Oreo McFlurry.

So, there you have it. GOJIRA made it ok for me, a homosexual, public masturbating scat addict, to be a metalhead. I now prance into gay clubs wearing a GOJIRA shirt and delight the other men by stripping to a 100% cotton GOJIRA thong and perform the best blow jobs in New York.

The Flood / Anti-Theism is literally autism: The Ideology
« on: June 06, 2016, 09:11:49 PM »

The Flood / Tfw your balls are silky smooth
« on: June 05, 2016, 09:02:44 PM »

The Flood / Regarding PMs
« on: June 05, 2016, 07:24:47 PM »

The Flood / Tfw you're an older sexier version of tblocks
« on: June 04, 2016, 03:23:49 PM »
Dae ktf ?

« on: June 04, 2016, 03:48:59 AM »


The Flood / Reminder: If you do drugs you're a stupid bitch
« on: June 03, 2016, 09:20:20 PM »
I'm better than you.

The Flood / How does one become more dominant
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:34:47 PM »
If they are primarily submissive?

The Flood / Would you like to live deliciously?
« on: June 03, 2016, 05:53:32 PM »

The Flood / this forum is utter garbage
« on: June 03, 2016, 01:35:53 AM »
How are you chucklefucks?

The Flood / Polyamory is degeneracy
« on: April 22, 2016, 11:46:24 PM »
fucking kill yourselves.

The Flood / Bailey Jay is the only attractive tranny.
« on: April 09, 2016, 05:28:53 PM »
Every other tranny in the world is ugly as sin.

Why is this? Was Bailey chosen by God to be someone special?

The Flood / Post cute girls ITT
« on: April 09, 2016, 05:20:59 PM »

The Flood / tfw you find music too pretentious for even you
« on: February 26, 2016, 06:47:57 PM »

The Flood / Weekly Bi-Annual Semi-Hourly Reminder
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:16:43 PM »
Hunting for sport is immoral and if you hunt you are objectively a sociopath and should immediately kill yourself to rid your meaningless existence from this Earth.

The Flood / List of people who have to go back
« on: February 21, 2016, 12:05:31 PM »
So far I've got


Who else?

The Flood / Have you ever asked a woman nicely to pee on you for free?
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:34:23 AM »
Because peeing on people for money is degeneracy.

The Flood / ITT: We're the Sep7agon Comment Section
« on: February 20, 2016, 02:20:43 PM »

The Flood / AMA AMAs are going out of style, AMA.
« on: February 18, 2016, 06:01:49 PM »

The Flood / Cringe thread
« on: February 18, 2016, 04:45:37 PM »
I'll start


The Flood / Death Grips proved to me blacks had value as a race.
« on: February 18, 2016, 04:44:18 PM »
Now I understand why they have survived natural selection. Death Grips are the pinnacle of cultural expression of atheist  theory and thought. This isn't merely a band. This artistic project offers a link between Darwinism, nihilism, eugenics, race theory, and of course Richard Dawkins' usage of "memes". Years of slavery and hatred have culminated in expression of years of bred anger and primal energy and shows man is just animal in nature, and blacks are the most animal race of all.


The Flood / Play with her butt
« on: February 16, 2016, 08:10:13 PM »
Not her feelings

The Flood / Semi-Triannual Reminder
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:49:17 PM »
Closer is objectively the best Joy Division album


The Flood / visit this website just do it now
« on: February 16, 2016, 12:37:23 PM »

The Flood / Which is better, "mommy" or "mama"?
« on: February 12, 2016, 05:49:13 PM »
I'm kind of in the "mama" boat

Pages: 123 45 ... 26