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Messages - Mmmmm Napalm

Pages: 1 ... 133134135 136137 ... 207
None of these "guys" look cute, they look incredibly annoying.
You're really a guy, aren't you?
I know this sounds crazy, Elegiac, but stay with me here.

Maybe, just maybe, many women find masculine men attractive, rather than whatever the fuck kind of men the OP posted are.

Read the whole article though, it's sorta scary.

No it isn't? They want to avoid content they deem distasteful. Who cares?
Mmhmm. Read the whole article.

I did. There's nothing "scary" in that article.
I find the final 284 words worrisome. Religion irks me.
Yeah, screw people for believing in something greater or having a more strict moral code.

I'm sorry. I just have to ask here. How does any religion have a "stricter" moral code over regular morals?

Well you have things like opposition to premarital sex.

And you're implying that a non religious person can't have that in thier repertoire because they chose to?

How about drinking? Or smoking? I see a whole bunch of religious folks that do stuff like that. That's a pretty loose moral code if you were to ask me.

I'm arguing it's a great deal more common among religious people. 
Regardless, I'm not really in the mood for this conversation.

Read the whole article though, it's sorta scary.

No it isn't? They want to avoid content they deem distasteful. Who cares?
Mmhmm. Read the whole article.

I did. There's nothing "scary" in that article.
I find the final 284 words worrisome. Religion irks me.
Yeah, screw people for believing in something greater or having a more strict moral code.

I'm sorry. I just have to ask here. How does any religion have a "stricter" moral code over regular morals?

Well you have things like opposition to premarital sex.

Read the whole article though, it's sorta scary.

No it isn't? They want to avoid content they deem distasteful. Who cares?
Mmhmm. Read the whole article.

I did. There's nothing "scary" in that article.
I find the final 284 words worrisome. Religion irks me.
Yeah, screw people for believing in something greater or having a more strict moral code.

Look, I'll throw you a bone. I'm looking at this within the context of the issues Brazil faces as a nation, that, coupled with the way that these large, organised religions tend to function at a practical level. Not to mention catholicisms particular.. eccentricities. These are things that you can read about and reflect on for yourself.

Frankly I find the whole thing offensive.

It's a protestant social networking site. Protestantism is on the rise in Brazil, whilst Catholicism is in slight decline.

Read the whole article though, it's sorta scary.

No it isn't? They want to avoid content they deem distasteful. Who cares?
Mmhmm. Read the whole article.

I did. There's nothing "scary" in that article.
I find the final 284 words worrisome. Religion irks me.
Yeah, screw people for believing in something greater or having a more strict moral code.

Read the whole article though, it's sorta scary.

No it isn't? They want to avoid content they deem distasteful. Who cares?
Mmhmm. Read the whole article.

I did. There's nothing "scary" in that article.
I find the final 284 words worrisome. Religion irks me.
Yeah, screw people for believing in something greater or having a more strict moral code.

Read the whole article though, it's sorta scary.

No it isn't? They want to avoid content they deem distasteful. Who cares?
Mmhmm. Read the whole article.

I did. There's nothing "scary" in that article.

The Flood / Re: ITT: post pineapple endings.
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:57:52 PM »

A beautiful example of a pineapple being ended, courtesy of Challenger.

Read the whole article though, it's sorta scary.

No it isn't? They want to avoid content they deem distasteful. Who cares?

Gaming / Re: What system do you have?
« on: July 06, 2015, 01:42:08 AM »
PC (albeit a notebook, but I can run older games and stuff like FTL)
Xbox 360

Gaming / Re: So, after getting my Platinum in Arkham Knight...
« on: July 06, 2015, 01:03:06 AM »
I agree with most of what you said. I still love the game though. Best game this year so far IMO, right behind TW3. I also think it's the best game in the series. Right behind Arkham City.

Also. Is that Pyg Man side mission not the creepiest thing ever?
The Professor Pyg side mission disturbed the hell outta me, that's for sure.

The Flood / Re: Post Some of Your Favorite Music....
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:57:56 AM »

Murty no
Murty pls

*merty o dunnel

The Flood / Re: Elegiac and Deci are dedd
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:35:16 PM »

Gaming / Re: So, after getting my Platinum in Arkham Knight...
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:16:28 PM »
I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.
I was mostly disappointed because we didn't get this Hush.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more.
So did I, although they should have made Pursuit mode a faster way of transportation. Gliding is still the fastest way to get to places.

On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker,
Same here buddy. Especially this.

and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

And none of them are all that great.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.
I could take or leave the movie studios section. The Jason Todd shit was some of the worst foreshadowing, in hindsight. I really liked Johnny Charisma, though.

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.
I really preferred Asylum over City, but it's honestly a tossup. There are aspects of both games that I enjoy more than the other, but Asylum felt more contained and Batman-y. I still get goosebumps over the Zsasz audio files.

THen there's this gem: "this is merely check, detective. I'll be mating you soon. Wait - I meant Chess! Chess, you base, gutter-minded savage!"

Oh man, that's actually awesome. I never heard it in game, though...

I forgot to mention that I really liked Joker's line on Catwoman.

"When did Ms. Kyle becomes so attractive? It must have been when I started looking at her through your eyes."

I'm really disappointed they didn't end up going with the plan they originally had for Riddler's design, where he starts as you see him on the screens, but deteriorates as you complete his challenges, gradually becoming more stressed, sweaty, and dirty, until he looks as his in-person character model does. Instead, they just made it so he has two different character models throughout the entire game.

Gaming / Re: So, after getting my Platinum in Arkham Knight...
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:09:11 PM »
I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.
I was mostly disappointed because we didn't get this Hush.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more.
So did I, although they should have made Pursuit mode a faster way of transportation. Gliding is still the fastest way to get to places.

On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker,
Same here buddy. Especially this.

and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

And none of them are all that great.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.
I could take or leave the movie studios section. The Jason Todd shit was some of the worst foreshadowing, in hindsight. I really liked Johnny Charisma, though.

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.
I really preferred Asylum over City, but it's honestly a tossup. There are aspects of both games that I enjoy more than the other, but Asylum felt more contained and Batman-y. I still get goosebumps over the Zsasz audio files.

THen there's this gem: "this is merely check, detective. I'll be mating you soon. Wait - I meant Chess! Chess, you base, gutter-minded savage!"

Gaming / Re: So, after getting my Platinum in Arkham Knight...
« on: July 05, 2015, 09:39:49 PM »
I liked the Hush side mission. It was unexpected.

I thought the Battle-Mode for the batmobile was way overused in the story, but I enjoyed Pursuit mode a lot more. I actually liked the Batmobile's implementation in the Riddler challenges and puzzles. On the subject of Riddler, he's great in this game, he has some really great lines. I found him way funnier than Joker, and I quite enjoyed the boss battle with him, although that's probably because there are so few in the game.

I had the same reaction to the Arkham Knight thing.

Regarding Scarecrow, I thought his defeat felt a bit lame, which is really a shame, because this is my favorite incarnation of Scarecrow by far. I feel like Scarecrow "getting a taste of his own medicine" is how he is defeated nine times out of ten in Batman stories. It would've been nice if his defeat was more original and grandiose. It was very underwhelming. I also thought having Barbara end up being alive took away from his scariness and villainy.

I also really liked the fight with Goliath in the Western stage, because it was fun and lighthearted. That segment set in the movie studios may have been punctuated by dark moments involving Jason Todd, but I found that tracking down the three infected, particularly Goliath, felt like the last of the lighthearted adventures of Batman and Robin. I wish there was a Burt Ward Robin skin available, because I totally would've used that in conjunction with the Adam West skin.

Manbat made me jump out of my seat when I was grappling.

The Joker Blood thing was stupid

Overall I really enjoyed the game, but I feel it suffered in a few areas. City remains the best game in the series, in my opinion.

The Flood / Re: What are your proclivities?
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:20:02 PM »

Star Wars


Video Games


The Flood / Re: Elegiac and Deci are dedd
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:07:52 PM »
>Elegiac is gone


The children need not fear molestation any longer.

The Flood / Re: I Have been in Florida for Six Months...
« on: July 05, 2015, 07:43:15 PM »
I've been in texas for years and I've yet to have casual lunch with recon.
Got something resembling an invite in his way once, but never took the chance.

Smi has me beat for that.
Fuck even smi didn't want to hang out.

Me and Taco were thinking about getting a place with sigma if we could convince him to leave New mexico (why he stays I don't know, he's miserable all the time.

If pure stays in state, I'll probably meet up with him.

I want my flood friends to replace my irl friends, I've said several times that I like you guys more.

Hey, I live in Texas too!
Do you like;
Punk Rock
Many dice with many sides
Star Wars
staying up too late
oh yeah babe abuse that semicolon

Don't drink

Not a big fan of that genre

I guess?

You're damn right I like Star Wars


I don't mind staying up late.

The Flood / Re: I Have been in Florida for Six Months...
« on: July 05, 2015, 07:36:31 PM »
I've been in texas for years and I've yet to have casual lunch with recon.
Got something resembling an invite in his way once, but never took the chance.

Smi has me beat for that.
Fuck even smi didn't want to hang out.

Me and Taco were thinking about getting a place with sigma if we could convince him to leave New mexico (why he stays I don't know, he's miserable all the time.

If pure stays in state, I'll probably meet up with him.

I want my flood friends to replace my irl friends, I've said several times that I like you guys more.

Hey, I live in Texas too!

The Flood / Re: Ideal mod list
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:39:45 PM »
My list:

Mmmmm Napalm

The Flood / Re: Ideal mod list
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:34:53 PM »
mfw :D

Class (I'm serious)

It's k m8 :^)
I'd be a good mod.
Perhaps so if I were to open the list up to my "possibly good mods" I would have to add
Mmmmm Napalm
Korra Valentine
and others I can't remember right now.

The Flood / Re: If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:32:11 PM »
19th century Germany.

The Flood / Re: Ideal mod list
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:29:25 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ideal mod list
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:25:51 PM »
mfw :D

Class (I'm serious)
_____ ______

« on: July 05, 2015, 05:55:24 PM »

PSU what have you done.

The Flood / Re: Hey not relgious people, try this one on for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:53:44 PM »
PSU stop. You're making Rocketman, HurtfulTurkey and I look bad.
How exactly? One person's stupidity doesn't represent another's.

People do tend to generalize, and seeing as this site is overwhelmingly comprised of those with an atheistic outlook I can quite easily see those of religious faith being seen as "stupid" because one of them chose to act in an idiotic manner, and was outspoken regarding their faith.

The Flood / Re: Hey not relgious people, try this one on for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:45:25 PM »
PSU stop. You're making Rocket, HurtfulTurkey and I look bad.

sorry i kinda couldnt resist

You're religious as well? Cool.
i worship okawaru, the god of battle.

but no, you know what i meant.

What did you mean? Sorry if I seem oblivious.
"youre making rocket, hurtfulturkey, and i look bad" —> should be "youre making rocket, hurtfulturkey, and me look bad"

Ah, I was unaware. Thank you.

The Flood / Re: Hey not relgious people, try this one on for size
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:39:33 PM »
PSU stop. You're making Rocket, HurtfulTurkey and I look bad.

sorry i kinda couldnt resist

You're religious as well? Cool.
i worship okawaru, the god of battle.

but no, you know what i meant.

What did you mean? Sorry if I seem oblivious.

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