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Messages - Ghost Guy

Pages: 1 ... 8910 1112 ... 33
The Flood / Re: sep7agon members you could beat in a fight
« on: February 18, 2016, 01:14:42 AM »
probably none of you :\

The Flood / Re: Yo Zen serious question
« on: February 17, 2016, 09:25:49 PM »
Oh... so you're Zen...

The Flood / Re: Psst, hey, come ere kid
« on: February 17, 2016, 09:24:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: Psst, hey, come ere kid
« on: February 17, 2016, 08:45:21 PM »
I fucking thought this was an /ss/ thread

fuck you
...You know what, I don't want to know what that is, actually.
Carry on.

Good god Jim, they're just kids.

The Flood / Re: Psst, hey, come ere kid
« on: February 17, 2016, 08:36:29 PM »
I fucking thought this was an /ss/ thread

fuck you
...You know what, I don't want to know what that is, actually.
Carry on.

The Flood / Psst, hey, come ere kid
« on: February 17, 2016, 08:33:41 PM »
You got any valuables?
Just put em in here, it'll all work out fine. Just fine.
Don't tell your parents.

Equipping the next generation for internet etiquette.

The Flood / Re: Bring back the print button.
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:19:13 PM »
Wait... why can we answer twice?

The Flood / Re: xX_⌒OFFICIAL⌒_Xx Sep7agon DEgeneRate Census
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:24:51 AM »
I am not a degenerate
Reminder that death isn't sacred and corpses can't say no.

Gaming / Re: Do you hoard in videogames
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:20:02 AM »
Sort of.
In Skyrim I'd keep certain things in chests, like jewels.

But everything else would go in a pile outside my house, because there was so much shit I couldn't hope to sell it all.
Yeah. I even did runs to every vendor in Skyrim around mid 20s and couldn't sell all of my stuff.
And like hell I'm actually investing in speech.

The Flood / Re: Pseudo Adult, Part Time Self Harmer, Classic Forum Bro AMA
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:15:34 AM »
This thread was doing better in serious and I'll bet OP appreciated it more there.

Also, I've had a book idea for about three or four years now and it's something I think about daily. I don't really see the point if it doesn't generate enough income to fuel my interests but is it something I should consider anyway just so the idea can leave me alone?

The Flood / Re: The reason why I try to put people down on the internet
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:48:46 PM »
Too worried about trying to make everyone like me to be an intentional cunt.

I think I'm starting to care less about that though.

The Flood / Re: If robot bodies were invented, would you get one?
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:41:54 PM »
Of course I'd make the switch.
I have too much to do for this one life.

The Flood / Re: Your first pack of cigarettes?
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:35:00 PM »
I took a drag of an American Spirit when I was ten.
It was awful. To this day I have no idea how people can routinely smoke.
>American Spirits
Oh lord, I'm sorry you had to do that
literally the worst brand to start with
Kind of glad about that. I was trying to convince one of my friends I wasn't a "pussy."
To this day I wear my clitoris proudly.

The Flood / Re: Your first pack of cigarettes?
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:30:19 PM »
I took a drag of an American Spirit when I was ten.
It was awful. To this day I have no idea how people can routinely smoke.
you seem uncool
I have a straighter edge than a metal ruler.

Gaming / Re: Do you hoard in videogames
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:28:58 PM »
I also hoarded Skyrim books, but I also read them regardless of stat boosts.
I like ES lore.

Aside from that I don't really hoard things. I save up really good items and end up never using them, but I feel as if a lot of people do that.

The Flood / Re: Your first pack of cigarettes?
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:25:35 PM »
I took a drag of an American Spirit when I was ten.
It was awful. To this day I have no idea how people can routinely smoke.

The Flood / Re: Somebody talk to me on Skype
« on: February 16, 2016, 09:23:50 PM »
If I had Skype I would... But I don't.

The Flood / Re: A Musical Collaboration I'd Love to See
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:19:06 PM »
Yoko Kanno and Joe Hisaishi.
But that's too good for this world.

The Flood / Re: Pseudo Adult, Part Time Self Harmer, Classic Forum Bro AMA
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:14:10 PM »
Fuck didn't see which forum this was.

Uh... So I was accepted to another university, but it's going to cost more potentially and I have a full-ride at my current institution. I can make a better quality of education at the other institution I want to switch into, but do you think it's worth it if I have to actually take out loans?

Gaming / Re: so i'm kinda bored of video games as a medium
« on: February 15, 2016, 10:06:36 PM »
Actually one of the reasons I really like Dark Souls is for the themes.
They resonate with me. As do the themes in MM.

Gaming / Re: so i'm kinda bored of video games as a medium
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:59:09 PM »
And inb4someonecomplainsaboutmydamntextcolor
Nah, on my surface it shows up fine.
Desktop monitor just has shit resolution.

Gaming / Re: so i'm kinda bored of video games as a medium
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:57:14 PM »
They just talk about game design and related media events. It's made me appreciate games a lot more, and moreover, made me not want to give up on it as a medium.

Well, "give up" for me would just mean "stop following". I still maintain that gaming has arguably the most potential as a medium to deliver art but not while the money-grubbing jews at Activision, EA, Ubisoft etc. are in charge of the market. We need people who actually give a shit to steer the ship, y'know?

Have you played Yoshi's Island?

No, sir.

Hmm... what did you find boring about it?
the gameplay just didn't do anything for me. i found myself craving the little bits of story that we got but not wanting to go through the effort of drudging through another dungeon that, while intricately designed, just wasn't really fun to play.

when you're going through a game and the only time you enjoy yourself is at the last 2 minutes of your 2 hour play session, you kind of don't want to go back to it.

i like what majora's mask stands for, and it's one of my favourite games objectively speaking, i just can't bring myself to drop X amount of dollars on it when i disliked the game it's supposed to follow directly.
The thing about MM I like is about the affect story events have on characters. As far as Zelda goes, it's much more character driven (if you like doing the sidequesting stuff). Also the role of link as a hero isn't because he's predestined to do it as a hero of courage, but because you the player choose to take up the mantle of responsibility. 

I think you might really like the Witcher 3. I haven't played it, but it looks like it has a very large narrative (possibly gripping) and the awesome/second is pretty damn impressive from what I've seen so far from a friend's stream (that I force him into every time I see him playing it). You're always doing something new and interesting like every 5 minutes from what I've seen.

Gaming / Re: so i'm kinda bored of video games as a medium
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:47:39 PM »
Maybe the one thing I'd recommend isn't a game necessarily, but a youtube channel.
Watch Extra Credits.

what do they do?
They just talk about game design and related media events. It's made me appreciate games a lot more, and moreover, made me not want to give up on it as a medium.
Have you played Yoshi's Island?

As for games I'd say try I'm going to promote Majora's Mask and Metroid Prime.

majora's mask looks interesting but i really didn't like ocarina of time. i couldn't even finish it because i got bored.
Hmm... what did you find boring about it?

What kind of game experiences do you enjoy?

Gaming / Re: so i'm kinda bored of video games as a medium
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:43:15 PM »
See, I thought that for a while too.
It turns out I just had no idea how many interesting experiences there were in games.

Maybe the one thing I'd recommend isn't a game necessarily, but a youtube channel.
Watch Extra Credits.

As for games I'd say try I'm going to promote Majora's Mask and Metroid Prime.
The OG Zelda is also an interesting experience for any fans of the franchise.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here still playing Skyrim?
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:34:05 PM »
Would you like to see a direct sequel to Skyrim, or have another time-skip? The Nazi elves definitely aren't going away anytime soon from the events in Skyrim, and depending on who won the civil war, Skyrim might be a more liable target for Thalmoor "intervention."

I'd like to see an Elder Scrolls exclusively take place between planes of Oblivion.
Honestly, I was too young to play Morrowind. The game is a bit too dated for me now. I've played a bit of all TES games but only completed everything since Oblivion.

I would like to see a game that take place closer to after the Oblivion Event. I want to see more references to the Hero of Kvatch. I want to see how Cyrodiil reforms itself. But I also want to experience a difference race based continent.

Give us a proper Daggerfall with Radguards and Orcs and how about Blackmarsh?

I just want to see them top themselves but I want some story inclusion to Oblivion. Because to me, Oblivion was world shattering. It effected all of Tamriel. The Oblivion Gates were everywhere. Whereas Skyrim felt contained to the Nords.
I haven't played Morrowind either. Waiting for the Skywind project to recreate the experience (though I don't really know why, old graphics don't bother me). Yeah, in Skyrim they don't really give a great depiction of the overall scope of the dragon problem. I'd like to see the brief war between the empire and the Thalmoor and the signing of the White-Gold Concordant. I actually liked Oblivion's setting more than Skyrim's.

I think doing Eleswyr and Valenwood combined would be interesting, desert in one side and dense forests in the other (not to mention the Thalmoor purges hinted at in Skyrim).

Gaming / Re: Anyone here still playing Skyrim?
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:07:08 PM »
I also like the lore of TES (especially stuff about Planes of Oblivion and Akavir).
I really hope Bethesda takes a hint from Fallout 4 complaints and new rpgs >.>
Regardless, I'd still probably buy TES VI: Skyrim II
Basically. Like, I'd like to see a new continent/region but I'm not picky. Gimme that story.
Would you like to see a direct sequel to Skyrim, or have another time-skip? The Nazi elves definitely aren't going away anytime soon from the events in Skyrim, and depending on who won the civil war, Skyrim might be a more liable target for Thalmoor "intervention."

I'd like to see an Elder Scrolls exclusively take place between planes of Oblivion.

Gaming / Re: Anyone here still playing Skyrim?
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:57:09 PM »
I'm waiting for the new Elder Scrolls game tbh. I like the story a ton. Mods and shit is fun but I'm totally about the story. And from what I can tell ESO is pretty weak in that respect. Cause, for all intents it's still an MMO.
I also like the lore of TES (especially stuff about Planes of Oblivion and Akavir).
I really hope Bethesda takes a hint from Fallout 4 complaints and new rpgs >.>
Regardless, I'd still probably buy TES VI: Skyrim II

Gaming / Re: So this is ACTUALLY a thing....
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:53:11 PM »
Believe it or not, there really is someone stupid enough to buy it somewhere.

The Flood / Re: "ayy lmao"
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:29:49 PM »
he wants do trees want again?
Well... dirt does start with "d"
I think everything checks out.

The Flood / Re: New user
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:22:03 PM »
Well howdy!
I'm Fun, Funny the Fun Timer!
You're new to the forum, arentcha?
Golly, you must be so confused!
Someone oughta teach you how things work around here.
I guess little old me will have to do!
Ready? Here we go!

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