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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

Pages: 1 ... 148149150 151152 ... 207

I feel your analysis of Texas is inaccurate. Texas is often portrayed as being full of racists and rednecks but it's honestly not near as bad as people make it out to be. We actually have a pretty diverse population in Dallas and surrounding suburban areas.

The redneck wasteland everyone thinks of is deep west Texas and the Panhandle.


The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:51:24 PM »
Rebels Season 2 starts in June, read it on IGN

There's gonna be a one hour special June 20th, but regular episode airings won't occur until the fall. It'll probably b sooner than October though, since they won't want to conflict with TFA.


Why do you like Imperial Germany so much?

It's not as great as you seem to think it is.


All the military might, without the genocide. During Bismarck's reign, it was a force for European peace.
Military might really doesn't mean anything. And Europe is more peaceful than ever (despite the Russian-backed war in Ukraine) without any European countries having massive military might.

And Germany during Bismarck's reign wasn't exactly peaceful. They went to war against 2 major powers (Austria-Hungary and France) during that time.. He was smart because only punched at or below his weight, but he certainly wasn't peaceful by any means.

And Imperial Germany's massive procurement of arms contributed greatly to wwI being so devastating since they were trying to topple the UK as Europe's preeminent military power.

I meant that Germany was a force for peace once Bismarck had created it. He started the three wars to create a a unified Germany. Once Bismarck was kicked out by Wilhelm II (dumbass), whose policies helped lead to the outbreak of WWI. If Bismarck had stayed in power this wouldn't have happened. Bismarck warned against making an enemy of the British.

Yeah it's peaceful, but reliant upon the United States for defense. The Russians have so many troops it would stomp Western Europe with numbers alone. They've done it before. The U.S. is the deterrent. But the U.S. could also stand to decrease the budget, which would be easier and less harmful if the nations of Europe (particularly Germany) stopped being so damn afraid of having a strong military and became militarily self-sufficient.
And why did Imperial Germany go to shit once Bismarck was kicked out? It's because Imperialism isn't sustainable or viable in the long term. Every country that colonized Europe, Africa, and/or Asia had to give up all of their significant colonies in those continents for those reasons. And it's also typical in authoritarian/totalitarian states for each of the original leader's successors to become less and less competent over time until the system outright collapses. China is one of the very few countries which has managed that, but that was due to some degree of reform.

In terms of defense, uou're greatly overestimating Russia's military in all honesty. Yes, they're powerful, but the combined military forces of Europe even without US help could stomp Russia's military. All that Russia has is nuclear missiles, and they know it. Which is why they only pick fights with extremely weak countries. Did you see their performance in 2008's war in Georgia? They performed terribly against the Georgian Army (in terms of equipment/men lost) despite the fact that they greatly outnumbered them in everything. And Russia's operations in Ukraine are just limited to Special Forces and Spetsnaz units, so of course they'd look impressive. The Russian Army itself is a fucking mess though.

Bismarck advised against Imperialist policies, and only claimed a couple colonies grudgingly.
If he had remained in power longer, it's quite likely he would have given them up after some time.
What you're saying perfectly fits what I'm saying which is that heirs of authoritarian rulers tend to decrease in competence over time. Even if he had given up his powers, whom would he have given his powers to?

Imperial Germany was pretty much Bismarck, and only someone like him could rule it. Which wouldn't be a problem if humans have infinite lifespans, but we don't unfortunately.

Which is why I will be inventing a time machine and immortality.

Also for Theodore Roosevelt.


Why do you like Imperial Germany so much?

It's not as great as you seem to think it is.


All the military might, without the genocide. During Bismarck's reign, it was a force for European peace.
Military might really doesn't mean anything. And Europe is more peaceful than ever (despite the Russian-backed war in Ukraine) without any European countries having massive military might.

And Germany during Bismarck's reign wasn't exactly peaceful. They went to war against 2 major powers (Austria-Hungary and France) during that time.. He was smart because only punched at or below his weight, but he certainly wasn't peaceful by any means.

And Imperial Germany's massive procurement of arms contributed greatly to wwI being so devastating since they were trying to topple the UK as Europe's preeminent military power.

I meant that Germany was a force for peace once Bismarck had created it. He started the three wars to create a a unified Germany. Once Bismarck was kicked out by Wilhelm II (dumbass), whose policies helped lead to the outbreak of WWI. If Bismarck had stayed in power this wouldn't have happened. Bismarck warned against making an enemy of the British.

Yeah it's peaceful, but reliant upon the United States for defense. The Russians have so many troops it would stomp Western Europe with numbers alone. They've done it before. The U.S. is the deterrent. But the U.S. could also stand to decrease the budget, which would be easier and less harmful if the nations of Europe (particularly Germany) stopped being so damn afraid of having a strong military and became militarily self-sufficient.
And why did Imperial Germany go to shit once Bismarck was kicked out? It's because Imperialism isn't sustainable or viable in the long term. Every country that colonized Europe, Africa, and/or Asia had to give up all of their significant colonies in those continents for those reasons. And it's also typical in authoritarian/totalitarian states for each of the original leader's successors to become less and less competent over time until the system outright collapses. China is one of the very few countries which has managed that, but that was due to some degree of reform.

In terms of defense, uou're greatly overestimating Russia's military in all honesty. Yes, they're powerful, but the combined military forces of Europe even without US help could stomp Russia's military. All that Russia has is nuclear missiles, and they know it. Which is why they only pick fights with extremely weak countries. Did you see their performance in 2008's war in Georgia? They performed terribly against the Georgian Army (in terms of equipment/men lost) despite the fact that they greatly outnumbered them in everything. And Russia's operations in Ukraine are just limited to Special Forces and Spetsnaz units, so of course they'd look impressive. The Russian Army itself is a fucking mess though.

Bismarck advised against Imperialist policies, and only claimed a couple colonies grudgingly.
If he had remained in power longer, it's quite likely he would have given them up after some time.


Revised illustration.


Why do you like Imperial Germany so much?

It's not as great as you seem to think it is.


All the military might, without the genocide. During Bismarck's reign, it was a force for European peace.
Military might really doesn't mean anything. And Europe is more peaceful than ever (despite the Russian-backed war in Ukraine) without any European countries having massive military might.

And Germany during Bismarck's reign wasn't exactly peaceful. They went to war against 2 major powers (Austria-Hungary and France) during that time.. He was smart because only punched at or below his weight, but he certainly wasn't peaceful by any means.

And Imperial Germany's massive procurement of arms contributed greatly to wwI being so devastating since they were trying to topple the UK as Europe's preeminent military power.

I meant that Germany was a force for peace once Bismarck had created it. He started the three wars to create a a unified Germany. Once Bismarck was kicked out by Wilhelm II (dumbass), the slow decay of diplomatic relations began, as Wilhelm II's policies helped lead to the outbreak of WWI. If Bismarck had stayed in power this wouldn't have happened. Bismarck warned against making an enemy of the British.

Yeah it's peaceful, but reliant upon the United States for defense. The Russians have so many troops it would stomp Western Europe with numbers alone. They've done it before. The U.S. is the deterrent. But the U.S. could also stand to decrease the budget, which would be easier and less harmful if the nations of Europe (particularly Germany) stopped being so damn afraid of having a strong military and became militarily self-sufficient.


Why do you like Imperial Germany so much?

It's not as great as you seem to think it is.


All the military might, without the genocide. During Bismarck's reign, it was a force for European peace.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Bad Batch Arc
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:11:10 PM »
Even if the episodes were really short, that show in particular was the shit.

Unlike the 3D "cartoon" which is shit.
TCW was a mixed bag. Season 4 forward saw some pretty good stories, but they were still mixed in with some crap episodes. The show has such a wide range regarding quality I wouldn't say it's terrible, you just have to know which episodes to watch. The show actually made Anakin remotely likable, so there's something.

Regarding the OP, I'm unimpressed. The "Bad Batch" gimmick was hard to take seriously, and was unnecessary. I feel like they could have replaced them with Clone Commandos and it would have been better. I also hated the way they handled Wat Tambor.

Honestly the Umbara arc was 100x better.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:01:56 PM »
Updated comic release schedule.


Did I get an A?

Baltic so haaard...
Happy to see someone else has seen that comic.

The Flood / Re: CURRANRLY LISENAN?????
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:46:18 AM »

Synth (Power Glove, etc.)

99 Luftballons

The Flood / Re: favorite late night activities
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:44:13 AM »
Reading, school assignments, planning the establishment of Deutsches Kaiserreich 2.0 and the eradication of the French, watching Netflix, getting angry about the Treaty of Versailles, etc.

The Flood / Re: This is absolutely beautiful.
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:28:59 PM »
Bump for Heli-kin.

Please do us a public favor and go hang yourself with it's "leash". Thank you. <3

Would you mind following your own advice?

The rope is a symbol of patriarchal  power.

Not to mention the fact that the rock resembles testes, subtly sending little girls a negative, misogynistic message.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 29, 2015, 08:24:47 PM »
So Bad Batch released on It's alright, kinda disappointed by how they handled Wat Tambor but the arc was OK nonetheless.

The Flood / Re: personality disorder quiz
« on: April 29, 2015, 05:17:14 PM »
Paranoid    ||||||||||    35%
Schizoid    ||||||||||||    48%    
Schizotypal    ||||    13%    
Antisocial    ||||||    30%    
Borderline    ||||||||||    31%    
Histrionic    ||||||||||||    46%    
Narcissistic    ||||||||||||    45%    
Avoidant    ||||||    30%    
Dependent    ||||||||||    38%    
Obsessive-Compulsive    ||||||||||||||||    66%    

Pretty accurate.

The Flood / Re: 5 creepypastas inspired by real events
« on: April 29, 2015, 08:17:16 AM »
It's bullshit that the Japs got away with Unit 731. The Nazi's got hanged for their crimes and these assholes get away with there's. The Nazi's were doing bascilly the same shit and they got charged with war crimes.

That goes for Japan in general, to be honest.

If the Germans didn't teach students about the Holocaust there would be an international outcry. The Japanese don't even teach their students about the Rape of Nanking? No-one cares.

Irritates me to no end.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 29, 2015, 08:12:47 AM »


The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 29, 2015, 08:11:40 AM »
Tarkin's pretty good. Action is decent if a bit cliche (as in it reads like most generic sci fi like Halo), but there's some really good character development and backstory to the rise of Palpatine.

I really like the backstory they gave Tarkin.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 28, 2015, 07:31:00 PM »

Princess Leia #3 releases tomorrow. Apparently we'll be seeing Sullust, planet of the Hispanics (Nien Numb's species).
lol. I;m thinking of picking up Lords of the Sith once I finish my current book.

I'm reading it right now, actually. So far I don't enjoy it as much as Tarkin, but it's alright nonetheless.
I've heard the second half is action packed with Vader being an evil badass. I'm guessing Tarkin isn't worth it for the action alone and is more political? I've been considering it.

Tarkin is more political, but I'd say it's highlight is the relationship between Vader and Tarkin.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 28, 2015, 06:41:28 PM »
Princess Leia #3 releases tomorrow. Apparently we'll be seeing Sullust, planet of the Hispanics (Nien Numb's species).
lol. I;m thinking of picking up Lords of the Sith once I finish my current book.

I'm reading it right now, actually. So far I don't enjoy it as much as Tarkin, but it's alright nonetheless.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 28, 2015, 04:57:09 PM »
Princess Leia #3 releases tomorrow. Apparently we'll be seeing Sullust, planet of the Hispanics (Nien Numb's species).

1984, Gatsby kind of sucks.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:01:26 PM »

Spent the last five hours applying the decals to the one on the left.

The Flood / Re: Imperial Center: The Star Wars Megathread
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:33:10 AM »
I'm glad the EU is gone, personally. I love the direction the new canon is going in. the Skeleton of the old EU, but much better stories in my opinion. Thrawn wasn't enough to redeem the old EU.
do we really have enough EU already to say that the stories are better?

I suppose you're right. Nonetheless, I like the direction things are going in. Much more coordinated, inter-connected stories.
that i do like. i always heard that the old EU was way too big and suffered from too many stories that didnt take the other books into account.
How long before that happens with this new universe?
Well, before they didn't have a Story Group coordinating all content.

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